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GLO Portfolio Kristen Monico
Introduction Oh my, it seems like time is speeding up faster and faster as I get closer to graduating.  This year as a sophomore in the MeneMAC core was great!  Although it was challenging at some points, I was able to pull through and survive.  Throughout my years learning in elementary school, middle school, and high school, I have been expected to achieve most, if not, all of the General Learner Outcomes.  With the help of friends, teachers and MeneMAC, I was able to meet all the GLOs.  Next year, unfortunately, I will have to leave the MeneMAC core and experience school in the real world.  But no matter what classes we have next year, we will always be a MeneMAC family.
GLO 1: Self-Directed Learner A self directed learner means to be responsible for your own learning.  Instead of waiting for someone to tell you what to do, you go out and learn on your own.  To be a self-directed learner, you have to be independent.  This year, my Coming of Age essay and Project Icarus video shows that I am a self-directed learner.
GLO 1 Example Project Icarus is the perfect example that shows I am a self-directed learner.  I had to find ways to teach myself and learn more about my passion, my family.  I had to find the right people and ask the right questions to get the answers I wanted and needed.  Unfortunately, I do not have a copy of my video at the moment, but you ( Mrs. S) do have the DVD. (:
GLO 1 Example I am always learning about myself as I grow up.  In fact, Im still learning many new things about me.  Sometimes I learn and try new things to see what I like to do.  My coming of age essay shows that I am a self-directed learner because its about a time in my life where I learned on my own and took that extra step to becoming an adult.
GLO 2: Community Contributer GLO #2 means to be understand the importance of working with others, especially in a group, to get work done.  The Exploravision project and 1920s music video are a few pieces of my work that demonstrates my understanding of being a community contributer.
GLO 2 Example This year, Exploravision is one of my examples that show I am a community contributor.  I was in a group of three and there was a lot of work to get done.  Splitting up the work made it easier and faster to get the project done.  That was only if everybody did their part.  For me, I had to do all the web pages on photoshop and write about the history of the base of our product.  Although I was assigned only those two parts, my group and I helped and revised each otehrs parts.  Here are my parts I did for the project:
GLO 2 Example I was in a group of five while working on my 1920s history music video.  This project shows that I have met the standards of GLO 2 because I helped write the lyrics, record the song, and film and act in the music video.  I also coordinated with my group members where and when to meet up to work on the music video.
GLO 3: Complex Thinker A complex thinker means to be able to problem solve and be a critical thinker.  My college essay and blank are examples of my accomplishments of meeting the GLO standard.
GLO 3 Example My college essay shows that I am a complex thinker because I had to apply my own experience and think of my own memories to answer a college question.  I had to decide what question would be the best to answer.  I also had to not write about the basics, like my grades and goals, and instead write a more personal essay that would stand out.
GLO 3 Example Exploravision is a project where I had to be a complex thinker because we had to come up with an object, an invention that could possibly come out in twenty-five years.  It was hard and we had to think critically because we had no idea what could be in the future and we had to think about how it would be made and what it would do.  Basically, the whole project we had to think a lot about what we thought would happen in the future.
GLO 4: Quality Producer A quality producer is someone who creates good pieces of work and does their best on it.  A quality producer is someone who works hard to create a masterpiece.  A quality producer is able to produce and recognize good work.  My OR card and project Icarus are great examples of a quality producer.
GLO 4 Example My outside reading cards are great examples of a quality producer.  It shows that I create good work and I am able to create my own masterpiece.  I put a lot of thought and time into my OR cards to make the book I read come alive.
GLO 4 Example I worked my butt off to finish Project Icarus perfectly.  My short documentary I made for my passion shows that I put my effort and my heart into it.  In the end, my product turned out perfect.
GLO 5: Effective Communicator Communicating well with others is what an effective communicator is.  My angry letter and 1920s music video are examples of an effective communicator because I had to communicate with my teachers and classmates to get them done.
GLO 5 Example  While working on my angry letter, I had to send it to my teacher to make sure it was flawless before it was sent.  My angry letter is an example of my meeting the GLO standards because I communicated well with my teacher to getter done.
GLO 5 Example My group members and I had very tight schedules during the time period we had to work on the history music video.  To finish the video, it was important to communicate with my group members.
GLO 6: Effective and Ethical User of Technology Last but not least, to be an effective and ethical user of technology means to join MeneMACor more specifically, to be able to use a variety of technology to do  work.  Almost everything I did in MeneMAC proves that I met the standards for GLO 6.  However, my best two examples are my project Icarus video and my OR cards.
GLO 6 Example My Icarus video I made shows that I have met the GLO 6 standards because I was able to use final cut pro, garage band, and iDVD correctly to create my product.  It shows that I was able to use technology effectively for my project.
GLO 6 Example My OR cards are made from photoshop.  My work shows that I know a lot about how to make graphics and I can crop and blend images to make a card for a book.  Using photoshop is a good way to show my comprehension and graphic skills.
Conclusion Soon, I am going to be a junior, but I still have a lot to learn.  With the GLOs in mind though, I will be able to become a better person, a better student.  But for now, based on what I know and learned about school and myself, there are a few goals that I am striving to achieve.  I want to be able to do quality work all the time and turn it in on time.  This past quarter, I turned in a few projects in late.  Another goal I also set for myself is to have more positive thoughts about my work. From now on, I also want to get good grades so when I graduate, I'll graduate as a summa or magna cum laude.  Since I like to help people, and I also like sports, math and science, I was thinking I would like to work in the health services pathway. Maybe I could be an athletic trainer or a physical therapist because I would learn about the body and also get to help those in sports. The other career I was looking at was also in the health services pathway. I'm good at math and I like science, so I thought maybe I could be a pharmacist. These are the two careers I have in mind. No matter what type of job or career I want to have when I grow up, I would like to go anywhere that will offer me a scholarship. For now, I want to go to the University of Hawaii to study to be a pharmacist or athletic trainer. Here is a link to the UH website. http://manoa.hawaii.edu/pac/pharmacy.html

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Kris glo portfolio

  • 2. Introduction Oh my, it seems like time is speeding up faster and faster as I get closer to graduating. This year as a sophomore in the MeneMAC core was great! Although it was challenging at some points, I was able to pull through and survive. Throughout my years learning in elementary school, middle school, and high school, I have been expected to achieve most, if not, all of the General Learner Outcomes. With the help of friends, teachers and MeneMAC, I was able to meet all the GLOs. Next year, unfortunately, I will have to leave the MeneMAC core and experience school in the real world. But no matter what classes we have next year, we will always be a MeneMAC family.
  • 3. GLO 1: Self-Directed Learner A self directed learner means to be responsible for your own learning. Instead of waiting for someone to tell you what to do, you go out and learn on your own. To be a self-directed learner, you have to be independent. This year, my Coming of Age essay and Project Icarus video shows that I am a self-directed learner.
  • 4. GLO 1 Example Project Icarus is the perfect example that shows I am a self-directed learner. I had to find ways to teach myself and learn more about my passion, my family. I had to find the right people and ask the right questions to get the answers I wanted and needed. Unfortunately, I do not have a copy of my video at the moment, but you ( Mrs. S) do have the DVD. (:
  • 5. GLO 1 Example I am always learning about myself as I grow up. In fact, Im still learning many new things about me. Sometimes I learn and try new things to see what I like to do. My coming of age essay shows that I am a self-directed learner because its about a time in my life where I learned on my own and took that extra step to becoming an adult.
  • 6. GLO 2: Community Contributer GLO #2 means to be understand the importance of working with others, especially in a group, to get work done. The Exploravision project and 1920s music video are a few pieces of my work that demonstrates my understanding of being a community contributer.
  • 7. GLO 2 Example This year, Exploravision is one of my examples that show I am a community contributor. I was in a group of three and there was a lot of work to get done. Splitting up the work made it easier and faster to get the project done. That was only if everybody did their part. For me, I had to do all the web pages on photoshop and write about the history of the base of our product. Although I was assigned only those two parts, my group and I helped and revised each otehrs parts. Here are my parts I did for the project:
  • 8. GLO 2 Example I was in a group of five while working on my 1920s history music video. This project shows that I have met the standards of GLO 2 because I helped write the lyrics, record the song, and film and act in the music video. I also coordinated with my group members where and when to meet up to work on the music video.
  • 9. GLO 3: Complex Thinker A complex thinker means to be able to problem solve and be a critical thinker. My college essay and blank are examples of my accomplishments of meeting the GLO standard.
  • 10. GLO 3 Example My college essay shows that I am a complex thinker because I had to apply my own experience and think of my own memories to answer a college question. I had to decide what question would be the best to answer. I also had to not write about the basics, like my grades and goals, and instead write a more personal essay that would stand out.
  • 11. GLO 3 Example Exploravision is a project where I had to be a complex thinker because we had to come up with an object, an invention that could possibly come out in twenty-five years. It was hard and we had to think critically because we had no idea what could be in the future and we had to think about how it would be made and what it would do. Basically, the whole project we had to think a lot about what we thought would happen in the future.
  • 12. GLO 4: Quality Producer A quality producer is someone who creates good pieces of work and does their best on it. A quality producer is someone who works hard to create a masterpiece. A quality producer is able to produce and recognize good work. My OR card and project Icarus are great examples of a quality producer.
  • 13. GLO 4 Example My outside reading cards are great examples of a quality producer. It shows that I create good work and I am able to create my own masterpiece. I put a lot of thought and time into my OR cards to make the book I read come alive.
  • 14. GLO 4 Example I worked my butt off to finish Project Icarus perfectly. My short documentary I made for my passion shows that I put my effort and my heart into it. In the end, my product turned out perfect.
  • 15. GLO 5: Effective Communicator Communicating well with others is what an effective communicator is. My angry letter and 1920s music video are examples of an effective communicator because I had to communicate with my teachers and classmates to get them done.
  • 16. GLO 5 Example While working on my angry letter, I had to send it to my teacher to make sure it was flawless before it was sent. My angry letter is an example of my meeting the GLO standards because I communicated well with my teacher to getter done.
  • 17. GLO 5 Example My group members and I had very tight schedules during the time period we had to work on the history music video. To finish the video, it was important to communicate with my group members.
  • 18. GLO 6: Effective and Ethical User of Technology Last but not least, to be an effective and ethical user of technology means to join MeneMACor more specifically, to be able to use a variety of technology to do work. Almost everything I did in MeneMAC proves that I met the standards for GLO 6. However, my best two examples are my project Icarus video and my OR cards.
  • 19. GLO 6 Example My Icarus video I made shows that I have met the GLO 6 standards because I was able to use final cut pro, garage band, and iDVD correctly to create my product. It shows that I was able to use technology effectively for my project.
  • 20. GLO 6 Example My OR cards are made from photoshop. My work shows that I know a lot about how to make graphics and I can crop and blend images to make a card for a book. Using photoshop is a good way to show my comprehension and graphic skills.
  • 21. Conclusion Soon, I am going to be a junior, but I still have a lot to learn. With the GLOs in mind though, I will be able to become a better person, a better student. But for now, based on what I know and learned about school and myself, there are a few goals that I am striving to achieve. I want to be able to do quality work all the time and turn it in on time. This past quarter, I turned in a few projects in late. Another goal I also set for myself is to have more positive thoughts about my work. From now on, I also want to get good grades so when I graduate, I'll graduate as a summa or magna cum laude. Since I like to help people, and I also like sports, math and science, I was thinking I would like to work in the health services pathway. Maybe I could be an athletic trainer or a physical therapist because I would learn about the body and also get to help those in sports. The other career I was looking at was also in the health services pathway. I'm good at math and I like science, so I thought maybe I could be a pharmacist. These are the two careers I have in mind. No matter what type of job or career I want to have when I grow up, I would like to go anywhere that will offer me a scholarship. For now, I want to go to the University of Hawaii to study to be a pharmacist or athletic trainer. Here is a link to the UH website. http://manoa.hawaii.edu/pac/pharmacy.html

Editor's Notes