El documento describe una campa単a de marketing para promover cursos de verano en un centro educativo. La campa単a involucra un evento en un centro comercial donde los ni単os pueden participar en actividades y juegos relacionados con los cursos, y tambi辿n recibir informaci坦n sobre la escuela. El objetivo es dar a conocer la escuela y sus cursos, mientras se aprende sobre las preferencias de los estudiantes. La campa単a result坦 en un aumento en las matriculaciones para los cursos de verano.
Francisco naci坦 el 17 de diciembre de 1936 en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Es el mayor de seis hermanos y su nombre real es Jorge Mario Bergoglio. El 13 de marzo de 2013 fue elegido como el papa de la Iglesia Cat坦lica.
Este documento presenta cinco ejercicios domiciliarios en Microsoft Excel de dificultad creciente, que incluyen el uso de f坦rmulas, funciones, referencias relativas y absolutas, c叩lculo de porcentajes, y creaci坦n de gr叩ficos. Los ejercicios involucran la creaci坦n y edici坦n de planillas de c叩lculo con datos de ventas, costos y m叩rgenes, y stocks y precios con impuestos.
Este documento trata sobre la seguridad inform叩tica y los delitos inform叩ticos. Explica que la seguridad inform叩tica se enfoca en proteger la infraestructura y la informaci坦n computacional mediante est叩ndares, protocolos y leyes. Tambi辿n define el delito inform叩tico como acciones ilegales que da単an computadoras, redes u obtienen informaci坦n de forma no autorizada. Finalmente, resume que la Ley 1273 de Colombia cre坦 nuevos delitos relacionados a la protecci坦n de datos e informaci坦n con penas de prisi坦n y multas.
What have you learnt about the technologies fromHannahEardley
The document discusses what the author has learned about technologies from constructing a magazine. They learned about high key and low key lighting when taking pictures. They also learned how to adjust lighting to avoid shadows on faces. For action shots, they learned proper timing. When editing images, the author learned to adjust brightness and exposure to lighten darker images. They also used the magnetic lasso tool to remove backgrounds. For page layout, they used layers to easily move and position images and text. They placed text around images using layers.
En el reino de Arc叩ndida, la princesa Yara conoce a Carlos, un soldado, mientras ambos pasean por el Bosque del Agua. A pesar de que s坦lo pueden verse durante una hora al d鱈a debido a las obligaciones de Carlos, entre ellos surge el amor. Sin embargo, Carlos debe marchar a la guerra al anochecer, por lo que su relaci坦n se ve interrumpida. A単os m叩s tarde, cuando los soldados regresan de la guerra, Yara se entera de que Carlos muri坦 en combate.
Probleml旦sungsstrategien 2013 coop@home - Ellen Brasse und Andre Cassal IBM S...IBM Switzerland
This document discusses problem solving strategies for coop@home in 2013 and the future outlook. It introduces Ellen Brasse, the head of Marketing for coop@home, and her background. It then discusses different problem classes and developing creative problem solving approaches, such as making space for new solutions, reformulating problems, learning from others, embracing risks and failures, and exploring unknown possibilities. The overall message is about the need for innovative dreamers to solve world problems beyond obvious realities.
Een duurzame werkomgeving? Wat wil dat zeggen? Werken aan duurzaamheid vraagt om het balanceren tussen de aspecten people, planet en profit. In een duurzame werkomgeving krijgt het thema people de nadruk. Hoe geven wij daar vorm aan?
This document discusses bars to reenlistment in the Army National Guard. It explains that commanders can deny reenlistment to soldiers deemed substandard based on Army Regulation 601-280. A bar to reenlistment focuses on continued service beyond a soldier's term of service, not forcing early separation. The document also discusses the Lautenberg Amendment, which makes it a felony for those convicted of domestic violence misdemeanors to possess firearms. It provides details on how the amendment is applied and the process for determining if a soldier has a qualifying conviction.
多Qu辿 deben conocer los profesionales del marketing del futuro?Fernando Barrenechea
El documento enumera una serie de conocimientos y habilidades que los profesionales de marketing del futuro deber叩n dominar, incluyendo el an叩lisis de mercados, estrategias de comunicaci坦n y planificaci坦n, marketing 360 grados e influencia digital, m辿tricas, creatividad, relaci坦n con nuevos medios, conocimientos de "mejores pr叩cticas", competencias anal鱈ticas, estrategias de marketing integradas, escucha activa online y offline, identificaci坦n de influenciadores, integraci坦n de nuevas tecnolog鱈as, gesti坦n de comunidades, medici坦n
This document outlines several major events in European history between 476 AD and 1417 AD, including the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Charles Martel's defeat of Moorish invaders in the Battle of Tours, the division of the Carolingian Empire through the Treaty of Verdun, the establishment of the Ottonian Holy Roman Empire under Otto I, William the Conqueror's victory over the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Hastings, the restrictions on imperial power established by the Magna Carta, the Great Famine that killed many Europeans, the Hundred Years' War between England and France, the Black Death pandemic, and the Great Schism that divided the Christian church.
The document outlines a presentation by Eric Arne Lofquist on achieving real HSE improvement in high risk industries. The presentation discusses:
1) Organizational process models, socio-technical systems, complexity, dynamic adaptive behavior, and single vs double loop learning.
2) The leadership's role in safety improvement and how understanding organizational culture and changing underlying assumptions can improve safety performance.
3) The importance of organizational double loop learning - changing decision rules and mental models based on feedback about outcomes. Leaders must commit to safety, communicate consistency, and engage in monitoring to ensure a safe operating environment.
This document contains a homework assignment summarizing news values and proposing a teen-focused news website called "Just to Let You Know" or J2LUK. The proposed site would cover both hard news and celebrity gossip stories targeted towards teenagers. Three potential news stories are summarized - one about Justin Bieber getting sick at a concert, one about the Boston Marathon bombing charges, and one about the 20th anniversary service for Stephen Lawrence, a teenage murder victim. The stories were chosen for their relevance to teenagers based on their subject matter.
O Hospital Geral Luiz Viana Filho receber叩 um investimento de R$ 7,7 milh探es para reforma e amplia巽達o da emerg棚ncia e aquisi巽達o de novos equipamentos. A deputada estadual ngela Sousa comemorou o investimento e defendeu que o hospital precisa de mais recursos para melhorar o atendimento regi達o. O secret叩rio estadual da Sa炭de anunciou que o edital de licita巽達o para as obras ser叩 publicado nesta semana.
La Iliada y la Odisea ilustrada por Marcia WilliamsLu鱈s Rovira
What have you learnt about the technologies fromHannahEardley
The document discusses what the author has learned about technologies from constructing a magazine. They learned about high key and low key lighting when taking pictures. They also learned how to adjust lighting to avoid shadows on faces. For action shots, they learned proper timing. When editing images, the author learned to adjust brightness and exposure to lighten darker images. They also used the magnetic lasso tool to remove backgrounds. For page layout, they used layers to easily move and position images and text. They placed text around images using layers.
En el reino de Arc叩ndida, la princesa Yara conoce a Carlos, un soldado, mientras ambos pasean por el Bosque del Agua. A pesar de que s坦lo pueden verse durante una hora al d鱈a debido a las obligaciones de Carlos, entre ellos surge el amor. Sin embargo, Carlos debe marchar a la guerra al anochecer, por lo que su relaci坦n se ve interrumpida. A単os m叩s tarde, cuando los soldados regresan de la guerra, Yara se entera de que Carlos muri坦 en combate.
Probleml旦sungsstrategien 2013 coop@home - Ellen Brasse und Andre Cassal IBM S...IBM Switzerland
This document discusses problem solving strategies for coop@home in 2013 and the future outlook. It introduces Ellen Brasse, the head of Marketing for coop@home, and her background. It then discusses different problem classes and developing creative problem solving approaches, such as making space for new solutions, reformulating problems, learning from others, embracing risks and failures, and exploring unknown possibilities. The overall message is about the need for innovative dreamers to solve world problems beyond obvious realities.
Een duurzame werkomgeving? Wat wil dat zeggen? Werken aan duurzaamheid vraagt om het balanceren tussen de aspecten people, planet en profit. In een duurzame werkomgeving krijgt het thema people de nadruk. Hoe geven wij daar vorm aan?
This document discusses bars to reenlistment in the Army National Guard. It explains that commanders can deny reenlistment to soldiers deemed substandard based on Army Regulation 601-280. A bar to reenlistment focuses on continued service beyond a soldier's term of service, not forcing early separation. The document also discusses the Lautenberg Amendment, which makes it a felony for those convicted of domestic violence misdemeanors to possess firearms. It provides details on how the amendment is applied and the process for determining if a soldier has a qualifying conviction.
多Qu辿 deben conocer los profesionales del marketing del futuro?Fernando Barrenechea
El documento enumera una serie de conocimientos y habilidades que los profesionales de marketing del futuro deber叩n dominar, incluyendo el an叩lisis de mercados, estrategias de comunicaci坦n y planificaci坦n, marketing 360 grados e influencia digital, m辿tricas, creatividad, relaci坦n con nuevos medios, conocimientos de "mejores pr叩cticas", competencias anal鱈ticas, estrategias de marketing integradas, escucha activa online y offline, identificaci坦n de influenciadores, integraci坦n de nuevas tecnolog鱈as, gesti坦n de comunidades, medici坦n
This document outlines several major events in European history between 476 AD and 1417 AD, including the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Charles Martel's defeat of Moorish invaders in the Battle of Tours, the division of the Carolingian Empire through the Treaty of Verdun, the establishment of the Ottonian Holy Roman Empire under Otto I, William the Conqueror's victory over the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Hastings, the restrictions on imperial power established by the Magna Carta, the Great Famine that killed many Europeans, the Hundred Years' War between England and France, the Black Death pandemic, and the Great Schism that divided the Christian church.
The document outlines a presentation by Eric Arne Lofquist on achieving real HSE improvement in high risk industries. The presentation discusses:
1) Organizational process models, socio-technical systems, complexity, dynamic adaptive behavior, and single vs double loop learning.
2) The leadership's role in safety improvement and how understanding organizational culture and changing underlying assumptions can improve safety performance.
3) The importance of organizational double loop learning - changing decision rules and mental models based on feedback about outcomes. Leaders must commit to safety, communicate consistency, and engage in monitoring to ensure a safe operating environment.
This document contains a homework assignment summarizing news values and proposing a teen-focused news website called "Just to Let You Know" or J2LUK. The proposed site would cover both hard news and celebrity gossip stories targeted towards teenagers. Three potential news stories are summarized - one about Justin Bieber getting sick at a concert, one about the Boston Marathon bombing charges, and one about the 20th anniversary service for Stephen Lawrence, a teenage murder victim. The stories were chosen for their relevance to teenagers based on their subject matter.
O Hospital Geral Luiz Viana Filho receber叩 um investimento de R$ 7,7 milh探es para reforma e amplia巽達o da emerg棚ncia e aquisi巽達o de novos equipamentos. A deputada estadual ngela Sousa comemorou o investimento e defendeu que o hospital precisa de mais recursos para melhorar o atendimento regi達o. O secret叩rio estadual da Sa炭de anunciou que o edital de licita巽達o para as obras ser叩 publicado nesta semana.