ยูเอ็นเรียกร้องทุกประเทศจัดหลักประกันสุขภาพให้ประชาชน ยกไทยต้นแบบความสำเร็จสปสช นครสวรรค์A newspaper article discusses affordable universal healthcare and progress towards development goals. It notes that in 2015, the UN adopted goals aiming to provide universal healthcare coverage for all citizens worldwide by 2030. Currently, only about half the world's population has access to essential health services.
18 oct12 การจัดทำแผนเอดส์56เขตสปสช นครสวรรค์The document outlines the budget for HIV/AIDS and TB activities in South Africa for the 2022/2023 fiscal year, including funds for testing, treatment, and case management. It details the budgets for various line items such as laboratory services, drugs and supplies, human resources, and district allocations. The budgets are broken down by funding source and program area with specific grant reference numbers provided.
ปี56สรุปภาพรวมสปสช นครสวรรค์1. The document reports HIV/AIDS statistics for 2556, including 157,000 people living with HIV/AIDS and 3,276.8 new infections.
2. Treatment guidelines are outlined for different CD4 count levels, including the use of viral load monitoring, second line regimens, and laboratory tests.
3. Barriers and recommendations for improving linkage and retention in care are discussed, such as expanding access across different health coverage schemes and centers of excellence.
ปี56สรุปภาพรวมสปสช นครสวรรค์1. The document reports HIV/AIDS statistics for 2556, including 157,000 people living with HIV/AIDS and 3,276.8 new infections.
2. Treatment guidelines are outlined for different CD4 count levels, including the use of viral load monitoring, second line regimens, and laboratory tests.
3. Barriers and recommendations for improving linkage and retention in care are discussed, such as expanding access across different health coverage schemes and centers of excellence.