My presentation form the recent International Conference on Evidence-based Policy in Long-term Care in London organized by the International Long-Term Care Policy Network.
Socio-economic correlates with the prevalence and onset of diabetes in South ...D'namic Matsebula
This document outlines a study examining socioeconomic correlates of diabetes prevalence and onset in South Africa using data from the National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS). The study aims to explore how demographic characteristics, income, exercise, and body mass index relate to diabetes rates over four waves of NIDS data. Key findings include that age, race, education level, income, exercise frequency, and obesity measures like BMI are significant predictors of diabetes prevalence and onset. Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise appears to have a major protective effect against diabetes.
David Melzer: Health care quality for an active later lifeThe King's Fund
Dr David Melzer, Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Exeter Medical School, spoke at our conference, Making health and care services fit for an ageing population. David analysed the UK's performance in preventing later life disease and disability and considered how well we are delivering treatment for the common disabling diseases of later life.
Workshop on well being over the life course agenda layardStatsCommunications
Workshop on Well-Being over the Life Course
Organised by the OECD, the Centre for Economic Performance of the London School of Economics and CEPREMAP Well-Being Observatory
OECD Conference Centre, Paris,
The document discusses the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study, which aims to quantify the health loss from diseases, injuries, and risk factors using the disability-adjusted life year (DALY) measure. The DALY combines years of life lost due to premature mortality and years lived with disability. The GBD 2010 study found that in 2010 there were 2.49 billion global DALYs, with 31.2% from non-fatal health outcomes and 68.8% from premature mortality. The burden of disease has shifted from communicable to noncommunicable diseases. The top causes of DALYs in 2010 were lower respiratory infections, ischemic heart disease, stroke, preterm birth complications, and road injury
A review of wearable sensors based monitoring with daily physical activity to...IJECEIAES
Globally, the aging and the lifestyle lead to rabidly increment of the number of type two diabetes (T2D) patients. Critically, T2D considers as one of the most challenging healthcare issue. Importantly, physical activity (PA) plays a vital role of improving glycemic control T2D. However, daily monitoring of T2D using wearable devices/ sensors have a crucial role to monitor glucose levels in the blood. Nowadays, daily physical activity (PA) and exercises have been used to manage T2D. The main contribution of the proposed study is to review the literature about managing and monitoring T2D with daily PA through wearable devices and sensors. Finally, challenges and future trends are also highlighted.
Motherhood Wage Penalty During the Times of TransitionOlena Nizalova
Controlling for individual unobserved heterogeneity, a number of human capital characteristics, actual time in the labor force, and selection into employment, we find that the overall motherhood wage penalty is approximately 19%, which is much lower than in the countries with similar de jure family policies and cultural norms. Contrary to the previous literature, we find that postponing first birth till after 30 increases motherhood wage penalty and that females with the lowest educational attainment suffer the most supporting earlier findings of an insurance role of education.
Evaluation of the Mother and Infant Health ProjectOlena Nizalova
This presentation is on the paper which exploits a unique opportunity to evaluate the impact of the quality change in the labor and delivery services brought about by the Mother and Infant Health Project in Ukraine. Employing program evaluation methods, we find that the administrative units participating in the Project have exhibited greater improvements in both maternal and infant health compared to the control ones. Among the infant health characteristics, the MIHP impact is most pronounced for infant mortality resulting from deviations in perinatal period. As for the maternal health, the MIHP is the most effective at combating anemia, blood circulation and urinary-genital system complications, and late toxicosis. The analysis suggests that the effects are due to early attendance of antenatal clinics, lower share of C-sections, and greater share of normal deliveries. Preliminary cost-effectiveness analysis shows enormous benefit per dollar spent on the project: the cost to benefit ratio is one to 97 taking into account both maternal and infant lives saved as well as cost savings due to the changes in labor and delivery practices.
Prioritisation in Public Health: Overview of Health Economics ApproachesOlena Nizalova
Overview of Health Economics Approaches Towards Prioritization based on the developments from the NIHR School of Public Health Research project led by Professor David Hunter.
Opportunity costs and local health servicespending decisions: A qualitative ...Kerry Sheppard
This document summarizes a qualitative study of how local health boards in Wales fund new healthcare technologies approved by regulatory agencies. Semi-structured interviews found that boards generally plan for such costs in advance using contingency funds. Efficiency savings from reducing unnecessary spending, not service displacements, were the most common way of funding new treatments. The opportunity cost is not wholly felt through displaced NHS services but also falls on increased efficiency efforts and other public spending areas. The study challenges the assumption that healthcare budgets are fixed and that approving new treatments necessarily displaces existing services.
The study found that the association between obesity and disability increased between 1988-1994 and 1999-2004 for older adults in the US. Specifically:
- The odds of functional impairment increased 43% for obese individuals between the two periods, while remaining stable for non-obese individuals.
- The odds of disability from activities of daily living (ADLs) declined for non-obese individuals over the 1990s, but did not change for obese individuals.
- Increases in the severity of obesity may explain the different trends for functional impairment versus ADLs, but do not fully account for the increasing association between obesity and disability over time.
The document discusses body mass index (BMI) and how it is calculated based on an individual's weight and height. It then provides BMI calculations for 20 individuals. BMI can be used to assess health risks from being underweight or overweight. The fundamental cause of obesity is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended. The document also briefly discusses the Human Development Index (HDI) and notes that India is ranked 135th among medium development countries.
Aileen Clarke and Sian Taylor-Phillips' presentation development of a preference based well-being measure for the CLAHRC WM Scientific Advisory Group, 10th June 2015, Birmingham, UK
SILS 2015 - Future Longevity and Population Health Improvements: An Economic ...Sherbrooke Innopole
By: Pierre-Carl Michaud, Industrial Alliance Research Chair on the Economics of Demographic Change
At Sherbrooke International Life Sciences Summit - 2nd edition | September 28/29/30 2015
back pain presentation Day 5-LBPelderly.pptAfframHspt
- Low back pain (LBP) is very common and increasingly prevalent among older adults. Between 1991-2002, Medicare costs for LBP increased 387% (Weiner, 2006).
- While LBP is associated with impaired function and mobility, there has been little research on underlying mechanisms and interventions for LBP in older adults.
- A study of 522 older adults found that those with LBP or LBP + leg pain had significantly worse self-rated health, physical and mental component scores, and greater functional limitations compared to those without pain. However, less than half of those with LBP sought care.
- Core muscle strength and mass decreases with age, which may compromise the spinal stabil
Exposure to Medicaid in early childhood was found to decrease the prevalence of adult chronic conditions but did not improve economic status. The study used a difference-in-differences approach comparing individuals exposed to Medicaid in early childhood to those with no exposure, finding a 0.4 reduction in the probability of chronic conditions for the low-income group targeted by Medicaid. However, no significant effects were found for economic outcomes like education, income, and wealth. The results suggest early childhood Medicaid coverage provides long-term health benefits but the mechanisms and potential effects on economics require more research.
This study examines the relationship between social capital and health outcomes among elderly individuals in Indonesia. The authors analyze data from over 1,200 households with individuals aged 50 and older. They find that higher levels of generalized trust and community participation are statistically significantly associated with better physical health and mobility as measured by Katz activities of daily living scores. Specifically, higher social capital increases the probability that an elderly individual will be highly independent and decreases the likelihood they require assistance. The positive effects of social capital on health are more pronounced for women and in rural areas. While social capital is linked to better physical and mental health, its impact on more serious chronic illnesses is limited.
Examining the incremental Impact of long-standing health conditions on subjec...ScHARR HEDS
This study examined whether the EQ-5D adequately captures the impact of long-standing health conditions on subjective well-being (SWB). Regression models were used to analyze data from the South Yorkshire Cohort. The models showed that anxiety/depression had the largest negative impact on life satisfaction, followed by self-care and pain. Insomnia also negatively impacted SWB and could be an additional dimension for the EQ-5D. Overall, the EQ-5D captured the effects of health on SWB, though insomnia provided some incremental information beyond the EQ-5D dimensions.
Published January of 2014, the UK's Dept. of Health explains how they are measuring wellbeing, why wellbeing is important, and what kind of policies and programs enhance wellbeing & happiness,
This document analyzes socioeconomic inequalities in wellbeing in Costa Rica. It finds that higher income and education are associated with greater wellbeing, while unemployment, female gender, and divorced/separated status are linked to lower wellbeing. Health status also influences wellbeing and contributes to inequalities, with wealthier groups reporting better health. The study uses an ordered logit model and concentration index to examine relationships between various determinants and wellbeing measures from a national survey. It concludes that while Costa Ricans with higher incomes have greater wellbeing, the distribution of wellbeing is more equal than income, and health inequalities most negatively impact younger age groups.
Three Dimensions of Care for Diabetes (3DFD) – diabetes management for people...NHS Improving Quality
Three Dimensions of Care for Diabetes (3DFD) – diabetes management for people with psychological / social needs, by King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust and King's Health Partners
Weight diabetes and metabolic problems in patients taking atypical antipsycho...Alex J Mitchell
Free slide show on weight gain, diabetes and metabolic problems in those taking atypical antipsychotic medication in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and related conditions. Image credits retained by original authors. Please give correct acknolwedgements if you present any material from here.
Defining, classifying and measuring functioning and disability in DSM5Bedirhan Ustun
DSM5 has changed the requirements for describing the clinical significance of a DSM category. Now there it is required that "impairment" criteria is specified in accordance with the ICF ( International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health ) and operationally measured with the WHODAS 2.0;
Steve Iliffe: Encouraging innovative approaches and policies to improve prima...The King's Fund
Steve Iliffe, Professor of Primary Care for Older People at University College London, spoke at our conference Making health and care services fit for an ageing population. Steve championed an innovative approach to primary care and explains what we need to do to achieve this.
Evaluation of the Mother and Infant Health ProjectOlena Nizalova
This presentation is on the paper which exploits a unique opportunity to evaluate the impact of the quality change in the labor and delivery services brought about by the Mother and Infant Health Project in Ukraine. Employing program evaluation methods, we find that the administrative units participating in the Project have exhibited greater improvements in both maternal and infant health compared to the control ones. Among the infant health characteristics, the MIHP impact is most pronounced for infant mortality resulting from deviations in perinatal period. As for the maternal health, the MIHP is the most effective at combating anemia, blood circulation and urinary-genital system complications, and late toxicosis. The analysis suggests that the effects are due to early attendance of antenatal clinics, lower share of C-sections, and greater share of normal deliveries. Preliminary cost-effectiveness analysis shows enormous benefit per dollar spent on the project: the cost to benefit ratio is one to 97 taking into account both maternal and infant lives saved as well as cost savings due to the changes in labor and delivery practices.
Prioritisation in Public Health: Overview of Health Economics ApproachesOlena Nizalova
Overview of Health Economics Approaches Towards Prioritization based on the developments from the NIHR School of Public Health Research project led by Professor David Hunter.
Opportunity costs and local health servicespending decisions: A qualitative ...Kerry Sheppard
This document summarizes a qualitative study of how local health boards in Wales fund new healthcare technologies approved by regulatory agencies. Semi-structured interviews found that boards generally plan for such costs in advance using contingency funds. Efficiency savings from reducing unnecessary spending, not service displacements, were the most common way of funding new treatments. The opportunity cost is not wholly felt through displaced NHS services but also falls on increased efficiency efforts and other public spending areas. The study challenges the assumption that healthcare budgets are fixed and that approving new treatments necessarily displaces existing services.
The study found that the association between obesity and disability increased between 1988-1994 and 1999-2004 for older adults in the US. Specifically:
- The odds of functional impairment increased 43% for obese individuals between the two periods, while remaining stable for non-obese individuals.
- The odds of disability from activities of daily living (ADLs) declined for non-obese individuals over the 1990s, but did not change for obese individuals.
- Increases in the severity of obesity may explain the different trends for functional impairment versus ADLs, but do not fully account for the increasing association between obesity and disability over time.
The document discusses body mass index (BMI) and how it is calculated based on an individual's weight and height. It then provides BMI calculations for 20 individuals. BMI can be used to assess health risks from being underweight or overweight. The fundamental cause of obesity is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended. The document also briefly discusses the Human Development Index (HDI) and notes that India is ranked 135th among medium development countries.
Aileen Clarke and Sian Taylor-Phillips' presentation development of a preference based well-being measure for the CLAHRC WM Scientific Advisory Group, 10th June 2015, Birmingham, UK
SILS 2015 - Future Longevity and Population Health Improvements: An Economic ...Sherbrooke Innopole
By: Pierre-Carl Michaud, Industrial Alliance Research Chair on the Economics of Demographic Change
At Sherbrooke International Life Sciences Summit - 2nd edition | September 28/29/30 2015
back pain presentation Day 5-LBPelderly.pptAfframHspt
- Low back pain (LBP) is very common and increasingly prevalent among older adults. Between 1991-2002, Medicare costs for LBP increased 387% (Weiner, 2006).
- While LBP is associated with impaired function and mobility, there has been little research on underlying mechanisms and interventions for LBP in older adults.
- A study of 522 older adults found that those with LBP or LBP + leg pain had significantly worse self-rated health, physical and mental component scores, and greater functional limitations compared to those without pain. However, less than half of those with LBP sought care.
- Core muscle strength and mass decreases with age, which may compromise the spinal stabil
Exposure to Medicaid in early childhood was found to decrease the prevalence of adult chronic conditions but did not improve economic status. The study used a difference-in-differences approach comparing individuals exposed to Medicaid in early childhood to those with no exposure, finding a 0.4 reduction in the probability of chronic conditions for the low-income group targeted by Medicaid. However, no significant effects were found for economic outcomes like education, income, and wealth. The results suggest early childhood Medicaid coverage provides long-term health benefits but the mechanisms and potential effects on economics require more research.
This study examines the relationship between social capital and health outcomes among elderly individuals in Indonesia. The authors analyze data from over 1,200 households with individuals aged 50 and older. They find that higher levels of generalized trust and community participation are statistically significantly associated with better physical health and mobility as measured by Katz activities of daily living scores. Specifically, higher social capital increases the probability that an elderly individual will be highly independent and decreases the likelihood they require assistance. The positive effects of social capital on health are more pronounced for women and in rural areas. While social capital is linked to better physical and mental health, its impact on more serious chronic illnesses is limited.
Examining the incremental Impact of long-standing health conditions on subjec...ScHARR HEDS
This study examined whether the EQ-5D adequately captures the impact of long-standing health conditions on subjective well-being (SWB). Regression models were used to analyze data from the South Yorkshire Cohort. The models showed that anxiety/depression had the largest negative impact on life satisfaction, followed by self-care and pain. Insomnia also negatively impacted SWB and could be an additional dimension for the EQ-5D. Overall, the EQ-5D captured the effects of health on SWB, though insomnia provided some incremental information beyond the EQ-5D dimensions.
Published January of 2014, the UK's Dept. of Health explains how they are measuring wellbeing, why wellbeing is important, and what kind of policies and programs enhance wellbeing & happiness,
This document analyzes socioeconomic inequalities in wellbeing in Costa Rica. It finds that higher income and education are associated with greater wellbeing, while unemployment, female gender, and divorced/separated status are linked to lower wellbeing. Health status also influences wellbeing and contributes to inequalities, with wealthier groups reporting better health. The study uses an ordered logit model and concentration index to examine relationships between various determinants and wellbeing measures from a national survey. It concludes that while Costa Ricans with higher incomes have greater wellbeing, the distribution of wellbeing is more equal than income, and health inequalities most negatively impact younger age groups.
Three Dimensions of Care for Diabetes (3DFD) – diabetes management for people...NHS Improving Quality
Three Dimensions of Care for Diabetes (3DFD) – diabetes management for people with psychological / social needs, by King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust and King's Health Partners
Weight diabetes and metabolic problems in patients taking atypical antipsycho...Alex J Mitchell
Free slide show on weight gain, diabetes and metabolic problems in those taking atypical antipsychotic medication in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and related conditions. Image credits retained by original authors. Please give correct acknolwedgements if you present any material from here.
Defining, classifying and measuring functioning and disability in DSM5Bedirhan Ustun
DSM5 has changed the requirements for describing the clinical significance of a DSM category. Now there it is required that "impairment" criteria is specified in accordance with the ICF ( International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health ) and operationally measured with the WHODAS 2.0;
Steve Iliffe: Encouraging innovative approaches and policies to improve prima...The King's Fund
Steve Iliffe, Professor of Primary Care for Older People at University College London, spoke at our conference Making health and care services fit for an ageing population. Steve championed an innovative approach to primary care and explains what we need to do to achieve this.
Falls are common in older adults and can have serious consequences. Exercise interventions, particularly high intensity balance and strength training 3 times per week, have been shown to effectively reduce falls rates. For those living in the community, not all fallers need to be seen by a doctor. Frail patients may benefit from a comprehensive geriatric assessment to address their risk factors.
This presentation was made by Marion DEVAUX at the 5th Meeting of the joint OECD DELSA/GOV Network on Fiscal Sustainability of Health Systems held on 4-5 February 2016 at the OECD Conference Centre in Paris.
Comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) is a multidimensional, interdisciplinary diagnostic process to determine the medical, psychological and functional capabilities of a frail elderly person in order to develop a co-ordinated and integrated plan for treatment and long-term follow up
Hypertrophic obesity is associated with type 2 diabetes and impaired adipogen...My Healthy Waist
By Ulf Smith, MD, PhD, Professor of Internal Medicine, The Lundberg Laboratory for Diabetes Research, Center of Excellence for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research, Sahlgrenska Academy, G?teborg University, G?teborg, Sweden
The Ultimate Guide for Easy and Effective Content Creation 2025.pdfNirahealthy
Chapter 1: Understanding Content Creation in 2025
Definition of Content Creation
Content creation is the process of generating ideas, crafting messages, and producing materials that engage and inform an audience. It encompasses a wide range of formats, including blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, and more.
Types of Content
Written Content: Blogs, articles, eBooks, and social media posts.
Visual Content: Images, infographics, videos, and animations.
Audio Content: Podcasts, audiobooks, and voiceovers.
Interactive Content: Quizzes, polls, AR/VR experiences, and gamified content.
The Role of AI and Automation
AI and automation are revolutionizing content creation by streamlining processes, enhancing creativity, and enabling personalization at scale. Tools like ChatGPT and Jasper are helping creators generate ideas, write copy, and even edit content in minutes.
Trends Shaping Content Creation in 2025
"Personalization: Crafting content that aligns with individual preferences and behaviors."
"Short-Form Content: Revolutionized by platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, which dominate social media engagement."
Immersive Experiences: AR/VR and interactive content gaining traction.
Sustainability: Eco-friendly and ethical content practices.
Chapter 2: Setting Goals for Your Content
Why Goal-Setting is Crucial
Without clear goals, content creation can feel aimless and ineffective. Goals provide direction, help measure success, and ensure your efforts align with your overall objectives.
Types of Goals
Brand Awareness: Increasing visibility and recognition.
Lead Generation: Attracting potential customers.
Engagement: Building relationships with your audience.
Conversions: Driving sales or other desired actions.
Aligning Content Goals with Business Objectives
"Align your content goals to directly drive and support your core business objectives.". For example, if your goal is to increase sales, focus on creating content that highlights your products and includes strong CTAs.
Tools for Tracking and Measuring Performance
Google Analytics
? Click here to get "Content Creation" from official website
Chapter 3: Tools and Technologies for Easy Content Creation
AI-Powered Content Creation Tools
ChatGPT: For generating ideas and writing copy.
Jasper: For creating blog posts and marketing materials.
Canva: For designing visuals and graphics.
Video and Audio Editing Software
Adobe Premiere Pro: For professional video editing.
Audacity: For audio editing and podcast production.
InVideo: For beginner-friendly video creation.
Platforms for Automating Content Distribution
Buffer: For scheduling social media posts.
Mailchimp: For email marketing automation.
Hootsuite: For managing multiple social media accounts.
Emerging Technologies
AR/VR: For creating immersive experiences.
AI-Generated Visuals: Tools like DALL·E for generating unique images.
THSYU Launches Innovative Cryptocurrency Platform: A New Era of Secure and Ef...Google
THSYU, a trailblazer in the global cryptocurrency trading landscape, is thrilled to announce the launch of its cutting-edge trading platform. This innovative platform is meticulously designed to provide secure, efficient, and user-friendly trading solutions. With this development, THSYU solidifies its position in the competitive cryptocurrency market while demonstrating its commitment to leveraging advanced technology for the protection of user assets.
The Monitoring presents the analysis of Ukraine's exports and imports, key trends, and business impediments. In December 2024, exports increased by only 2% yoy, while in January 2025, they fell by 8% yoy due to declining agricultural stocks. The physical volumes of wheat, corn, and sunflower oil exports continue to decline, although export prices remain relatively high.
The Monitoring also includes an analysis of key impediments for exporters, such as labor shortages, rising raw material costs, and the impact of the energy situation. Special attention is given to the Comprehensive Economic Partnership between Ukraine and the UAE, which grants duty-free access for 96.6% of Ukrainian goods.
More details are available on the website.
Accounting Strategies for Businesses with Dak GilinskyDak Gilinsky
Dak Gilinsky provides expert guidance on managing business finances, bookkeeping, and tax compliance. Learn essential accounting strategies to improve financial transparency, reduce errors, and optimize profitability. Whether you're a startup or an established company, these insights will help you stay financially organized and compliant.
Nadia Dawed’s remarkable journey in financial management reflects her commitment to delivering measurable results. With extensive experience in supply chain financial analysis and compliance, she ensures businesses operate efficiently and profitably. Her ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams and implement strategic solutions makes her an invaluable leader in financial operations.
Adoption of SAP Ariba by Large Corporations.docxJacek Pakula
Case study to analyze why SAP Ariba did modernize large corporation procurement process – turning a traditionally back-office function into a driver of strategic value.
??My name is Raclaw Wysocki, a real estate investor from Warszawa, Poland. Last year, I invested in cryptocurrency, hoping to double my investment by the start of the new year. However, I soon discovered that I had fallen victim to a scam. It was a devastating experience for me and my family, and without iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY, I wouldn’t have been able to recover my funds.?iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY is a leading cryptocurrency and data recovery company specializing in retrieving lost crypto assets from hackers and fraudulent investment brokers. Thanks to their expertise, I successfully recovered $950,000 worth of crypto. I highly recommend their services. They are trustworthy, reliable, and have a proven 100% success rate.
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Economic Revitalization for Pakistan: An OverviewVaqar Ahmed
The "Draft Economic Agenda 2018" by SDPI outlined a framework for Pakistan's economic revitalisation, addressing deep-rooted structural issues.
The project work highlighted the country's persistent challenges: low productivity, inequitable distribution of wealth, environmental degradation, and a narrow tax base. It critiqued the prevailing growth model, which it argued has exacerbated inequalities and neglected human development.
The agenda advocated for a paradigm shift, emphasizing:
? Inclusive Growth: Prioritizing job creation, poverty reduction, and equitable access to resources, particularly for marginalized groups.
? Sustainable Development: Integrating environmental considerations into economic planning, promoting renewable energy, and addressing climate change impacts.
? Industrial Diversification: Moving away from reliance on traditional sectors, fostering innovation, and promoting value-added manufacturing.
? Human Capital Development: Investing in education, healthcare, and skills training to enhance productivity and competitiveness.
? Fiscal Reforms: Expanding the tax base, improving tax administration, and reducing reliance on external debt.
? Agricultural Transformation: Promoting sustainable agriculture, improving land management, and enhancing food security.
? Energy Security: Diversifying energy sources, promoting renewable energy, and improving energy efficiency.
? Regional Cooperation: Strengthening trade and economic ties with neighboring countries.
? Governance Reforms: Enhancing transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in economic decision-making.
The agenda proposed specific policy recommendations, including:
? Targeted investments in infrastructure, education, and healthcare.
? Incentives for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
? Reforms to improve the ease of doing business.
? Measures to promote financial inclusion.
? Policies to address climate change and environmental degradation.
Pearson's Chi-square Test for Research AnalysisYuli Paul
The Chi-Square test is a powerful statistical tool used to analyze categorical data by comparing observed and expected frequencies. It helps determine whether a dataset follows an expected distribution (Goodness-of-Fit Test) or whether two categorical variables are related (Test for Independence). Being a non-parametric test, it is widely applicable but requires large sample sizes and independent observations for reliable results. While it identifies associations between variables, it does not measure causation or the strength of relationships. Despite its limitations, the Chi-Square test remains a fundamental method in statistics for hypothesis testing in various fields.
Body Mass, Physical Activity and Future Care Needs in the UK
1. Body Mass, Physical Activity and Future Care NeedsOlena Nizalova, Julien Forder, and Katerina GousiaILPN, LSE, LondonSeptember 1, 2014
2. 2
?Obesity in the UK is on the rise: quarter of the population obese by 2013
?P(Obese) highest at 45-64, P(Overweight|Obese) highest at 65-74
Figure 1: Prevalence of Obesity Among Adults 16+
Source: Health Survey for England 1993-2012 (3-year average)
3. 3
Obesity –health bomb
?Obesity contributes to the development of long-term conditions:
–mental health problems
–liver disease
–type 2 diabetes
–cardiovascular disease
–muscular skeletal disease
?The resulting NHS costs attributable to overweight and obesity are projected to reach ?10 billion by 2050, with wider costs to society estimated to reach ?50 billion per year (Foresight 2007)
4. 4
Obesity –care bomb?
?Long-term health conditions
?Severe obesity may lead to severe physical difficulties inhibiting ADLs:
–Housing adaptations
–Specialist care for house bound people
–Provision of appropriate transport and facilities
?SES-obesity gradient, ethnic differences in obesity –increasing inequality in health and social care
5. 5
Research Question
?What is the impact of obesity on the use of various modes of care in the future, in addition to its impact through long-term health conditions?
?Does physical activity play a role in the future care use?
6. BMI and long term care: literature
?Few studies take BMI explicitly into account as a determinant of care needs
?All evidence comes from US studies only
?Mixed evidence
–Both obese and under-weight adults are at greater relative risk of nursing home admissions (Zizzaet al. 2002)
–Midlife obesity predicted nursing home admission in later life compared with normal BMI (Elkins et al. 2006)
–No evidence on effect of BMI on informal care (Resniket al. 2005)
?Cox proportional hazard models, logit
7. 7
?English Longitudinal Study of Ageing 2002- 2011
?65+ sample: overall (N=8100) and those not using care initially (N=5721), men vs. women
?BMI from Nurse data (wave 0, wave 2, wave 4)
?Care status data (wave 3, wave 5)
8. 8
?Multinomial Logit for various care needs controlling for non-response and death:
–Comparison of the impact on 2-year transitions to the longer run impact of variables of interest at the baseline
–Exploring the importance of obesity in determining future care use after controlling for available related health conditions and limitations (ADLs, iADLs, HBP, diabetes, cancer, lung disease, heart disease, stroke, psychic problems, arthritis)
–Exploration of the role of the physical activity
?Outcomes: future care needs (informal care, privately purchased care, social care, nursing/care home)
?Controls: demographic and socio-economic characteristics
9. 9
Nonparametric evidence – 1
.2 .4 .6 .8
0 20 40 60 80
Any Care Care Home
Informal Care Social Care
Private Care
Receving care (by type) and BMI last wave
Figure 1 : BMI and Care Needs in 2 years.
10. 10
Nonparametric evidence –2
Figure2:BMIatBaselineandCareNeedsEver. 020406080Any CareCare HomeInformal CareSocial CarePrivate CareEver receving care (by type) and BMI
11. 11
No of observations
In care home
Any mode of care
Informal care
Formal care
Privately paid care
Sample Description –1