NFV VNF Architecture 轟 る
Overview of VNF in the NFV Architecture
VNF Design Patterns and Properties
VNF States and Transitions
VNF Fault Management Overview
Functional Requirements on Management and Orchestration
Functional Requirements on Infrastructure
VNF Architecture Design Examples
#Annex A (Informative): Relationship to SDN
NFV VNF Architecture 轟 る
Overview of VNF in the NFV Architecture
VNF Design Patterns and Properties
VNF States and Transitions
VNF Fault Management Overview
Functional Requirements on Management and Orchestration
Functional Requirements on Infrastructure
VNF Architecture Design Examples
#Annex A (Informative): Relationship to SDN
企殊磯 覦 伎訖襷 , 企殊磯 弰 蟲燕 れ 蠍一れ 螻谿壱企. 企殊磯螳 れ 觜讀れ 企至 螻 螻 讌, 襦襯 牛 危エ覺 | In addition to the definition and benefits of cloud, consider the variety of technologies that make up the cloud platform. We also look at how cloud is being used and applied to a wide variety of businesses and examples.
企殊磯 螳覿 企殊磯 蟷 譴 蠍一れ 危エ覲企, 企殊磯 貉危 危伎 蠍一 碁襯 危エ覲伎 給 | From the concept of cloud to important technologies with the cloud, you can see the understanding of cloud computing and technology trends.
襷る 螳碁 ロ 5螳 IT螻 蟯伎 覈 譯殊 蠍一 襴 螳. 螳碁 2021 蠍一襦 瑚 伎れ 螳牛蟆 襴 螻旧襴暑 | 98 / 5000 TTS覲旧蠍壱蠍一語蠍磯蠍一
伎願鍵/蠍 伎
Every year Gartner introduces key technology trends that will drive disruptive innovation in the IT industry over the next five years. We share a brief summary of what Gartner mentioned as an innovation technology of 2021.
企殊磯 碁 磯ジ 覃壱企殊磯 旧 螳螻 覃壱企殊磯襯 蟲蠍 れ企企殊磯 觜るゼ 螳 | Introduce multi-cloud strategies according to trends in the cloud and Naver Cloud platform services to implement multi-cloud
This document discusses emerging technologies and proposes using MOVE (Movable Edge Datacenter) to support military operations. It first covers the top 10 strategic technology trends from 2015 to 2017 according to Gartner, including computing everywhere, the internet of things, machine learning, and more. It then discusses how the military operational environment is changing with network-centric warfare. Finally, it proposes several ways MOVE could be utilized by different military units and operations to enhance combat capabilities, such as providing decentralized computing resources at the tactical edge to support independent and special operations.
The document discusses Netvisor, a network hypervisor developed by Pluribus Networks. Netvisor aims to simplify network management by running as a software layer on top of switches and providing visibility into traffic flows across the entire network. It addresses challenges with traditional networks, which are complex to manage and secure due to multiple protocols, devices, and lack of end-to-end visibility. Netvisor provides an open and interoperable approach intended to improve agility, security, and troubleshooting without increasing costs exponentially as networks scale physically and virtually.
Dell's open networking vision is to make innovations like cloud, big data, mobility and security simpler, more affordable and accessible to all by disaggregating networking technologies. This includes separating the operating system software from the hardware, virtual networking from physical networking, and network control from the forwarding plane. Dell's strategy involves supporting open standards hardware, giving customers a choice of operating systems, and allowing the selection of third-party SDN and NVF controllers. Dell offers a portfolio of open networking switches that support this vision including the S3048-ON, S4048-ON, S4810-ON, S6000-ON and upcoming Z9100-ON.
Big Switch Networks produces two SDN products - Big Tap monitoring fabric and Big Cloud fabric. Big Tap is an open, scalable monitoring fabric that provides pervasive visibility across data centers. It replaces traditional proprietary and expensive network packet brokers with a centralized software-defined approach. Big Tap allows customers to tap every rack in a data center and share monitoring tools across teams in a simple and economical manner.
This document discusses network virtualization and how it provides virtual-to-physical network abstraction. It describes using logical networks to automate network services provisioning, enable microsegmentation for security, and augment physical network appliances. The key goals of network virtualization are also to make the network simple, scalable, high-bandwidth, fault-tolerant, and quality-of-service providing.
OVNC 2015-THE NEW IP - Open Networking Architecture with SDN & NFVNAIM Networks, Inc.
[Open & Virtual Networking Conference 2015]
- THE NEW IP - Open Networking Architecture with SDN & NFV (Brocade Orcun Tezel ろ 讌企 讌 伎)
- 2015.02.05 (覈) 09:10~17:50
3. SDN/NFV Training for PM(BSBA) 貉るΜ
SDN/NFV Training for PM 蠍磯蓋 蠍一螻 蟯 覿殊 危企 覓朱
襦 るジ 覿殊 レ 牛 襦碁ゼ 讌 蠍一螻 蟆渚 蠍壱襯 螻牛.
螳讌 螳
SDN 蠍一
Controller, OpenFlow, Security, 蟯襴,NFV, Legacy
SDN Controller (ろ/),OpenFlow 襦貊,襴貅伎
Use Cases (Legacy Network, Security, Cloud,觜ろ蟆)
SDN 蠍磯 蠍一
豐豌 覓瑚 螳
螳蠍磯蠍一Deep Dive (覯,ろ襴讌,ろ語,覩碁れ)
企殊磯觜(NSX,OpenStack,SDN 蠍磯覲伎)
SDN (Controller, 襦貊,襴貅伎覯る襭,ろ語襭)
NFV(ろ豌,Use Case,覯る襭)
譯殊Research レ螳
SDN襦蠏碁覦 螳
覦 襴貅伎
SDN 襦 り 螳
豐豌 覓瑚 螳
SDN螻狩,DPDK, Language,磯
SDN 襦蠏碁覦螳
SDN 襦語り螳
蠍一 牛 UseCase
襦 り
SDN 襦蠏碁覦 り
豐豌 覓瑚 螳
SDN Testbed
一危一狩SDN 襦蠏碁り
4. SDN/NFV Training for PM(BSBA) 轟レ
SDN 蟯 れ 覿殊 蠍一 覦 蠍郁れ SDN/NFV Training for PM 螳給.
SDN/NFV Training for PM(BSBA) 螳 螻螳 襴ろ
SDN/NFV Training for PMろ語,覲伎,Big Data,IoT,NFV
SDN 蟯蠍一螻殊牛ルレ覦一螻蟯襴れ企覯蟲′.
蟲 豕豐
SDN/NFV Training for PM
SDN 蠍一 豬 蠍壱
SDN 襦 襴
襦 覈糾骸 襷
襦 蠍一 襷れ願
襦 瑚襯 蟆渚
SDN/NFV Training for PM SDN 覦 IT蠍一螻殊 郁煙 危危螻,
SDN 蠍壱 螻殊朱 襴暑 襦 ク 覦襯 覦レ朱 螳 襦 譴.
SDN/NFV Training for PM(BSBA) 蠍磯 螻
SDN螻 牛 螳ロ
蟯 覿 蠍一 郁 危
SDN 蟯 蠍壱
覦襯 覦 れ
襦 讌 蟯襴
讌 伎 一危
sss corporation
5. 螳豌 譯殊
886-910008-87304 (譯)ろ語
蟲♀骸覓語:02-552-0555 /
牛 蟷 襷れ願 SDN
螳る蟆覦一給.SDN 危ロろ語覦覦蟇磯企
る蟆蟆譬蠍壱螳蟆螳給.朱SDN 覦朱誤
ろ語襯 襦 覦, SDN
SDN/NFV Training for PM(BSBA) 螳 蠍
SDN/NFV Training for PM ろ語 企
SDN 覓語 讌螻 貉るΜ殊 覦 螻牛 覓瑚 蟲′.
SDN 覩碁 ろ語襯 企願 .
SDN/NFV Training for PM(BSBA) 螳豌 覦覯
Training Registration 覃 企Ν
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伎 (
蠍一ろ語企轟 螻糾鍵ろ語企轟
6. NAIM Networks
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NAIM Networks - SDN/NFV Training for Project Manager