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Ernesto Che Guevara Essay
Ernesto Che Guevara
Ernesto "Che" Guevara has undeniably been one of the most powerful icons of the past fourty
years. The Argentine revolutionary has had his picture widely printed on shirts and posters and has
become a symbol for the (often young) anarchist. Yet, how many of us really understand or know
what "Che" stood for? Do we know what his philosophy was about? Very few of us have taken the
time to understand the goals and principles of Guevara and what he fought for  to death.
Dr. Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna (May 14, 1928 ? October 9, 1967), commonly known as Che
Guevara, was an Argentineborn revolutionary and Cuban guerrilla leader. Guevara was a member of
Fidel Castro's "26th of July Movement", which seized...show more content...
In addition, Cuba?s capital Havana was a seething cesspool of poverty for the city?s poor and a
playground for rich Americans with prostitution and gambling.
In November 1956, 82 guerrillas in the Granma ( name of a boat) landed in Cuba. Batista?s army
was waiting for them and only 18 escaped with their lives, among them a wounded Guevara.
Castro and Guevara built a guerrilla army in the mountains of the Sierra Maestra. Che?s writings
from this period record his emphasis on the ?iron will? and ?discipline? of dedicated revolutionaries
making a revolution for the mass of people.
In the mountains Che personally executed several people and severely punished others for behaviour
that failed to live up to these standards.
At the same time Batista?s regime was losing the support of nearly all sections of Cuban society
and even the US began to abandon his regime.
Within two years, in January 1959, Batista regime collapsed and the columns of revolutionaries
marched down from the mountains and entered Havana.
The Cuban Revolution represented a huge blow to the US. With the fall of Peron in Argentina and
the crushing of the Arbenz government in Guatemala, the US was hoping to manipulate a whole
string of compliant governments across Latin America. But the Cuban revolution inspired millions
with the hope that poverty and oppression inflicted by
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Essay Che Guevara
Che Guevara The late Ernesto 'Che' Guevara was a genuine leader. His cause was to liberate Cuba
from a corrupt military dictatorship, and resist United States interference in Cuban political affairs
("More or Less", 2002). In the beginning this cause was just, but his passion grew to hatred, which
inevitably consumed him. Che personified a collectivist but real concern for people, and truly came
to believe that the key to realising that concern was through armed, savage, antiimperialist political
action ("Che's revenge", 2004). The Development of Che Guevara's leadership skills
Ernesto 'Che' Guevara learnt responsibilities from an early age, as he was the eldest of five children
("More or Less", 2002). McCormick (1998) found...show more content...
The Components of Che Guevara's leadership styleChe Guevara was an autocratic leader who made
decisions confidently, assumed that members would comply, and was not overly concerned with
members' attitudes towards a decision (Dubrin, et al. 2006). As previously established, Che Guevara
had various characteristics that contributed towards his leadership style. He also demonstrated
transformational and servant leadership."Che is one of those people who is liked immediately for
his simplicity, his character, his naturalness, his comradely attitude, his personality, his originality..."
 Fidel CastroChe Guevara was a transformational leader who developed followers' beliefs,
supported individuals, and provided inspiration, faith and respect (Brymer & Gray, 2006). He is a
symbol of revolutionary struggle. Che Guevara's Strengths and Weaknesses
Che Guevara was first and foremost, a 'hands on' professional revolutionary (McCormick, 1998). He
was physically active towards his cause as he was passionate about it. He believed sitting around
talking about revolution rather then making it happen, was an excuse for inaction (McCormick,
1998). Guevara's dedication to his cause made him feel responsible to educate future generations
about Cuba's revolutionary struggle. He made time between his increasing administrative
responsibilities to dictate his thoughts on the course of the revolutionary conflict and the underlying
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Che Guevara
Che Guevara
The Major Figure of the Cuban Revolution
I.Introduction A. Significance of the Subject B. Purpose and plan of the paper C. Thesis Statement:
Che Guevara's actions were driven by his twosided mind. Che was a goodminded revolutionist
with evil actions.
II.Che Guevara's starting ideas and believes A. Changes in his world views B. First ideas
III.The beginning of the revolution A. Che's impact on the revolution B. Che's part of the rebel army
C. Che's violent actions
IV.Historians' views on Che's actions A. Doing good or evil B. Reasons for his actions C. Reasons
that brought him off the right directions
V.Interpretation and evaluation of all the opinions and facts A. Responding to...show more content...
Meanwhile, as supplies and morale diminished, and with an allergy to mosquito bites which
resulted in agonizing cysts on his body, Guevara considered these "the most painful days of the
war" ("Che: Part One"). As the war continued, Guevara became an integral part of the rebel army
and "convinced Castro with competence, diplomacy and patience. Guevara set up factories to make
grenades, built ovens to bake bread, taught new recruits about tactics, and organized schools to
teach illiterate soldiers to read and write. In addition, Guevara established health clinics, workshops
to teach military tactics, and a newspaper to distribute information. For all of these actions, The
New York Times, gave him the honorable nick name, "Castro's brain" ("Che: Part Two").
Unfortunately he also had a very dark and brutal side. As the only other ranked Commandant besides
Fidel Castro, Guevara was a harsh disciplinarian who sometimes shot antirevolutionists. Deserters
were punished as traitors, and Guevara was known to send killing squads to track those down. As a
result, Guevara became feared for his brutality and ruthlessness. During the guerrilla campaign,
Guevara was also responsible for the sometimes summary execution of a number of men accused of
being informers, deserters or spies (AndersonLee 5965). In his diaries, Guevara described the first
such execution of Eutimio Guerra, a peasant army guide who admitted
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Che Guevara As A Hero
Che Guevara was considered a hero by many and a villain by others, he has had an eventful life
filled with both good and bad things, resulting in multiple historical perspectives on who he is,
with a variety of opinions on who he truly was, behind the generally assumed charismatic
appearance. Whether or not he was a hero is an important debate and depends on your personal
decision by weighing the facts of all sides while acknowledging that these positions do exist. Che
is primarily portrayed as a hero with high ideals, mostly from his book in which was written by
himself and a film that was later produced, creating the most familiar and common depiction of
him. He stands up against arbitrary nuns of Catholic churches, refusing to feed people even if
they're in their own congregation. This could be seen as Che being strong and remaining against
an uncalled for structure, or as an endeavor to turn individuals against the Church ahead of
schedule in the motion picture, along these lines supporting Guevara later on. The most ideal
approach to decide the position is to consider and examine whether the Church tends to act in this
way. After investigating, I had found that they do not. As Guevara had traveled to Cuba, he, for the
rest of his life, indicated strong regard and care for the indigenous groups of people and their land,
as demonstrated in the film. However, according to the book and film, he viewed himself as a
communist and he ended up plainly well known for assuming
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Ernesto Che Guevara Essay
Ernesto "Che" Guevara
Ernesto "Che" Guevara, a doctor and revolutionary in Bolivia, was assassinated by the American
CIA for many political reasons, thus becoming a legend and idol after the Latin American
Revolution. In the United States Che is remembered only as a relic of the 1960 revolution. In
Europe he became a pop icon among the youth with little or no historical reference. Only in Cuba
does his legacy stand for the hope and faith of the Latin American people.
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna was born June 14, 1928, in the town of Rosario, Argentina. His
father's name was Ernesto Guevara Lynch, and his mothers name was Celia de la Serna. He had two
sisters, Celia and Ana, and two brothers, Roberto and Juan Martin. Early in...show more content...
From his midcollege trip, he decided that only a revolution could aid Latin America with all its
problems. When he arrived in Guatemala, it was during the Arbenz presidency where he refused to
join the communist party.
When Arbenz fell, he went to Mexico City in September of 1954. There he married Hilda Gadea
and had one daughter; Hilda Beatriz Guevara Gadea. He worked in the general hospital and became
a president of the class at a farm for Cuban revolutionaries. At this camp, he met Fidel Castro and
began to train with Castro's forces in guerilla warfare. During this time Guevara fought alongside
Castro during the Cuban revolution; he quickly became Castro's main advisor (Ernest "Che"
Guevara 1).
In 1959 Castro came to power and offered "Che" a Cuban citizenship, which he accepted. Also at
this time, he divorced Hilda and married Aleida March; with her he had Aleida Guevara March,
Camilo Guevara March, Celia Guevara March, and Ernesto Guevara March. From this point, he
became very involved in Castro's government, where he signed and negotiated commercial
treatments with the Soviet Union, China, Hungary, Checoslovaquia, Bulgaria, Korea and the
German Democratic Republic. He also became the Minister of Industry.
In the 1960's Che became very popular with his leftist movements, and in this time he became a very
prominent key in the Cuban government. He represented many missions and
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Che Guevara Essay

  • 1. Ernesto Che Guevara Essay Ernesto Che Guevara Ernesto "Che" Guevara has undeniably been one of the most powerful icons of the past fourty years. The Argentine revolutionary has had his picture widely printed on shirts and posters and has become a symbol for the (often young) anarchist. Yet, how many of us really understand or know what "Che" stood for? Do we know what his philosophy was about? Very few of us have taken the time to understand the goals and principles of Guevara and what he fought for to death. Dr. Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna (May 14, 1928 ? October 9, 1967), commonly known as Che Guevara, was an Argentineborn revolutionary and Cuban guerrilla leader. Guevara was a member of Fidel Castro's "26th of July Movement", which seized...show more content... In addition, Cuba?s capital Havana was a seething cesspool of poverty for the city?s poor and a playground for rich Americans with prostitution and gambling. In November 1956, 82 guerrillas in the Granma ( name of a boat) landed in Cuba. Batista?s army was waiting for them and only 18 escaped with their lives, among them a wounded Guevara. Castro and Guevara built a guerrilla army in the mountains of the Sierra Maestra. Che?s writings from this period record his emphasis on the ?iron will? and ?discipline? of dedicated revolutionaries making a revolution for the mass of people. In the mountains Che personally executed several people and severely punished others for behaviour that failed to live up to these standards. At the same time Batista?s regime was losing the support of nearly all sections of Cuban society and even the US began to abandon his regime. Within two years, in January 1959, Batista regime collapsed and the columns of revolutionaries marched down from the mountains and entered Havana. The Cuban Revolution represented a huge blow to the US. With the fall of Peron in Argentina and the crushing of the Arbenz government in Guatemala, the US was hoping to manipulate a whole string of compliant governments across Latin America. But the Cuban revolution inspired millions with the hope that poverty and oppression inflicted by Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. Essay Che Guevara Che Guevara The late Ernesto 'Che' Guevara was a genuine leader. His cause was to liberate Cuba from a corrupt military dictatorship, and resist United States interference in Cuban political affairs ("More or Less", 2002). In the beginning this cause was just, but his passion grew to hatred, which inevitably consumed him. Che personified a collectivist but real concern for people, and truly came to believe that the key to realising that concern was through armed, savage, antiimperialist political action ("Che's revenge", 2004). The Development of Che Guevara's leadership skills Ernesto 'Che' Guevara learnt responsibilities from an early age, as he was the eldest of five children ("More or Less", 2002). McCormick (1998) found...show more content... The Components of Che Guevara's leadership styleChe Guevara was an autocratic leader who made decisions confidently, assumed that members would comply, and was not overly concerned with members' attitudes towards a decision (Dubrin, et al. 2006). As previously established, Che Guevara had various characteristics that contributed towards his leadership style. He also demonstrated transformational and servant leadership."Che is one of those people who is liked immediately for his simplicity, his character, his naturalness, his comradely attitude, his personality, his originality..." Fidel CastroChe Guevara was a transformational leader who developed followers' beliefs, supported individuals, and provided inspiration, faith and respect (Brymer & Gray, 2006). He is a symbol of revolutionary struggle. Che Guevara's Strengths and Weaknesses Che Guevara was first and foremost, a 'hands on' professional revolutionary (McCormick, 1998). He was physically active towards his cause as he was passionate about it. He believed sitting around talking about revolution rather then making it happen, was an excuse for inaction (McCormick, 1998). Guevara's dedication to his cause made him feel responsible to educate future generations about Cuba's revolutionary struggle. He made time between his increasing administrative responsibilities to dictate his thoughts on the course of the revolutionary conflict and the underlying Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. Che Guevara Che Guevara The Major Figure of the Cuban Revolution I.Introduction A. Significance of the Subject B. Purpose and plan of the paper C. Thesis Statement: Che Guevara's actions were driven by his twosided mind. Che was a goodminded revolutionist with evil actions. II.Che Guevara's starting ideas and believes A. Changes in his world views B. First ideas III.The beginning of the revolution A. Che's impact on the revolution B. Che's part of the rebel army C. Che's violent actions IV.Historians' views on Che's actions A. Doing good or evil B. Reasons for his actions C. Reasons that brought him off the right directions V.Interpretation and evaluation of all the opinions and facts A. Responding to...show more content... Meanwhile, as supplies and morale diminished, and with an allergy to mosquito bites which resulted in agonizing cysts on his body, Guevara considered these "the most painful days of the war" ("Che: Part One"). As the war continued, Guevara became an integral part of the rebel army and "convinced Castro with competence, diplomacy and patience. Guevara set up factories to make grenades, built ovens to bake bread, taught new recruits about tactics, and organized schools to teach illiterate soldiers to read and write. In addition, Guevara established health clinics, workshops to teach military tactics, and a newspaper to distribute information. For all of these actions, The New York Times, gave him the honorable nick name, "Castro's brain" ("Che: Part Two"). Unfortunately he also had a very dark and brutal side. As the only other ranked Commandant besides Fidel Castro, Guevara was a harsh disciplinarian who sometimes shot antirevolutionists. Deserters were punished as traitors, and Guevara was known to send killing squads to track those down. As a result, Guevara became feared for his brutality and ruthlessness. During the guerrilla campaign, Guevara was also responsible for the sometimes summary execution of a number of men accused of being informers, deserters or spies (AndersonLee 5965). In his diaries, Guevara described the first such execution of Eutimio Guerra, a peasant army guide who admitted Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. Che Guevara As A Hero Che Guevara was considered a hero by many and a villain by others, he has had an eventful life filled with both good and bad things, resulting in multiple historical perspectives on who he is, with a variety of opinions on who he truly was, behind the generally assumed charismatic appearance. Whether or not he was a hero is an important debate and depends on your personal decision by weighing the facts of all sides while acknowledging that these positions do exist. Che is primarily portrayed as a hero with high ideals, mostly from his book in which was written by himself and a film that was later produced, creating the most familiar and common depiction of him. He stands up against arbitrary nuns of Catholic churches, refusing to feed people even if they're in their own congregation. This could be seen as Che being strong and remaining against an uncalled for structure, or as an endeavor to turn individuals against the Church ahead of schedule in the motion picture, along these lines supporting Guevara later on. The most ideal approach to decide the position is to consider and examine whether the Church tends to act in this way. After investigating, I had found that they do not. As Guevara had traveled to Cuba, he, for the rest of his life, indicated strong regard and care for the indigenous groups of people and their land, as demonstrated in the film. However, according to the book and film, he viewed himself as a communist and he ended up plainly well known for assuming Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 5. Ernesto Che Guevara Essay Ernesto "Che" Guevara Ernesto "Che" Guevara, a doctor and revolutionary in Bolivia, was assassinated by the American CIA for many political reasons, thus becoming a legend and idol after the Latin American Revolution. In the United States Che is remembered only as a relic of the 1960 revolution. In Europe he became a pop icon among the youth with little or no historical reference. Only in Cuba does his legacy stand for the hope and faith of the Latin American people. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna was born June 14, 1928, in the town of Rosario, Argentina. His father's name was Ernesto Guevara Lynch, and his mothers name was Celia de la Serna. He had two sisters, Celia and Ana, and two brothers, Roberto and Juan Martin. Early in...show more content... From his midcollege trip, he decided that only a revolution could aid Latin America with all its problems. When he arrived in Guatemala, it was during the Arbenz presidency where he refused to join the communist party. When Arbenz fell, he went to Mexico City in September of 1954. There he married Hilda Gadea and had one daughter; Hilda Beatriz Guevara Gadea. He worked in the general hospital and became a president of the class at a farm for Cuban revolutionaries. At this camp, he met Fidel Castro and began to train with Castro's forces in guerilla warfare. During this time Guevara fought alongside Castro during the Cuban revolution; he quickly became Castro's main advisor (Ernest "Che" Guevara 1). In 1959 Castro came to power and offered "Che" a Cuban citizenship, which he accepted. Also at this time, he divorced Hilda and married Aleida March; with her he had Aleida Guevara March, Camilo Guevara March, Celia Guevara March, and Ernesto Guevara March. From this point, he became very involved in Castro's government, where he signed and negotiated commercial treatments with the Soviet Union, China, Hungary, Checoslovaquia, Bulgaria, Korea and the German Democratic Republic. He also became the Minister of Industry. In the 1960's Che became very popular with his leftist movements, and in this time he became a very prominent key in the Cuban government. He represented many missions and Get more content on HelpWriting.net