The Link Between Processed Meat and Cancer RiskDana-Farber Cancer InstituteThis document discusses nutrition choices during cancer treatment and contains sections on grass-fed beef and wild fish, whether sugar feeds cancer, and nutrition services and a colon and rectal cancer center from Dana-Farber.
Comic analysis powerpointWestminster MassCommThis slideshow gives examples from McClouds book "Making Comics" and also Superman and how he incorporates his theories and ideas into comics.
SuprTEK Continuous MonitoringTieu LuuSuprTEK provides a continuous monitoring platform called PanOptes to help organizations address challenges in security certification, vulnerability management, inventory management, and compliance reporting. PanOptes collects and correlates data from multiple sources using standards like SCAP. It provides capabilities for policy management, risk scoring, remediation, vulnerability management, compliance assessment, and inventory/configuration management. PanOptes' risk scoring algorithms and data integration architecture allow it to scale from small to very large organizations with millions of devices.
Caption story projectsofiamckentryThe document discusses two classes at a high school - AP Art class and Partners P.E. In AP Art, juniors Julia Vasilyev and Payton Schwantz work to perfect their pieces and grow closer as friends. The class allows students freedom in their art and helps them get to know themselves. In Partners P.E., students with disabilities are paired with peer buddies to play games and interact. Junior Ali Aston says they learn new skills and it's fun to play with classmates they might not otherwise interact with. The classes provide relief from other courses and allow self-expression and learning through interaction with others.
PHP Hypertext Preprocessoradeel990PHP is a widely used open source scripting language that allows web developers to create dynamic content that interacts with databases. Some key points:
- PHP code is executed on the server-side and can generate dynamic web page content. It allows creation of data-driven websites and web applications.
- PHP scripts can connect to and manipulate databases, collect form data, send and receive cookies, add/modify data, and encrypt data for security.
- It runs on most web servers, supports many databases, and can be used across platforms like Windows, Linux, and MacOS. PHP is free to download and use.
- Basic PHP syntax involves wrapping code within <?php ?> tags. It uses
Brecha tecnológica y discapacidad.José MaríaLas nuevas tecnologías deben ofrecer las mismas posibilidades para todas las personas, incluidas las que tienen algún tipo de discapacidad.