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Economics Group
2014 Economic Calendar
This publication is available at wellsfargo.com/economics.
January 2014
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4
Jobless Claims [Dec 28] 8:30a Vehicle Sales [Dec] 5p
New Year's Day ISM Manufacturing [Dec] 10a
[Markets Closed] Const. Spending [Nov] 10a
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Factory Orders [Nov] 10a U.S. Int. Trade [Nov] 8:30a ADP Employment [Dec] 8:15a ECB Announcement 7:45a Employment [Dec] 8:30a
ISM Non-Manuf. [Dec] 10a FOMC Minutes [Dec] 2p Jobless Claims [Jan 4] 8:30a
Consumer Credit [Nov] 3p
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Federal Budget [Dec] 2p NFIB Small Bus. [Dec] 7:30a PPI [Dec] 8:30a CPI [Dec] 8:30a Housing Starts [Dec] 8:30a
Imp. Price Index [Dec] 8:30a Empire Manuf. [Jan] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Jan 11] 8:30a Industrial Prod. [Dec] 9:15a
Retail Sales [Dec] 8:30a Fed Beige Book 2p TIC [Nov] 9a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Jan P] 9:55a
Bus. Inventories [Nov] 10a Philly Fed Survey [Jan] 10a
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Jobless Claims [Jan 18] 8:30a
Martin Luther LEI [Dec] 10a
King, Jr. Day Existing Home Sales [Dec] 10a
[Markets Closed]
26 27 28 29 30 31
New Home Sales [Dec] 10a Durable Goods [Dec] 8:30a FOMC Statement 2P GDP [Q4 1st] 8:30a Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Dec] 8:30a
S&P/C-S Home Prices [Oct] 9a Jobless Claims [Jan 25] 8:30a Employment Costs [Q4] 8:30a
Cons. Confidence [Jan] 10a Chicago PMI [Jan] 9:45a
Mich. Cons. Sent. [Jan F] 9:55a
wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST
息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
February 2014
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ISM Manufacturing [Jan] 10a Factory Orders [Dec] 10a ADP Employment [Jan] 8:15a ECB Announcement 7:45a Employment [Jan] 8:30a
Const. Spending [Dec] 10a ISM Non-Manuf. [Jan] 10a U.S. Int. Trade [Dec] 8:30a Consumer Credit [Dec] 3p
Vehicle Sales [Jan] 5p Productivity [Q4 1st] 8:30a
Jobless Claims [Feb 1] 8:30a
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
NFIB Small Bus. [Jan] 7:30a Federal Budget [Jan] 2p Retail Sales [Jan] 8:30a Imp. Price Index [Jan] 8:30a
Jobless Claims [Feb 8] 8:30a Industrial Prod. [Jan] 9:15a
Bus. Inventories [Dec] 10a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Feb P] 9:55a
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Empire Manuf. [Feb] 8:30a PPI [Jan] 8:30a CPI [Jan] 8:30a Existing Home Sales [Jan] 10a
President's Day TIC [Dec] 9a Housing Starts [Jan] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Feb 15] 8:30a
[Markets Closed] FOMC Minutes [Jan] 2p Philly Fed Survey [Feb] 10a
LEI [Jan] 10a
23 24 25 26 27 28
S&P/C-S Home Prices [Nov] 9a New Home Sales [Jan] 10a Durable Goods [Jan] 8:30a GDP [Q4 2nd] 8:30a
Cons. Confidence [Feb] 10a Jobless Claims [Feb 22] 8:30a Chicago PMI [Feb] 9:45a
Mich. Cons. Sent. [Feb F] 9:55a
wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST
息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
March 2014
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Jan] 8:30a ADP Employment [Feb] 8:15a ECB Announcement 7:45a Employment [Feb] 8:30a
ISM Manufacturing [Feb] 10a ISM Non-Manuf. [Feb] 10a Productivity [Q4 2nd] 8:30a U.S. Int. Trade [Jan] 8:30a
Const. Spending [Jan] 10a Fed Beige Book 2p Jobless Claims [Mar 1] 8:30a Consumer Credit [Jan] 3p
Vehicle Sales [Feb] 5p Factory Orders [Jan] 10a
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
NFIB Small Bus. [Feb] 7:30a Federal Budget [Feb] 2p Imp. Price Index [Feb] 8:30a PPI [Feb] 8:30a
Retail Sales [Feb] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Mar P] 9:55a
Jobless Claims [Mar 8] 8:30a
Bus. Inventories [Jan] 10a
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Empire Manuf. [Mar] 8:30a CPI [Feb] 8:30a Current Account [Q4] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Mar 15] 8:30a
TIC [Jan] 9a Housing Starts [Feb] 8:30a FOMC Statement 2P LEI [Feb] 10a
Industrial Prod. [Feb] 9:15a Press Conference 2:30p Philly Fed Survey [Mar] 10a
Existing Home Sales [Feb] 10a
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Feb] 8:30a Durable Goods [Feb] 8:30a GDP [Q4 3rd] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Mar F] 9:55a
S&P/C-S Home Prices [Dec] 9a Jobless Claims [Mar 22] 8:30a
New Home Sales [Feb] 10a
30 31 Cons. Confidence [Mar] 10a
Chicago PMI [Mar] 9:45a
wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST
息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
April 2014
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 5
ISM Manufacturing [Mar] 10a ADP Employment [Mar] 8:15a ECB Announcement 7:45a Employment [Mar] 8:30a
Const. Spending [Feb] 10a Factory Orders [Feb] 10a U.S. Int. Trade [Feb] 8:30a
Vehicle Sales [Mar] 5p Jobless Claims [Mar 29] 8:30a
ISM Non-Manuf. [Mar] 10a
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Consumer Credit [Feb] 3p NFIB Small Bus. [Mar] 7:30a FOMC Minutes [Mar] 2p Imp. Price Index [Mar] 8:30a PPI [Mar] 8:30a
Jobless Claims [Apr 5] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Apr P] 9:55a
Federal Budget [Mar] 2p
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Retail Sales [Mar] 8:30a CPI [Mar] 8:30a Housing Starts [Mar] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Apr 12] 8:30a LEI [Mar] 10a
Bus. Inventories [Feb] 10a Empire Manuf. [Apr] 8:30a Industrial Prod. [Mar] 9:15a Philly Fed Survey [Apr] 10a
TIC [Feb] 9a Fed Beige Book 2p Good Friday
Early Bond Market Close [Markets Closed]
Observing Good Friday
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Existing Home Sales [Mar] 10a New Home Sales [Mar] 10a Durable Goods [Mar] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Apr F] 9:55a
Jobless Claims [Apr 19] 8:30a
27 28 29 30
S&P/C-S Home Prices [Jan] 9a ADP Employment [Apr] 8:15a
Cons. Confidence [Apr] 10a GDP [Q1 1st] 8:30a
Employment Costs [Q1] 8:30a
Chicago PMI [Apr] 9:45a
FOMC Statement 2P
息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved. All Times EST
May 2014
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3
Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Mar] 8:30a Employment [Apr] 8:30a
Jobless Claims [Apr 26] 8:30a Factory Orders [Mar] 10a
ISM Manufacturing [Apr] 10a
Const. Spending [Mar] 10a
Vehicle Sales [Apr] 5p
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ISM Non-Manuf. [Apr] 10a U.S. Int. Trade [Mar] 8:30a Productivity [Q1 1st] 8:30a ECB Announcement 7:45a
Consumer Credit [Mar] 3p Jobless Claims [May 3] 8:30a
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Federal Budget [Apr] 2p NFIB Small Bus. [Apr] 7:30a PPI [Apr] 8:30a CPI [Apr] 8:30a Housing Starts [Apr] 8:30a
Imp. Price Index [Apr] 8:30a Empire Manuf. [May] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [May P] 9:55a
Retail Sales [Apr] 8:30a Jobless Claims [May 10] 8:30a
Bus. Inventories [Mar] 10a TIC [Mar] 9a
Industrial Prod. [Apr] 9:15a
Philly Fed Survey [May] 10a
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
FOMC Minutes [Apr] 2p Jobless Claims [May 17] 8:30a New Home Sales [Apr] 10a
LEI [Apr] 10a
Existing Home Sales [Apr] 10a Early Bond Market Close
Observing Memorial Day
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Durable Goods [Apr] 8:30a GDP [Q1 2nd] 8:30a Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Apr] 8:30a
Memorial Day S&P/C-S Home Prices [Feb] 9a Jobless Claims [May 24] 8:30a Chicago PMI [May] 9:45a
[Markets Closed] Cons. Confidence [May] 10a Mich. Cons. Sent. [May F] 9:55a
wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST
息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
June 2014
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ISM Manufacturing [May] 10a Factory Orders [Apr] 10a ADP Employment [May] 8:15a ECB Announcement 7:45a Employment [May] 8:30a
Const. Spending [Apr] 10a Vehicle Sales [May] 5p U.S. Int. Trade [Apr] 8:30a Jobless Claims [May 31] 8:30a Consumer Credit [Apr] 3p
Productivity [Q1 2nd] 8:30a
ISM Non-Manuf. [May] 10a
Fed Beige Book 2p
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
NFIB Small Bus. [May] 7:30a Federal Budget [May] 2p Imp. Price Index [May] 8:30a PPI [May] 8:30a
Retail Sales [May] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Jun P] 9:55a
Jobless Claims [Jun 7] 8:30a
Bus. Inventories [Apr] 10a
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Empire Manuf. [Jun] 8:30a CPI [May] 8:30a Current Account [Q1] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Jun 14] 8:30a
TIC [Apr] 9a Housing Starts [May] 8:30a FOMC Statement 2P LEI [May] 10a
Industrial Prod. [May] 9:15a Press Conference 2:30p Philly Fed Survey [Jun] 10a
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Existing Home Sales [May] 10a S&P/C-S Home Prices [Mar] 9a GDP [Q1 3rd] 8:30a Pers. Inc. & Spend. [May] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Jun F] 9:55a
New Home Sales [May] 10a Durable Goods [May] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Jun 21] 8:30a
Cons. Confidence [Jun] 10a
29 30
Chicago PMI [Jun] 9:45a
wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST
息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
July 2014
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 5
ISM Manufacturing [Jun] 10a ADP Employment [Jun] 8:15a ECB Announcement 7:45a
Const. Spending [May] 10a Factory Orders [May] 10a Employment [Jun] 8:30a Independence Day
U.S. Int. Trade [May] 8:30a [Markets Closed]
Jobless Claims [Jun 28] 8:30a
ISM Non-Manuf. [Jun] 10a
Early Equity Market Close
Observing Independence Day
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
NFIB Small Bus. [Jun] 7:30a FOMC Minutes [Jun] 2p Jobless Claims [Jul 5] 8:30a Federal Budget [Jun] 2p
Consumer Credit [May] 3p
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Imp. Price Index [Jun] 8:30a PPI [Jun] 8:30a Housing Starts [Jun] 8:30a LEI [Jun] 10a
Retail Sales [Jun] 8:30a TIC [May] 9a Jobless Claims [Jul 12] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Jul P] 9:55a
Empire Manuf. [Jul] 8:30a Industrial Prod. [Jun] 9:15a Philly Fed Survey [Jul] 10a
Bus. Inventories [May] 10a Fed Beige Book 2p
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
CPI [Jun] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Jul 19] 8:30a Durable Goods [Jun] 8:30a
Existing Home Sales [Jun] 10a New Home Sales [Jun] 10a
27 28 29 30 31
S&P/C-S Home Prices [Apr] 9a ADP Employment [Jul] 8:15a Employment Costs [Q2] 8:30a
Cons. Confidence [Jul] 10a GDP [Q2 1st] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Jul 26] 8:30a
FOMC Statement 2P Chicago PMI [Jul] 9:45a
wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST
息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
August 2014
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2
Employment [Jul] 8:30a
Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Jun] 8:30a
ISM Manufacturing [Jul] 10a
Mich. Cons. Sent. [Jul F] 9:55a
Const. Spending [Jun] 10a
Vehicle Sales [Jul] 5p
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
ISM Non-Manuf. [Jul] 10a U.S. Int. Trade [Jun] 8:30a ECB Announcement 7:45a Productivity [Q2 1st] 8:30a
Factory Orders [Jun] 10a Jobless Claims [Aug 2] 8:30a
Consumer Credit [Jun] 3p
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
NFIB Small Bus. [Jul] 7:30a Retail Sales [Jul] 8:30a Imp. Price Index [Jul] 8:30a PPI [Jul] 8:30a
Federal Budget [Jul] 2p Bus. Inventories [Jun] 10a Jobless Claims [Aug 9] 8:30a Empire Manuf. [Aug] 8:30a
TIC [Jun] 9a
Industrial Prod. [Jul] 9:15a
Mich. Cons. Sent. [Aug P] 9:55a
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
CPI [Jul] 8:30a FOMC Minutes [Jul] 2p Jobless Claims [Aug 16] 8:30a
Housing Starts [Jul] 8:30a LEI [Jul] 10a
Philly Fed Survey [Aug] 10a
Existing Home Sales [Jul] 10a
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
New Home Sales [Jul] 10a Durable Goods [Jul] 8:30a GDP [Q2 2nd] 8:30a Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Jul] 8:30a
S&P/C-S Home Prices [May] 9a Jobless Claims [Aug 23] 8:30a Chicago PMI [Aug] 9:45a
Cons. Confidence [Aug] 10a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Aug F] 9:55a
wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST
息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
September 2014
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 5 6
ISM Manufacturing [Aug] 10a Factory Orders [Jul] 10a ECB Announcement 7:45a Employment [Aug] 8:30a
Labor Day Const. Spending [Jul] 10a Fed Beige Book 2p ADP Employment [Aug] 8:15a
[Markets Closed] Vehicle Sales [Aug] 5p U.S. Int. Trade [Jul] 8:30a
Productivity [Q2 2nd] 8:30a
Jobless Claims [Aug 30] 8:30a
ISM Non-Manuf. [Aug] 10a
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Consumer Credit [Jul] 3p NFIB Small Bus. [Aug] 7:30a Jobless Claims [Sep 6] 8:30a Imp. Price Index [Aug] 8:30a
Federal Budget [Aug] 2p Retail Sales [Aug] 8:30a
Mich. Cons. Sent. [Sep P] 9:55a
Bus. Inventories [Jul] 10a
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Empire Manuf. [Sep] 8:30a PPI [Aug] 8:30a CPI [Aug] 8:30a Housing Starts [Aug] 8:30a LEI [Aug] 10a
Industrial Prod. [Aug] 9:15a TIC [Jul] 9a Current Account [Q2] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Sep 13] 8:30a
FOMC Statement 2P Philly Fed Survey [Sep] 10a
Press Conference 2:30p
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Existing Home Sales [Aug] 10a Cons. Confidence [Sep] 10a New Home Sales [Aug] 10a Durable Goods [Aug] 8:30a GDP [Q2 3rd] 8:30a
Jobless Claims [Sep 20] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Sep F] 9:55a
28 29 30
Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Aug] 8:30a S&P/C-S Home Prices [Jun] 9a
Chicago PMI [Sep] 9:45a
wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST
息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
October 2014
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4
ADP Employment [Sep] 8:15a ECB Announcement 7:45a Employment [Sep] 8:30a
ISM Manufacturing [Sep] 10a Jobless Claims [Sep 27] 8:30a U.S. Int. Trade [Aug] 8:30a
Const. Spending [Aug] 10a Factory Orders [Aug] 10a ISM Non-Manuf. [Sep] 10a
Vehicle Sales [Sep] 5p
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Consumer Credit [Aug] 3p FOMC Minutes [Sep] 2p Jobless Claims [Oct 4] 8:30a Imp. Price Index [Sep] 8:30a
Federal Budget [Sep] 2p
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
NFIB Small Bus. [Sep] 7:30a PPI [Sep] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Oct 11] 8:30a Housing Starts [Sep] 8:30a
Columbus Day Retail Sales [Sep] 8:30a TIC [Aug] 9a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Oct P] 9:55a
[Bond Markets Closed] Empire Manuf. [Oct] 8:30a Industrial Prod. [Sep] 9:15a
Bus. Inventories [Aug] 10a Philly Fed Survey [Oct] 10a
Fed Beige Book 2p
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Existing Home Sales [Sep] 10a CPI [Sep] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Oct 18] 8:30a New Home Sales [Sep] 10a
LEI [Sep] 10a
26 27 28 29 30 31
Durable Goods [Sep] 8:30a FOMC Statement 2P GDP [Q3 1st] 8:30a Employment Costs [Q3] 8:30a
S&P/C-S Home Prices [Jul] 9a Jobless Claims [Oct 25] 8:30a Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Sep] 8:30a
Cons. Confidence [Oct] 10a Chicago PMI [Oct] 9:45a
Mich. Cons. Sent. [Oct F] 9:55a
wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST
息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
November 2014
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ISM Manufacturing [Oct] 10a U.S. Int. Trade [Sep] 8:30a ADP Employment [Oct] 8:15a ECB Announcement 7:45a Employment [Oct] 8:30a
Const. Spending [Sep] 10a Factory Orders [Sep] 10a ISM Non-Manuf. [Oct] 10a Productivity [Q3 1st] 8:30a Consumer Credit [Sep] 3p
Vehicle Sales [Oct] 5p Jobless Claims [Nov 1] 8:30a
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
NFIB Small Bus. [Oct] 7:30a Jobless Claims [Nov 8] 8:30a Imp. Price Index [Oct] 8:30a
Veteran's Day Federal Budget [Oct] 2p Retail Sales [Oct] 8:30a
[Bond Markets Closed] Mich. Cons. Sent. [Nov P] 9:55a
Bus. Inventories [Sep] 10a
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Empire Manuf. [Nov] 8:30a PPI [Oct] 8:30a Housing Starts [Oct] 8:30a CPI [Oct] 8:30a
Industrial Prod. [Oct] 9:15a TIC [Sep] 9a FOMC Minutes [Oct] 2p Jobless Claims [Nov 15] 8:30a
Philly Fed Survey [Nov] 10a
Existing Home Sales [Oct] 10a
LEI [Oct] 10a
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
GDP [Q3 2nd] 8:30a Durable Goods [Oct] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Nov 22] 8:30a
S&P/C-S Home Prices [Aug] 9a Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Oct] 8:30a Thanksgiving Day
Cons. Confidence [Nov] 10a Jobless Claims [Nov 22] 8:30a [Markets Closed]
30 Chicago PMI [Nov] 9:45a Early Market Close
Mich. Cons. Sent. [Nov F] 9:55a Observing Thanksgiving Day
New Home Sales [Oct] 10a
wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST
息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
December 2014
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 5 6
ISM Manufacturing [Nov] 10a Const. Spending [Oct] 10a ADP Employment [Nov] 8:15a ECB Announcement 7:45a Employment [Nov] 8:30a
Vehicle Sales [Nov] 5p Productivity [Q3 2nd] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Nov 29] 8:30a U.S. Int. Trade [Oct] 8:30a
ISM Non-Manuf. [Nov] 10a Factory Orders [Oct] 10a
Fed Beige Book 2p Consumer Credit [Oct] 3p
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
NFIB Small Bus. [Nov] 7:30a Federal Budget [Nov] 2p Imp. Price Index [Nov] 8:30a PPI [Nov] 8:30a
Retail Sales [Nov] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Dec P] 9:55a
Jobless Claims [Dec 6] 8:30a
Bus. Inventories [Oct] 10a
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Empire Manuf. [Dec] 8:30a Housing Starts [Nov] 8:30a CPI [Nov] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Dec 13] 8:30a
TIC [Oct] 9a Current Account [Q3] 8:30a LEI [Nov] 10a
Industrial Prod. [Nov] 9:15a FOMC Statement 2P Philly Fed Survey [Dec] 10a
Press Conference 2:30p
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Existing Home Sales [Nov] 10a Durable Goods [Nov] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Dec 20] 8:30a
GDP [Q3 3rd] 8:30a Christmas Day
Mich. Cons. Sent. [Dec F] 9:55a [Markets Closed]
New Home Sales [Nov] 10a
Early Market Close
Observing Christmas Day
28 29 30 31
S&P/C-S Home Prices [Sep] 9a
Cons. Confidence [Dec] 10a
Early Bond Market Close
Observing New Year's Day
wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST
息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
Wells Fargo Securities, LLC Economics Group
Wells Fargo Securities Economics Group publications are produced byWells Fargo Securities, LLC, a U.S broker-dealer registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, and the Securities Investor Protection
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Diane Schumaker-Krieg Global Head of Research, Economics & Strategy
John E. Silvia, Ph.D. Chief Economist 704-410-3275 john.silvia@wellsfargo.com
Mark Vitner Senior Economist 704-410-3277 mark.vitner@wellsfargo.com
Jay H. Bryson, Ph.D. Global Economist 704-410-3274 jay.bryson@wellsfargo.com
Sam Bullard Senior Economist 704-410-3280 sam.bullard@wellsfargo.com
Nick Bennenbroek Currency Strategist 212-214-5636 nicholas.bennenbroek@wellsfargo.com
Eugenio J. Alem叩n, Ph.D. Senior Economist 704-410-3273 eugenio.j.aleman@wellsfargo.com
Anika R. Khan Senior Economist 704-410-3271 anika.khan@wellsfargo.com
Azhar Iqbal Econometrician 704-410-3270 azhar.iqbal@wellsfargo.com
Tim Quinlan Economist 704-410-3283 tim.quinlan@wellsfargo.com
Michael A. Brown Economist 704-410-3278 michael.a.brown@wellsfargo.com
Sarah Watt House Economist 704-410-3282 sarah.house@wellsfargo.com
Michael T. Wolf Economist 704-410-3286 michael.t.wolf@wellsfargo.com
Sara Silverman Economic Analyst 704-410-3281 sara.silverman@wellsfargo.com
Zachary Griffiths Economic Analyst 704-410-3284 zachary.griffiths@wellsfargo.com
Mackenzie Miller Economic Analyst 704-410-3358 mackenzie.miller@wellsfargo.com
Blaire Zachary Economic Analyst 704-410-3359 blaire.a.zachary@wellsfargo.com
Peg Gavin Executive Assistant 704-410-3279 peg.gavin@wellsfargo.com
Cyndi Burris Senior Admin. Assistant 704-410-3272 cyndi.burris@wellsfargo.com
Dates and times are subject to change at the discretion of each data provider. Wells Fargo Securities, LLC does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this economic calendar.

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2014 economic calendar

  • 1. Economics Group 2014 Economic Calendar This publication is available at wellsfargo.com/economics.
  • 2. January 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 Jobless Claims [Dec 28] 8:30a Vehicle Sales [Dec] 5p New Year's Day ISM Manufacturing [Dec] 10a [Markets Closed] Const. Spending [Nov] 10a 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Factory Orders [Nov] 10a U.S. Int. Trade [Nov] 8:30a ADP Employment [Dec] 8:15a ECB Announcement 7:45a Employment [Dec] 8:30a ISM Non-Manuf. [Dec] 10a FOMC Minutes [Dec] 2p Jobless Claims [Jan 4] 8:30a Consumer Credit [Nov] 3p 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Federal Budget [Dec] 2p NFIB Small Bus. [Dec] 7:30a PPI [Dec] 8:30a CPI [Dec] 8:30a Housing Starts [Dec] 8:30a Imp. Price Index [Dec] 8:30a Empire Manuf. [Jan] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Jan 11] 8:30a Industrial Prod. [Dec] 9:15a Retail Sales [Dec] 8:30a Fed Beige Book 2p TIC [Nov] 9a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Jan P] 9:55a Bus. Inventories [Nov] 10a Philly Fed Survey [Jan] 10a 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Jobless Claims [Jan 18] 8:30a Martin Luther LEI [Dec] 10a King, Jr. Day Existing Home Sales [Dec] 10a [Markets Closed] 26 27 28 29 30 31 New Home Sales [Dec] 10a Durable Goods [Dec] 8:30a FOMC Statement 2P GDP [Q4 1st] 8:30a Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Dec] 8:30a S&P/C-S Home Prices [Oct] 9a Jobless Claims [Jan 25] 8:30a Employment Costs [Q4] 8:30a Cons. Confidence [Jan] 10a Chicago PMI [Jan] 9:45a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Jan F] 9:55a wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST 息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
  • 3. February 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ISM Manufacturing [Jan] 10a Factory Orders [Dec] 10a ADP Employment [Jan] 8:15a ECB Announcement 7:45a Employment [Jan] 8:30a Const. Spending [Dec] 10a ISM Non-Manuf. [Jan] 10a U.S. Int. Trade [Dec] 8:30a Consumer Credit [Dec] 3p Vehicle Sales [Jan] 5p Productivity [Q4 1st] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Feb 1] 8:30a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 NFIB Small Bus. [Jan] 7:30a Federal Budget [Jan] 2p Retail Sales [Jan] 8:30a Imp. Price Index [Jan] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Feb 8] 8:30a Industrial Prod. [Jan] 9:15a Bus. Inventories [Dec] 10a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Feb P] 9:55a 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Empire Manuf. [Feb] 8:30a PPI [Jan] 8:30a CPI [Jan] 8:30a Existing Home Sales [Jan] 10a President's Day TIC [Dec] 9a Housing Starts [Jan] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Feb 15] 8:30a [Markets Closed] FOMC Minutes [Jan] 2p Philly Fed Survey [Feb] 10a LEI [Jan] 10a 23 24 25 26 27 28 S&P/C-S Home Prices [Nov] 9a New Home Sales [Jan] 10a Durable Goods [Jan] 8:30a GDP [Q4 2nd] 8:30a Cons. Confidence [Feb] 10a Jobless Claims [Feb 22] 8:30a Chicago PMI [Feb] 9:45a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Feb F] 9:55a wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST 息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
  • 4. March 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Jan] 8:30a ADP Employment [Feb] 8:15a ECB Announcement 7:45a Employment [Feb] 8:30a ISM Manufacturing [Feb] 10a ISM Non-Manuf. [Feb] 10a Productivity [Q4 2nd] 8:30a U.S. Int. Trade [Jan] 8:30a Const. Spending [Jan] 10a Fed Beige Book 2p Jobless Claims [Mar 1] 8:30a Consumer Credit [Jan] 3p Vehicle Sales [Feb] 5p Factory Orders [Jan] 10a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 NFIB Small Bus. [Feb] 7:30a Federal Budget [Feb] 2p Imp. Price Index [Feb] 8:30a PPI [Feb] 8:30a Retail Sales [Feb] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Mar P] 9:55a Jobless Claims [Mar 8] 8:30a Bus. Inventories [Jan] 10a 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Empire Manuf. [Mar] 8:30a CPI [Feb] 8:30a Current Account [Q4] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Mar 15] 8:30a TIC [Jan] 9a Housing Starts [Feb] 8:30a FOMC Statement 2P LEI [Feb] 10a Industrial Prod. [Feb] 9:15a Press Conference 2:30p Philly Fed Survey [Mar] 10a Existing Home Sales [Feb] 10a 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Feb] 8:30a Durable Goods [Feb] 8:30a GDP [Q4 3rd] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Mar F] 9:55a S&P/C-S Home Prices [Dec] 9a Jobless Claims [Mar 22] 8:30a New Home Sales [Feb] 10a 30 31 Cons. Confidence [Mar] 10a Chicago PMI [Mar] 9:45a wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST 息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
  • 5. April 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 ISM Manufacturing [Mar] 10a ADP Employment [Mar] 8:15a ECB Announcement 7:45a Employment [Mar] 8:30a Const. Spending [Feb] 10a Factory Orders [Feb] 10a U.S. Int. Trade [Feb] 8:30a Vehicle Sales [Mar] 5p Jobless Claims [Mar 29] 8:30a ISM Non-Manuf. [Mar] 10a 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Consumer Credit [Feb] 3p NFIB Small Bus. [Mar] 7:30a FOMC Minutes [Mar] 2p Imp. Price Index [Mar] 8:30a PPI [Mar] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Apr 5] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Apr P] 9:55a Federal Budget [Mar] 2p 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Retail Sales [Mar] 8:30a CPI [Mar] 8:30a Housing Starts [Mar] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Apr 12] 8:30a LEI [Mar] 10a Bus. Inventories [Feb] 10a Empire Manuf. [Apr] 8:30a Industrial Prod. [Mar] 9:15a Philly Fed Survey [Apr] 10a TIC [Feb] 9a Fed Beige Book 2p Good Friday Early Bond Market Close [Markets Closed] Observing Good Friday 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Existing Home Sales [Mar] 10a New Home Sales [Mar] 10a Durable Goods [Mar] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Apr F] 9:55a Jobless Claims [Apr 19] 8:30a 27 28 29 30 S&P/C-S Home Prices [Jan] 9a ADP Employment [Apr] 8:15a Cons. Confidence [Apr] 10a GDP [Q1 1st] 8:30a Employment Costs [Q1] 8:30a Chicago PMI [Apr] 9:45a FOMC Statement 2P wellsfargo.com/economics 息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved. All Times EST
  • 6. May 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Mar] 8:30a Employment [Apr] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Apr 26] 8:30a Factory Orders [Mar] 10a ISM Manufacturing [Apr] 10a Const. Spending [Mar] 10a Vehicle Sales [Apr] 5p 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ISM Non-Manuf. [Apr] 10a U.S. Int. Trade [Mar] 8:30a Productivity [Q1 1st] 8:30a ECB Announcement 7:45a Consumer Credit [Mar] 3p Jobless Claims [May 3] 8:30a 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Federal Budget [Apr] 2p NFIB Small Bus. [Apr] 7:30a PPI [Apr] 8:30a CPI [Apr] 8:30a Housing Starts [Apr] 8:30a Imp. Price Index [Apr] 8:30a Empire Manuf. [May] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [May P] 9:55a Retail Sales [Apr] 8:30a Jobless Claims [May 10] 8:30a Bus. Inventories [Mar] 10a TIC [Mar] 9a Industrial Prod. [Apr] 9:15a Philly Fed Survey [May] 10a 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 FOMC Minutes [Apr] 2p Jobless Claims [May 17] 8:30a New Home Sales [Apr] 10a LEI [Apr] 10a Existing Home Sales [Apr] 10a Early Bond Market Close Observing Memorial Day 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Durable Goods [Apr] 8:30a GDP [Q1 2nd] 8:30a Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Apr] 8:30a Memorial Day S&P/C-S Home Prices [Feb] 9a Jobless Claims [May 24] 8:30a Chicago PMI [May] 9:45a [Markets Closed] Cons. Confidence [May] 10a Mich. Cons. Sent. [May F] 9:55a wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST 息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
  • 7. June 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ISM Manufacturing [May] 10a Factory Orders [Apr] 10a ADP Employment [May] 8:15a ECB Announcement 7:45a Employment [May] 8:30a Const. Spending [Apr] 10a Vehicle Sales [May] 5p U.S. Int. Trade [Apr] 8:30a Jobless Claims [May 31] 8:30a Consumer Credit [Apr] 3p Productivity [Q1 2nd] 8:30a ISM Non-Manuf. [May] 10a Fed Beige Book 2p 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 NFIB Small Bus. [May] 7:30a Federal Budget [May] 2p Imp. Price Index [May] 8:30a PPI [May] 8:30a Retail Sales [May] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Jun P] 9:55a Jobless Claims [Jun 7] 8:30a Bus. Inventories [Apr] 10a 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Empire Manuf. [Jun] 8:30a CPI [May] 8:30a Current Account [Q1] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Jun 14] 8:30a TIC [Apr] 9a Housing Starts [May] 8:30a FOMC Statement 2P LEI [May] 10a Industrial Prod. [May] 9:15a Press Conference 2:30p Philly Fed Survey [Jun] 10a 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Existing Home Sales [May] 10a S&P/C-S Home Prices [Mar] 9a GDP [Q1 3rd] 8:30a Pers. Inc. & Spend. [May] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Jun F] 9:55a New Home Sales [May] 10a Durable Goods [May] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Jun 21] 8:30a Cons. Confidence [Jun] 10a 29 30 Chicago PMI [Jun] 9:45a wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST 息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
  • 8. July 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 ISM Manufacturing [Jun] 10a ADP Employment [Jun] 8:15a ECB Announcement 7:45a Const. Spending [May] 10a Factory Orders [May] 10a Employment [Jun] 8:30a Independence Day U.S. Int. Trade [May] 8:30a [Markets Closed] Jobless Claims [Jun 28] 8:30a ISM Non-Manuf. [Jun] 10a Early Equity Market Close Observing Independence Day 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 NFIB Small Bus. [Jun] 7:30a FOMC Minutes [Jun] 2p Jobless Claims [Jul 5] 8:30a Federal Budget [Jun] 2p Consumer Credit [May] 3p 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Imp. Price Index [Jun] 8:30a PPI [Jun] 8:30a Housing Starts [Jun] 8:30a LEI [Jun] 10a Retail Sales [Jun] 8:30a TIC [May] 9a Jobless Claims [Jul 12] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Jul P] 9:55a Empire Manuf. [Jul] 8:30a Industrial Prod. [Jun] 9:15a Philly Fed Survey [Jul] 10a Bus. Inventories [May] 10a Fed Beige Book 2p 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 CPI [Jun] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Jul 19] 8:30a Durable Goods [Jun] 8:30a Existing Home Sales [Jun] 10a New Home Sales [Jun] 10a 27 28 29 30 31 S&P/C-S Home Prices [Apr] 9a ADP Employment [Jul] 8:15a Employment Costs [Q2] 8:30a Cons. Confidence [Jul] 10a GDP [Q2 1st] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Jul 26] 8:30a FOMC Statement 2P Chicago PMI [Jul] 9:45a wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST 息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
  • 9. August 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 Employment [Jul] 8:30a Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Jun] 8:30a ISM Manufacturing [Jul] 10a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Jul F] 9:55a Const. Spending [Jun] 10a Vehicle Sales [Jul] 5p 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ISM Non-Manuf. [Jul] 10a U.S. Int. Trade [Jun] 8:30a ECB Announcement 7:45a Productivity [Q2 1st] 8:30a Factory Orders [Jun] 10a Jobless Claims [Aug 2] 8:30a Consumer Credit [Jun] 3p 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 NFIB Small Bus. [Jul] 7:30a Retail Sales [Jul] 8:30a Imp. Price Index [Jul] 8:30a PPI [Jul] 8:30a Federal Budget [Jul] 2p Bus. Inventories [Jun] 10a Jobless Claims [Aug 9] 8:30a Empire Manuf. [Aug] 8:30a TIC [Jun] 9a Industrial Prod. [Jul] 9:15a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Aug P] 9:55a 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 CPI [Jul] 8:30a FOMC Minutes [Jul] 2p Jobless Claims [Aug 16] 8:30a Housing Starts [Jul] 8:30a LEI [Jul] 10a Philly Fed Survey [Aug] 10a Existing Home Sales [Jul] 10a 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 New Home Sales [Jul] 10a Durable Goods [Jul] 8:30a GDP [Q2 2nd] 8:30a Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Jul] 8:30a S&P/C-S Home Prices [May] 9a Jobless Claims [Aug 23] 8:30a Chicago PMI [Aug] 9:45a Cons. Confidence [Aug] 10a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Aug F] 9:55a 31 wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST 息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
  • 10. September 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 ISM Manufacturing [Aug] 10a Factory Orders [Jul] 10a ECB Announcement 7:45a Employment [Aug] 8:30a Labor Day Const. Spending [Jul] 10a Fed Beige Book 2p ADP Employment [Aug] 8:15a [Markets Closed] Vehicle Sales [Aug] 5p U.S. Int. Trade [Jul] 8:30a Productivity [Q2 2nd] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Aug 30] 8:30a ISM Non-Manuf. [Aug] 10a 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Consumer Credit [Jul] 3p NFIB Small Bus. [Aug] 7:30a Jobless Claims [Sep 6] 8:30a Imp. Price Index [Aug] 8:30a Federal Budget [Aug] 2p Retail Sales [Aug] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Sep P] 9:55a Bus. Inventories [Jul] 10a 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Empire Manuf. [Sep] 8:30a PPI [Aug] 8:30a CPI [Aug] 8:30a Housing Starts [Aug] 8:30a LEI [Aug] 10a Industrial Prod. [Aug] 9:15a TIC [Jul] 9a Current Account [Q2] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Sep 13] 8:30a FOMC Statement 2P Philly Fed Survey [Sep] 10a Press Conference 2:30p 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Existing Home Sales [Aug] 10a Cons. Confidence [Sep] 10a New Home Sales [Aug] 10a Durable Goods [Aug] 8:30a GDP [Q2 3rd] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Sep 20] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Sep F] 9:55a 28 29 30 Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Aug] 8:30a S&P/C-S Home Prices [Jun] 9a Chicago PMI [Sep] 9:45a wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST 息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
  • 11. October 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 ADP Employment [Sep] 8:15a ECB Announcement 7:45a Employment [Sep] 8:30a ISM Manufacturing [Sep] 10a Jobless Claims [Sep 27] 8:30a U.S. Int. Trade [Aug] 8:30a Const. Spending [Aug] 10a Factory Orders [Aug] 10a ISM Non-Manuf. [Sep] 10a Vehicle Sales [Sep] 5p 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Consumer Credit [Aug] 3p FOMC Minutes [Sep] 2p Jobless Claims [Oct 4] 8:30a Imp. Price Index [Sep] 8:30a Federal Budget [Sep] 2p 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 NFIB Small Bus. [Sep] 7:30a PPI [Sep] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Oct 11] 8:30a Housing Starts [Sep] 8:30a Columbus Day Retail Sales [Sep] 8:30a TIC [Aug] 9a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Oct P] 9:55a [Bond Markets Closed] Empire Manuf. [Oct] 8:30a Industrial Prod. [Sep] 9:15a Bus. Inventories [Aug] 10a Philly Fed Survey [Oct] 10a Fed Beige Book 2p 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Existing Home Sales [Sep] 10a CPI [Sep] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Oct 18] 8:30a New Home Sales [Sep] 10a LEI [Sep] 10a 26 27 28 29 30 31 Durable Goods [Sep] 8:30a FOMC Statement 2P GDP [Q3 1st] 8:30a Employment Costs [Q3] 8:30a S&P/C-S Home Prices [Jul] 9a Jobless Claims [Oct 25] 8:30a Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Sep] 8:30a Cons. Confidence [Oct] 10a Chicago PMI [Oct] 9:45a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Oct F] 9:55a wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST 息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
  • 12. November 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ISM Manufacturing [Oct] 10a U.S. Int. Trade [Sep] 8:30a ADP Employment [Oct] 8:15a ECB Announcement 7:45a Employment [Oct] 8:30a Const. Spending [Sep] 10a Factory Orders [Sep] 10a ISM Non-Manuf. [Oct] 10a Productivity [Q3 1st] 8:30a Consumer Credit [Sep] 3p Vehicle Sales [Oct] 5p Jobless Claims [Nov 1] 8:30a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 NFIB Small Bus. [Oct] 7:30a Jobless Claims [Nov 8] 8:30a Imp. Price Index [Oct] 8:30a Veteran's Day Federal Budget [Oct] 2p Retail Sales [Oct] 8:30a [Bond Markets Closed] Mich. Cons. Sent. [Nov P] 9:55a Bus. Inventories [Sep] 10a 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Empire Manuf. [Nov] 8:30a PPI [Oct] 8:30a Housing Starts [Oct] 8:30a CPI [Oct] 8:30a Industrial Prod. [Oct] 9:15a TIC [Sep] 9a FOMC Minutes [Oct] 2p Jobless Claims [Nov 15] 8:30a Philly Fed Survey [Nov] 10a Existing Home Sales [Oct] 10a LEI [Oct] 10a 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 GDP [Q3 2nd] 8:30a Durable Goods [Oct] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Nov 22] 8:30a S&P/C-S Home Prices [Aug] 9a Pers. Inc. & Spend. [Oct] 8:30a Thanksgiving Day Cons. Confidence [Nov] 10a Jobless Claims [Nov 22] 8:30a [Markets Closed] 30 Chicago PMI [Nov] 9:45a Early Market Close Mich. Cons. Sent. [Nov F] 9:55a Observing Thanksgiving Day New Home Sales [Oct] 10a wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST 息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
  • 13. December 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 ISM Manufacturing [Nov] 10a Const. Spending [Oct] 10a ADP Employment [Nov] 8:15a ECB Announcement 7:45a Employment [Nov] 8:30a Vehicle Sales [Nov] 5p Productivity [Q3 2nd] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Nov 29] 8:30a U.S. Int. Trade [Oct] 8:30a ISM Non-Manuf. [Nov] 10a Factory Orders [Oct] 10a Fed Beige Book 2p Consumer Credit [Oct] 3p 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 NFIB Small Bus. [Nov] 7:30a Federal Budget [Nov] 2p Imp. Price Index [Nov] 8:30a PPI [Nov] 8:30a Retail Sales [Nov] 8:30a Mich. Cons. Sent. [Dec P] 9:55a Jobless Claims [Dec 6] 8:30a Bus. Inventories [Oct] 10a 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Empire Manuf. [Dec] 8:30a Housing Starts [Nov] 8:30a CPI [Nov] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Dec 13] 8:30a TIC [Oct] 9a Current Account [Q3] 8:30a LEI [Nov] 10a Industrial Prod. [Nov] 9:15a FOMC Statement 2P Philly Fed Survey [Dec] 10a Press Conference 2:30p 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Existing Home Sales [Nov] 10a Durable Goods [Nov] 8:30a Jobless Claims [Dec 20] 8:30a GDP [Q3 3rd] 8:30a Christmas Day Mich. Cons. Sent. [Dec F] 9:55a [Markets Closed] New Home Sales [Nov] 10a Early Market Close Observing Christmas Day 28 29 30 31 S&P/C-S Home Prices [Sep] 9a Cons. Confidence [Dec] 10a Early Bond Market Close Observing New Year's Day wellsfargo.com/economics All Times EST 息 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved.
  • 14. Wells Fargo Securities, LLC Economics Group Wells Fargo Securities Economics Group publications are produced byWells Fargo Securities, LLC, a U.S broker-dealer registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, and the Securities Investor Protection Corp.Wells Fargo Securities, LLC, distributes these publications directly and through subsidiaries including, but not limited to,Wells Fargo & Company,Wells Fargo Bank N.A.,Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC,Wells Fargo Securities International Limited,Wells Fargo Securities Asia Limited andWells Fargo Securities (Japan) Co. Limited.Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. (WFS) is registered with the Commodities FuturesTrading Commission as a futures commission merchant and is a member in good standing of the National Futures Association. Wells油Fargo Bank, N.A. (WFBNA) is registered with the Commodities FuturesTrading Commission as a swap dealer and is a member in good standing of the National Futures Association.WFS andWFBNA are generally engaged in the trading of futures and derivative products, any of which may be discussed within this publication.The information and opinions herein are for general information use only.Wells Fargo Securities, LLC does not guarantee their accuracy or completeness, nor doesWells Fargo Securities, LLC assume any liability for any loss that may result from the reliance by any person upon any such information or opinions. Such information and opinions are subject to change without notice, are for general information only and are not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sales of any security or as personalized investment advice.Wells Fargo Securities, LLC is a separate legal entity and distinct from affiliated banks and is a wholly owned subsidiary ofWells Fargo & Company 息 2013Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. Important Information for Non-U.S. Recipients For recipients in the EEA, this report is distributed byWells Fargo Securities International Limited (WFSIL).WFSIL is a U.K. incorporated investment firm authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.The content of this report has been approved byWFSIL a regulated person under the Act.WFSIL does not deal with retail clients as defined in the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 2007.The FCA rules made under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 for the protection of retail clients will therefore not apply, not will the Financial Services Compensation Scheme be available.This report is not intended for, and should not be relied upon by, retail clients.This document and any other materials accompanying this document (collectively, theMaterials) are provided for general informational purposes only. Diane Schumaker-Krieg Global Head of Research, Economics & Strategy 704-410-1801 212-214-5070 diane.schumaker@wellsfargo.com John E. Silvia, Ph.D. Chief Economist 704-410-3275 john.silvia@wellsfargo.com Mark Vitner Senior Economist 704-410-3277 mark.vitner@wellsfargo.com Jay H. Bryson, Ph.D. Global Economist 704-410-3274 jay.bryson@wellsfargo.com Sam Bullard Senior Economist 704-410-3280 sam.bullard@wellsfargo.com Nick Bennenbroek Currency Strategist 212-214-5636 nicholas.bennenbroek@wellsfargo.com Eugenio J. Alem叩n, Ph.D. Senior Economist 704-410-3273 eugenio.j.aleman@wellsfargo.com Anika R. Khan Senior Economist 704-410-3271 anika.khan@wellsfargo.com Azhar Iqbal Econometrician 704-410-3270 azhar.iqbal@wellsfargo.com Tim Quinlan Economist 704-410-3283 tim.quinlan@wellsfargo.com Michael A. Brown Economist 704-410-3278 michael.a.brown@wellsfargo.com Sarah Watt House Economist 704-410-3282 sarah.house@wellsfargo.com Michael T. Wolf Economist 704-410-3286 michael.t.wolf@wellsfargo.com Sara Silverman Economic Analyst 704-410-3281 sara.silverman@wellsfargo.com Zachary Griffiths Economic Analyst 704-410-3284 zachary.griffiths@wellsfargo.com Mackenzie Miller Economic Analyst 704-410-3358 mackenzie.miller@wellsfargo.com Blaire Zachary Economic Analyst 704-410-3359 blaire.a.zachary@wellsfargo.com Peg Gavin Executive Assistant 704-410-3279 peg.gavin@wellsfargo.com Cyndi Burris Senior Admin. Assistant 704-410-3272 cyndi.burris@wellsfargo.com Dates and times are subject to change at the discretion of each data provider. Wells Fargo Securities, LLC does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this economic calendar. SECURITIES: NOT FDIC-INSURED/NOT BANK-GUARANTEED/MAY LOSE VALUE MC-7407 (12/13)