Este documento presenta propuestas para promover la convivencia escolar en Castilla-La Mancha, incluyendo un marco te坦rico, caracter鱈sticas del modelo, condiciones, niveles de intervenci坦n, iniciativas y recursos. Propone integrar la educaci坦n en valores en el curr鱈culo, establecer normas de convivencia democr叩ticamente, y ofrecer formaci坦n y asesoramiento al profesorado para mejorar el clima escolar.
The document discusses various strategies for attracting and addressing audiences for a new film. These strategies include using social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to promote the film, share photos and news, and interact with fans. Word of mouth from social sharing and recommendations is also identified as a powerful way to attract audiences. The document recommends creating a website for the film that provides information about the director and plot and includes interactive elements like games. Finally, placing posters in public places where the target audience is expected is discussed as a strategy for promotion and advertising (P&A). Research on how other films like The Hobbit addressed audiences informed these recommendations.
D辿velopper pour une version d'un navigateur c'est facile. D辿velopper pour plusieurs navigateurs aux capacit辿s parfois franchement diff辿rentes, c'est une autre histoire. Plut担t que de pester toute la journ辿e nous verrons comment il est possible de minimiser les effets de bords, voir de trouver 巽a plaisant. Mobile, Desktop, site web, applications web, bonne pratiques, outils d'aides la production, biblioth竪ques JavaScript indispensables, strat辿gie de test... nous passerons en revu tout tout ce qu'il faut savoir et ce qui permet de coder pour tous les navigateurs (presque) sans douleurs.
El documento presenta el curr鱈culum de Silvana Zitlally Espinosa Garc鱈a, una joven sin experiencia profesional que actualmente busca empleo. Su formaci坦n acad辿mica incluye la primaria y secundaria, e indica tener conocimientos b叩sicos de ingl辿s e inform叩tica as鱈 como haber tomado un curso de MOSS.
This document discusses algorithms and provides examples. It defines an algorithm as a set of instructions to carry out a process and reach a solution. Examples given include recipes, knitting patterns, and IKEA instructions. The document explains how to represent algorithms using flow charts with different shapes indicating steps, decisions, inputs/outputs, etc. It provides tasks to create flow charts for making a cup of tea and coffee, including adding a "predefined process" for filling a kettle within the tea algorithm.
Este documento presenta propuestas para promover la convivencia escolar en Castilla-La Mancha, incluyendo un marco te坦rico, caracter鱈sticas del modelo, condiciones, niveles de intervenci坦n, iniciativas y recursos. Propone integrar la educaci坦n en valores en el curr鱈culo, establecer normas de convivencia democr叩ticamente, y ofrecer formaci坦n y asesoramiento al profesorado para mejorar el clima escolar.
The document discusses various strategies for attracting and addressing audiences for a new film. These strategies include using social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to promote the film, share photos and news, and interact with fans. Word of mouth from social sharing and recommendations is also identified as a powerful way to attract audiences. The document recommends creating a website for the film that provides information about the director and plot and includes interactive elements like games. Finally, placing posters in public places where the target audience is expected is discussed as a strategy for promotion and advertising (P&A). Research on how other films like The Hobbit addressed audiences informed these recommendations.
D辿velopper pour une version d'un navigateur c'est facile. D辿velopper pour plusieurs navigateurs aux capacit辿s parfois franchement diff辿rentes, c'est une autre histoire. Plut担t que de pester toute la journ辿e nous verrons comment il est possible de minimiser les effets de bords, voir de trouver 巽a plaisant. Mobile, Desktop, site web, applications web, bonne pratiques, outils d'aides la production, biblioth竪ques JavaScript indispensables, strat辿gie de test... nous passerons en revu tout tout ce qu'il faut savoir et ce qui permet de coder pour tous les navigateurs (presque) sans douleurs.
El documento presenta el curr鱈culum de Silvana Zitlally Espinosa Garc鱈a, una joven sin experiencia profesional que actualmente busca empleo. Su formaci坦n acad辿mica incluye la primaria y secundaria, e indica tener conocimientos b叩sicos de ingl辿s e inform叩tica as鱈 como haber tomado un curso de MOSS.
This document discusses algorithms and provides examples. It defines an algorithm as a set of instructions to carry out a process and reach a solution. Examples given include recipes, knitting patterns, and IKEA instructions. The document explains how to represent algorithms using flow charts with different shapes indicating steps, decisions, inputs/outputs, etc. It provides tasks to create flow charts for making a cup of tea and coffee, including adding a "predefined process" for filling a kettle within the tea algorithm.
Presented by Philip James of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom, at the WHO European Ministerial Conference on Nutrition and Noncommunicable Diseases in the Context of Health 2020 on 4 July 2013 in Vienna, Austria.
Disclaimer: WHO is not responsible for the content of presentations made by external speakers at its meetings and conferences. This presentation is published here with the speaker's consent, only for information purpose.