The students in the class studied fish as their class project. They researched fish, created an index of what they wanted to learn, organized the information on a classroom mural, and experimented. They learned about how fish breathe, move, are born, eat and digest food, float, and more. They decorated their classroom door and set up an aquarium as part of their project.
The students in a classroom have been learning about how chickens hatch from eggs. They read books on the topic and visited an older class that has an incubator with eggs in it. The incubator keeps the eggs warm to allow baby chicks to develop inside. They learned details like how the chick gets oxygen and nutrients through an umbilical cord inside the egg. They are waiting to see the eggs hatch in a few weeks.
Este documento describe un proyecto escolar sobre el cuerpo humano realizado por dos clases. Inicialmente, los estudiantes discutieron lo que sab鱈an y quer鱈an saber sobre el cuerpo. Luego, investigaron las partes externas e internas del cuerpo a trav辿s de cuentos y trabajos en grupo. Finalmente, aprendieron mucho sobre c坦mo funciona el cuerpo y resolvieron sus dudas iniciales.
This document lists several animals that may appear in the fall season: squirrel, mouse, ant, snail, and hedgehog. It asks what animals can appear in the fall and then provides a list of animals commonly seen, including squirrel, mouse, ant, snail, and hedgehog.
The students in class P4 A have chosen to name their class "Els Gats" (The Cats). They have been learning about cats through books, videos, and observations. Some of the key things they have learned about cats include their physical characteristics like teeth, eyes, ears, claws; what they eat; how they play and live; and different cat breeds and colors. The students plan to continue their research on veterinarians and other topics related to cats.
The students in a classroom have been learning about how chickens hatch from eggs. They read books on the topic and visited an older class that has an incubator with eggs in it. The incubator keeps the eggs warm to allow baby chicks to develop inside. They learned details like how the chick gets oxygen and nutrients through an umbilical cord inside the egg. They are waiting to see the eggs hatch in a few weeks.
Este documento describe un proyecto escolar sobre el cuerpo humano realizado por dos clases. Inicialmente, los estudiantes discutieron lo que sab鱈an y quer鱈an saber sobre el cuerpo. Luego, investigaron las partes externas e internas del cuerpo a trav辿s de cuentos y trabajos en grupo. Finalmente, aprendieron mucho sobre c坦mo funciona el cuerpo y resolvieron sus dudas iniciales.
This document lists several animals that may appear in the fall season: squirrel, mouse, ant, snail, and hedgehog. It asks what animals can appear in the fall and then provides a list of animals commonly seen, including squirrel, mouse, ant, snail, and hedgehog.
The students in class P4 A have chosen to name their class "Els Gats" (The Cats). They have been learning about cats through books, videos, and observations. Some of the key things they have learned about cats include their physical characteristics like teeth, eyes, ears, claws; what they eat; how they play and live; and different cat breeds and colors. The students plan to continue their research on veterinarians and other topics related to cats.
2. ANEM A ESTUDIAR: - Qu竪 s坦n els? - Com es classifiquen els animals? - Els animals mam鱈fers - Les aus - Els peixos - Els r竪ptils - Els amfibis - Els insectes
3. DEFINICI Els animals s坦n 辿ssers vius. Al llarg de la seua vida s卒alimenten, creixen i es reproduixen.
4. CLASSIFICACI Els animals es poden classificar segons: - La seua alimentaci坦. - La seua manera de reprodu誰r-se. - Les caracter鱈stiques del seu cos.
5. Segons la seua alimentaci坦 poden ser: - Carn鱈vors: S卒alimenten de carn. - Herb鱈vors: S卒alimenten d卒herba. - Omn鱈vors: Menjen de tot.
6. Segons la manera de reprodu誰r-se poden ser: Viv鱈pars: Naixen del ventre de la mare. Ov鱈pars: Naixen de ous
7. Segons les caracter鱈stiques del seu cos poden ser: Vertebrats : Tenen esquelet - Invertebrats : No tenen esquelet
8. ELS MAMFERS - S坦n animals vertebrats i viv鱈pars. - Despr辿s de nixer mamen i s卒alimenten de la llet de la mare. - Respiren per pulmons i quasi tots tenen el cos cobert de p竪l. Veure video
9. LES AUS - S坦n animals vertebrats i ov鱈pars. - Tenen bec, plomes i dues ales per a volar. - Respiren per pulmons. Veure video
10. ELS PEIXOS - S坦n animals vertebrants i ov鱈pars que viuen a l卒aigua. - Tenen el cos cobert d卒escates i tenen aletes per a nadar. - Respiren per brnquies. Veure video
11. ELS RPTILS - S坦n animals vertebrats i ov鱈pars - El cocodril o la tortuga s坦n r竪ptils i tenen el cos cobert d卒escates o d卒una gran closca. - Tenen les potes curtes o no en tenen, com la serp - Respiren per pulmons Veure video
12. ELS AMFIBIS - S坦n animals vertebrats i ov鱈pars - La granota o el gripau s坦n amfibis. Tenen la pell humida. - Respiren per la pell i pels pulmons - Posen ous i de cada un d卒ells naix una cria amb una forma molt diferent a la que tindr quan siga adult. Veure video
13. ELS INSECTES - S坦n el grup d卒animals m辿s abundant al m坦n. - Son vertebrats i naixen d卒ous. - Tenen sis potes i dues antenes. - La majoria tenen dos o quatre ales; la resta no en tenen cap. Veure video
14. http:// / ~gmedina / projecte / index.html ARA ANEM A REPASAR I A FER ALGUNES ACTIVITATS
15. COMPROVEM EL QUE HEM APRS 1. Selecciona l卒 opci坦 correcta: ov鱈par mam鱈fer invertebrat viv鱈par invertebrat carn鱈vor mam鱈fer ov鱈par carn鱈vor
16. 2 . Completa: Els mam鱈fers naixen del _________de la mare i els nonats s卒alimenten de la __________. La pell dels mam鱈fers est coberta de ____________. Els ocells naixen d卒______. Tenen dues ____________ i la pell coberta de ________ - Els r竪ptils naixen d卒__________. La seua pell est coberta d卒____________
17. 3 . Uneix segons siguen vertebrets o invertebrats vertebrats invertebrats
18. BIBLIOGRAFIA Google imatges Manuals de coneixement del medi. Segon de Primria. Editorials: Vicens Vives i Santillana.