Los delfines viven en grupos en los mares y oc辿anos de todo el mundo. Aunque se alimentan de peces, calamares y mariscos, los delfines son mam鱈feros y no peces, ya que nacen de la barriga de su madre y se alimentan de su leche cuando son peque単os. Los delfines se comunican a trav辿s de silbidos y respiran utilizando su espir叩culo.
The document provides information about rabbits. It describes their physical characteristics such as having 2 eyes, long ears, a short tail, whiskers, and 4 feet with the back feet being longer and stronger. It discusses what rabbits eat, including pellets, carrots, grass, corn, apples, dried bread, and that they need fresh water and branches to gnaw on. It also notes that rabbits live in cages, woods, or burrows and describes the skeleton of a rabbit.
This document lists various Catalan words related to nature, weather, and food. It includes plants and animals like chestnut, squirrel, and swallow, as well as items for rain like an impermeable snail and rain jacket. It also mentions nuts, grapes, and a late fall soup. The final words refer to leaves in the wind and quince.
Companion Planting in Your School Yard - AustraliaFairlee3z
This document discusses companion planting, which involves planting certain plants close together because they help each other by providing pest control, pollination, improved growth, and attracting beneficial insects. Some examples of companion plants mentioned include borage, which repels tomato worms when planted with tomatoes; garlic, which repels many common pests; and marigolds, which repel pests and encourage growth of plants nearby. The document provides a long list of plant companions and the benefits they provide to other plants.
Los delfines viven en grupos en los mares y oc辿anos de todo el mundo. Aunque se alimentan de peces, calamares y mariscos, los delfines son mam鱈feros y no peces, ya que nacen de la barriga de su madre y se alimentan de su leche cuando son peque単os. Los delfines se comunican a trav辿s de silbidos y respiran utilizando su espir叩culo.
The document provides information about rabbits. It describes their physical characteristics such as having 2 eyes, long ears, a short tail, whiskers, and 4 feet with the back feet being longer and stronger. It discusses what rabbits eat, including pellets, carrots, grass, corn, apples, dried bread, and that they need fresh water and branches to gnaw on. It also notes that rabbits live in cages, woods, or burrows and describes the skeleton of a rabbit.
This document lists various Catalan words related to nature, weather, and food. It includes plants and animals like chestnut, squirrel, and swallow, as well as items for rain like an impermeable snail and rain jacket. It also mentions nuts, grapes, and a late fall soup. The final words refer to leaves in the wind and quince.
Companion Planting in Your School Yard - AustraliaFairlee3z
This document discusses companion planting, which involves planting certain plants close together because they help each other by providing pest control, pollination, improved growth, and attracting beneficial insects. Some examples of companion plants mentioned include borage, which repels tomato worms when planted with tomatoes; garlic, which repels many common pests; and marigolds, which repel pests and encourage growth of plants nearby. The document provides a long list of plant companions and the benefits they provide to other plants.
Cocodrils are large reptiles covered in bony plates on their backs and tails and scales on their sides. They have short legs with webbed digits and powerful jaws and sharp teeth used to catch and hold prey without chewing. Cocodrils live in rivers, lakes, swamps and other freshwater and saltwater habitats in warm countries, preying on various animals and even humans by ambushing them at water's edge. Females lay between 20 to 60 eggs which they bury and guard until hatching.
La major part dels camaleons habiten a frica i a
Madagascar encara que algunes esp竪cies tamb辿 es troben
en parts del sud dEuropa, a lndia i a lsia Menor .
Diferents esp竪cies habiten a diferents ambients com: A
muntanyes, jungles, sabanes i a vegades a deserts.
Els camaleons salimenten dinsectes utilitzant una llengua
molt llarga i enganxosa que projecten cap a l'exterior.
Algunes esp竪cies grans tamb辿 cacen vertebrats com ara els
ratolins .
a) Els ulls: Cada ull est recobert per una parpella que
deixa lliure nom辿s una petita rea circular al centre, la
correspond竪ncia a liris i a la pupil揃la
b) L'o誰da: Encara que no tinguin o誰da externa s坦n capa巽os
de detectar vibracions i sons de baixa freq端竪ncia i
duns 200Hz
c) Les potes: Cada pota es divideix en dos dits principals
amb un suau recobriment al centre. Aquests dits estan
equipats amb fortes urpes que li donen tracci坦 per
enfilar-se a troncs i branques.
Els camaleons s坦n ov鱈pars. Quan la femella est
preparada per col揃locar els ous (3-6 setmanes despr辿s
de la fecundaci坦) descendeix cap a terra i comen巽a a
excavar un forat de 10 a 30 cent鱈metres depenent de
lesp竪cie, despr辿s enterra els ous i deixa el lloc .
La quantitat dous dipositats varia segons l'esp竪cie
Els camaleons s坦n ov鱈pars. Quan la femella est
preparada per col揃locar els ous (3-6 setmanes despr辿s
de la fecundaci坦) descendeix cap a terra i comen巽a a
excavar un forat de 10 a 30 cent鱈metres depenent de
lesp竪cie, despr辿s enterra els ous i deixa el lloc .
La quantitat dous dipositats varia segons l'esp竪cie