hofresforjobJeff BurrowThis document is a resume for Jeffrey A. Burrow. It summarizes his education, including earning a B.A.S in Organizational Management from Santa Fe College with honors and a 3.86 GPA. It also lists his professional skills in software, public speaking, event planning, and human relations. For work experience, it includes positions at Walgreens, Santa Fe College, the U.S. Census Bureau, and more. It outlines his academic achievements including being on the Dean's List and involvement in clubs and community service.
Diari d’unes colònies grilladeslaiannafcDiari d'unes colònies grillades és un conte realitzat per alguns estudiants de tercer en educació primària, de Blanquerna.
Analisis lingkungan internalPutri OctavianiPosdaya Baraya memproduksi sari buah pala dan sirup buah pala. Proses produksinya meliputi pemotongan, perekahan, pengepresan, pemberian bumbu, dan kemasan. Produksi menggunakan 20-30 kg buah pala dan melibatkan 2-3 tenaga kerja lokal. Pemasaran dilakukan melalui partisipasi pada acara-acara setempat dan harga produk bersaing.
Words about waterGines GarcíaThe document defines and describes various bodies of water. It discusses seas as large expanses of salt water connected to oceans. Rivers are described as freshwater flows towards larger bodies of water. Ponds are smaller than lakes and hold standing fresh or salt water. Streams have currents confined within banks. Oceans are large bodies of saline water forming the hydrosphere. Puddles are small accumulations of liquid, usually water, on surfaces.
MyBUNKER - Tipos de ComputadoraMybunkeroficial Hablamos de los tipos de computadoras que podemos encontrar en el mercado tecnológico en la actualidad.
O bullying conhecer para combaterAntonio RealiO documento discute o bullying, definindo-o como violência física ou psicológica intencional e repetitiva. Apresenta formas de bullying direto e indireto, consequências para vítimas, agressores e testemunhas, e aborda como pais e escola podem combater o bullying.
Todos los programasRaquel Sánchez DíazEste documento analiza varios recursos educativos digitales como PowerPoint, Photoshop, JClic, pizarras digitales PDI Starboard y PDI Smart, Nero Vision y Front Page. Resalta las ventajas de cada uno para su uso en educación primaria, como su facilidad de uso, capacidad interactiva, posibilidad de crear presentaciones, fotos, videos y páginas web. Solo señala algunas limitaciones menores como problemas técnicos ocasionales o funciones poco usadas. En general concluye que todos son herramientas muy útiles para
Manualul Sistemului de Raportare Online 6CVasilica VictoriaSistemul online de colectare a datelor statistice privind activitatea biblliotecior din Moldova a fost creat în baza platformei novateca.md, după modelul sistemului intern de raportare online al programului Novateca (ORT). Sistemul a fost ajustat Formularului 6C aprobat În anul 2015 de Biroul Național de Statistică al Republicii Moldova
Most investors make this mistakehowtogenerateincomeonline- When surveyed, 80% of advisers said the client relationship was most important, while 79% of high-net-worth investors said portfolio performance was most important. Results matter more to investors.
- To break even after a 25% loss in one year requires a 33.3% gain the next year. Large losses require large gains just to get back to even. Having an exit strategy is important to control losses.
- Investors must run their portfolios like businesses with clear strategies, or hire competent managers. The only thing worth paying for is investment results.
Keracunan bahan organis pada industrialisasiAhmad BaihakiDokumen tersebut membahas tentang karakteristik lingkungan sebagai penerima bahan pencemar dan pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas lingkungan. Lingkungan seperti udara, tanah, air memiliki kemampuan berbeda dalam menyerap bahan pencemar, dan kualitas lingkungan dapat berubah akibat interaksi bahan pencemar tersebut. Pentingnya mengetahui daya dukung lingkungan dan menetapkan standar kualitas lingkungan.
Evaluation of my film posterFinQuinlanThe document discusses the process of creating a film poster. It describes how research helped determine the character positioning, setting, and color scheme. Text placement and ensuring the main character looked anonymous were also informed by research. The first draft depicted the character in a forest, but this proved time-consuming so a clearer background was used instead. Alterations were made to the foreground, billing, and font color to make elements stand out. The final poster follows conventions like an over-the-shoulder shot of the main character and drawing attention to them, while also adding some original twists to make it darker. It is meant to appeal to an older target audience by looking similar to dark superhero films.
MyBUNKER - Tipos de ComputadoraMybunkeroficial Hablamos de los tipos de computadoras que podemos encontrar en el mercado tecnológico en la actualidad.
O bullying conhecer para combaterAntonio RealiO documento discute o bullying, definindo-o como violência física ou psicológica intencional e repetitiva. Apresenta formas de bullying direto e indireto, consequências para vítimas, agressores e testemunhas, e aborda como pais e escola podem combater o bullying.
Todos los programasRaquel Sánchez DíazEste documento analiza varios recursos educativos digitales como PowerPoint, Photoshop, JClic, pizarras digitales PDI Starboard y PDI Smart, Nero Vision y Front Page. Resalta las ventajas de cada uno para su uso en educación primaria, como su facilidad de uso, capacidad interactiva, posibilidad de crear presentaciones, fotos, videos y páginas web. Solo señala algunas limitaciones menores como problemas técnicos ocasionales o funciones poco usadas. En general concluye que todos son herramientas muy útiles para
Manualul Sistemului de Raportare Online 6CVasilica VictoriaSistemul online de colectare a datelor statistice privind activitatea biblliotecior din Moldova a fost creat în baza platformei novateca.md, după modelul sistemului intern de raportare online al programului Novateca (ORT). Sistemul a fost ajustat Formularului 6C aprobat În anul 2015 de Biroul Național de Statistică al Republicii Moldova
Most investors make this mistakehowtogenerateincomeonline- When surveyed, 80% of advisers said the client relationship was most important, while 79% of high-net-worth investors said portfolio performance was most important. Results matter more to investors.
- To break even after a 25% loss in one year requires a 33.3% gain the next year. Large losses require large gains just to get back to even. Having an exit strategy is important to control losses.
- Investors must run their portfolios like businesses with clear strategies, or hire competent managers. The only thing worth paying for is investment results.
Keracunan bahan organis pada industrialisasiAhmad BaihakiDokumen tersebut membahas tentang karakteristik lingkungan sebagai penerima bahan pencemar dan pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas lingkungan. Lingkungan seperti udara, tanah, air memiliki kemampuan berbeda dalam menyerap bahan pencemar, dan kualitas lingkungan dapat berubah akibat interaksi bahan pencemar tersebut. Pentingnya mengetahui daya dukung lingkungan dan menetapkan standar kualitas lingkungan.
Evaluation of my film posterFinQuinlanThe document discusses the process of creating a film poster. It describes how research helped determine the character positioning, setting, and color scheme. Text placement and ensuring the main character looked anonymous were also informed by research. The first draft depicted the character in a forest, but this proved time-consuming so a clearer background was used instead. Alterations were made to the foreground, billing, and font color to make elements stand out. The final poster follows conventions like an over-the-shoulder shot of the main character and drawing attention to them, while also adding some original twists to make it darker. It is meant to appeal to an older target audience by looking similar to dark superhero films.