
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
1.How many players are there in a rugby team?
-In a rugby team there are 15 players (8 forwards and 7 backs)
2.Which was the first catalan basketball team to win de European Championship in
the season 1993-1994?
-It was the FIATC Joventut (Club Joventut de Badalona)
3.Whats the name of Chelseas stadium and where is it?
-The name of the stadium is Stamford Bride, and its located in London
4.What was JaumeAlguersuaris racing teams name?
-It was Scuderia Toro Rosso
5.What country is Roger Federer from and what sport has he been number 1 in?
-Roger Federer is from Switzerland and he has been number 1 in tennis
6.Where were the Olympic Games held in 2008?
-The Olympic Games were held in Pekin, China.
1.What country did de Germans invaded in 1939 which was the origin of the 2nd
World War?
2.Who was the British prime minister during the 2nd
World War who said: We will
never surrender?
-It was Winston Churchill
3.When did India become independent from the British empire?
-The 15th
of August 1947
4.Which American president was killed in a theatre?
-Abraham Lincoln
5.Who was the leader of the Russian revolution in 1917?
-ValdimirIlichUlianov, best known as Lenin
6.In what battle was Napoleon finally defeated in the XIXth century?
-In Waterloo battle.
1.Whos the evil character, whose name mustnt be mentioned, in Harry Potter?
-Lord Voldemort
2.What did Miguel Hernandez, the Spanish poet, devote his Nanas de to?
-He devote his Nanas de to the onions.
3.Who wrote the novels in English David Copperfield or Oliver Twist?
-Charles Dickens
4.Who was awarded the literature Nobel last year?
-Mario Vargas Llosa
5.Journey to the centre of the Earth, Twenty thousand leagues under the sea or
Around the world in eighty days are books written by
-Jules Verne
6.To be or not to be is the beginning of a monologue from the play
Written by
-Williams Shakespeare

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Trivia answers

  • 1. TRIVIA ANSWERS SPORTS 1.How many players are there in a rugby team? -In a rugby team there are 15 players (8 forwards and 7 backs) 2.Which was the first catalan basketball team to win de European Championship in the season 1993-1994? -It was the FIATC Joventut (Club Joventut de Badalona) 3.Whats the name of Chelseas stadium and where is it? -The name of the stadium is Stamford Bride, and its located in London 4.What was JaumeAlguersuaris racing teams name? -It was Scuderia Toro Rosso 5.What country is Roger Federer from and what sport has he been number 1 in? -Roger Federer is from Switzerland and he has been number 1 in tennis 6.Where were the Olympic Games held in 2008? -The Olympic Games were held in Pekin, China. HISTORY 1.What country did de Germans invaded in 1939 which was the origin of the 2nd World War? -Poland 2.Who was the British prime minister during the 2nd World War who said: We will never surrender? -It was Winston Churchill 3.When did India become independent from the British empire? -The 15th of August 1947 4.Which American president was killed in a theatre? -Abraham Lincoln 5.Who was the leader of the Russian revolution in 1917?
  • 2. -ValdimirIlichUlianov, best known as Lenin 6.In what battle was Napoleon finally defeated in the XIXth century? -In Waterloo battle. LITERATURE 1.Whos the evil character, whose name mustnt be mentioned, in Harry Potter? -Lord Voldemort 2.What did Miguel Hernandez, the Spanish poet, devote his Nanas de to? -He devote his Nanas de to the onions. 3.Who wrote the novels in English David Copperfield or Oliver Twist? -Charles Dickens 4.Who was awarded the literature Nobel last year? -Mario Vargas Llosa 5.Journey to the centre of the Earth, Twenty thousand leagues under the sea or Around the world in eighty days are books written by -Jules Verne 6.To be or not to be is the beginning of a monologue from the play -Hamlet Written by -Williams Shakespeare