Законодательство о свободе доступа к государственной информации: последствия ...Natasha Khramtsovsky
Выступление Натальи Храмцовской о свободе доступа к государственной информации и последствия для государственных органов на VII конгрессе-практикуме ИНФОДОКУМ-2009 ?Эффективный документооборот в органах государственной власти и местного самоуправления?, апрель 2009
Dr Natasha Khramtsovsky's presentation "Freedom of Information (FOI) legislation: Consequences for the government agencies” at the Infodocum 2009 conference, April 2009.
Presentatie van Luc De Droogh tijdens het Innovatiefestival van Socius (22 mei 2014).
Tijdens het Innovatiefestival haalde Luc De Droogh enkele aspecten van innovatie uit drie verschillende settings naar boven. Drie verhalen die de aanleiding vormden tot evenveel innovaties: een innoverende praktijk, een voorbeeld van innovatief organiseren en een voorbeeld van maatschappelijk innoveren. Wat was de aanleiding van de innovatie? Wat kan je al dan niet plannen in functie van innovatie? Wat zijn gunstige ‘bodems’ voor innovatie en wat niet? Hoe draag je als organisatie zorg voor een innovatieproces? Maatschappelijk innoveren veronderstelt een zekere mate van ‘naar buiten’ gericht zijn, maar hoe begin je daaraan? Hoe vind je geschikte partners voor een diepgaand partnerschap?
Meer informatie via www.socius.be/tag/innovatie.
Mae Mobley colors herself black in a school drawing because she was confused. By the end of the novel, little progress was made in dissolving racial stereotypes in Jackson, though blacks were allowed in white libraries. Charlotte was offended that Lulabelle went to a DAR meeting because she thought blacks had no business mingling with whites. While racial stereotypes still exist today, they are not as prevalent as in the novel, such as the stereotype that all black people are loud. Minny and Aibileen had different views of white people, with Minny feeling there should be boundaries between races regarding physical contact and thank yous, while Aibileen was more understanding and kind regardless of skin color.
В достаточной ли мере развивается законодательная и нормативно-правовая база ...Natasha Khramtsovsky
Выступление Натальи Храмцовской о законодательной и нормативно-правовой базах в области электронного документооборота на круглом столе CNews "Стимулы развития СЭД", 2 апреля 2009 г.
Dr Natasha Khramtsovsky's presentation "Is the legal basis for electronic records management in Russia developing sufficiently well?" at the round table "Stimuli for EDRMS development" organized by Russian IT-news holding CNews, Moscow, April 2, 2009.
Presentatie Waerbeke vzw - Socius Trefdag 2013 'Iedereen politiek' (21 november 2013)
Waerbeke vzw is de sociaal-culturele beweging voor stilte en leefkwaliteit in Vlaanderen en Brussel. Met uiteenlopende projecten als Portaal van de stilte, In Between, Trage Post wil de organisatie inspirerende verbindingen stimuleren tussen overheden, professionele en vrijwillige bemiddelaars, middenveldorganisaties, onderwijs- en vormingsinstellingen, bedrijven, het ruime publiek, tussen individuen onderling en hun omgeving.
Trage Post nodigt iedereen uit om een echte brief te schrijven aan de generatie van 2030. Een oma schrijft aan haar kleinkind, een burgemeester aan zijn of haar toekomstige opvolger, een gedetineerde aan een latere celbewoner, ... Wat vind je vandaag belangrijk en noodzakelijk om door te geven? Wat is jouw erfgoed voor de komende generatie? Iedereen kan nog het hele najaar meedoen. Je schenkt jezelf, je bestemmeling en de samenleving een handgeschreven surprise.
О перспективах межведомственного электронного документооборота (МЭДО)Natasha Khramtsovsky
Доклад Натальи Храмцовской о перспективах межведомственного электронного документооборота (МЭДО) на VIII Профессиональном Форуме ?Эффективный документооборот в управлении бизнесом? - ИНФОДОКУМ-2010, 7 декабря 2010 г.
Dr Natasha Khramtsovsky's presentation "Future of the Russian government system for interagency record exchange (MEDO)" at the Infodocum 2010 conference, Moscow, December 7, 2010.
PowerPoint-presentatie gebruikt op de 'Inspiratiedag Vrijwilligersbeleid' van Socius - Steunpunt voor sociaal-cultureel volwassenenwerk (7 november 2011).
Как оказание государственных услуг сочетается с защитой персональных данныхNatasha Khramtsovsky
Сообщение Натальи Храмцовской об оказании государственных услуг и как оно сочетается с защитой персональных данных на 14-ом Национальном форуме информационной безопасности ?Инфофорум 2011?, 7-8 февраля 2011 г.
Dr Natasha Khramtsovsky's presentation “How provision of public services goes along with personal data protection” at the Infoforum 2011 conference, Moscow, February 7-8, 2011.
The document discusses the challenges faced by a company's search and information extraction platforms. It outlines the need for a unified platform to address issues like code duplication, scalability, and quick turnaround times for new applications. It then provides details on the company's approaches to information extraction and information retrieval, including the techniques, use cases, research conducted, and architectures employed. The platform aims to deliver high performance, availability, and customizable search capabilities across large volumes of data.
Доклад Натальи Храмцовской об открытых данных на Инфодокум 2013: Всероссийский профессиональный форум ?Эффективный документооборот в органах власти и местного самоуправления? (ИНФОДОКУМ-2013), 16-18 апреля 2013 г., г. Москва
Dr Natasha Khramtsovsky's presentation “Open data – For what purpose and at what cost?” at the conference Infodocum-2013, Moscow, April 16-18, 2013.
The document provides contact information for ProExposure Stock Photos regarding an individual named Betelhem Abate. It lists the website and phone number for ProExposure as well as an email address for an employee named lnorton to contact regarding Betelhem Abate or ProExposure Stock Photos.
InterPARES 2: Система принципов для разработки политик, стратегий и стандарто...Natasha Khramtsovsky
Перевод (с сокращениями) Приложения 19 "Система принципов для разработки политик, стратегий и стандартов для обеспечения долговременной сохранности электронных документов" (авторы Л.Дюранти, Дж.Судерман и М.Тодд) из публикации "Международные исследования по аутентичным документам постоянного хранения в электронных системах (InterPARES)-2: Интерактивные, динамические и чувственно-эмпирические документы", под ред. Л.Дюранти и Р.Престона, 2008 г. Перевод к.и.н. Н.А.Храмцовской.
Partial translation of Appendix 19 "A Framework of Principles for the Development of Policies, Strategies and Standards for the Long-term Preservation of Digital Records" (by Luciana Duranti, Jim Suderman and Malcolm Todd) in: "International Research on Permanent Authentic Records in Electronic Systems (InterPARES) 2: Experiential, Interactive and Dynamic Records", Luciana Duranti and Randy Preston, eds. (Padova, Italy: Associazione Nazionale Archivistica Italiana, 2008). Translated into Russian by Dr Natasha Khramtsovsky).
Andrés Silva Robert presenta sobre SoLoMo, una plataforma de marketing móvil para mejorar la experiencia de compras. Explica que hay más demanda que oferta de negocios en internet en Chile y más inversionistas que emprendedores. La plataforma usa lo social, lo local y lo móvil para impulsar negocios a través del emprendimiento dentro y fuera de las empresas con financiamiento disponible a través de incubadoras, capital semilla e inversionistas.
This document is an introduction to an edited collection of mystical odes by the Sufi poet Muhyi'ddin Ibn al-'Arabi titled "The Takjuman al-Ashwaq". The introduction provides background on Ibn al-'Arabi and discusses some of the key mystical and theological concepts in his works, including his view of God and the world as a unity, God's relationship to humanity, and his perspective on different religions all being paths to the divine. The introduction aims to give readers an overview of Ibn al-'Arabi's pantheistic and syncretistic doctrines as expressed through the symbolic language of the poetic odes.
Предложения Североамериканской группы проекта InterPARES Trust, ноябрь 2013 годаNatasha Khramtsovsky
Обзор предложений о проведении научных исследований, поданных участниками Североамериканской группы проекта InterPARES Trust.
Review of the research proposals of the North American Team of InterPARES Trust international project.
PROEXPOSURE Before and after: how genocide changed Rwanda's womenPROEXPOSURE CIC
Between April and June 1994, a genocide took place in Rwanda where Hutu militia groups systematically killed around a million Tutsis and moderate Hutus over the course of 100 days. This led to around 50,000 women becoming widows, and an estimated 250,000 to 500,000 being raped, 67% of whom are now HIV positive as a result. The genocide transformed Rwandan society and empowered women like Liberate Mukagihana, who became a trained paralegal after the genocide to help other survivors seek justice and spread awareness of women's rights. Today, Rwandan women play a large role in politics and rebuilding the country.
Op 20 juni 2011 organiseerde Socius de studiedag 'Organisatorische uitdagingen voor sociaal-culturele organisaties'. Dit is de presentatie van Wim Van Opstal van Sociale School Heverlee.
This document discusses how social networking and mobile commerce have changed customer expectations and business dynamics. It notes that customers now have unlimited access to information and can instantly share it. This is changing how products are sourced, manufactured and distributed, making business more complex. The document introduces IBM's approach called "Smarter Commerce", which places the customer at the center of business operations. Smarter Commerce uses insights from social and mobile commerce to enhance customer value across the commerce cycle.
The document discusses Elasticsearch, an open source, distributed, scalable, highly available, document-oriented, RESTful full text search engine. It provides information on how Elasticsearch works, including indexing, searching, aggregations, scaling clusters, and hardware requirements. Operating systems and hardware components like CPU, memory, I/O and network are important for Elasticsearch performance.
О перспективах межведомственного электронного документооборота (МЭДО)Natasha Khramtsovsky
Доклад Натальи Храмцовской о перспективах межведомственного электронного документооборота (МЭДО) на VIII Профессиональном Форуме ?Эффективный документооборот в управлении бизнесом? - ИНФОДОКУМ-2010, 7 декабря 2010 г.
Dr Natasha Khramtsovsky's presentation "Future of the Russian government system for interagency record exchange (MEDO)" at the Infodocum 2010 conference, Moscow, December 7, 2010.
PowerPoint-presentatie gebruikt op de 'Inspiratiedag Vrijwilligersbeleid' van Socius - Steunpunt voor sociaal-cultureel volwassenenwerk (7 november 2011).
Как оказание государственных услуг сочетается с защитой персональных данныхNatasha Khramtsovsky
Сообщение Натальи Храмцовской об оказании государственных услуг и как оно сочетается с защитой персональных данных на 14-ом Национальном форуме информационной безопасности ?Инфофорум 2011?, 7-8 февраля 2011 г.
Dr Natasha Khramtsovsky's presentation “How provision of public services goes along with personal data protection” at the Infoforum 2011 conference, Moscow, February 7-8, 2011.
The document discusses the challenges faced by a company's search and information extraction platforms. It outlines the need for a unified platform to address issues like code duplication, scalability, and quick turnaround times for new applications. It then provides details on the company's approaches to information extraction and information retrieval, including the techniques, use cases, research conducted, and architectures employed. The platform aims to deliver high performance, availability, and customizable search capabilities across large volumes of data.
Доклад Натальи Храмцовской об открытых данных на Инфодокум 2013: Всероссийский профессиональный форум ?Эффективный документооборот в органах власти и местного самоуправления? (ИНФОДОКУМ-2013), 16-18 апреля 2013 г., г. Москва
Dr Natasha Khramtsovsky's presentation “Open data – For what purpose and at what cost?” at the conference Infodocum-2013, Moscow, April 16-18, 2013.
The document provides contact information for ProExposure Stock Photos regarding an individual named Betelhem Abate. It lists the website and phone number for ProExposure as well as an email address for an employee named lnorton to contact regarding Betelhem Abate or ProExposure Stock Photos.
InterPARES 2: Система принципов для разработки политик, стратегий и стандарто...Natasha Khramtsovsky
Перевод (с сокращениями) Приложения 19 "Система принципов для разработки политик, стратегий и стандартов для обеспечения долговременной сохранности электронных документов" (авторы Л.Дюранти, Дж.Судерман и М.Тодд) из публикации "Международные исследования по аутентичным документам постоянного хранения в электронных системах (InterPARES)-2: Интерактивные, динамические и чувственно-эмпирические документы", под ред. Л.Дюранти и Р.Престона, 2008 г. Перевод к.и.н. Н.А.Храмцовской.
Partial translation of Appendix 19 "A Framework of Principles for the Development of Policies, Strategies and Standards for the Long-term Preservation of Digital Records" (by Luciana Duranti, Jim Suderman and Malcolm Todd) in: "International Research on Permanent Authentic Records in Electronic Systems (InterPARES) 2: Experiential, Interactive and Dynamic Records", Luciana Duranti and Randy Preston, eds. (Padova, Italy: Associazione Nazionale Archivistica Italiana, 2008). Translated into Russian by Dr Natasha Khramtsovsky).
Andrés Silva Robert presenta sobre SoLoMo, una plataforma de marketing móvil para mejorar la experiencia de compras. Explica que hay más demanda que oferta de negocios en internet en Chile y más inversionistas que emprendedores. La plataforma usa lo social, lo local y lo móvil para impulsar negocios a través del emprendimiento dentro y fuera de las empresas con financiamiento disponible a través de incubadoras, capital semilla e inversionistas.
This document is an introduction to an edited collection of mystical odes by the Sufi poet Muhyi'ddin Ibn al-'Arabi titled "The Takjuman al-Ashwaq". The introduction provides background on Ibn al-'Arabi and discusses some of the key mystical and theological concepts in his works, including his view of God and the world as a unity, God's relationship to humanity, and his perspective on different religions all being paths to the divine. The introduction aims to give readers an overview of Ibn al-'Arabi's pantheistic and syncretistic doctrines as expressed through the symbolic language of the poetic odes.
Предложения Североамериканской группы проекта InterPARES Trust, ноябрь 2013 годаNatasha Khramtsovsky
Обзор предложений о проведении научных исследований, поданных участниками Североамериканской группы проекта InterPARES Trust.
Review of the research proposals of the North American Team of InterPARES Trust international project.
PROEXPOSURE Before and after: how genocide changed Rwanda's womenPROEXPOSURE CIC
Between April and June 1994, a genocide took place in Rwanda where Hutu militia groups systematically killed around a million Tutsis and moderate Hutus over the course of 100 days. This led to around 50,000 women becoming widows, and an estimated 250,000 to 500,000 being raped, 67% of whom are now HIV positive as a result. The genocide transformed Rwandan society and empowered women like Liberate Mukagihana, who became a trained paralegal after the genocide to help other survivors seek justice and spread awareness of women's rights. Today, Rwandan women play a large role in politics and rebuilding the country.
Op 20 juni 2011 organiseerde Socius de studiedag 'Organisatorische uitdagingen voor sociaal-culturele organisaties'. Dit is de presentatie van Wim Van Opstal van Sociale School Heverlee.
This document discusses how social networking and mobile commerce have changed customer expectations and business dynamics. It notes that customers now have unlimited access to information and can instantly share it. This is changing how products are sourced, manufactured and distributed, making business more complex. The document introduces IBM's approach called "Smarter Commerce", which places the customer at the center of business operations. Smarter Commerce uses insights from social and mobile commerce to enhance customer value across the commerce cycle.
The document discusses Elasticsearch, an open source, distributed, scalable, highly available, document-oriented, RESTful full text search engine. It provides information on how Elasticsearch works, including indexing, searching, aggregations, scaling clusters, and hardware requirements. Operating systems and hardware components like CPU, memory, I/O and network are important for Elasticsearch performance.