National holidays of the USA and UzbekistanDilorom HushvaktovaThis document provides information about various holidays celebrated in the USA. It includes a mind map listing major US holidays such as Christmas, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and New Year's Day. It then provides more details on the traditions and origins of Christmas, Easter, Memorial Day, and Independence Day. The document also compares US holidays to holidays celebrated in Uzbekistan, noting similarities and differences.
Presentation NovruzInga PaichadzeNovruz is an Azerbaijani spring holiday celebrated on March 21st that is associated with renewal and nature. In the weeks leading up to Novruz, there are four Wednesdays each dedicated to an element where rituals are performed to revive that element. Traditions on the holiday include preparing a sacred food called Samani, setting a copper tray with seven symbolic items for 12 days, unmarried women throwing coins in water for fortune telling, and families telling fortunes from a book. People celebrate by washing in water, eating sweets, smelling fragrant smoke, and children visiting others with gifts.
National holidays of the USA and UzbekistanDilorom HushvaktovaThis document provides information about various holidays celebrated in the USA. It includes a mind map listing major US holidays such as Christmas, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and New Year's Day. It then provides more details on the traditions and origins of Christmas, Easter, Memorial Day, and Independence Day. The document also compares US holidays to holidays celebrated in Uzbekistan, noting similarities and differences.
Presentation NovruzInga PaichadzeNovruz is an Azerbaijani spring holiday celebrated on March 21st that is associated with renewal and nature. In the weeks leading up to Novruz, there are four Wednesdays each dedicated to an element where rituals are performed to revive that element. Traditions on the holiday include preparing a sacred food called Samani, setting a copper tray with seven symbolic items for 12 days, unmarried women throwing coins in water for fortune telling, and families telling fortunes from a book. People celebrate by washing in water, eating sweets, smelling fragrant smoke, and children visiting others with gifts.
2. В "Великом Лувре" воплотился более ранний проект, заключающийся в
придании жилому дворцу функции музея. При этом коллекции
модернизировались и совершенствовались.
Лувр, занимающий сорок гектаров земли в самом центре Парижа на
правом берегу Сены, вмещает выставочные залы площадью
приблизительно 60000 м2, предназначенные для хранения предметов,
отражающих 11 тысяч лет развития цивилизации и культуры
4. Статуя была подарена папой Павлом IV королю Генриху II с
намёком на его метрессу, Диану де Пуатье, и установлена
королём в саду Фонтенбло. Генрих IV велел перевезти статую
в «галерею древностей» Лувра; в Фонтенбло её заменила
маньеристская копия. Ещё одну копию Людовик XIII отослал
английскому королю в Виндзорский замок.