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PRINCIPLES FROM HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE  Become a Friendlier Person Dont criticize, condemn or complain. Give honest, sincere appreciation. Arouse in the other person an eager want. Become genuinely interested in other people. Smile. Remember that a persons name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language. Be a good listener.  Encourage others to talk about themselves. Talk in terms of the other persons interests. Make the other person feel important  and do it  sincerely.
PRINCIPLES FROM HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE  Win People to Your Way of Thinking The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it. Show respect for the other persons opinions.  Never tell a person he or she is wrong. If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically. Begin in a friendly way. Get the other person saying yes, yes immediately. Let the other person do a great deal of the talking. Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers. Try honestly to see things from the other persons point of view. Be sympathetic with the other persons ideas and desires. Appeal to the nobler motives. Dramatize your ideas. Throw down a challenge.
PRINCIPLES FROM HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE  Be a Leader   Begin with praise and honest appreciation.   Call attention to peoples mistakes indirectly.   Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.   Ask questions instead of giving direct orders.   Let the other person save face.   Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement.  Be hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise.   Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to.   Use encouragement.  Make the fault seem easy to correct.   Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest.
PRINCIPLES FROM HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING Fundamental Principles for Overcoming Worry Live in day-tight compartments. How to face trouble: a.  Ask yourself, What is the worst that can possibly happen? b.  Prepare to accept the worst. c.  Remind yourself of the exorbitant price you can pay for worry in terms of your health.
PRINCIPLES FROM HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING Basic Techniques in Analyzing Worry Get all the facts. Weigh all the facts  then come to a decision. Once a decision is reached, act! Write out and answer the following questions: a.  What is the problem? b.  What are the causes of the problem? c.  What are the possible solutions? d.  What is the best solution?
PRINCIPLES FROM HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING Break the Worry Habit Before It Breaks You Keep busy. Dont fuss about trifles. Use the law of averages to outlaw your worries. Cooperate with the inevitable. Decide just how much anxiety a thing may be worth and refuse to give it more. Dont worry about the past.
PRINCIPLES FROM HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING Cultivate a Mental Attitude That Will Bring You Peace and Happiness Fill your mind with thoughts of peace, courage, health and hope. Never try to get even with your enemies. Expect ingratitude. Count your blessings  not your troubles. Do not imitate others. Try to profit from your loses. Create happiness for others.
PRINCIPLES FROM HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING The Perfect Way to Conquer Worry Pray Dont Worry about Criticism Remember that unjust criticism is often a disguised compliment. Do the very best you can. Analyze your own mistakes and criticize yourself.
PRINCIPLES FROM HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING Prevent Fatigue and Worry and Keep Your Energy and Spirits High Rest before you get tired. Learn to relax at your work. If you run a household, protect your health and appearance by relaxing at home. Apply these for good working habits: a.  Clear your desk of all papers except those relating to the immediate problem at hand. b.  Do things in the order of their importance. c.  When you face a problem, solve it then and there if you have the facts necessary to make a decision. d.  Learn to organize, deputize and supervise. Put enthusiasm into your work. Dont worry about insomnia.

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  • 2. PRINCIPLES FROM HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE Become a Friendlier Person Dont criticize, condemn or complain. Give honest, sincere appreciation. Arouse in the other person an eager want. Become genuinely interested in other people. Smile. Remember that a persons name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves. Talk in terms of the other persons interests. Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely.
  • 3. PRINCIPLES FROM HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE Win People to Your Way of Thinking The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it. Show respect for the other persons opinions. Never tell a person he or she is wrong. If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically. Begin in a friendly way. Get the other person saying yes, yes immediately. Let the other person do a great deal of the talking. Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers. Try honestly to see things from the other persons point of view. Be sympathetic with the other persons ideas and desires. Appeal to the nobler motives. Dramatize your ideas. Throw down a challenge.
  • 4. PRINCIPLES FROM HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE Be a Leader Begin with praise and honest appreciation. Call attention to peoples mistakes indirectly. Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person. Ask questions instead of giving direct orders. Let the other person save face. Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. Be hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise. Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to. Use encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct. Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest.
  • 5. PRINCIPLES FROM HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING Fundamental Principles for Overcoming Worry Live in day-tight compartments. How to face trouble: a. Ask yourself, What is the worst that can possibly happen? b. Prepare to accept the worst. c. Remind yourself of the exorbitant price you can pay for worry in terms of your health.
  • 6. PRINCIPLES FROM HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING Basic Techniques in Analyzing Worry Get all the facts. Weigh all the facts then come to a decision. Once a decision is reached, act! Write out and answer the following questions: a. What is the problem? b. What are the causes of the problem? c. What are the possible solutions? d. What is the best solution?
  • 7. PRINCIPLES FROM HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING Break the Worry Habit Before It Breaks You Keep busy. Dont fuss about trifles. Use the law of averages to outlaw your worries. Cooperate with the inevitable. Decide just how much anxiety a thing may be worth and refuse to give it more. Dont worry about the past.
  • 8. PRINCIPLES FROM HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING Cultivate a Mental Attitude That Will Bring You Peace and Happiness Fill your mind with thoughts of peace, courage, health and hope. Never try to get even with your enemies. Expect ingratitude. Count your blessings not your troubles. Do not imitate others. Try to profit from your loses. Create happiness for others.
  • 9. PRINCIPLES FROM HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING The Perfect Way to Conquer Worry Pray Dont Worry about Criticism Remember that unjust criticism is often a disguised compliment. Do the very best you can. Analyze your own mistakes and criticize yourself.
  • 10. PRINCIPLES FROM HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING Prevent Fatigue and Worry and Keep Your Energy and Spirits High Rest before you get tired. Learn to relax at your work. If you run a household, protect your health and appearance by relaxing at home. Apply these for good working habits: a. Clear your desk of all papers except those relating to the immediate problem at hand. b. Do things in the order of their importance. c. When you face a problem, solve it then and there if you have the facts necessary to make a decision. d. Learn to organize, deputize and supervise. Put enthusiasm into your work. Dont worry about insomnia.