The document provides an economic calendar for January 2014 listing key economic data releases and events scheduled for each day that month. It includes releases such as employment reports, manufacturing surveys, retail sales, housing starts and existing home sales. The calendar is intended to help readers keep track of important monthly and weekly macroeconomic indicators.
This document provides an economic calendar for January through July 2013 listing key economic data releases and events by date. It includes releases such as employment reports, manufacturing and services surveys, consumer confidence and spending, housing data, inflation measures, and more. The calendar notes the time and source of each release to help track important economic news and Federal Reserve meetings and communications.
This document provides an economic calendar for January and February 2015 with the following key details:
1) It lists various economic reports and data releases that will be published each day, including things like employment reports, manufacturing surveys, retail sales, housing starts, GDP figures, and more.
2) The reports are organized by date and include the expected release time for each report.
3) It provides a brief overview of the Wells Fargo Economics Group and notes that the full publication is available on their website.
Jpm 2015 u s economic calendar 2014-11-19_1553864pmella
This document provides an economic calendar for the year 2015 that lists release dates for major U.S. economic indicators and Treasury auctions. It includes monthly, weekly and some quarterly economic reports released by the government and private organizations. The calendar notes that some weekly and monthly report dates are estimates and could change. It also references additional economic analysis and reports published by J.P. Morgan.
US Shale Oil and Gas Production and the American Economic RecoveryJames Hahn II
The US became the worlds No. 1 hydrocarbon-based energy producer in 2013 thanks to our abundant supply of shale oil and gas. No other country in the history of modern oil production has added more production so quickly than the United States. This points to the unsurpassed ingenuity of American entrepreneurs, as well as the economic benefits a free marketing brings to our country.
Many thanks to Mark J. Perry of the American Enterprise Institute for providing these slides in conjunction with his appearance on The Oil & Gas Digital Marketing Podcast. You can connect with Mark across the interwebs here:
American Enterprise Institute:
Carpe Diem Blog:
This document contains graphs and statistics about the United Kingdom's economy and labor market between 2000-2013. It shows trends in the UK's population, employment rates, unemployment rates by age and sector, GDP growth, imports/exports, investments, public and private debt as percentages of GDP. The graphs indicate that while the UK's population and GDP grew steadily in this period, unemployment, especially among youth, increased after the 2008 financial crisis.
El documento presenta una lista de lugares tur鱈sticos en Alemania, incluyendo castillos, r鱈os, catedrales y ciudades como Berl鱈n, Hamburgo, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Nuremberg, Munich, Dresden y Colonia. La mayor鱈a de los lugares mencionados se encuentran en la regi坦n de Baviera.
Changing behaviour in organisations is one of the toughest challenges communicators face. IABC Canberra presenter Tina Chawner offers insights based on her recent UK experiences.
The document discusses several key points about media literacy in the 21st century:
1. Media are constructed very carefully using identifiable techniques to influence audiences. Deconstructing these techniques can lead to more informed consumption.
2. Consuming media involves cultural choices that can enhance or degrade lives. People should consider what else they could be doing that is more beneficial.
3. Media contain ideological and value messages, both intended and unintended, that target specific groups.
Facebook Facts for Australian Government Communicators Bob Crawshaw
This document provides numerical benchmarks for Australian government brands and politicians on Facebook in September 2013. It shows the average weekly engagement figures and engagement rates for different industries and government entities. It also lists the top performing government brands and campaigns as well as the top 10 politicians by number of Facebook fans. The Queensland Police Service had the most engaged fans and most fans of any government brand.
Students created a PowerPoint to share the information they learned about a Middle Eastern country of their choice. This is not teacher edited; additional instruction will be retaught for standard English conventions and age appropriate bibliography.
Students created a PowerPoint to share the information they learned about a Middle Eastern country of their choice. This is not teacher edited; additional instruction will be retaught for standard English conventions and age appropriate bibliography.
Technology integration is better than just technology use in schools according to the document. Technology integration involves using technology productively to enhance learning, while technology use is simply having electronic devices available without a focus on how they improve education. The document discusses reasons some argue for just technology use, such as budget constraints, time issues, and teachers lacking skills, but says technology integration should be the focus since it engages students, improves skills, and prepares them for a technology-focused society and future careers.
Students created a PowerPoint to share the information they learned about a Middle Eastern country of their choice. This is not teacher edited; additional instruction will be retaught for standard English conventions and age appropriate bibliography.
The Widgetized Self in the BlogosphereAnne Helmond
The document discusses how identity is constructed online through various platforms. It compares personal homepages and blogs as ways individuals fashion public identities on the web. Personal homepages in the late 1990s presented fairly static, self-contained identities through individually authored HTML pages. In contrast, blogs allow for more fluid, distributed identities through constantly updated content stored across a database, not confined to a single page. Blogs support a more unruly, multifaceted online social identity than early personal homepages.
Students created a PowerPoint to share the information they learned about a Middle Eastern country of their choice. This is not teacher edited; additional instruction will be retaught for standard English conventions and age appropriate bibliography.
Content Marketing Unwrapped: A beginners guide for Australian communicatorsBob Crawshaw
This presentation discusses content marketing and how it is used to build relationships with communities through useful information sharing. It notes that content marketing is important because people are busy, don't trust large organizations, and have fragmented attention. The presentation outlines six steps to an effective content marketing strategy: having a vision, identifying communities, determining relationship goals, sourcing content internally and externally, choosing appropriate content types, and measuring results. It emphasizes using stories, case studies, thought leadership and curated content to engage audiences.
National Security and Strategic CommunicationsBob Crawshaw
Strategic communications involves ongoing, timely, and truthful communications to maintain public support. This document discusses the changing media landscape including the rise of online and single-issue news sources as well as news presented as satire. It also notes that data now drives and checks news reporting and has led to increased polarization and declining trust in media institutions. Additionally, it examines how individuals, organizations, and government agencies are using social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter to engage with stakeholders, provide information, and conduct customer service.
Dokumen tersebut membahas pentingnya bershalawat kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW. Menurut beberapa hadis, bershalawat dapat memberikan keberkahan, menghapus dosa, dan meningkatkan derajat di akhirat. Selain itu, orang yang tidak bershalawat ketika Nabi disebutkan dianggap dihinakan. Allah dan malaikat juga bershalawat kepada Nabi, sehingga umat Islam diminta untuk mengikuti contoh tersebut.
El documento presenta una lista de lugares tur鱈sticos en Alemania, incluyendo castillos, r鱈os, catedrales y ciudades como Berl鱈n, Hamburgo, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Nuremberg, Munich, Dresden y Colonia. La mayor鱈a de los lugares mencionados se encuentran en la regi坦n de Baviera.
Changing behaviour in organisations is one of the toughest challenges communicators face. IABC Canberra presenter Tina Chawner offers insights based on her recent UK experiences.
The document discusses several key points about media literacy in the 21st century:
1. Media are constructed very carefully using identifiable techniques to influence audiences. Deconstructing these techniques can lead to more informed consumption.
2. Consuming media involves cultural choices that can enhance or degrade lives. People should consider what else they could be doing that is more beneficial.
3. Media contain ideological and value messages, both intended and unintended, that target specific groups.
Facebook Facts for Australian Government Communicators Bob Crawshaw
This document provides numerical benchmarks for Australian government brands and politicians on Facebook in September 2013. It shows the average weekly engagement figures and engagement rates for different industries and government entities. It also lists the top performing government brands and campaigns as well as the top 10 politicians by number of Facebook fans. The Queensland Police Service had the most engaged fans and most fans of any government brand.
Students created a PowerPoint to share the information they learned about a Middle Eastern country of their choice. This is not teacher edited; additional instruction will be retaught for standard English conventions and age appropriate bibliography.
Students created a PowerPoint to share the information they learned about a Middle Eastern country of their choice. This is not teacher edited; additional instruction will be retaught for standard English conventions and age appropriate bibliography.
Technology integration is better than just technology use in schools according to the document. Technology integration involves using technology productively to enhance learning, while technology use is simply having electronic devices available without a focus on how they improve education. The document discusses reasons some argue for just technology use, such as budget constraints, time issues, and teachers lacking skills, but says technology integration should be the focus since it engages students, improves skills, and prepares them for a technology-focused society and future careers.
Students created a PowerPoint to share the information they learned about a Middle Eastern country of their choice. This is not teacher edited; additional instruction will be retaught for standard English conventions and age appropriate bibliography.
The Widgetized Self in the BlogosphereAnne Helmond
The document discusses how identity is constructed online through various platforms. It compares personal homepages and blogs as ways individuals fashion public identities on the web. Personal homepages in the late 1990s presented fairly static, self-contained identities through individually authored HTML pages. In contrast, blogs allow for more fluid, distributed identities through constantly updated content stored across a database, not confined to a single page. Blogs support a more unruly, multifaceted online social identity than early personal homepages.
Students created a PowerPoint to share the information they learned about a Middle Eastern country of their choice. This is not teacher edited; additional instruction will be retaught for standard English conventions and age appropriate bibliography.
Content Marketing Unwrapped: A beginners guide for Australian communicatorsBob Crawshaw
This presentation discusses content marketing and how it is used to build relationships with communities through useful information sharing. It notes that content marketing is important because people are busy, don't trust large organizations, and have fragmented attention. The presentation outlines six steps to an effective content marketing strategy: having a vision, identifying communities, determining relationship goals, sourcing content internally and externally, choosing appropriate content types, and measuring results. It emphasizes using stories, case studies, thought leadership and curated content to engage audiences.
National Security and Strategic CommunicationsBob Crawshaw
Strategic communications involves ongoing, timely, and truthful communications to maintain public support. This document discusses the changing media landscape including the rise of online and single-issue news sources as well as news presented as satire. It also notes that data now drives and checks news reporting and has led to increased polarization and declining trust in media institutions. Additionally, it examines how individuals, organizations, and government agencies are using social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter to engage with stakeholders, provide information, and conduct customer service.
Dokumen tersebut membahas pentingnya bershalawat kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW. Menurut beberapa hadis, bershalawat dapat memberikan keberkahan, menghapus dosa, dan meningkatkan derajat di akhirat. Selain itu, orang yang tidak bershalawat ketika Nabi disebutkan dianggap dihinakan. Allah dan malaikat juga bershalawat kepada Nabi, sehingga umat Islam diminta untuk mengikuti contoh tersebut.
12. November 2014
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ISM Manufacturing [Oct] 10a U.S. Int. Trade [Sep] 8:30a ADP Employment [Oct] 8:15a ECB Announcement 7:45a Employment [Oct] 8:30a
Const. Spending [Sep] 10a Factory Orders [Sep] 10a ISM Non-Manuf. [Oct] 10a Productivity [Q3 1st] 8:30a Consumer Credit [Sep] 3p
Vehicle Sales [Oct] 5p Jobless Claims [Nov 1] 8:30a
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
NFIB Small Bus. [Oct] 7:30a Jobless Claims [Nov 8] 8:30a Imp. Price Index [Oct] 8:30a
Veteran's Day Federal Budget [Oct] 2p Retail Sales [Oct] 8:30a
[Bond Markets Closed] Mich. Cons. Sent. [Nov P] 9:55a
Bus. Inventories [Sep] 10a
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Empire Manuf. [Nov] 8:30a PPI [Oct] 8:30a Housing Starts [Oct] 8:30a CPI [Oct] 8:30a
Industrial Prod. [Oct] 9:15a TIC [Sep] 9a FOMC Minutes [Oct] 2p Jobless Claims [Nov 15] 8:30a
Philly Fed Survey [Nov] 10a
Existing Home Sales [Oct] 10a
LEI [Oct] 10a
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
GDP [Q3 2nd] 8:30a Durable Goods [Oct] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Nov 22] 8:30a
S&P/C-S Home Prices [Aug] 9a Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Oct] 8:30a Thanksgiving Day
Cons. Confidence [Nov] 10a Jobless Claims [Nov 22] 8:30a [Markets Closed]
30 Chicago PMI [Nov] 9:45a Early Market Close
Mich. Cons. Sent. [Nov F] 9:55a Observing Thanksgiving Day
New Home Sales [Oct] 10a All Times EST
息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
13. December 2014
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 5 6
ISM Manufacturing [Nov] 10a Const. Spending [Oct] 10a ADP Employment [Nov] 8:15a ECB Announcement 7:45a Employment [Nov] 8:30a
Vehicle Sales [Nov] 5p Productivity [Q3 2nd] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Nov 29] 8:30a U.S. Int. Trade [Oct] 8:30a
ISM Non-Manuf. [Nov] 10a Factory Orders [Oct] 10a
Fed Beige Book 2p Consumer Credit [Oct] 3p
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
NFIB Small Bus. [Nov] 7:30a Federal Budget [Nov] 2p Imp. Price Index [Nov] 8:30a PPI [Nov] 8:30a
Retail Sales [Nov] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Dec P] 9:55a
Jobless Claims [Dec 6] 8:30a
Bus. Inventories [Oct] 10a
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Empire Manuf. [Dec] 8:30a Housing Starts [Nov] 8:30a CPI [Nov] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Dec 13] 8:30a
TIC [Oct] 9a Current Account [Q3] 8:30a LEI [Nov] 10a
Industrial Prod. [Nov] 9:15a FOMC Statement 2P Philly Fed Survey [Dec] 10a
Press Conference 2:30p
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Existing Home Sales [Nov] 10a Durable Goods [Nov] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Dec 20] 8:30a
GDP [Q3 3rd] 8:30a Christmas Day
Mich. Cons. Sent. [Dec F] 9:55a [Markets Closed]
New Home Sales [Nov] 10a
Early Market Close
Observing Christmas Day
28 29 30 31
S&P/C-S Home Prices [Sep] 9a
Cons. Confidence [Dec] 10a
Early Bond Market Close
Observing New Year's Day All Times EST
息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
14. Wells Fargo Securities, LLC Economics Group
Wells Fargo Securities Economics Group publications are produced byWells Fargo Securities, LLC, a U.S broker-dealer registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, and the Securities Investor Protection
Corp.Wells Fargo Securities, LLC, distributes these publications directly and through subsidiaries including, but not limited to,Wells Fargo & Company,Wells Fargo Bank N.A.,Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC,Wells Fargo Securities International Limited,Wells Fargo Securities
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Wells油Fargo Bank, N.A. (WFBNA) is registered with the Commodities FuturesTrading Commission as a swap dealer and is a member in good standing of the National Futures Association.WFS andWFBNA are generally engaged in the trading of futures and derivative
products, any of which may be discussed within this publication.The information and opinions herein are for general information use only.Wells Fargo Securities, LLC does not guarantee their accuracy or completeness, nor doesWells Fargo Securities, LLC assume any
liability for any loss that may result from the reliance by any person upon any such information or opinions. Such information and opinions are subject to change without notice, are for general information only and are not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to
the purchase or sales of any security or as personalized investment advice.Wells Fargo Securities, LLC is a separate legal entity and distinct from affiliated banks and is a wholly owned subsidiary ofWells Fargo & Company 息 2013Wells Fargo Securities, LLC.
Important Information for Non-U.S. Recipients
For recipients in the EEA, this report is distributed byWells Fargo Securities International Limited (WFSIL).WFSIL is a U.K. incorporated investment firm authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.The content of this report has been approved byWFSIL
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not will the Financial Services Compensation Scheme be available.This report is not intended for, and should not be relied upon by, retail clients.This document and any other materials accompanying this document (collectively, theMaterials) are provided for general
informational purposes only.
Diane Schumaker-Krieg Global Head of Research, Economics & Strategy
John E. Silvia, Ph.D. Chief Economist 704-410-3275
Mark Vitner Senior Economist 704-410-3277
Jay H. Bryson, Ph.D. Global Economist 704-410-3274
Sam Bullard Senior Economist 704-410-3280
Nick Bennenbroek Currency Strategist 212-214-5636
Eugenio J. Alem叩n, Ph.D. Senior Economist 704-410-3273
Anika R. Khan Senior Economist 704-410-3271
Azhar Iqbal Econometrician 704-410-3270
Tim Quinlan Economist 704-410-3283
Michael A. Brown Economist 704-410-3278
Sarah Watt House Economist 704-410-3282
Michael T. Wolf Economist 704-410-3286
Sara Silverman Economic Analyst 704-410-3281
Zachary Griffiths Economic Analyst 704-410-3284
Mackenzie Miller Economic Analyst 704-410-3358
Blaire Zachary Economic Analyst 704-410-3359
Peg Gavin Executive Assistant 704-410-3279
Cyndi Burris Senior Admin. Assistant 704-410-3272
Dates and times are subject to change at the discretion of each data provider. Wells Fargo Securities, LLC does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this economic calendar.