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This painting of my grandparents was painted by my mother .
  They all survived the terrible tablou .al bunicilor meienormously, Ibut?????? ??? ?????to go on in? ????and ¡±
                          Acest Shoah They suffered a fost pictat? ???mama mea. to keep? ???life ???????
                                                       .? ??? ??? ????de they tried
                                                                       have managed ? ????memory
  !? ??????supravie?uit Holocaustul teribil.Au? ???????enorm, dar au reu?it ? ???????have and be kindfight
    Ei au ? ?????? ??????family !They taught us to ? ????, ???respectalive... to ???????tried via??.?is?
        raised a wonderful ? ?????? ???????suferit love and ? . ?? ?????s? mearg? ? nainte ?n to ????????
                                                                        people , I laugh ????? ???
? ntemeieze ofamilie minunat?! Ei ne-au ?nv??ats? iubim be grateful for that ? ??????s?would forget. ????
                              Never to hate ! I will always ?is?? ! ?????, ??????who?????? ????? ??????
                                                   .? , ????? ??????respect?m oamenii, r?dem ?i s? fim buni.
                           S? nu ur ?m!¡°Voi fi !mereu recunosc?toare! pentru asta! we forget, we ???????
                                           Thank you ¡° for everything? ????? ?? ?????! ??? ???? ?????are
                                                 ? ????? ???? ?? ???Because if
                                            ¡°M!ul?umesc" pentru tot                           !?????" ?? ????
                                                                       guilty, we are accomplices.¡±"
                 The work of art was given to me by the artist, my dear friend,Dr.Kieselstein
                                                                             ¨D Elie Wiesel
God,why ? (nx power-lite)
The night was gone. The"
  morning star was shining in the
       sky. I too had become a
completely different person. The
 student of the Talmud, the child
that I was, had been consumed in
 the flames. There remained only
   a shape that looked like me. A
  dark flame had entered into my
        soul and devoured it."
       - Elie Wiesel,Night, Ch. 3
When they withdrew, next"
to me were two corpses, side
  by side, the father and the
 son. I was fifteen years old."
   - Elie Wiesel,Night, Ch. 7
After my father's death,"
nothing could touch me
       any more."
- Elie Wiesel,Night, Ch. 9
God,why ? (nx power-lite)
To forget the dead would¡±
 be akin to killing them a
       second time.¡±
   ¨D Elie Wiesel, Night
We are grateful to those Christians who saved
Wir sind den Christen, die Juden retteten, sehr

  ??????? ?????? ????? ??????? ???????
How could I forget that concert, given to an audience of dying and dead men!""
                           - Elie Wiesel,Night, Ch. 6
I shall never forget Juliek. How could I forget this concert given before an audience of the dead and dying? Even¡±
today, when I hear that particular piece by Beethoven, my eyes close and out of the darkness emerges the pale and
                melancholy face of my Polish comrade bidding farewell to an audience of dying men.¡±
                                                  Elie Wiesel, The Night
¡°Survival¡± by Ann Froman,

 This bronze sculpture shows the people
               who survived the
Holocaust, coming to the United States of
              America, for safety,
 freedom of religion and protection. The
        man whose outstretched hands
  the people to safety represents Raoul
       Wallenberg. He was the Swedish
    that saved 100,000 Jews. The man
       holding the flag represents Simon
          the famous Nazi hunter.
God,why ? (nx power-lite)
God,why ? (nx power-lite)
The boys on either side one with
       a gun for protection,
 the other reading the Bible, for
 religious freedom to all people.
¡°A religious woman, who knew
     exactly when the Day of
   Atonement was, prepared a
    candlestick from the little
    bread she had, put a little
    margarine inside it, tore a
   narrow strip from her dress
    which she lit. So we had a
     candle for Yom Kippur.
     She prayed while we all
           wept bitterly.¡±

    As told by my mother
My mom told my sister and me
  the story of the Yom Kippur
    candle when we were in
       Auschwitz, in 2000.
God,why ? (nx power-lite)
I told Tibor the story
   and he created these
      sketches, painting ,
    statue about this scene.
      The little girl is my

¡° The scenes are?the same as you
       told me: the brick stove,
   improvised candle and people
    sad & crying after prayers. ¡°
          ( Tibor Spitz )

Thank you ,my dear friend !
God,why ? (nx power-lite)
God,why ? (nx power-lite)
I told him that I did not believe¡±
 that they could burn people in
  our age, that humanity would
       never tolerate it . . .¡±
       ¨D Elie Wiesel, Night
God,why ? (nx power-lite)
¡°I don¡¯t regard myself as an artist, but feel
     obliged and duty bound to convey to future
     generations the awareness of the horror of
     the Holocaust through creation made from
     various materials¡±.
Dr.Kieselstein Martin , a Shoah survivor
I believe in God--in spite of God! I believe in Mankind--in
  spite of Mankind! I believe in the Future--in spite of the
                        ¨D Elie Wiesel

        ¡°Survival¡± by Ann

        In the collections of : Brooklyn College, State
             University of NY
             Time Warner Inc. and Harvard
God,why ? (nx power-lite)
God,why ? (nx power-lite)
In memory of S ara Mittelman , my mother¡¯s sister, and all
              the victims of the Holocaust

                             My special thanks to my dear artist friends :
                                              A Froman
                                          Dr.Martin Kieselstein
                                               Tibor Spitz
                                  Music : Charles Miller , "Y   izkor ¡°
                                        Played by Ronald Mutchnik

                             ?Martin: The Story of Dr. Martin Kieselstein? - YouTub
                                        ?Tibor Spitz? - YouTube

                                                     April 2012 17

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Dr. Sarita Anand

God,why ? (nx power-lite)

  • 1. This painting of my grandparents was painted by my mother . They all survived the terrible tablou .al bunicilor meienormously, Ibut?????? ??? ?????to go on in? ????and ¡± Acest Shoah They suffered a fost pictat? ???mama mea. to keep? ???life ??????? .? ??? ??? ????de they tried have managed ? ????memory !? ??????supravie?uit Holocaustul teribil.Au? ???????enorm, dar au reu?it ? ???????have and be kindfight Ei au ? ?????? ??????family !They taught us to ? ????, ???respectalive... to ???????tried via??.?is? raised a wonderful ? ?????? ???????suferit love and ? . ?? ?????s? mearg? ? nainte ?n to ???????? people , I laugh ????? ??? ? ntemeieze ofamilie minunat?! Ei ne-au ?nv??ats? iubim be grateful for that ? ??????s?would forget. ???? Never to hate ! I will always ?is?? ! ?????, ??????who?????? ????? ?????? .? , ????? ??????respect?m oamenii, r?dem ?i s? fim buni. those S? nu ur ?m!¡°Voi fi !mereu recunosc?toare! pentru asta! we forget, we ??????? Thank you ¡° for everything? ????? ?? ?????! ??? ???? ?????are ? ????? ???? ?? ???Because if ¡°M!ul?umesc" pentru tot !?????" ?? ???? guilty, we are accomplices.¡±" The work of art was given to me by the artist, my dear friend,Dr.Kieselstein ¨D Elie Wiesel
  • 3. The night was gone. The" morning star was shining in the sky. I too had become a completely different person. The student of the Talmud, the child that I was, had been consumed in the flames. There remained only a shape that looked like me. A dark flame had entered into my soul and devoured it." - Elie Wiesel,Night, Ch. 3
  • 4. When they withdrew, next" to me were two corpses, side by side, the father and the son. I was fifteen years old." - Elie Wiesel,Night, Ch. 7
  • 5. After my father's death," nothing could touch me any more." - Elie Wiesel,Night, Ch. 9
  • 7. To forget the dead would¡± be akin to killing them a second time.¡± ¨D Elie Wiesel, Night
  • 8. We are grateful to those Christians who saved Jews. Wir sind den Christen, die Juden retteten, sehr dankbar. ??????? ?????? ????? ??????? ??????? ?.???????
  • 9. How could I forget that concert, given to an audience of dying and dead men!"" - Elie Wiesel,Night, Ch. 6
  • 10. I shall never forget Juliek. How could I forget this concert given before an audience of the dead and dying? Even¡± today, when I hear that particular piece by Beethoven, my eyes close and out of the darkness emerges the pale and melancholy face of my Polish comrade bidding farewell to an audience of dying men.¡± Elie Wiesel, The Night
  • 11. ¡°Survival¡± by Ann Froman, Sculptor This bronze sculpture shows the people who survived the Holocaust, coming to the United States of America, for safety, freedom of religion and protection. The man whose outstretched hands helping the people to safety represents Raoul Wallenberg. He was the Swedish Diplomat that saved 100,000 Jews. The man holding the flag represents Simon Wiesenthal, the famous Nazi hunter.
  • 14. The boys on either side one with a gun for protection, the other reading the Bible, for religious freedom to all people.
  • 15. ¡°A religious woman, who knew exactly when the Day of Atonement was, prepared a candlestick from the little bread she had, put a little margarine inside it, tore a narrow strip from her dress which she lit. So we had a candle for Yom Kippur. She prayed while we all wept bitterly.¡± As told by my mother
  • 16. My mom told my sister and me the story of the Yom Kippur candle when we were in Auschwitz, in 2000.
  • 18. I told Tibor the story and he created these sketches, painting , statue about this scene. The little girl is my mother. ¡° The scenes are?the same as you told me: the brick stove, improvised candle and people sad & crying after prayers. ¡° ( Tibor Spitz ) Thank you ,my dear friend !
  • 21. I told him that I did not believe¡± that they could burn people in our age, that humanity would never tolerate it . . .¡± ¨D Elie Wiesel, Night
  • 24. ¡°I don¡¯t regard myself as an artist, but feel obliged and duty bound to convey to future generations the awareness of the horror of the Holocaust through creation made from various materials¡±. Dr.Kieselstein Martin , a Shoah survivor
  • 25. I believe in God--in spite of God! I believe in Mankind--in spite of Mankind! I believe in the Future--in spite of the Past!¡± ¨D Elie Wiesel ¡°Survival¡± by Ann Froman In the collections of : Brooklyn College, State University of NY Time Warner Inc. and Harvard University,Cambridge,MA
  • 28. In memory of S ara Mittelman , my mother¡¯s sister, and all the victims of the Holocaust My special thanks to my dear artist friends : A Froman nn Dr.Martin Kieselstein Tibor Spitz Music : Charles Miller , "Y izkor ¡° Played by Ronald Mutchnik ?Martin: The Story of Dr. Martin Kieselstein? - YouTub ?Tibor Spitz? - YouTube April 2012 17