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Vocabulary 101

   Categorisation -
Maximum Efficiency for
 Expanding Vocabulary
Learning Objectives

    To learn that words can belong to the same
    family class.

    To expand our vocabulary in the same lexical
    field using our knowledge of prefixes and

    When you come across new words, you must
    be able to store it efficiently.

    Just like a library indexes millions of books so
    it can be easily found, our brain has its own
    way of indexing information too in categories.
1) School  CCA, studies, homework, teacher
2) Friend  study, play, talk, encourage

    When you think about these two categories,
    these are the words or facts you can remember.
How our brain works
   Through the process of categorisation, our
    brains store many facts.
   Try it yourself. Think about these words:
1) MacDonalds
2) December School Holidays
3) Examinations
Q: Can you recall many facts about these 3

     Categories help you improve vocabulary

    Categorisation classifies all words that belong
    to the same family class together.

    Prefixes, suffixes and root words also help us
    categorise the words we learn.

    Practicing this skill, we are able to store and
    recall words for use easily...

    ... just like how a librarian stores books
    according to their indexes!
Learning Activity

    Using prefixes, root words and suffixes to help you,
    rearrange these words according to these
    categories. Organise them using the Fishbone:

    Sports / Occupation / Manner of Actions
Baker        Swimmer      Courageously
Quicker     Cheerfully    Running
Doctor      Swimming      Carefully Cycling
Learning Activity Answers

    The terms that fall the 3 categories are:
1) Sports  Swimming, Cycling, Running
2) Occupation  Baker, Swimmer, Doctor
3) Manner of Actions  Cheerfully, Carefully
  Courageously, Quicker
   Why is it necessary to rearrange the words we
    learn into patterns?
   When we are grouping words into families of
    words, what are we doing?
   What method can we use to organise words?
In Summary
   To help us to store and recall them for use later
   We are putting words into categories.
   The Fishbone Technique.
In Summary
   To help us to store and recall them for use later
   We are putting words into categories.
   The Fishbone Technique.

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LL Lower Pri C - Lexical field

  • 1. Vocabulary 101 Categorisation - Maximum Efficiency for Expanding Vocabulary
  • 2. Learning Objectives To learn that words can belong to the same family class. To expand our vocabulary in the same lexical field using our knowledge of prefixes and suffixes.
  • 3. Introduction When you come across new words, you must be able to store it efficiently. Just like a library indexes millions of books so it can be easily found, our brain has its own way of indexing information too in categories. 1) School CCA, studies, homework, teacher 2) Friend study, play, talk, encourage When you think about these two categories, these are the words or facts you can remember.
  • 4. How our brain works Through the process of categorisation, our brains store many facts. Try it yourself. Think about these words: 1) MacDonalds 2) December School Holidays 3) Examinations Q: Can you recall many facts about these 3 words? Categories help you improve vocabulary knowledge.
  • 5. Categorisation Categorisation classifies all words that belong to the same family class together. Prefixes, suffixes and root words also help us categorise the words we learn. Practicing this skill, we are able to store and recall words for use easily... ... just like how a librarian stores books according to their indexes!
  • 6. Learning Activity Using prefixes, root words and suffixes to help you, rearrange these words according to these categories. Organise them using the Fishbone: Sports / Occupation / Manner of Actions Baker Swimmer Courageously Quicker Cheerfully Running Doctor Swimming Carefully Cycling
  • 7. Learning Activity Answers The terms that fall the 3 categories are: 1) Sports Swimming, Cycling, Running 2) Occupation Baker, Swimmer, Doctor 3) Manner of Actions Cheerfully, Carefully Courageously, Quicker
  • 8. Discussion Why is it necessary to rearrange the words we learn into patterns? When we are grouping words into families of words, what are we doing? What method can we use to organise words?
  • 9. In Summary To help us to store and recall them for use later easily. We are putting words into categories. The Fishbone Technique.
  • 10. In Summary To help us to store and recall them for use later easily. We are putting words into categories. The Fishbone Technique.