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118 Calm down and consider the possibilities
"Whether You Think You Can or Can't, You're Right"--Henry Ford 1. First, begin by specifically identifying the results you want. 2. Then create and develop actions that will accomplish those results. 3. Lastly, examine your beliefs about those actions to determine if they are holding you back...
2: Begin with the End in Mind
House Deck Wa L k
It's where you can become yourself
Winston Churchill Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of  enthusiasm .
2: Begin with the End in Mind
More connected with being.  Guardians of being.  Need: Specific training and exercise plan.  Bring Charlie to  Nursing Home? Therapy Dog
油 油 Change is inevitable, growth is intentional.
Xerox Sarah Lee Sony Flexible Knowledgeable Cheerful On Time Efficient
Do not tell people how to live their lives. Just tell them  stories . And they will figure out how those stories apply to them. ~Randy Pauch
All great achievements require time.  If you don't like something, change it.  If you can't change it, change your attitude.  There is a very fine line between loving life and being greedy for it.  Maya Angelou
3: Put First Things First With people fast is slow and  slow is fast , yet as  effective.  We want  effectiveness  with people. We want efficiency with things.  Compass: Relationships, Principals,  Leadership before management, and then a clock.  What are the most important things: Family &Friends  Health Education Faith  Service Invest time in  preparation ,  prevention ,  planning ,  relationship building , empowerment.  I can see this is upsetting you .  What caused you to be put here?
Go Outside!  Be a leader of a group who  Does highway cleanup and  Has a sign.  Roller blade, walk, run, float down the river, read, go to the park, walk down town, bike, trails, camping
Head of Online Classes at a University  Keep up to date with technology Dr.
I am  organized ,  on   time   and  prepared .  I present material in a  clear ,   organized ,   constructive  manner.  I have a good  knowledge  of the material I teach..  I am  flexible . I answer questions in a  clear ,  developed ,  useful manner .  I am  thorough .  I assist my trainees with  their goals .  Music in beginning, my goal is to be finished, what I really care about, What I would  Like to see in the comments, give person a hand who answers questions correctly,  Thank you for what you said, repeat good points 2x,
Penn State?
5: Seek first to Understand then to be Understood To be with  another in this way means that for the time being you  lay aside the views and values you hold for yourself  in order to enter anothers world without prejudice.  In some sense it means that you may aside your self and  this can only be done by a person who is secure enough in himself  that he knows he will not get lost in what may turn out to be the strange or bizarre world of the other, and can comfortably return to his own world when he wishes.  Carl Rodgers
Ear Blossoms Decorative ear plugs to keep your mind focused on beautiful things Ear Safety Link Properly inserted: side view   Properly inserted earplugs will be easily visible from the sides, but only a very small portion of the plug will project from the ear. So, you want what we all want on long trip, peace and quiet. Put in a pair of these super soft earplugs and drift away into dreamland . Decorative Ear Plugs Music/concert  Snoring  Swimming  Flying Motorcycle Shooting  Yard Work Nascar Link
Flip this house:  Board game where you try and make money by buying and selling houses.
I  Games with Friends
Cards have more than memories Look at google books? Sort and organize your things:  Closet Things that you dont want to get rid of  Cards, notes and memories Items for insurance purposes Develop a good fining system
Write a book  What will my book be about?  Number One on the New York Times Best Sellers List
Figure Out taxes
Wine maker Decide what type of grapes to grow  Understand the wine process  Read books  and research
The Homestead Handcrafts Story  Homestead Handcrafts was introduced in January 2009 with one figurine. The line has grown to encompass those sentiments that we most want to express. To our friends, to our family, to our children's teachers, to those near and dear, to those far and infrequent .Artist Donna Brennecke hand-carves each original piece with this thought in mind.
Flexible Creative Can do things of the web Good with Computers  Can teach well Can order ideas Dont know much about computer hardware  Dont know much about computer security
Ten Things I wish Id Known  Before I went out into the Real World  Maria Shriver  Find Passion  - Still looking for it.  Opening doors with schooling.  No Job is Beneath you  It is ok to start at the bottom and work your way up.  It is a great way to learn.  Who you work for and with is as import as what you  do  Learn from the people you are with even if you think it is impossible.  Your Behavior has consequences   Be ethical in everything that you do, even if someone tells you not too.  Be Willing to Fail  It builds character. Helps you in other failures.  If you dont set yourself up to a place you can fail, you are not living on the edge.  Superwoman is Dead  - You can never get everything perfect so stop trying.  Children do change your Career  Marriage is a Hell of a Lot of Hard Work  Dont Expect anyone else to Support you Financially  Laughter   Cant do any of the above things without it.
Egyptian pyramid  Brazil  Alaska I enjoy traveling.  We go where others only dream
BBC 50 Places to see before you die  The Grand Canyon Great Barrier Reef Florida South Island Cape Town Golden Temple Las Vegas Sydney New York Taj Mahal Canadian Rockies Uluru Chichen Itza - Mexico Machu Picchu - Peru Niagara Falls Petra - Jordan The Pyramids - Egypt Venice Great Wall of China Victoria Falls - Zimbabwe Hong Kong Yosemite National Park Hawaii Auckland - New Zealand Iguassu Falls Paris Alaska Angkor Wat - Cambodia Himalayas - Nepal Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Masai Mara - Kenya Galapagos Islands - Ecuador Luxor - Egypt Rome San Francisco Barcelona Dubai Singapore La Digue - Seychelles Sri Lanka Bangkok Barbados Iceland Terracotta Army - China Zermatt - Switzerland Angel Falls - Venezuela Abu Simbel - Egypt Bali French Polynesia
The groundwork of all happiness is health.   Leigh Hunt: Health Quote
Appalachian Trail
Cape Cod
I eat nutritious foods. I am Healthy.
1 off 2 mile jog off 2 mile jog off 2 mile jog off 2 off 2 mile jog off 2 mile jog off 3 mile jog off 3 off 3 mile jog off 3 mile jog off 3 mile jog off 4 off 3 mile jog off 3 mile jog off 4 mile jog off 5 off 5 mile jog off 2 mile run off 5 mile jog off 6 off 5 mile jog off 2 mile run off 5 mile jog 30 min. walk 7 off 6 mile jog off 2 mile run off 5 mile jog 40 min. walk 8 off 4 mile ez jog off 2 mile jog off rest 10K Race enjoy !
Work out 5x a weeks  Do 15 min of aerobic exercise,  15 min with ball for legs, and abs then 15 on weight machines.
Geography Broadway shows  Mythological creatures
What we react to in another we strengthen in yourself.  What we most strongly condemn.  You cut yourself off from empathy.  Dont personalize anger.  Is the complaining bring out changing?  Are you fueling the complaining? Worry does not bring about change is has no purpose.  Step out of the worry and become present in the now.
Feel compassion for a persons situation  instead of reacting to the other person.  Things work out better when you are in a harmonious state of consciousness and not in resistance.  Stop   resisting .  Enjoy the pleasure.  Feel it, sense it.  Be with it.  I am the light (consciousness).
When you play a role at work, there is then self interest, getting credit, eliminate or use other people.  You cause yourself the feelings of anxiety when you are upset with others.  It is from your reaction.  Others will see this in you.  So look at my inner state.  Accept it.  The change happens when you change.
Your  thoughts   are the story that you told your  self about your self.  There is no power  to the past.  The power is the awareness of this.  Dont be in the past or the future,  be in the now .  Have an alertness  not to be drawn in .  Worry is repetitive negative thought patterns.  Take breaths  Feel inner body in the arms and the legs  Look at something and bring your consciousness to nature.  The story making make it stay around.  You make it your reality.  Everyone acts in their level of consciousness.  Forgive them for they know not what they do.  We are not our thoughts we are the  awareness  of our thoughts.  Worry manufactures more worries.
Great endeavors contains small steps  When you react against a situation (noise) it is almost as it you are a wall and it is hitting the will inside you.  Imagine yourself being transparent and the irritating thing passes though you.  The surface of the lake changes.  I am the lake and the external situations is the surface.  The dept of the lake remains always undisturbed.  I am the depths.  The surface is the ego and thoughts.  The inner state is no longer dependent on the surface.  Freedom from external conditions.
When you are shy  you are afraid of disapproval or criticism which could damage the  ego (mental mind made sense of self).  When you are superior and confident there is always the hidden fear that it might be inferior.  To compensate.  True self esteem: There is a continues source of aliveness and self.  In stillness.  No labels or roles.  Not devastated by criticism.  Just  be  with others.  Not to impress.  Not for them to boost or deplete your ego.  Jobs of the ego: Blame others, this can make a sense of identity and boosts the ego.  Your mind works to old conditioning.  Recognize that they are not valid thoughts.  They are generated by the ego.  They will begin to lose their power over you.
You can always change your plan, but only if you have one
Randy Pausch Treat the disease not the symptoms Send out thin mints All you have is what you bring with you  No job is beneath you  Tiger or Eeyore?
Give others the opportunity To learn gymnastics at the  Highest level possible.  Create Gymnastics  Lessons for teachers  To have at the YMCA.
Experience is what you get when you didnt get what you wanted
Apology   What did I do wrong ? How badly did I hurt you? What can I do to make it better?
Get peoples attention
Time Management:  Time should be managed like money.
You're Never Upset For The Reason You Think
Katherine : Never lose your childish innocence. It's the most important thing.
When asked to list the keys to their success, millionaires rank  hard work first  education determination  "treating others with respect."  They also say that what they absorbed in class was less important than learning how to study and stay disciplined
Polite Gracious Well Behaved  Respectful Refined Happy  Hopefully  Cheerful  Optimistic  Strength Hope
View this presentation www.woot.com NY Times  USA Today Puzzles Blogger  Wedding Website Google analytics
Friends are worth more than Money.
Positive! Your thoughts create your life! If you can change your thinking you can change your life.  You can overcome fear with knowledge
Do one thing every day that scares you - Eleanor Roosevelt

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"The Secret" Vision Board

  • 1. 118 Calm down and consider the possibilities
  • 2.
  • 3. "Whether You Think You Can or Can't, You're Right"--Henry Ford 1. First, begin by specifically identifying the results you want. 2. Then create and develop actions that will accomplish those results. 3. Lastly, examine your beliefs about those actions to determine if they are holding you back...
  • 4. 2: Begin with the End in Mind
  • 5.
  • 7. It's where you can become yourself
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. Winston Churchill Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm .
  • 12. 2: Begin with the End in Mind
  • 13. More connected with being. Guardians of being. Need: Specific training and exercise plan. Bring Charlie to Nursing Home? Therapy Dog
  • 14. 油 油 Change is inevitable, growth is intentional.
  • 15. Xerox Sarah Lee Sony Flexible Knowledgeable Cheerful On Time Efficient
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18. Do not tell people how to live their lives. Just tell them stories . And they will figure out how those stories apply to them. ~Randy Pauch
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22. All great achievements require time. If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. There is a very fine line between loving life and being greedy for it. Maya Angelou
  • 23.
  • 24. 3: Put First Things First With people fast is slow and slow is fast , yet as effective. We want effectiveness with people. We want efficiency with things. Compass: Relationships, Principals, Leadership before management, and then a clock. What are the most important things: Family &Friends Health Education Faith Service Invest time in preparation , prevention , planning , relationship building , empowerment. I can see this is upsetting you . What caused you to be put here?
  • 25. Go Outside! Be a leader of a group who Does highway cleanup and Has a sign. Roller blade, walk, run, float down the river, read, go to the park, walk down town, bike, trails, camping
  • 26.
  • 27. Head of Online Classes at a University Keep up to date with technology Dr.
  • 28. I am organized , on time and prepared . I present material in a clear , organized , constructive manner. I have a good knowledge of the material I teach.. I am flexible . I answer questions in a clear , developed , useful manner . I am thorough . I assist my trainees with their goals . Music in beginning, my goal is to be finished, what I really care about, What I would Like to see in the comments, give person a hand who answers questions correctly, Thank you for what you said, repeat good points 2x,
  • 30.
  • 31. 5: Seek first to Understand then to be Understood To be with another in this way means that for the time being you lay aside the views and values you hold for yourself in order to enter anothers world without prejudice. In some sense it means that you may aside your self and this can only be done by a person who is secure enough in himself that he knows he will not get lost in what may turn out to be the strange or bizarre world of the other, and can comfortably return to his own world when he wishes. Carl Rodgers
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34. Ear Blossoms Decorative ear plugs to keep your mind focused on beautiful things Ear Safety Link Properly inserted: side view Properly inserted earplugs will be easily visible from the sides, but only a very small portion of the plug will project from the ear. So, you want what we all want on long trip, peace and quiet. Put in a pair of these super soft earplugs and drift away into dreamland . Decorative Ear Plugs Music/concert Snoring Swimming Flying Motorcycle Shooting Yard Work Nascar Link
  • 35. Flip this house: Board game where you try and make money by buying and selling houses.
  • 36. I Games with Friends
  • 37. Cards have more than memories Look at google books? Sort and organize your things: Closet Things that you dont want to get rid of Cards, notes and memories Items for insurance purposes Develop a good fining system
  • 38. Write a book What will my book be about? Number One on the New York Times Best Sellers List
  • 40. Wine maker Decide what type of grapes to grow Understand the wine process Read books and research
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  • 43. The Homestead Handcrafts Story Homestead Handcrafts was introduced in January 2009 with one figurine. The line has grown to encompass those sentiments that we most want to express. To our friends, to our family, to our children's teachers, to those near and dear, to those far and infrequent .Artist Donna Brennecke hand-carves each original piece with this thought in mind.
  • 44. Flexible Creative Can do things of the web Good with Computers Can teach well Can order ideas Dont know much about computer hardware Dont know much about computer security
  • 45. Ten Things I wish Id Known Before I went out into the Real World Maria Shriver Find Passion - Still looking for it. Opening doors with schooling. No Job is Beneath you It is ok to start at the bottom and work your way up. It is a great way to learn. Who you work for and with is as import as what you do Learn from the people you are with even if you think it is impossible. Your Behavior has consequences Be ethical in everything that you do, even if someone tells you not too. Be Willing to Fail It builds character. Helps you in other failures. If you dont set yourself up to a place you can fail, you are not living on the edge. Superwoman is Dead - You can never get everything perfect so stop trying. Children do change your Career Marriage is a Hell of a Lot of Hard Work Dont Expect anyone else to Support you Financially Laughter Cant do any of the above things without it.
  • 46.
  • 47. Egyptian pyramid Brazil Alaska I enjoy traveling. We go where others only dream
  • 48. BBC 50 Places to see before you die The Grand Canyon Great Barrier Reef Florida South Island Cape Town Golden Temple Las Vegas Sydney New York Taj Mahal Canadian Rockies Uluru Chichen Itza - Mexico Machu Picchu - Peru Niagara Falls Petra - Jordan The Pyramids - Egypt Venice Great Wall of China Victoria Falls - Zimbabwe Hong Kong Yosemite National Park Hawaii Auckland - New Zealand Iguassu Falls Paris Alaska Angkor Wat - Cambodia Himalayas - Nepal Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Masai Mara - Kenya Galapagos Islands - Ecuador Luxor - Egypt Rome San Francisco Barcelona Dubai Singapore La Digue - Seychelles Sri Lanka Bangkok Barbados Iceland Terracotta Army - China Zermatt - Switzerland Angel Falls - Venezuela Abu Simbel - Egypt Bali French Polynesia
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55. Beach
  • 56. The groundwork of all happiness is health. Leigh Hunt: Health Quote
  • 59.
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  • 62. I eat nutritious foods. I am Healthy.
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  • 65. 1 off 2 mile jog off 2 mile jog off 2 mile jog off 2 off 2 mile jog off 2 mile jog off 3 mile jog off 3 off 3 mile jog off 3 mile jog off 3 mile jog off 4 off 3 mile jog off 3 mile jog off 4 mile jog off 5 off 5 mile jog off 2 mile run off 5 mile jog off 6 off 5 mile jog off 2 mile run off 5 mile jog 30 min. walk 7 off 6 mile jog off 2 mile run off 5 mile jog 40 min. walk 8 off 4 mile ez jog off 2 mile jog off rest 10K Race enjoy !
  • 66.
  • 67. Work out 5x a weeks Do 15 min of aerobic exercise, 15 min with ball for legs, and abs then 15 on weight machines.
  • 68. Geography Broadway shows Mythological creatures
  • 69.
  • 70. What we react to in another we strengthen in yourself. What we most strongly condemn. You cut yourself off from empathy. Dont personalize anger. Is the complaining bring out changing? Are you fueling the complaining? Worry does not bring about change is has no purpose. Step out of the worry and become present in the now.
  • 71. Feel compassion for a persons situation instead of reacting to the other person. Things work out better when you are in a harmonious state of consciousness and not in resistance. Stop resisting . Enjoy the pleasure. Feel it, sense it. Be with it. I am the light (consciousness).
  • 72. When you play a role at work, there is then self interest, getting credit, eliminate or use other people. You cause yourself the feelings of anxiety when you are upset with others. It is from your reaction. Others will see this in you. So look at my inner state. Accept it. The change happens when you change.
  • 73. Your thoughts are the story that you told your self about your self. There is no power to the past. The power is the awareness of this. Dont be in the past or the future, be in the now . Have an alertness not to be drawn in . Worry is repetitive negative thought patterns. Take breaths Feel inner body in the arms and the legs Look at something and bring your consciousness to nature. The story making make it stay around. You make it your reality. Everyone acts in their level of consciousness. Forgive them for they know not what they do. We are not our thoughts we are the awareness of our thoughts. Worry manufactures more worries.
  • 74. Great endeavors contains small steps When you react against a situation (noise) it is almost as it you are a wall and it is hitting the will inside you. Imagine yourself being transparent and the irritating thing passes though you. The surface of the lake changes. I am the lake and the external situations is the surface. The dept of the lake remains always undisturbed. I am the depths. The surface is the ego and thoughts. The inner state is no longer dependent on the surface. Freedom from external conditions.
  • 75. When you are shy you are afraid of disapproval or criticism which could damage the ego (mental mind made sense of self). When you are superior and confident there is always the hidden fear that it might be inferior. To compensate. True self esteem: There is a continues source of aliveness and self. In stillness. No labels or roles. Not devastated by criticism. Just be with others. Not to impress. Not for them to boost or deplete your ego. Jobs of the ego: Blame others, this can make a sense of identity and boosts the ego. Your mind works to old conditioning. Recognize that they are not valid thoughts. They are generated by the ego. They will begin to lose their power over you.
  • 76.
  • 77.
  • 78. You can always change your plan, but only if you have one
  • 79.
  • 80. Randy Pausch Treat the disease not the symptoms Send out thin mints All you have is what you bring with you No job is beneath you Tiger or Eeyore?
  • 81.
  • 82.
  • 83. Give others the opportunity To learn gymnastics at the Highest level possible. Create Gymnastics Lessons for teachers To have at the YMCA.
  • 84. Experience is what you get when you didnt get what you wanted
  • 85. Apology What did I do wrong ? How badly did I hurt you? What can I do to make it better?
  • 87. Time Management: Time should be managed like money.
  • 88. You're Never Upset For The Reason You Think
  • 89. Katherine : Never lose your childish innocence. It's the most important thing.
  • 90.
  • 91.
  • 92. When asked to list the keys to their success, millionaires rank hard work first education determination "treating others with respect." They also say that what they absorbed in class was less important than learning how to study and stay disciplined
  • 93.
  • 94.
  • 95. Polite Gracious Well Behaved Respectful Refined Happy Hopefully Cheerful Optimistic Strength Hope
  • 96. View this presentation www.woot.com NY Times USA Today Puzzles Blogger Wedding Website Google analytics
  • 97. Friends are worth more than Money.
  • 98. Positive! Your thoughts create your life! If you can change your thinking you can change your life. You can overcome fear with knowledge
  • 99. Do one thing every day that scares you - Eleanor Roosevelt