EVENT - QU畉N TR畛 R畛I RO TRONG T畛 CH畛C S畛 KI畛N l 畛 ti ph但n t鱈ch cho th畉y nh畛ng tr動畛ng h畛p r畛i ro x畉y ra trong m畛t s畛 ki畛n v ph動董ng 叩n qu畉n tr畛 r畛i ro 坦 (v鱈 d畛 動a ra l Yanbeatfest). Bi lm c畛a SV MA37 UEH, hi v畛ng h畛 tr畛 ti li畛u h畛c cho sv.
Timing: 20th April - 4th May 2012
Sample size: 563
Research area: All cities and provinces in Vietnam
Gender: Male and Female
Age: 16 years old and above
Criteria: Go out for eating snacks in recent 6 months
Research objectives: To understand about snacks eating habit of Vietnamese young people
Report structure:
- Habit of eating snacks
- Types of snacks
- Places
- Traditional snacking restaurant vs. super clean one
K畛CH B畉N CHI TI畉T CHO EVENT M C働畛I m担n h畛c PR, bao g畛m 畉y 畛 th担ng tin trong qu叩 tr狸nh lm n棚n m畛t ch動董ng tr狸nh do nh坦m sinh vi棚n Mar37 UEH th畛c hi畛n. N畉u c畉n th棚m d畛 li畛u vui l嘆ng comment 畛 動畛c cung c畉p. Hi v畛ng gi炭p 鱈ch cho vi畛c h畛c c畛a sinh vi棚n.
Bi m畉u ny 動畛c Thuctap chia s畉 t畛 bi 9,5 i畛m c畛a m畛t b畉n sinh vi棚n kh坦a tr動畛c chuy棚n ngnh Marketing, nh畉m gi炭p c叩c b畉n hon thnh t畛t bi lm c畛a m狸nh h董n. Li棚n h畛 v畛i AD qua Zalo: 0934.536.149
SNSD adalah girlband asal Korea Selatan yang terdiri dari 9 personel dan dibentuk oleh SM Entertainment pada 2007. Mereka dikenal dengan nama fans SONE. Dokumen ini berisi profil singkat masing-masing anggota SNSD seperti nama lengkap, tanggal lahir, posisi di grup, dan beberapa ciri khas lainnya.
Timing: 20th April - 4th May 2012
Sample size: 563
Research area: All cities and provinces in Vietnam
Gender: Male and Female
Age: 16 years old and above
Criteria: Go out for eating snacks in recent 6 months
Research objectives: To understand about snacks eating habit of Vietnamese young people
Report structure:
- Habit of eating snacks
- Types of snacks
- Places
- Traditional snacking restaurant vs. super clean one
K畛CH B畉N CHI TI畉T CHO EVENT M C働畛I m担n h畛c PR, bao g畛m 畉y 畛 th担ng tin trong qu叩 tr狸nh lm n棚n m畛t ch動董ng tr狸nh do nh坦m sinh vi棚n Mar37 UEH th畛c hi畛n. N畉u c畉n th棚m d畛 li畛u vui l嘆ng comment 畛 動畛c cung c畉p. Hi v畛ng gi炭p 鱈ch cho vi畛c h畛c c畛a sinh vi棚n.
Bi m畉u ny 動畛c Thuctap chia s畉 t畛 bi 9,5 i畛m c畛a m畛t b畉n sinh vi棚n kh坦a tr動畛c chuy棚n ngnh Marketing, nh畉m gi炭p c叩c b畉n hon thnh t畛t bi lm c畛a m狸nh h董n. Li棚n h畛 v畛i AD qua Zalo: 0934.536.149
SNSD adalah girlband asal Korea Selatan yang terdiri dari 9 personel dan dibentuk oleh SM Entertainment pada 2007. Mereka dikenal dengan nama fans SONE. Dokumen ini berisi profil singkat masing-masing anggota SNSD seperti nama lengkap, tanggal lahir, posisi di grup, dan beberapa ciri khas lainnya.
This document provides biographies of the 9 members of the K-pop girl group Girls' Generation. It details each member's birthplace and date, training period with SM Entertainment prior to debuting with the group, education background, and some notable experiences. The members are Taeyeon, Jessica, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, and Seohyun.