This document provides biographical and personal information about Maria del mar mosquera. It discusses her family, education, hobbies which include listening to music, reading, watching movies and TV shows. It outlines her dreams and aspirations, which include becoming a famous writer living abroad and owning luxury cars and a penthouse. The document shares quotes and sayings that have inspired her to build a beautiful future and realize that anything is possible with hard work.
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My life
1. Maria del mar mosquera
Eight grade
Liceo merani
2. ? today I talk with you about my life, my
dreams, my aspirations, something's that
inspire my to build my life as the form that I
do now.
? another subject that I talk with you today is
some stuffs that possibly inspire you for
build a beautiful future for you and the
persons that you love.
3. Basics things about me
Name: Maria del mar mosquera
Age: 14 years old
Date of birth: 18-october-1999
Hometown: Pereira- Colombia
Family: father: Oscar mosquera
mother: saidy duque
sister: saidy Isabel mosquera
Oscar mosquera : profession: professor of chemistry
hometown: Cali , Colombia
Saidy duque: hometown: Monteria, Colombia
profession: industrial engineer
Chemical technology
Isabel mosquera: nickname: gorda
hometown: Pereira, Colombia
profession: visual artist
graphic designer
4. ? My whole life I studied in the liceo merani. In this school I
had been meeting a lot of new people .
? ?I had studied English for
six years in the Colombo
Americano institute for
English, I finished this
course the last year with
guys who studied with my
since the first day.
5. ? During whole my life, I
hovered for different
? I stay two times in
? I take some classes of
? And now I stay in the gym.
? I stay tree years in roller
? LISTEN TO MUSIC: I love all kind of
music except reggaeton.
? some of the exotics dishes that I ate
? ICOTEA (kind of turtle that only occurs
in Colombia)
MEDITATE: this is good form to clam
down as well as the yoga.
? FOOD: even there a time in which I
want to be a chef, but I discover that
this don’t be to my; although the food
never ceased to be one of the things
7. ? I like see drama, sci-fi,
fiction, fantasy, thriller,
comedy and action
? I like watch some
programs and series of tv
like Dr. house, the voice,
grey?s anatomy, ink
master, NY ink, LA ink,
Madrid ink, (comediantes
de la noche), the king of
nerds and chefs versus
10. ? Some of the books that I read? The host
? The art of war
? The twilight saga
? The phantom of the opera
? The harry potter saga
? The amazing case of dr.
? The Percy Jackson saga
jackyl and Mr. Hyde
? The shadow hunters saga (? The little prince
the origins and the mortal? Eyes of the Siberian dog
? ?Why mi?
? The trilogy of fifty shades of? Travel to de middle of the
? The trilogy of the hunger? The prince and the pauper
? Challenge at the school
? The cronies of Narnia
? Romeo and Julieth
? Forbidden
? The perks of being a? The lesson of august
12. ? Other thing that I love to do is going to
shopping, I have some crazy fashion
taste like the vintage close, the gothic
close; well belong that I like buy was
the shoes and the leather are my
shoes, jackets, straps, jeans, bags, ba
ggage and all the belongs that are of
13. ? The future is one of the belongs most important in you
have to thick.
? Example : in the future I se myself like a famous writer
with my own publishing. Living in united kingdom,
French, Canada, the Netherlands or in U.S.A . When I
was a little child I changed a lot of profession first I want
to be a president, astronaut, chef, conductress of the
stock market, general manager, mogul of the industry, the
first maritime or spatial paver and a writer with own
publishing which would call M.D.M those are my plans
for the future.
14. ? Audi R8 spyder convertible top line silver:
? Audi Q7 white :
16. ? Have a penthouse
is other of my
But i need to
wait for this.
While i wait for
thereby. I will
continue bulding
my life and my
17. ? People change over time or the time will show what are
? When you can choose between being kind and be right,
choose be kind. (Dr. Wayne w. Dyer )
? Have no friends not equal to your self (confusion)
? The fortune smiles on the bold (virgilio)
? Your actions are your monuments ( enrollment in a
Egyptian tomb)
18. ? Is better to know some questions
that all answer (James Thurber)
? Kind words do not cost much, but
they get great things ( bloise Pascal)
? Don?t get stupid friend (anonymous)
19. ? The little that I have lived has shown me,
taught and explained that everything in this
life can be achieved, there is nothing that
can hold us; enjoy everything we can in
this life because we don't know if you are
going to have another to repent for this
reason I say that there is never nothing to
repent of enjoy all what we can, and
realize that everything in life is As possible
20. quote a phrase of the last book that I
read the lesson in August of R. J.
quiet palace and continues forward (
said of the second world war ; do
what you can, by all the Medes as
you can, of all the modes that you
can, in all the places that you can,
all the times that you can, to all the
people you and while you can.