O documento ¨¦ um trabalho de antropologia visual que apresenta imagens de diferentes c?modos de uma casa, incluindo cozinha, sala, banheiro e quarto. As imagens s?o acompanhadas por uma legenda que descreve cada c?modo como "Minha Casa, Meu Templo".
O documento ¨¦ um trabalho de antropologia visual que apresenta imagens de diferentes c?modos de uma casa, incluindo cozinha, sala, banheiro e quarto. As imagens s?o acompanhadas por uma legenda que descreve cada c?modo como "Minha Casa, Meu Templo".
Las ni?as Viky y Elisa encuentran a los personajes de la Navidad, como la Alegr¨ªa y la Felicidad, encerrados por Todoparam¨ª, quien quiere evitar que llegue la Navidad. Los personajes no saben c¨®mo escapar, pero Viky y Elisa podr¨ªan ayudarlos a derribar los muros y traer de vuelta la Navidad.
The document discusses the history of chocolate, describing how it originated from cacao beans grown by the Olmecs and Mayans in Mexico and Central America. It then explains how Spanish conquistadors brought cacao back to Europe in the 16th century, where it eventually became popular as a drink among the elite. Over time, chocolate became widely consumed in powder and solid forms across Europe and North America.
Este documento presenta una muestra de un reporte sobre tendencias en Am¨¦rica del Sur y Central que incluye tres temas: Urbanismo, Civiconsumidores y Vida flexible. Se ofrece informaci¨®n sobre iniciativas ciudadanas para mejorar las ciudades, el empoderamiento de los consumidores y nuevos servicios que ofrecen m¨¢s opciones y conveniencia.
El Conocimiento en el Contexto Gerencial del Siglo XXICarmen Primera
Este documento discute el concepto de conocimiento y su importancia en el contexto gerencial educativo del siglo 21. Define conocimiento como la capacidad de resolver problemas e informaci¨®n personalizada en la mente de un individuo. Explica que existen tres fases del conocimiento seg¨²n Kant: sensibilidad, entendimiento y raz¨®n. Tambi¨¦n describe c¨®mo gestionar el conocimiento en una organizaci¨®n a trav¨¦s de la creaci¨®n, identificaci¨®n, captura, organizaci¨®n y compartici¨®n de informaci¨®n, y el rol del gerente en motivar al personal y aprovechar oportunidades para fortalecer el capital
Este documento presenta una jornada de reflexi¨®n y acci¨®n sobre la innovaci¨®n. Explora diferentes tipos de innovaci¨®n, como la del modelo de negocio, procesos, productos y experiencia del cliente. Tambi¨¦n discute por qu¨¦ la innovaci¨®n es necesaria debido a los constantes cambios en la tecnolog¨ªa, las necesidades de los clientes, y el entorno econ¨®mico y social. El objetivo es ayudar a las empresas a navegar por los nuevos retos mediante la adopci¨®n continua de enfoques innovadores.
Este documento proporciona una introducci¨®n a LinkedIn, la mayor red profesional del mundo. Explica qu¨¦ es LinkedIn, c¨®mo crear un perfil, c¨®mo usar las diferentes funciones como editar el perfil, buscar contactos, unirse a grupos, y analiza las ventajas e inconvenientes de usar esta red. Tambi¨¦n incluye consejos para sacar el m¨¢ximo provecho de LinkedIn y mejorar el perfil profesional.
Este documento describe los cambios fisiol¨®gicos asociados al envejecimiento en varios sistemas del cuerpo humano. Con la edad, los huesos y m¨²sculos se vuelven m¨¢s d¨¦biles y fr¨¢giles, la piel pierde elasticidad y col¨¢geno, y los ¨®rganos como el coraz¨®n, pulmones y cerebro experimentan degeneraci¨®n y disminuci¨®n de la funci¨®n. A nivel celular, hay menos producci¨®n de enzimas, hormonas y neurotransmisores. Estos cambios aumentan el riesgo de enfer
This document provides an overview of basic computer functions including manipulating text using cut, copy, and paste commands. It also discusses how to store and organize files using folders, as well as saving to external storage devices and safely removing them. Basic navigation and file management tasks are covered such as dragging and dropping files, using the graphical user interface, finding and ejecting external drives, and deleting files.
This document appears to be a schedule listing the weekly work hours of various employees at CINEPOLIS CHETUMAL for the week of January 6th, 2012. It includes the employee names and their assigned departments for each day of the week, with start and end times of their shifts. Departments include TAQUILLA (box office), CINECAFE, BAGUIS, DULCIPOLIS, and DULCERIA.
NeuroPanacea es un sistema de navegaci¨®n quir¨²rgica electromagn¨¦tica desarrollado en Venezuela para guiar cirug¨ªas como la neurocirug¨ªa. El sistema utiliza im¨¢genes m¨¦dicas del paciente para simular y planificar cirug¨ªas de manera precisa, y cuenta con diversas herramientas y funcionalidades para registrar al paciente, calibrar equipos y navegar durante la cirug¨ªa.
This document summarizes a presentation on factors that define the economics of sandstone uranium mines, with a focus on grade. It states that grade and tonnage are the main economic factors, and minimum requirements are an average grade of 500ppm U3O8 and reserves over 300Mt. Capital costs are roughly $100-150 per pound of annual U3O8 production. Several examples of mines are discussed where actual costs exceeded initial estimates. The presentation recommends improving grade or tonnage before advancing projects beyond exploration.
Tm on origin of sandston uranium depositsMonatom Mgl
Sandstone uranium deposits were discussed at a meeting on their origin, with half of identified deposits being of this type. Maps of Kazakh sandstone uranium deposits were presented. The JV Inkai deposit in Kazakhstan was mentioned, and its uranium resource numbers from a 2010 CAMECO report were referenced.
This document summarizes the proceedings of a conference on sandstone uranium deposits. It notes that 105 participants from various countries attended and 45 papers were presented over 3.5 days covering major uranium districts around the world. Key points from the discussions include the control of uranium deposition in specific climatic conditions and basins, the role of migrated organic matter in uranium reduction, advances in exploration methods using geophysics and isotopes, and an overview of major uranium provinces and resources. The proposed organization of a technical document on sandstone uranium deposits is also included, structured to provide an overview of the systems and deposits, case studies on key regions, and summaries of exploration advances, production, and resources.
This document discusses using refractory sandstone ores and waste as alternative sources of uranium in Poland. It describes how uranium exploration was historically conducted in southwest Poland and how biotechnology can be used to extract uranium and other rare elements from waste. The document outlines studies that showed organic compounds in shale are the main carriers of uranium in certain deposits. It also details how microbial consortia were isolated that are able to leach uranium from ores and wastes under neutral and acidic conditions, extracting up to 95% of the uranium content. The document concludes by discussing different "green" nanosynthesis methods using fungi, bacteria and plants to produce metal nanoparticles.
This document provides the program for an IAEA technical meeting on sandstone uranium deposits from a global perspective, being held from May 29-June 1, 2012 in Vienna. The meeting will include 8 sessions over 4 days covering the geology and exploration of major sandstone-hosted uranium deposit regions around the world, including Central Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America, Southeast Asia, Africa, and case studies of in-situ leach production. Presentations will address the mineralization controls, regional geology, exploration techniques, processing, markets and environmental issues related to these important uranium deposit types. The meeting aims to advance scientific understanding of sandstone uranium deposits worldwide.
This document summarizes a study of uranium mineralization in Lower Triassic sandstones in North Poland. Geochemical analysis found strong correlations between uranium and other trace elements like vanadium, lead, and mercury. Mineralogical analysis using SEM-EDS found that uranium mineralization occurs mainly in an amorphous form filling pores and cracks between grains. Key uranium-bearing minerals identified include nasturan, coffinite, and associations with titanium and silica minerals. Uranium was also observed replacing pyrite along veinlets. The mineralization has a mainly amorphous character and fills spaces in feldspar, mica, dolomite, and replaces clay minerals.
This document provides information about sandstone uranium deposits. It discusses the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) past work analyzing and classifying sandstone uranium deposits. The IAEA has published several reports and technical documents on sandstone uranium deposits dating back to the 1980s. It also maintains a database of over 1,400 uranium deposits worldwide, including many sandstone deposits. The IAEA conducts research and provides technical cooperation to member states to help characterize uranium deposit types and support sustainable uranium resource development.
04 tm origin of sandstone tanzania session-8Monatom Mgl
(1) The document discusses uranium mineralization found in sandstone deposits in Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania and the environmental issues surrounding potential uranium mining in the area.
(2) Baseline studies were conducted to measure background radiation levels in soils, sediments, water, food crops, and vegetation to establish preliminary radiation levels before any mining occurs.
(3) The studies found slightly elevated uranium and thorium levels in some samples near the Mkuju River but generally radiation levels were comparable to control samples. These baseline measurements will be used to evaluate potential environmental impacts if the mine becomes operational.
This document summarizes research on uranium in Moroccan sedimentary rocks. It presents work on:
1) Optimizing analysis methods for uranium, thorium, radium and their descendants in samples.
2) Characterizing phases that concentrate radioisotopes.
3) Applying methods to study sedimentary deposits and separate particle sizes.
4) Studying distribution of natural radionuclides in solid phases like phosphates.
5) Extracting uranium and heavy metals from phosphates, oil shales, clays and more.
This document discusses using refractory sandstone ores and waste as alternative sources of uranium in Poland. It describes how uranium exploration was previously conducted in the region. Biotechnology offers possibilities to extract uranium as a byproduct from other rare element recovery processes. Studies show that organic compounds in shale and sandstone conglomerates are the main carriers of uranium in the region's deposits. The document also examines concentrations of various elements in the deposits and losses during processing. Microbial consortia have been isolated that are able to leach uranium from ores and wastes under neutral and acidic conditions, extracting up to 95% of uranium. "Green" biosynthesis using microbes is presented as an environmentally friendly method of extracting
This document summarizes a study of radiation damage features in quartz grains from the Three Crow uranium deposit in Nebraska. Cathodoluminescence microscopy revealed orange halos and rims in quartz that indicate radiation damage from uranium decay. The features were most abundant in mineralized areas with higher uranium content. Raman spectroscopy showed the halos experienced amorphization of the quartz crystal structure. Future work is planned to further characterize the radiation damage using transmission electron microscopy and fission track mapping.
1) Mineralogical studies and leaching tests are important for evaluating in situ recovery (ISR) uranium projects to assess amenability of sandstone ores to the process.
2) Uranium mineral compositions can vary within deposits and do not always have well-defined elemental makeups. Other mineral compositions also impact leaching.
3) Characterization of multiple drill cores is necessary since mineralogical and leaching characteristics can differ within and between deposits.
4) Leaching tests on examples showed recoveries met targets of over 80% and optimizations improved recoveries up to 10% per ore, not dependent on grade. Elements of concern showed variable leachability based on host minerals.