Short talk at the 2010 Bibliothekskongress in Leipzig. Held at the KIBA-Lounge stand. A somewhat whimsical overview of the various roles in US libraries.
Este documento resume los principales tipos de software, incluyendo software de base como sistemas operativos y programas utilitarios, software de aplicación como procesadores de texto y hojas de cálculo, y cómo se organiza la información en archivos, bases de datos y resoluciones de imágenes. También describe los virus informáticos, cómo se alojan y propagan, y los programas antivirus utilizados para proteger los sistemas.
A LAN is a high-speed network covering a small geographic area that connects devices like computers and printers. It allows shared access to devices, file sharing, and communication via email. LANs use protocols like Ethernet and Token Ring and media access methods like CSMA/CD and token passing to allow devices to communicate on the shared network medium. Common LAN devices include hubs, switches, bridges, and routers that operate at the data link layer and network layer to connect, segment, and route traffic between LAN segments.
This document provides information about the Women's Ministry of the Baguio Assembly City Church. It discusses hosting an entrepreneurship event focused on developing godly women entrepreneurs. The event will teach principles of entrepreneurship from a biblical perspective and encourage women to use their skills to glorify God and serve their community. It aims to empower women spiritually and economically.
Keep Up with the Demands of IT Security on a Nonprofit BudgetBVU
The technical requirements facing nonprofits are challenging and complex due to budgetary constraints, and the demands for secure and reliable access to data regulators, clients, donors, and board members. We will explore different tools non-profits can leverage for better IT security practices that won't break your IT budget, including cloud based anti-virus solutions, Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems, and data backup in the cloud. Additionally, you will learn how tools built within Office 365 (available for free to qualified nonprofits from Microsoft), such as Email Encryption and Mobile Device Management, enable non-profits to operate more efficiently and securely.
Green Broadband Broadband World Australia 2008Turlough Guerin
This document summarizes a presentation by Dr. Turlough Guerin about how high-speed broadband networks can help Australia transition to a low-carbon economy and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. It discusses how broadband enables teleworking, efficient deployment of field staff, and video conferencing to reduce transportation needs. It provides examples of how Telstra has used broadband to increase field workforce productivity by 20% and reduce fuel usage by 6%, saving millions of liters of fuel annually. The document advocates that broadband infrastructure will be important for enabling changes in how Australians work, live, and use energy to meet climate change goals.
The Great Depression worsened as businesses and banks failed, causing people to suffer and lose hope. When Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected in 1932, Congress passed a series of New Deal acts to provide relief, jobs, and financial reform. While the Supreme Court struck down several acts as unconstitutional, the New Deal restored some hope and expanded the federal government's role, though it faced criticism from those opposed to large deficits and government expansion.
O documento discute a evolu??o da profiss?o de marketer no século XXI. Aponta que o marketer moderno deve ser mais humano, ágil, e integrado à tecnologia, visando resultados concretos e a cria??o de valor para as marcas, stakeholders e consumidores.
SKF reported strong financial results for the first quarter of 2010, with operating margin of 11.8% compared to 5.2% in the first quarter of 2009. Demand increased across most regions and industries, particularly in Asia and for the automotive business. For the second quarter, SKF expects demand to be significantly higher than the previous year and slightly higher than the first quarter. SKF will maintain higher manufacturing levels to meet demand.
The document summarizes SKF Group's first quarter 2010 results. Key points include strong operating profit and margin compared to the previous year. Production levels and demand outlook increased during the quarter, though sales were negatively impacted by price and mix factors. The company inaugurated two new factories in India and adjusted manufacturing capacity in Sweden. Guidance for Q2 2010 indicated further sales growth compared to Q1 2010 across regions and divisions.
The document discusses the scientific method, outlining its key steps and importance. It begins with a group activity to discuss what the scientific method is, its steps, and why it is important. It then instructs the group to create a role play demonstrating the application of the scientific method in an everyday setting. Criteria for the role play are provided regarding comprehension, script, plot, costumes/props, delivery, length and participation.
The document provides information about hiking trails around the Lone Star College CyFair campus and other nearby parks, including recommended gear, maps of trails of varying distances at each location, and amenities found at each park. It recommends bringing a map, compass, first aid kit, water, snacks, and other essentials. It then describes 5 different hiking routes at LSC-CyFair ranging from 0.43 to 1.42 miles. Next it lists other nearby parks like Telge Park with 4 trails totaling 2.25 miles, Bear Creek Pioneers Park with a 1.85 mile nature trail and other facilities, George Bush Park with trails through various landscapes totaling 10.8 and 5.57 miles, and Terry
Short talk at the 2010 Bibliothekskongress in Leipzig. Held at the KIBA-Lounge stand. A somewhat whimsical overview of the various roles in US libraries.
Este documento resume los principales tipos de software, incluyendo software de base como sistemas operativos y programas utilitarios, software de aplicación como procesadores de texto y hojas de cálculo, y cómo se organiza la información en archivos, bases de datos y resoluciones de imágenes. También describe los virus informáticos, cómo se alojan y propagan, y los programas antivirus utilizados para proteger los sistemas.
A LAN is a high-speed network covering a small geographic area that connects devices like computers and printers. It allows shared access to devices, file sharing, and communication via email. LANs use protocols like Ethernet and Token Ring and media access methods like CSMA/CD and token passing to allow devices to communicate on the shared network medium. Common LAN devices include hubs, switches, bridges, and routers that operate at the data link layer and network layer to connect, segment, and route traffic between LAN segments.
This document provides information about the Women's Ministry of the Baguio Assembly City Church. It discusses hosting an entrepreneurship event focused on developing godly women entrepreneurs. The event will teach principles of entrepreneurship from a biblical perspective and encourage women to use their skills to glorify God and serve their community. It aims to empower women spiritually and economically.
Keep Up with the Demands of IT Security on a Nonprofit BudgetBVU
The technical requirements facing nonprofits are challenging and complex due to budgetary constraints, and the demands for secure and reliable access to data regulators, clients, donors, and board members. We will explore different tools non-profits can leverage for better IT security practices that won't break your IT budget, including cloud based anti-virus solutions, Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems, and data backup in the cloud. Additionally, you will learn how tools built within Office 365 (available for free to qualified nonprofits from Microsoft), such as Email Encryption and Mobile Device Management, enable non-profits to operate more efficiently and securely.
Green Broadband Broadband World Australia 2008Turlough Guerin
This document summarizes a presentation by Dr. Turlough Guerin about how high-speed broadband networks can help Australia transition to a low-carbon economy and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. It discusses how broadband enables teleworking, efficient deployment of field staff, and video conferencing to reduce transportation needs. It provides examples of how Telstra has used broadband to increase field workforce productivity by 20% and reduce fuel usage by 6%, saving millions of liters of fuel annually. The document advocates that broadband infrastructure will be important for enabling changes in how Australians work, live, and use energy to meet climate change goals.
The Great Depression worsened as businesses and banks failed, causing people to suffer and lose hope. When Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected in 1932, Congress passed a series of New Deal acts to provide relief, jobs, and financial reform. While the Supreme Court struck down several acts as unconstitutional, the New Deal restored some hope and expanded the federal government's role, though it faced criticism from those opposed to large deficits and government expansion.
O documento discute a evolu??o da profiss?o de marketer no século XXI. Aponta que o marketer moderno deve ser mais humano, ágil, e integrado à tecnologia, visando resultados concretos e a cria??o de valor para as marcas, stakeholders e consumidores.
SKF reported strong financial results for the first quarter of 2010, with operating margin of 11.8% compared to 5.2% in the first quarter of 2009. Demand increased across most regions and industries, particularly in Asia and for the automotive business. For the second quarter, SKF expects demand to be significantly higher than the previous year and slightly higher than the first quarter. SKF will maintain higher manufacturing levels to meet demand.
The document summarizes SKF Group's first quarter 2010 results. Key points include strong operating profit and margin compared to the previous year. Production levels and demand outlook increased during the quarter, though sales were negatively impacted by price and mix factors. The company inaugurated two new factories in India and adjusted manufacturing capacity in Sweden. Guidance for Q2 2010 indicated further sales growth compared to Q1 2010 across regions and divisions.
The document discusses the scientific method, outlining its key steps and importance. It begins with a group activity to discuss what the scientific method is, its steps, and why it is important. It then instructs the group to create a role play demonstrating the application of the scientific method in an everyday setting. Criteria for the role play are provided regarding comprehension, script, plot, costumes/props, delivery, length and participation.
The document provides information about hiking trails around the Lone Star College CyFair campus and other nearby parks, including recommended gear, maps of trails of varying distances at each location, and amenities found at each park. It recommends bringing a map, compass, first aid kit, water, snacks, and other essentials. It then describes 5 different hiking routes at LSC-CyFair ranging from 0.43 to 1.42 miles. Next it lists other nearby parks like Telge Park with 4 trails totaling 2.25 miles, Bear Creek Pioneers Park with a 1.85 mile nature trail and other facilities, George Bush Park with trails through various landscapes totaling 10.8 and 5.57 miles, and Terry
Este documento habla sobre el significado de la libertad en el contexto del software libre y de código abierto. Explora conceptos como la libertad de uso, modificación y distribución del software; la libre competencia sin licencias; el soporte a largo plazo; y el uso de formatos estándares. También menciona temas como la economía de implementación, la propiedad y decisión sobre el uso del software, la seguridad de los sistemas, y la expansión continua de estos sistemas.
Dadaism was an anti-art movement started in 1916 in Zurich, Switzerland in response to World War I. It spread after the war and rebelled against nationalist policies. Dadaists experimented with new forms of expression and chose their name, meaning 'hobby horse', randomly. The Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich was the birthplace of Dadaism, bringing together exiled artists like Hugo Ball, Emmy Hennings, Jean Arp, and others. Dadaism had no inherent meaning and interpretations depended on the viewer.
This document provides instructions for making a Queen's Ring with 12 steps. The supplies needed are nylon thread, beads, a fancy stone, and beading tools. The instructions include attaching a fancy stone, stringing beads onto the thread to form a ring shape, and repeating steps to complete the design.
SKF reported lower sales and profits in the first half of 2009 compared to 2008 due to a decline in demand. While demand continued to decrease, the rate of decline showed signs of leveling off. SKF implemented cost reduction activities and restructuring programs that resulted in annual savings of SEK 800 million. For the third quarter, SKF expects year-on-year sales declines to be slightly less than the first half, and manufacturing levels to remain relatively unchanged.
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full reportTurlough Guerin
Telstra recognizes ethics and governance, the impact of telecommunications, and customer service as material issues given its role in Australia. For ethics, Telstra established a Corporate Responsibility Council and adheres to governance policies. For telecommunications impact, Telstra delivers broadband networks and supports social issues. Regarding customer service, Telstra aims to reduce complaints and improve the customer experience.
The document is the 2014 annual report for REAP (Regional Economic Area Partnership), which works to advance economic development in south central Kansas. The report discusses REAP's accomplishments in 2014 including obtaining a federal manufacturing designation, legislative priorities, water resources efforts, and workforce development activities. It provides an overview of REAP's structure, membership, and goals to guide economic development actions across the region.