Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Banjarbaru, South Borneo Indonesia
Methodology and Statistics Engineer
Government / Military
A self-directed reasoner and learner, borderless civil engineer, systematical and methodological framework designer for scientific and engineering research programmes, structurally well-organized planner, systematically well-structured categorizer and mind mapper, methodologically well-mapped flowchart maker, statistical analyst, and orderly well-arranged archivist. My scholarly interests include logical and critical reasoning, design of systematical and methodological framework for scientific and engineering research programmes, scientific writing techniques, and statistical analysis. Sequencing, categorizing, mapping, organizing, and systemizing concepts is what I do. It's my passion.
Contact Details
logical reasoning
logical analysis
logical framework approach
deductive reasoning
inductive reasoning
critical thinking skills
creative thinking
systems thinking
systematic thinking
problem-solving techniques
analytical thinking
higher order thinking skills
scientific reasoning
scientific methods
evidence-based reasoning
scientific writing techniques
research methodology
experimental design
data analysis
rencana pembangunan jangka panjang daerah
analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan
rencana pembangunan jangka menengah daerah
rencana tata ruang wilayah
perlindungan flora dan fauna yang terancam punah
pemertahanan kawasan resapan air
pemertahanan kawasan hutan lindung
tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan
partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan hutan
energi baru dan terbarukan
perlindungan kawasan bentang alam karst
goals of education
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