The document discusses reasons why people from Central America may immigrate to the United States and Canada. It presents five statements about socioeconomic conditions and opportunities in the modern US to agree or disagree with at different locations in the classroom. Some statements include whether anyone can become a millionaire, if non-white people and women face discrimination, and if social mobility is impacted by parental income levels. It also compares the ease of becoming rich in the US versus Latin America.
This document summarizes a presentation on mobile application security risks given by Mennouchi Islam Azeddine. The presentation covered the OWASP Mobile Security Project, a mobile threat model, and the top 10 mobile risks. It discussed each risk in the top 10 list, including insecure data storage, weak server-side controls, insufficient transport layer protection, client-side injection, poor authorization and authentication, improper session handling, security decisions via untrusted inputs, side channel data leakage, broken cryptography, and sensitive information disclosure. For each risk, examples were provided and prevention tips were outlined.
The document profiles several partner companies for an organization called "UP There, Everywhere". It provides information on each partner company including their name, location, website, core competencies, clients, and contact person. The partner companies offer services such as international media strategy, mobile marketing, healthcare marketing strategy, advertising and marketing for Chinese/Asian markets, and general marketing strategy services.
Titanium Mobile is an open source platform that allows developers to build native mobile applications for iOS and Android using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It includes an IDE for building projects, leverages the WebKit engine to render web content, and provides JavaScript APIs to access device functionality. Titanium improves the speed of iPhone app development significantly compared to using Objective-C.
jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversal, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions. It is lightweight at only 31KB, cross-browser compatible, and easy to install and use. Many large companies and websites use jQuery for menus, galleries, animations, interactive content, and anything that can normally be done with plain JavaScript. To use jQuery, download the library from and reference it with a script tag in the HTML page.
This document discusses different types of economic efficiency including allocative efficiency, productive efficiency, and dynamic efficiency. It examines these efficiencies in the context of perfect competition, monopoly, and monopolistic competition market structures. Productive efficiency refers to producing at lowest cost while dynamic efficiency involves reinvesting supernormal profits into lowering costs further. The document considers which market structure results in each type of efficiency.
Windows RT devices can be used in corporate environments if managed properly. Windows RT provides limited management capabilities compared to full Windows devices, but supports application deployment and some policy enforcement through Intune and ConfigMgr. Key challenges include application delivery restrictions, limited VPN configuration options, and lack of remote control and software metering capabilities. Proper infrastructure like Intune, ConfigMgr and VPN servers is required to securely connect and manage Windows RT devices in an enterprise.
This document discusses common beliefs that men have about women and provides truths to counter each belief. The beliefs addressed are that women will never be satisfied, don't need a man to take care of them, only want to control men, require a lot of hard work and money, can't be lied to, are overly emotional and jealous, and are emotional. The truths provided aim to show that women want to improve relationships, enjoy feeling needed, want to help not control, relationships require effort from both partners, women can read body language well, protecting relationships isn't about control, and emotions are human. The document encourages sharing these insights with women and men.
The document outlines the marking criteria for an extended project qualification which is marked across four areas:
1) Manage (10%) - Includes identifying the topic, aims, producing a project plan and applying organizational skills.
2) Use Resources (20%) - Includes obtaining and selecting resources, analyzing data, and demonstrating understanding of links.
3) Develop and Realise (40%) - Includes problem solving, decision making, creative thinking and achieving planned outcomes.
4) Review (20%) - Includes communication skills, presenting conclusions and evaluating own learning.
The project is given a total mark out of 50 and students should be working on an initial proposal, plan and record of research.
The document discusses the United States' relationship with Cuba in the 1950s and after the Cuban Revolution of 1959. It asks students to answer questions about why the US was worried about communism spreading in Cuba in the 1950s and to identify the man on a popular shirt. It provides context that after the revolution, Cuba became communist and the US enacted a boycott and travel ban, with no trade relations. Students are tasked with writing a paragraph to a newspaper either supporting or opposing the US opening relations with communist Cuba, citing at least 3 details in their response.
*UP There Everywhere has partnered with Fortune Media in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong to expand our marketing reach into Asia.
Before the Scientific Revolution, most people believed that the Earth was at the center of the universe and that humans were the focus of creation. The Scientific Revolution changed perceptions of humanity's place in the solar system by establishing that the Sun, not Earth, was at the center. Some positive aspects of government include separation of powers and promoting religious tolerance. Potential areas for improvement involve things like criminal justice and women's rights.
September 2011 Webinar: Beyond Fan PagesResearch Now
This document is a presentation about using social media for consumer insights. It discusses how social media monitoring began with engagement but is now used more for insights and planning. Around 18% of researchers are currently using social media for insights generation. The presentation recommends companies collect relevant social media data, exclude wrong data, have someone review the data in context, properly weight the data, and consider privacy issues when using social media for research. It concludes by introducing the company Conversition, which focuses on providing trustworthy social media research data and insights for agencies and companies.
Zipcar is a car sharing service that allows companies to access vehicles by the hour without ownership. Employees can reserve vehicles online and access them with their member cards. Zipcar aims to save businesses time, money, and hassle over alternatives like car rental, taxis, public transit, and private vehicle usage. Opening a Zipcar for Business account is straightforward and provides on-demand access to over 9,000 vehicles across the UK and North America.
The document discusses reasons why people from Central America may immigrate to the United States and Canada. It presents five statements about socioeconomic conditions and opportunities in the modern US to agree or disagree with at different locations in the classroom. Some statements include whether anyone can become a millionaire, if non-white people and women face discrimination, and if social mobility is impacted by parental income levels. It also compares the ease of becoming rich in the US versus Latin America.
This document summarizes a presentation on mobile application security risks given by Mennouchi Islam Azeddine. The presentation covered the OWASP Mobile Security Project, a mobile threat model, and the top 10 mobile risks. It discussed each risk in the top 10 list, including insecure data storage, weak server-side controls, insufficient transport layer protection, client-side injection, poor authorization and authentication, improper session handling, security decisions via untrusted inputs, side channel data leakage, broken cryptography, and sensitive information disclosure. For each risk, examples were provided and prevention tips were outlined.
The document profiles several partner companies for an organization called "UP There, Everywhere". It provides information on each partner company including their name, location, website, core competencies, clients, and contact person. The partner companies offer services such as international media strategy, mobile marketing, healthcare marketing strategy, advertising and marketing for Chinese/Asian markets, and general marketing strategy services.
Titanium Mobile is an open source platform that allows developers to build native mobile applications for iOS and Android using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It includes an IDE for building projects, leverages the WebKit engine to render web content, and provides JavaScript APIs to access device functionality. Titanium improves the speed of iPhone app development significantly compared to using Objective-C.
jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversal, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions. It is lightweight at only 31KB, cross-browser compatible, and easy to install and use. Many large companies and websites use jQuery for menus, galleries, animations, interactive content, and anything that can normally be done with plain JavaScript. To use jQuery, download the library from and reference it with a script tag in the HTML page.
This document discusses different types of economic efficiency including allocative efficiency, productive efficiency, and dynamic efficiency. It examines these efficiencies in the context of perfect competition, monopoly, and monopolistic competition market structures. Productive efficiency refers to producing at lowest cost while dynamic efficiency involves reinvesting supernormal profits into lowering costs further. The document considers which market structure results in each type of efficiency.
Windows RT devices can be used in corporate environments if managed properly. Windows RT provides limited management capabilities compared to full Windows devices, but supports application deployment and some policy enforcement through Intune and ConfigMgr. Key challenges include application delivery restrictions, limited VPN configuration options, and lack of remote control and software metering capabilities. Proper infrastructure like Intune, ConfigMgr and VPN servers is required to securely connect and manage Windows RT devices in an enterprise.
This document discusses common beliefs that men have about women and provides truths to counter each belief. The beliefs addressed are that women will never be satisfied, don't need a man to take care of them, only want to control men, require a lot of hard work and money, can't be lied to, are overly emotional and jealous, and are emotional. The truths provided aim to show that women want to improve relationships, enjoy feeling needed, want to help not control, relationships require effort from both partners, women can read body language well, protecting relationships isn't about control, and emotions are human. The document encourages sharing these insights with women and men.
The document outlines the marking criteria for an extended project qualification which is marked across four areas:
1) Manage (10%) - Includes identifying the topic, aims, producing a project plan and applying organizational skills.
2) Use Resources (20%) - Includes obtaining and selecting resources, analyzing data, and demonstrating understanding of links.
3) Develop and Realise (40%) - Includes problem solving, decision making, creative thinking and achieving planned outcomes.
4) Review (20%) - Includes communication skills, presenting conclusions and evaluating own learning.
The project is given a total mark out of 50 and students should be working on an initial proposal, plan and record of research.
The document discusses the United States' relationship with Cuba in the 1950s and after the Cuban Revolution of 1959. It asks students to answer questions about why the US was worried about communism spreading in Cuba in the 1950s and to identify the man on a popular shirt. It provides context that after the revolution, Cuba became communist and the US enacted a boycott and travel ban, with no trade relations. Students are tasked with writing a paragraph to a newspaper either supporting or opposing the US opening relations with communist Cuba, citing at least 3 details in their response.
*UP There Everywhere has partnered with Fortune Media in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong to expand our marketing reach into Asia.
Before the Scientific Revolution, most people believed that the Earth was at the center of the universe and that humans were the focus of creation. The Scientific Revolution changed perceptions of humanity's place in the solar system by establishing that the Sun, not Earth, was at the center. Some positive aspects of government include separation of powers and promoting religious tolerance. Potential areas for improvement involve things like criminal justice and women's rights.
September 2011 Webinar: Beyond Fan PagesResearch Now
This document is a presentation about using social media for consumer insights. It discusses how social media monitoring began with engagement but is now used more for insights and planning. Around 18% of researchers are currently using social media for insights generation. The presentation recommends companies collect relevant social media data, exclude wrong data, have someone review the data in context, properly weight the data, and consider privacy issues when using social media for research. It concludes by introducing the company Conversition, which focuses on providing trustworthy social media research data and insights for agencies and companies.
Zipcar is a car sharing service that allows companies to access vehicles by the hour without ownership. Employees can reserve vehicles online and access them with their member cards. Zipcar aims to save businesses time, money, and hassle over alternatives like car rental, taxis, public transit, and private vehicle usage. Opening a Zipcar for Business account is straightforward and provides on-demand access to over 9,000 vehicles across the UK and North America.
2. La tele la va inventar el senyor John Logie Baird, un
inventor escocès que va ser el primer home en aconseguir
imatges televisives en moviment.
3.  La primera emissió de la televisió va ser duta a
terme per la BBC en Anglaterra l’any 1927.
 I l’any 1930 la CBS i la NBC van ser les
primeres cadenes de televisió als Estats Units.
 La primera emissió Electrònica va ser en 1937
en França i Regne Unit.