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GGlloossssaarryy ooff PPooeettrryy TTeerrmmss
Allegory/a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or
material forms; figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another.
Alliteration : words starting with the same letter. (Many mice might make a mess.)
Ballad : sentimental or romantic popular song
Couplet : a pair of successive lines in poetry
Elegy : sad or mournful musical composition (especially for a funeral)
Figurative : metaphorical and not literal
Foot : unit of meter in poetry consisting of a combination of stressed and unstressed syllables
Freeverse: no rhythm or rhyme
Hyperbole :exageration
Iambic : syllable stress pattern, 1 light then 1 strong ( u / )
Idiomatic : peculiar to or characteristic of a particular language or dialect
Imagery : formation of images or likeness of things related to the 5 senses.
Internalrhyme : 2 or more words rhyming in a line
Irony : the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning
Litotes : understatement
Metaphor : compares two things without using like
Meter : type or number of feet/stressed syllables in a line of poetry
Metonymy: figure of speech in which an attribute of a thing is substituted for the thng itself (e.g.
sweat can mean hard labour, crown can mean king or sovereign(ty)
Ode : long stately elaborate lyrical verse
Onomatopoeia : a word representing a sound (e.g. click, swish)
Parody : a mocking imitation
Personification : treating an object as if it were a person (the tree reached its arms towards the sun)
Pun : a play on words
Quatrain : a stanza/verse/poem of four lines
Rhyme : 2 or more words with similar sounding final syllables ( run and sun or loan and bone)
Rhythm : pulse/beat or variation of length and accent of a series of sounds
Satire : using humour to say bad things as a way to change peoples thinking (examples are irony and
Setting : place, time or atmosphere in literature
Stanza : group of lines of poetry forming a unit
Stresspattern : stressed and unstressed syllables in poetry
-anapestic - - / (to the beach)
-dactylic / - - (frequently)
-iambic - / (indeed)
-spondaic / / (trueblue)
-trochaic / - (deadline)
Symbolism : the use of symbols to represent ideas
Tone : quality in the voice/writing that expresses the speakers/writers feeling or thoughts
Verse : one of the parts that a song or poem is divided into

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Glossary of poetry terms answers

  • 1. GGlloossssaarryy ooff PPooeettrryy TTeerrmmss Allegory/a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms; figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another. Alliteration : words starting with the same letter. (Many mice might make a mess.) Ballad : sentimental or romantic popular song Couplet : a pair of successive lines in poetry Elegy : sad or mournful musical composition (especially for a funeral) Figurative : metaphorical and not literal Foot : unit of meter in poetry consisting of a combination of stressed and unstressed syllables Freeverse: no rhythm or rhyme Hyperbole :exageration Iambic : syllable stress pattern, 1 light then 1 strong ( u / ) Idiomatic : peculiar to or characteristic of a particular language or dialect Imagery : formation of images or likeness of things related to the 5 senses. Internalrhyme : 2 or more words rhyming in a line Irony : the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning Litotes : understatement Metaphor : compares two things without using like Meter : type or number of feet/stressed syllables in a line of poetry Metonymy: figure of speech in which an attribute of a thing is substituted for the thng itself (e.g. sweat can mean hard labour, crown can mean king or sovereign(ty) Ode : long stately elaborate lyrical verse Onomatopoeia : a word representing a sound (e.g. click, swish) Parody : a mocking imitation Personification : treating an object as if it were a person (the tree reached its arms towards the sun) Pun : a play on words Quatrain : a stanza/verse/poem of four lines Rhyme : 2 or more words with similar sounding final syllables ( run and sun or loan and bone) Rhythm : pulse/beat or variation of length and accent of a series of sounds Satire : using humour to say bad things as a way to change peoples thinking (examples are irony and sarcasm Setting : place, time or atmosphere in literature Stanza : group of lines of poetry forming a unit Stresspattern : stressed and unstressed syllables in poetry -anapestic - - / (to the beach) -dactylic / - - (frequently) -iambic - / (indeed) -spondaic / / (trueblue) -trochaic / - (deadline) Symbolism : the use of symbols to represent ideas Tone : quality in the voice/writing that expresses the speakers/writers feeling or thoughts Verse : one of the parts that a song or poem is divided into