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Sleep out for Syrians   stats and info
38.2 million displaced inside their own countries
19.5 million refugees  half from Somalia, Afghanistan,
1.8 million people were awaiting claims for asylum
Every day in 42,5000 people become a refugee, are internally
displaced, or seek asylum. That's 1 in every 122 people,
Neighbouring countries take in the most refugees.
Lebanon  1.2 million | Jordan  650,000
Turkey - 2.1 million | (50% children)
Lebanon has a population of about 4.5 million...
The Zaatari camp in Jordan opened in 2012. It's now
home to 80,000 Syrians. If it were a city, it would be
Jordan's fourth-biggest.
Sleep out for Syrians   stats and info
In 2014 only 126,800 refugees
were able to return to their home
The average time a refugee will
spend in exile is 17 years.
Refugees want to go home
And, so we act

1956 - more than 37,000 Hungarians accepted
into Canada

1972-1973 - 7,000 Ismaili Muslims from

1973 - over 7,000 Chilean and other Latin
American refugees were admitted

1978-81 - 60,000 Indochinese refugees from

1970-1990 - 20,000 Soviet Jews

1992 - 5,000 Bosnian Muslims

1999 - 5,000 Kosovars airlifted in 4 months
25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada by the end of
February, 2016 (0.00625%). Processing 4,511
privately sponsored Syrian refugees.
Sleep out for Syrians   stats and info
Map of Lifeline Syria
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Sleep out for Syrians stats and info

  • 2. 38.2 million displaced inside their own countries 19.5 million refugees half from Somalia, Afghanistan, Syria 1.8 million people were awaiting claims for asylum Every day in 42,5000 people become a refugee, are internally displaced, or seek asylum. That's 1 in every 122 people,
  • 3. Neighbouring countries take in the most refugees.
  • 4. Lebanon 1.2 million | Jordan 650,000 Turkey - 2.1 million | (50% children)
  • 5. Lebanon has a population of about 4.5 million...
  • 6. The Zaatari camp in Jordan opened in 2012. It's now home to 80,000 Syrians. If it were a city, it would be Jordan's fourth-biggest.
  • 8. In 2014 only 126,800 refugees were able to return to their home countries. The average time a refugee will spend in exile is 17 years. Refugees want to go home
  • 9. And, so we act 1956 - more than 37,000 Hungarians accepted into Canada 1972-1973 - 7,000 Ismaili Muslims from Uganda 1973 - over 7,000 Chilean and other Latin American refugees were admitted 1978-81 - 60,000 Indochinese refugees from Vietnam 1970-1990 - 20,000 Soviet Jews 1992 - 5,000 Bosnian Muslims 1999 - 5,000 Kosovars airlifted in 4 months
  • 10. Today 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada by the end of February, 2016 (0.00625%). Processing 4,511 privately sponsored Syrian refugees.
  • 12. Map of Lifeline Syria Sponsor Groups