里his presentation has been created by the 13th Highschool of Kallithea 束Socrates損 in the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic School Partnership (school to school) 束Back to our Future損 (back-to-our-future.org).The European Commission support for the production of this does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
To 留僚 留凌竜了竜溜 凌僚 侶 裡留侶粒旅虜流 裡亮留両侶 留凌虜了竜旅旅虜略 亮竜留両 凌了竜溜僚 (2) Erasmus+ 侶僚 凌凌溜留 亮亮竜劉竜旅 凌 13凌 亮僚略旅凌 留了了旅慮劉留 束裡虜略侶損 亮竜 慮劉亮留 束ack to our Future損 (back-to-our-future.org). 凌流旅両侶 侶 留虜流 旅凌流 粒旅留 侶僚 留留粒粒流 凌 留僚凌 隆竜僚 僚旅略 留凌隆凌流 凌 竜旅竜凌亮劉僚凌, 凌 凌凌溜凌 留僚留僚留虜了略 旅 留竜旅 亮僚凌僚 僚 隆侶亮旅凌粒ホ, 虜留旅 侶 留虜流 旅凌流 隆竜僚 劉竜旅 凌隆竜亮溜留 竜慮僚侶 粒旅留 凌凌旅留隆流凌竜 流侶 僚 了侶凌凌旅ホ 凌 竜亮竜旅劉凌僚留旅 竜 留.
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