
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
1.)Open up your internet browser and pick an
email program to use. The big ones are Gmail,
Yahoo! and MSN Hotmail. Go to one of these
websites and sign up for an email account. This
usually involves picking a personal email
address, choosing a password and entering
some other information like your name or zip
To Use E-Mail
2.)Gather email addresses of people you know
and put them in your contacts list. Each email
program should have a Contacts section, so
click on that and start typing in email addresses.
Having all your contacts in your email account will
make it easier to write emails later--you wont
have to manually type in the persons email
address every time!
3.)To start using email, sign in with your email
address and password from your email programs
website. You can go to each email programs
home page and then click Email or save the
email sign-in webpage to your bookmarks. Once
youve signed in, youll see your inbox. This is
where you'll see emails that people send you.
4.)To write an email, click the "Compose Mail" or
"Write an Email" link. You'll see a page with a
bunch of empty boxes on it. In the first box "To:"
you'll put the person's email address you're
sending the email to. Then choose a subject, and
finally, write your email in the big box. When
you're done, click send.
5.)You might want to send a mass email to all
your contacts letting them know of your new
email address. Each email program is slightly
different in sending emails to multiple people.
There should be a link to your contacts near the
To box (Yahoo has a link called Insert
addresses.) Youll check a box next to each
contacts name to add them to an email.
6.)In order to read emails that are sent to you, all
you have to do is click on the email subject. If you
want to send an email you received to someone
else, this function is called Forward. All you
have to do is click the Forward button for most
email programs and then click Send.
7.)Youll also see a Trash link in your email
inbox. This is where you can put emails that you
dont want to look at anymore. Its like the Trash
option on your computer where you can delete
files. Put emails you dont need anymore in the
Trash, and empty the Trash when it gets too full.
1. )Gmail - Free Email Service
Gmail is the Google approach to email and chat.
Practically unlimited free online storage allows
you to collect all your messages, and Gmail's
simple but very smart interface lets you find
them precisely and see them in context without
effort. POP and powerful IMAP access bring
Gmail to any email program or device.
Gmail puts contextual advertising next to the
emails you read.
2.) Zoho Mail - Free Email Service
ZOHO Corp.
Zoho Mail is a solid email service with ample
storage, POP and IMAP access, some integration
with instant messaging and online office suites.
Aimed at professional users, Zoho Mail could be
even more helpful organizing mail, identifying
key messages and contacts, and sending oft-
used replies.
3.) AIM Mail - Free Email Service
AIM Mail, AOL's free web-based email service,
shines with unlimited online storage, very good
spam protection and a rich, easy to use interface.
Unfortunately, AIM Mail lacks a bit in productivity
(no labels, smart folders and message threading),
but makes up for some of that with very
functional IMAP (as well as POP) access.
4. )iCloud Mail - Free Email Service
Apple Inc.
iCloud Mail is a free email service from Apple
with ample storage, IMAP access and an
elegantly functional web application.
That interface at icloud.com does not offer labels
or other more advanced tools for productivity
and for organizing mail, though, and does not
support accessing other email accounts. POP
access to iCloud Mail is missing, too.
5. )Outlook.com - Free Email Service
Outlook.com serves free email with practically
unlimited storage accessible on the web with a
rich and helpful interface or using POP and
Exchange ActiveSync in email programs on
desktop and mobile device.
Unfortunately, IMAP access is not part of the
mix, and Outlook.com could offer more help with
composing in addition to organizing mail.
6.) Windows Live Hotmail - Free Email Service
Windows Live Hotmail is a free email service that
gives you unlimited storage, fast search, solid
security, POP access and an interface easy as a
desktop email program.
When it comes to organizing mail, Windows Live
Hotmail includes many a helpful shortcut and
automation. It's a pity IMAP access to all online
folders is missing.
7. )Yahoo! Mail - Free Email Service
Yahoo! Inc.
Yahoo! Mail is your ubiquitous email program on
the web, Windows 8 and mobile devices with
unlimited storage, SMS texting, social networking
and instant messaging to boot.
While Yahoo! Mail is generally a joy to use, free-
form labeling and smart folders would be nice,
and the spam filter could catch junk even more
8. )Mail.com and GMX Mail - Free Email Services
GMX Internet Services
Mail.com and GMX Mail are reliable email
services filtered well of spam and viruses whose
unlimited online storage you can use with a rich
web interface and mobile apps. POP and iMAP
access are available as a paid add-on.
More and smarter ways to organize mail could
be nice.
9.) Shortmail - Free Email Service
410 Labs
Shortmail emphasizes easy, fast and effective
communication with an email service limited,
essentially, to 500 characters per message.
Longer emails can be forwarded, and Shortmail
offers simple but effective tools to organize and
find mail. Still, hassling senders the way
Shortmail does is not without peril, and you
may wish for better productivity tools.
10. )BigString.com - Free Email Service
Heinz Tschabitscher
BigString.com is a free 2 GB email service that
includes rich secure and certified mail services
and lets you password-protect, expire or edit
sent messages, for example.
Unfortunately, BigString.com is not equally well
equipped for handling incoming mail and lacks
organizing tools.
BigString.com Review
Sending effective e-mails on a regular basis will
help increase your registration numbers, drive
traffic to your website, and build loyalty with
your participants. Heres how:
1.) E-mail is free. With no production, materials or
postage expenses, you can easily and affordably
communicate event information.
2.) E-mail is fast. Time-sensitive information
including updates pertaining to events and
breaking news can be received within
minutes, not days or weeks.
3.) E-mail generates an immediate response. By
providing links within your e-mail, you give
potential participants the opportunity to register
right then and there. You can see the results of
your efforts instantly.
4.) E-mail is targeted. You can easily segment your
lists into groups so your e-mails go to the
individuals who are most likely to respond to that
particular message.
5.) E-mail is proactive. Instead of passively waiting
for participants to visit your Web site, e-mail
enables you to aggressively communicate with
and educate your existing participants.
6.)E-mail expands your reach. Grow your
database by sending information to your
participants and encourage them to forward the
message onto their own friends and family.
7.) E-mail allows you to foster long lasting
relationships. Build a regular, ongoing dialogue
with those registrants/participants who
appreciate the routine communication. Those
who do not can easily opt-out.
8.)E-mail will grow your organization.
Maintaining and growing your e-mail database
will allow you to fully utilize our services,
including free broadcast e-mails and an upgraded
version of HTML e-mails (fee applies) in order to
reach more participants.
Maintaining and growing a large e-mail database
is a crucial factor in bringing your race
registration online. Some tips on how to collect
e-mail addresses:
1.) In your next direct mailing or newsletter,
include an e-mail solicitation letter, along with a
postcard or insert which can be easily filled out
and mailed back to your endurance events.
2.) Make e-mail address a mandatory field on all
printed registration forms.
3.) During walk-in days, encourage
registrants/participants to offer their contact
4.) When you send e-mails with a call-to-action
(such as event registration), ask recipients to
forward the message to friends and relatives so
they, too, can get involved.
5.) Prominently place contact lists for your
endurance events on your homepage. You may
also want to include this option on other pages,
like news or contact us.

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  • 1. 1.)Open up your internet browser and pick an email program to use. The big ones are Gmail, Yahoo! and MSN Hotmail. Go to one of these websites and sign up for an email account. This usually involves picking a personal email address, choosing a password and entering some other information like your name or zip code. To Use E-Mail
  • 2. 2.)Gather email addresses of people you know and put them in your contacts list. Each email program should have a Contacts section, so click on that and start typing in email addresses. Having all your contacts in your email account will make it easier to write emails later--you wont have to manually type in the persons email address every time!
  • 3. 3.)To start using email, sign in with your email address and password from your email programs website. You can go to each email programs home page and then click Email or save the email sign-in webpage to your bookmarks. Once youve signed in, youll see your inbox. This is where you'll see emails that people send you.
  • 4. 4.)To write an email, click the "Compose Mail" or "Write an Email" link. You'll see a page with a bunch of empty boxes on it. In the first box "To:" you'll put the person's email address you're sending the email to. Then choose a subject, and finally, write your email in the big box. When you're done, click send.
  • 5. 5.)You might want to send a mass email to all your contacts letting them know of your new email address. Each email program is slightly different in sending emails to multiple people. There should be a link to your contacts near the To box (Yahoo has a link called Insert addresses.) Youll check a box next to each contacts name to add them to an email.
  • 6. 6.)In order to read emails that are sent to you, all you have to do is click on the email subject. If you want to send an email you received to someone else, this function is called Forward. All you have to do is click the Forward button for most email programs and then click Send.
  • 7. 7.)Youll also see a Trash link in your email inbox. This is where you can put emails that you dont want to look at anymore. Its like the Trash option on your computer where you can delete files. Put emails you dont need anymore in the Trash, and empty the Trash when it gets too full.
  • 9. 1. )Gmail - Free Email Service Google Gmail is the Google approach to email and chat. Practically unlimited free online storage allows you to collect all your messages, and Gmail's simple but very smart interface lets you find them precisely and see them in context without effort. POP and powerful IMAP access bring Gmail to any email program or device. Gmail puts contextual advertising next to the emails you read.
  • 10. 2.) Zoho Mail - Free Email Service ZOHO Corp. Zoho Mail is a solid email service with ample storage, POP and IMAP access, some integration with instant messaging and online office suites. Aimed at professional users, Zoho Mail could be even more helpful organizing mail, identifying key messages and contacts, and sending oft- used replies.
  • 11. 3.) AIM Mail - Free Email Service AOL Inc AIM Mail, AOL's free web-based email service, shines with unlimited online storage, very good spam protection and a rich, easy to use interface. Unfortunately, AIM Mail lacks a bit in productivity (no labels, smart folders and message threading), but makes up for some of that with very functional IMAP (as well as POP) access.
  • 12. 4. )iCloud Mail - Free Email Service Apple Inc. iCloud Mail is a free email service from Apple with ample storage, IMAP access and an elegantly functional web application. That interface at icloud.com does not offer labels or other more advanced tools for productivity and for organizing mail, though, and does not support accessing other email accounts. POP access to iCloud Mail is missing, too.
  • 13. 5. )Outlook.com - Free Email Service Microsoft Outlook.com serves free email with practically unlimited storage accessible on the web with a rich and helpful interface or using POP and Exchange ActiveSync in email programs on desktop and mobile device. Unfortunately, IMAP access is not part of the mix, and Outlook.com could offer more help with composing in addition to organizing mail.
  • 14. 6.) Windows Live Hotmail - Free Email Service Microsoft Windows Live Hotmail is a free email service that gives you unlimited storage, fast search, solid security, POP access and an interface easy as a desktop email program. When it comes to organizing mail, Windows Live Hotmail includes many a helpful shortcut and automation. It's a pity IMAP access to all online folders is missing.
  • 15. 7. )Yahoo! Mail - Free Email Service Yahoo! Inc. Yahoo! Mail is your ubiquitous email program on the web, Windows 8 and mobile devices with unlimited storage, SMS texting, social networking and instant messaging to boot. While Yahoo! Mail is generally a joy to use, free- form labeling and smart folders would be nice, and the spam filter could catch junk even more effectively.
  • 16. 8. )Mail.com and GMX Mail - Free Email Services GMX Internet Services Mail.com and GMX Mail are reliable email services filtered well of spam and viruses whose unlimited online storage you can use with a rich web interface and mobile apps. POP and iMAP access are available as a paid add-on. More and smarter ways to organize mail could be nice.
  • 17. 9.) Shortmail - Free Email Service 410 Labs Shortmail emphasizes easy, fast and effective communication with an email service limited, essentially, to 500 characters per message. Longer emails can be forwarded, and Shortmail offers simple but effective tools to organize and find mail. Still, hassling senders the way Shortmail does is not without peril, and you may wish for better productivity tools.
  • 18. 10. )BigString.com - Free Email Service Heinz Tschabitscher BigString.com is a free 2 GB email service that includes rich secure and certified mail services and lets you password-protect, expire or edit sent messages, for example. Unfortunately, BigString.com is not equally well equipped for handling incoming mail and lacks organizing tools. BigString.com Review
  • 19. Sending effective e-mails on a regular basis will help increase your registration numbers, drive traffic to your website, and build loyalty with your participants. Heres how: Importance Of E-Mail Account
  • 20. 1.) E-mail is free. With no production, materials or postage expenses, you can easily and affordably communicate event information. 2.) E-mail is fast. Time-sensitive information including updates pertaining to events and breaking news can be received within minutes, not days or weeks. 3.) E-mail generates an immediate response. By providing links within your e-mail, you give potential participants the opportunity to register right then and there. You can see the results of your efforts instantly.
  • 21. 4.) E-mail is targeted. You can easily segment your lists into groups so your e-mails go to the individuals who are most likely to respond to that particular message. 5.) E-mail is proactive. Instead of passively waiting for participants to visit your Web site, e-mail enables you to aggressively communicate with and educate your existing participants. 6.)E-mail expands your reach. Grow your database by sending information to your participants and encourage them to forward the message onto their own friends and family.
  • 22. 7.) E-mail allows you to foster long lasting relationships. Build a regular, ongoing dialogue with those registrants/participants who appreciate the routine communication. Those who do not can easily opt-out. 8.)E-mail will grow your organization. Maintaining and growing your e-mail database will allow you to fully utilize our services, including free broadcast e-mails and an upgraded version of HTML e-mails (fee applies) in order to reach more participants.
  • 23. Maintaining and growing a large e-mail database is a crucial factor in bringing your race registration online. Some tips on how to collect e-mail addresses: 1.) In your next direct mailing or newsletter, include an e-mail solicitation letter, along with a postcard or insert which can be easily filled out and mailed back to your endurance events. 2.) Make e-mail address a mandatory field on all printed registration forms.
  • 24. 3.) During walk-in days, encourage registrants/participants to offer their contact information. 4.) When you send e-mails with a call-to-action (such as event registration), ask recipients to forward the message to friends and relatives so they, too, can get involved. 5.) Prominently place contact lists for your endurance events on your homepage. You may also want to include this option on other pages, like news or contact us.