This document discusses targeting demographics for a business related to love and sex. It analyzes target audiences as digital natives who are easygoing, curious, and demanding. It also examines potential purchase barriers people may have related to awareness, status, trust, and engagement. The document then provides insights into attitudes people may have and trends in social media, internet of things, and multiple screen experiences that could be leveraged in marketing.
This document discusses targeting demographics for a business related to love and sex. It analyzes target audiences as digital natives who are easygoing, curious, and demanding. It also examines potential purchase barriers people may have related to awareness, status, trust, and engagement. The document then provides insights into attitudes people may have and trends in social media, internet of things, and multiple screen experiences that could be leveraged in marketing.
Manifesto A3 per la Disostruzione Pediatrica Croce Rossa Casatenovo
1. Impara con noi
a salvare una vita
Chi Salva un Bambino...
...salva il mondo intero!
Ogni settimana un bambino muore per ostruzione delle vie aeree da corpo estraneo.
Vieni a imparare come comportarti, partecipa alla
Lezione Interattiva di Manovre Disostruzione Pediatriche
Sabato 5 Novembre 2011 Ore 15:00
Auditorium Casatenovo - Viale Parini, 1 Casatenovo (LC) 349.42.80.592
Acconciature unisex
Farmacia Idee per la testa di Loretta Sala
Consonni Via Leopardi 11Casatenovo
Monticello 039.9206869