The National School of Public Administration in Poland (KSAP) trains civil servants to be impartial, professional, competent, and accountable. KSAP provides full-time training programs for around 80 students per year, covering topics like law, economics, management, and foreign languages. It also offers continuous training courses and tailor-made programs for over 3,600 public administration employees annually. Additionally, KSAP conducts international cooperation programs that have trained over 1,000 participants from countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Learn BEM fundamentals as fast as possible. What is BEM (Block, element, modifier), BEM syntax, how it works with a real example, etc.
How to Build a Dynamic Social Media PlanPost Planner
Stop guessing and wasting your time on networks and strategies that dont work!
Join Rebekah Radice and Katie Lance to learn how to optimize your social networks, the best kept secrets for hot content, top time management tools, and much more!
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The document discusses how personalization and dynamic content are becoming increasingly important on websites. It notes that 52% of marketers see content personalization as critical and 75% of consumers like it when brands personalize their content. However, personalization can create issues for search engine optimization as dynamic URLs and content are more difficult for search engines to index than static pages. The document provides tips for SEOs to help address these personalization and SEO challenges, such as using static URLs when possible and submitting accurate sitemaps.
Lightning Talk #9: How UX and Data Storytelling Can Shape Policy by Mika Aldabaux singapore
How can we take UX and Data Storytelling out of the tech context and use them to change the way government behaves?
Showcasing the truth is the highest goal of data storytelling. Because the design of a chart can affect the interpretation of data in a major way, one must wield visual tools with care and deliberation. Using quantitative facts to evoke an emotional response is best achieved with the combination of UX and data storytelling.
This document summarizes a study of CEO succession events among the largest 100 U.S. corporations between 2005-2015. The study analyzed executives who were passed over for the CEO role ("succession losers") and their subsequent careers. It found that 74% of passed over executives left their companies, with 30% eventually becoming CEOs elsewhere. However, companies led by succession losers saw average stock price declines of 13% over 3 years, compared to gains for companies whose CEO selections remained unchanged. The findings suggest that boards generally identify the most qualified CEO candidates, though differences between internal and external hires complicate comparisons.
The National School of Public Administration in Poland (KSAP) trains civil servants to be impartial, professional, competent, and accountable. KSAP provides full-time training programs for around 80 students per year, covering topics like law, economics, management, and foreign languages. It also offers continuous training courses and tailor-made programs for over 3,600 public administration employees annually. Additionally, KSAP conducts international cooperation programs that have trained over 1,000 participants from countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Learn BEM fundamentals as fast as possible. What is BEM (Block, element, modifier), BEM syntax, how it works with a real example, etc.
How to Build a Dynamic Social Media PlanPost Planner
Stop guessing and wasting your time on networks and strategies that dont work!
Join Rebekah Radice and Katie Lance to learn how to optimize your social networks, the best kept secrets for hot content, top time management tools, and much more!
Watch the replay here:
The document discusses how personalization and dynamic content are becoming increasingly important on websites. It notes that 52% of marketers see content personalization as critical and 75% of consumers like it when brands personalize their content. However, personalization can create issues for search engine optimization as dynamic URLs and content are more difficult for search engines to index than static pages. The document provides tips for SEOs to help address these personalization and SEO challenges, such as using static URLs when possible and submitting accurate sitemaps.
Lightning Talk #9: How UX and Data Storytelling Can Shape Policy by Mika Aldabaux singapore
How can we take UX and Data Storytelling out of the tech context and use them to change the way government behaves?
Showcasing the truth is the highest goal of data storytelling. Because the design of a chart can affect the interpretation of data in a major way, one must wield visual tools with care and deliberation. Using quantitative facts to evoke an emotional response is best achieved with the combination of UX and data storytelling.
This document summarizes a study of CEO succession events among the largest 100 U.S. corporations between 2005-2015. The study analyzed executives who were passed over for the CEO role ("succession losers") and their subsequent careers. It found that 74% of passed over executives left their companies, with 30% eventually becoming CEOs elsewhere. However, companies led by succession losers saw average stock price declines of 13% over 3 years, compared to gains for companies whose CEO selections remained unchanged. The findings suggest that boards generally identify the most qualified CEO candidates, though differences between internal and external hires complicate comparisons.
The Voivodship Inspectorate for Environmental Protection has three main divisions: the Environmental Monitoring Division, Inspection Division, and Laboratory. The Environmental Monitoring Division continuously monitors air, water, noise, and electromagnetic fields quality. The Inspection Division conducts document-based and field inspections of about 16,000 facilities to ensure compliance with environmental permits and regulations. Field inspections involve sampling and measurements. Non-compliance can result in penalties, orders, or legal action. The Laboratory supports the other divisions by analyzing samples but also performs work for external entities if capacity allows. Financial penalties are administered for various waste, water, and environmental violations.