2. production techniques evaluation pro forma(1) (1)Abigail Long
This document discusses different production techniques for graphic design, radio, and video games. For graphic design, the advantages are that it is easy to use, while the disadvantages are potential difficulties with selection tools and fixing mistakes. Radio production allows experimenting with different audio but finding the right sounds can be challenging. Video game production makes pixel art and deletion easy, but colors, sizing, and achieving the desired look can be difficult. The document compares the effectiveness of different advertisements and considers graphic design and radio productions to be the most professional.
This document outlines the requirements for a photography assignment, providing prompts for the student to describe their photo shoot process, editing techniques, and final selected images. Sections include the aim of the shoot, a description of the shoot process, examples of before and after editing screenshots, discussions of the strengths and weaknesses of the final images, capture logs, and reflections on what was learned.
This document provides feedback on revisions needed for a student's blog assessment. The teacher comments that marks were generous but details several areas needing improvement, including completing assessment records, adding detail to planning, and ensuring titles and checklists are consistent. The student is given one last chance to sort out the issues by Monday, and told to prioritize revision by spending an hour a day. Templates are provided to document alterations between drafts and seek copyright permission for any included media.
The main theme of our project is, it is a one kind of game. The application provides a endless runner environment where infinite randomized tiles are generated where player have to bypass obstacles to score points. The main advantage of this game is it helps to create brain activities, improves concentration power and increases hand to eye coordination.
The document outlines the sections of a photo shoot review, including the aim of the shoot, a description of the shoot process, examples of edited images at different stages, the final selected images and a discussion of their strengths and weaknesses, capture log details, examples of rejected images, and aims for future improvement. However, most of the sections are placeholders for the student to fill out with details about their specific photo shoot and images.
The document discusses Auto Layout in iOS, including defining constraints, updating constraints, dealing with intrinsic content size, the visual format language, NSLayoutAnchor, debugging constraints, and performance tips. It provides information on calls like layoutSubviews, setNeedsLayout, updateConstraints, and notes newer iOS 8 features like activating/deactivating constraints rather than adding/removing from parents.
The document discusses Auto Layout in iOS, which is a constraint-based system for automatically laying out views in response to screen size changes. It describes how Auto Layout uses constraints to define relationships between views rather than setting explicit frames. Examples are provided of different types of constraints as well as tips for debugging layout issues.
Why use trace cloud to manage your requirements (includes audio)Shambhavi Roy
In any large, distributed project, managing your requirements effectively determines the success of failure of the project. This slide deck identifies some common pitfalls and show solutions to better manage them
- why we need auto layout;
- what UITraitCollection is;
- what¡¯s new in interface builder Xcode;
- about debugging view without running;
- how to debug custom view.
Auto Layout Under Control @ Pragma conference 2013Giuseppe Arici
The document summarizes Auto Layout theory and provides an overview of using Auto Layout in Interface Builder and code. It discusses:
1. The history and evolution of Auto Layout, describing it as a constraint-based, descriptive layout system based on solving systems of linear equations.
2. The basics of constraints including attributes, relations, priorities, intrinsic content size, compression resistance, and hugging.
3. How Auto Layout works by installing constraints, converting them to inequalities, solving the system, updating frames, and displaying layers.
This document provides an overview of Swift, including some key features such as no header files, type inference, computed properties, property observers, generics, extensions, closures, optionals, and interoperability with Objective-C. It notes that Swift aims to be a safe language with features like array typing, optional values to mark nil, and requirements to handle all cases in switches. The document concludes by stating Swift code can be accessed from Objective-C with the @objc prefix and that Swift classes can inherit from Objective-C classes.
On iPhone and iPad if one's designs were reasonably complex, you would have to be involved in writing a lot of
code to support such adaptive layouts. With Auto Layout it makes it easy to support different screen sizes in your apps.
Apple did a huge improvement on Autolayout in Xcode 5 such as the shortcuts on IB, controls, and ease of use. I think we should give auto layout a second chance since it will be a big help for us in the future, especially when Apple releases new devices with different screen sizes. Auto layout can help reduce large amounts of code.
Auto Layout is one of the most important system that lets one manage layout of ones application user interface. As we know, Apple supports different screen sizes in their devices, therefore managing application user interface becomes difficult.
Hi I¡¯m Cris, iOS Developer in KLabCyscorpions. In this post, I want to share with you my presentation on Code Review guidelines for iOS.
But, what is Code Review?
According to Wikipedia:
¡°Code Review is systematic examination (often known as peer review) of computer source code. It is intended to find and fix mistakes overlooked in the initial development phase, improving both the overall quality of software and the developers¡¯ skills. Reviews are done in various forms such as pair programming, informal walkthroughs, and formal inspections.¡±
Want to review code? Then First things first! For you to review code effectively, you need the basic know-how of reviewing code as both the developer and the reviewer. These slides will give some guidelines on how to think in both these roles when reviewing code.
§¡§Ý§Ö§Ü§ã§Ö§Û §Á§ë§Ö§ß§Ü§à §Ú §Á§â§à§ã§Ý§Ñ§Ó §£§à§Ý§à§ë§å§Ü "False simplicity of front-end applications"Fwdays
It¡¯s easy to underestimate a front-end project's complexity, which leads to shallow and thus incorrect implementation. Attempts to fix this problem result in uncontrolled complexity growth and undefined behavior in corner cases.
We'll discuss ways of revealing the inherent complexity of a problem and dealing with it both on theoretical and practical levels.
Adjusting to Auto Layout (Tutorial / Tips for iOS Auto Layout)Derek Lee
An overview of the primary concepts for implementing Auto Layout in your iOS projects, Derek covers the basic procedure you'll likely follow for adding, editing, and removing constraints as well as how to understand the sometimes cryptic messages that Xcode displays when debugging Auto Layout issues. Including several useful tips and tricks for using Interface Builder to successfully implement Auto Layout, this brief presentation covers the basics and can be used as a reference for those who already have some experience.
This document provides an overview of test driven development (TDD) using the Jasmine testing framework. It introduces TDD concepts like writing tests first, then code to pass the tests, and repeating. Benefits of TDD include validated design, confidence, rapid feedback, and early issue discovery. Jasmine is introduced as a JavaScript testing framework that is independent of browsers/DOM and supports multiple frameworks. Key Jasmine concepts are explained, like suites, specs, expectations, matchers, and handling asynchronous code. The document also discusses how to mock backend calls using Mockjax and spy on functions.
URUG Ruby on Rails Workshop - Sesssion 5jakemallory
This document provides an overview and instructions for a Ruby on Rails workshop. It introduces the presenter and discusses Rails frameworks. It then covers topics like data handling, using Git and the server log, named scopes, click-to-sort columns, and search functionality. Code examples and implementation hints are provided for tasks like adding sort order icons, search forms, and search result filtering.
Take Pride in Your Code - Test-Driven DevelopmentBADR
TDD is one of the best practices a developer would pick throughout his professional career. In this slide-deck, we shed a light on enriching your code with the goodies of TDD.
Beautiful Builds - Roy Osherove at Microsoft SwitRoy Osherove
more info at http://BeautifulBuilds.com
Roy Osherove speaks at Microsoft SWIT conference in Ukraine about build patterns, build tools, continuous integration, continuous delivery, and how to make it all work.
Ropossum is a framework that lets you play the beloved Cut The Rope game as much as you want and the levels will keep coming. You can design your own levels, check your designed levels for playability at real time, ask it to complete your unfinished designs according to your own preferences, or even suggest endless playable design variations according to your initial level design.
Ac#vity is the basic building block of a mobile app interface. It represents a single screen with a user interface. An app uses Ac#vity classes to build a series of screens that the user can navigate between via intents. The Ac#vity lifecycle involves callback methods like onCreate, onStart, onResume etc that are important for initializing and releasing resources. Transi#ons between Ac#vi#es can be customized with anima#ons. Data can be passed between Ac#vi#es via intents and bundles. The manifest declares Ac#vi#es and their launch points and filters.
This document provides an overview of tips and tricks for using Toad, an Oracle database administration and development tool. It covers basics for new users, advanced features for PL/SQL developers, and advanced features for database administrators (DBAs). Some highlights include customizing Toad's interface, using the schema browser to configure object views, debugging and profiling PL/SQL code, testing code, and automating tasks with the application designer. The document aims to help analysts, developers and DBAs get the most out of Toad.
This document summarizes Chris Skardon's experience migrating the database for his competition running site Tournr from SQL to document and graph databases. It describes how the initial database choice of SQL Server became limiting and led to migrations first to RavenDB, a document database, and then to Neo4j, a graph database. Both migrations required reworking the data model and code but provided performance and flexibility benefits. While challenging, the migrations were worthwhile as the graph model better fit Tournr's needs.
Scrum XP ¨¨ sempre pi¨´ la metodologia di riferimento per i team e alcuni concetti sono divenuti di uso comune per chiunque operi nel mondo dell¡¯IT (sia piccole realt¨¤ sia grandi aziende). Tra questi spiccano termini come user story e Product Backlog.
L¡¯utilizzo delle user story ha sempre pi¨´ spesso rimpiazzato i tradizionali documenti di specifiche funzionali e gli use case, mentre il Product Backlog ¨¨ diventato lo strumento per tracciare tutto ci¨° che riguarda la realizzazione di un Prodotto.
Eppure entrambi hanno una serie di punti deboli. In questo talk mi concentrer¨° da una parte sulla difficolt¨¤ di avere un quadro completo ed evoluto a partire dal Backlog che ¨¨ aihme piatto e mono dimensionale e dall¡¯altro parler¨° di cosa vuol dire veramente avere un approccio iterativo e incrementale nello sviluppo di un sistema.
Why use trace cloud to manage your requirements (includes audio)Shambhavi Roy
In any large, distributed project, managing your requirements effectively determines the success of failure of the project. This slide deck identifies some common pitfalls and show solutions to better manage them
- why we need auto layout;
- what UITraitCollection is;
- what¡¯s new in interface builder Xcode;
- about debugging view without running;
- how to debug custom view.
Auto Layout Under Control @ Pragma conference 2013Giuseppe Arici
The document summarizes Auto Layout theory and provides an overview of using Auto Layout in Interface Builder and code. It discusses:
1. The history and evolution of Auto Layout, describing it as a constraint-based, descriptive layout system based on solving systems of linear equations.
2. The basics of constraints including attributes, relations, priorities, intrinsic content size, compression resistance, and hugging.
3. How Auto Layout works by installing constraints, converting them to inequalities, solving the system, updating frames, and displaying layers.
This document provides an overview of Swift, including some key features such as no header files, type inference, computed properties, property observers, generics, extensions, closures, optionals, and interoperability with Objective-C. It notes that Swift aims to be a safe language with features like array typing, optional values to mark nil, and requirements to handle all cases in switches. The document concludes by stating Swift code can be accessed from Objective-C with the @objc prefix and that Swift classes can inherit from Objective-C classes.
On iPhone and iPad if one's designs were reasonably complex, you would have to be involved in writing a lot of
code to support such adaptive layouts. With Auto Layout it makes it easy to support different screen sizes in your apps.
Apple did a huge improvement on Autolayout in Xcode 5 such as the shortcuts on IB, controls, and ease of use. I think we should give auto layout a second chance since it will be a big help for us in the future, especially when Apple releases new devices with different screen sizes. Auto layout can help reduce large amounts of code.
Auto Layout is one of the most important system that lets one manage layout of ones application user interface. As we know, Apple supports different screen sizes in their devices, therefore managing application user interface becomes difficult.
Hi I¡¯m Cris, iOS Developer in KLabCyscorpions. In this post, I want to share with you my presentation on Code Review guidelines for iOS.
But, what is Code Review?
According to Wikipedia:
¡°Code Review is systematic examination (often known as peer review) of computer source code. It is intended to find and fix mistakes overlooked in the initial development phase, improving both the overall quality of software and the developers¡¯ skills. Reviews are done in various forms such as pair programming, informal walkthroughs, and formal inspections.¡±
Want to review code? Then First things first! For you to review code effectively, you need the basic know-how of reviewing code as both the developer and the reviewer. These slides will give some guidelines on how to think in both these roles when reviewing code.
§¡§Ý§Ö§Ü§ã§Ö§Û §Á§ë§Ö§ß§Ü§à §Ú §Á§â§à§ã§Ý§Ñ§Ó §£§à§Ý§à§ë§å§Ü "False simplicity of front-end applications"Fwdays
It¡¯s easy to underestimate a front-end project's complexity, which leads to shallow and thus incorrect implementation. Attempts to fix this problem result in uncontrolled complexity growth and undefined behavior in corner cases.
We'll discuss ways of revealing the inherent complexity of a problem and dealing with it both on theoretical and practical levels.
Adjusting to Auto Layout (Tutorial / Tips for iOS Auto Layout)Derek Lee
An overview of the primary concepts for implementing Auto Layout in your iOS projects, Derek covers the basic procedure you'll likely follow for adding, editing, and removing constraints as well as how to understand the sometimes cryptic messages that Xcode displays when debugging Auto Layout issues. Including several useful tips and tricks for using Interface Builder to successfully implement Auto Layout, this brief presentation covers the basics and can be used as a reference for those who already have some experience.
This document provides an overview of test driven development (TDD) using the Jasmine testing framework. It introduces TDD concepts like writing tests first, then code to pass the tests, and repeating. Benefits of TDD include validated design, confidence, rapid feedback, and early issue discovery. Jasmine is introduced as a JavaScript testing framework that is independent of browsers/DOM and supports multiple frameworks. Key Jasmine concepts are explained, like suites, specs, expectations, matchers, and handling asynchronous code. The document also discusses how to mock backend calls using Mockjax and spy on functions.
URUG Ruby on Rails Workshop - Sesssion 5jakemallory
This document provides an overview and instructions for a Ruby on Rails workshop. It introduces the presenter and discusses Rails frameworks. It then covers topics like data handling, using Git and the server log, named scopes, click-to-sort columns, and search functionality. Code examples and implementation hints are provided for tasks like adding sort order icons, search forms, and search result filtering.
Take Pride in Your Code - Test-Driven DevelopmentBADR
TDD is one of the best practices a developer would pick throughout his professional career. In this slide-deck, we shed a light on enriching your code with the goodies of TDD.
Beautiful Builds - Roy Osherove at Microsoft SwitRoy Osherove
more info at http://BeautifulBuilds.com
Roy Osherove speaks at Microsoft SWIT conference in Ukraine about build patterns, build tools, continuous integration, continuous delivery, and how to make it all work.
Ropossum is a framework that lets you play the beloved Cut The Rope game as much as you want and the levels will keep coming. You can design your own levels, check your designed levels for playability at real time, ask it to complete your unfinished designs according to your own preferences, or even suggest endless playable design variations according to your initial level design.
Ac#vity is the basic building block of a mobile app interface. It represents a single screen with a user interface. An app uses Ac#vity classes to build a series of screens that the user can navigate between via intents. The Ac#vity lifecycle involves callback methods like onCreate, onStart, onResume etc that are important for initializing and releasing resources. Transi#ons between Ac#vi#es can be customized with anima#ons. Data can be passed between Ac#vi#es via intents and bundles. The manifest declares Ac#vi#es and their launch points and filters.
This document provides an overview of tips and tricks for using Toad, an Oracle database administration and development tool. It covers basics for new users, advanced features for PL/SQL developers, and advanced features for database administrators (DBAs). Some highlights include customizing Toad's interface, using the schema browser to configure object views, debugging and profiling PL/SQL code, testing code, and automating tasks with the application designer. The document aims to help analysts, developers and DBAs get the most out of Toad.
This document summarizes Chris Skardon's experience migrating the database for his competition running site Tournr from SQL to document and graph databases. It describes how the initial database choice of SQL Server became limiting and led to migrations first to RavenDB, a document database, and then to Neo4j, a graph database. Both migrations required reworking the data model and code but provided performance and flexibility benefits. While challenging, the migrations were worthwhile as the graph model better fit Tournr's needs.
Scrum XP ¨¨ sempre pi¨´ la metodologia di riferimento per i team e alcuni concetti sono divenuti di uso comune per chiunque operi nel mondo dell¡¯IT (sia piccole realt¨¤ sia grandi aziende). Tra questi spiccano termini come user story e Product Backlog.
L¡¯utilizzo delle user story ha sempre pi¨´ spesso rimpiazzato i tradizionali documenti di specifiche funzionali e gli use case, mentre il Product Backlog ¨¨ diventato lo strumento per tracciare tutto ci¨° che riguarda la realizzazione di un Prodotto.
Eppure entrambi hanno una serie di punti deboli. In questo talk mi concentrer¨° da una parte sulla difficolt¨¤ di avere un quadro completo ed evoluto a partire dal Backlog che ¨¨ aihme piatto e mono dimensionale e dall¡¯altro parler¨° di cosa vuol dire veramente avere un approccio iterativo e incrementale nello sviluppo di un sistema.
Luis Majano gave a presentation on ORM and ColdBox ORM services. He discussed how ORM can increase productivity and flexibility but is not a silver bullet. He provided 10 keys to ORM success including object modeling, lazy loading, and caching. ColdBox ORM services include a base ORM service, virtual ORM service, active entities, and utilities to help with queries, validation, and event handling.
This document provides an agenda and information for a class on databases and chatbots. It discusses replicating a movies database, creating queries, and examples. It also reviews chatbots and the conversation_simple sample application. Finally, it outlines the grading criteria for Project 3 and homework assigning students to replicate the movies database and run queries.
Automated Testing in Javascript - how to get started with testing in JS using Cypress and Jest. No more excuses, start testing your production code TODAY!
Example project can be found here: https://github.com/nano3labs/example-automated-testing-js
This document provides an overview of Sami Laiho's background and expertise in troubleshooting Windows systems. It outlines his credentials and experience, as well as projects he has worked on. The agenda lists topics he will cover, including baselines and tools for troubleshooting, error messages, using user accounts, prelogon diagnostics, services, processes and threads, safe mode in Windows 8.1, and blue screen of deaths in Windows 8.1. Demos are included to showcase various troubleshooting techniques.
Learn how to use UIAutomation to incrementally test your apps for problems while at the same time making them accessible. Find out about other ways in which you can use UIAutomation to eliminate repetitive tasks.
This two-part interactive workshop begins with a detailed look at how to interpret Kanban boards and ask thoughtful questions so that you can improve the work of your teams. We will provide an overview of the Kanban Method and then proceed through a series of eight short exercises that will give you an opportunity to review and interpret various Kanban board configurations with other attendees at your table. After a short break, part two of the session now puts the attendees in the driver¡¯s seat to create their own board configurations. We provide eight business scenario exercises and ask the attendees how they would go about configuring their Kanban board given the unique system constraints for each scenario.
The semi automatic Test Rig is to be designed/ developed & fabricated as per the specifications for carrying out the testing of the Nozzle Pressure Ratio Control (NPRC) units herein after called Unit under Test (UUT), which are the part of the Reheat fuel control unit system of the aircraft. The Design Document is in 4 Parts as follows:
UUT Test Bed: The Test Bed mainly comprises a frame prepared by using C-sections and SS sheets and a Dip Tray for containing the UUT. The size of the bed will be (1750¡Á450¡Á1000) mm including the Dip Tray. The color of the NPRC Test Rig Bed is proposed to be ¡°Siemens Grey¡±. Please give your confirmation for the same (We can provide the same with any standard color).
Control Panel: The Control Panel will be made of 4mm SS sheet and will be fitted with the Test Bed and The room wall.
Technical Details:
Turbine Flow meter with DRO : Range - 0-500 igph accuracy = ¡À 1% calibrated on ATF
HP Fuel Pump Motor Assembly: Working Pressure 2000 at flow of 200 IGPH (~15 LPM)
Relief Valve: Full Flow, adjustable set pressure (1500-2200 PSI)
HP Fuel Filter with Electrical clogging indication: Working Pressure = 2000 PSI Flow-200 igph Filtration - 25 micron with SS Bowl.
HP Fuel Filter with Electrical clogging indication: Working Pressure - 2000 PSI Flow-200 igph Filtration - 15 micron with SS Bowl
HP Fuel Filter with Electrical clogging indication: Working Pressure - 2000 PSI Flow-200 igph Filtration - 5 micron with SS Bowl.
Temperature sensor with DRO: 0-100?C Accuracy ¡À 0.5% Resolution - 0.1?C
Pressure Relief Valve: Full Flow, adjustable set pressure (50-80 PSI)
Air operated Back pressure maintaining valve: Back pressure range:- 0-50 PSI
Air Pressure Regulator: Inlet Pressure - 500 PSI Outlet: - 0-300 PSI Flow: 160 scfm
The semi automatic Test Rig is to be designed/ developed & fabricated as per the specifications for carrying out the testing of the Nozzle Pressure Ratio Control (NPRC) units herein after called Unit under Test (UUT), which are the part of the Reheat fuel control unit system of the aircraft.
Key Features:
Test Rig ATF Power Pack System
Test Rig ATF System Controls & Measurements
Scavenging System
Test Rig Air & Vacuum System
Test Rig Air & Vacuum System Controls & Measurements.
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Denmark's Energy Islands in the North and Baltic Seaspermagoveu
Development of Energy Islands (EIs) in Denmark are facing issues in moving from its current stage, having been implemented in Danish policy, towards the implementation and future planning process. The governance procedures around this process have not been sufficient, and good collaboration dynamics between policymakers, industry and local stakeholders are lacking as a result. The institutional incentives to engage are diminishing due to major uncertainties around EI development and insufficient engagement from an industry perspective. For example, the North Sea Island currently faces stagnation due to excessive costs and lack of industry interest to cover those costs. The EIs has been postponed by at least three years to reassess project development. Meanwhile, the Baltic Sea case has on-going debates of the process of implementation, though actor roles and responsibilities have not been clear. While involvement has been attempted, actors have no control of the project development, and it is not experienced as an inclusive process. Furthermore, current market structures and rigidity of the institutions around offshore wind development means entering a new large-scale project is not economically feasible currently, despite calls for a rapid green energy transition.
Super Absorbent Polymer A Review on the Production Material & Production ProcessJanapriya Roy
Super absorbency is higher swelling comes from for absorbing and storing high volume of aqueaous solution. Superabsorbent polymers consist of cross-linked network of hydrophilic polymer chains. Poly (acrylate/). Poly (acrylate/acrylic acid) was prepared for the synthesis of superabsorbent hydrogel (SAH) and their efficacy as an aid to retaining water for irrigation were evaluated. The SAH acrylate/acrylic acid was cross-linked with N N'-methylene-bis-acrylamide for better water retention. With the today's requirement for one click solution, the process of developing the superabsorbent technology was mainly driven by the requirements of disposable hygiene sector, agricultural industry etc. Over time, starch- grafted superabsorbent polymer evolved into cross-linked acrylic homopolymers. At last, the idea, mechanism and broad application areas of superabsorbent are presented well.
Electric Motors - DC Motors - Series, Shunt, Compound, Seprately Excited, PMD...VirajPasare
Electric Motor
Basic Working of motor
Application of motor
DC motor : Construction, Working and its types
Self excited motor
DC Series motor
DC Shunt motor
DC Compound motor
Separately excited motor
Permanent magnet DC motor
In automobile engineering, Vehicle Structure and Engines focus on the design, strength, and performance of a vehicle¡¯s framework and power unit. The vehicle structure includes the chassis and body, designed for safety, aerodynamics, and durability. The engine is the heart of the vehicle, converting fuel energy into mechanical power using internal combustion or electric propulsion. Various engine types include petrol, diesel, hybrid, and electric systems. A well-engineered structure and engine ensure efficiency, safety, and overall vehicle performance. ??
Material Handling : Scope , Importance, Objectives, Principles, Classificatio...VirajPasare
Material handling
Scope of Material handling
Importance of Material Handling
Objectives of Material handling
Principles of Material Handling
Classification of Material Handling
Selection of Material Handling Equipment's
Unit-I-Water Technology.ppt (Chemistry for Electronics and Compter SystemsKrishnaveniKrishnara1
Introduction-types of water-hardness of water-expression of hardness-units of hardness-water quality parameters-estimation of hardness of water by EDTA method-determination of alkalinity, DO, BOD and COD-disadvantages of using hard water in industry. Scale, sludge and boiler corrosion-softening of water, Internal treatment process-carbonate and calgon conditioning-External treatment method-demineralization process and reverse osmosis.
Automobile Engineering- UNIT- 3- Transmission SystemsChandra Kumar S
In automobile engineering, Transmission Systems are responsible for transferring power from the engine to the wheels efficiently. They control speed and torque through gear mechanisms, ensuring smooth acceleration and fuel efficiency. Transmission systems can be manual, automatic, semi-automatic, or continuously variable (CVT). Key components include the clutch, gearbox, propeller shaft, differential, and axles. A well-designed transmission enhances vehicle performance, drivability, and fuel economy.
????????? membahas praktik penggunaan pengerjaan logam untuk membuat mesin dan peran mesin dalam manufaktur. Para editor menerbitkan artikel tentang pembuatan dan penggunaan berbagai logam. Mereka juga memberikan deskripsi tentang mesin dan proses. Majalah tersebut memuat berbagai iklan (lihat foto di sebelah kanan) untuk peralatan mesin, yang didorong oleh perusahaan-perusahaan yang berkembang pesat dan didorong oleh teknologi yang mendorong Revolusi Industri. Sepanjang waktu, penekanan diberikan pada kebutuhan akan informasi yang pragmatis. Memikirkan, membangun, dan meningkatkan mesin, mekanisme, dan proses dengan saran praktis merupakan tema yang sering muncul. Hal ini sesuai dengan semangat wirausaha legendaris Amerika muda. Perhatian yang cukup juga diberikan pada teori dan ilmu baru teknik mesin dan industri.
Dari waktu ke waktu, ????????? menerbitkan artikel yang berisi informasi teknis dasar yang kaya tentang berbagai isu inti industri manufaktur. Contohnya termasuk trigonometri, penataan ulang dan pengembangan rumus, mekanika, kekuatan material, ulir dan pengencang, stamping, pengelasan dan pemotongan, pemesinan berbagai logam, desain dan pembuatan roda gigi, kecepatan pemotongan dan laju umpan untuk pemesinan, dan konten serupa. Artikel-artikel ini muncul sebagai tambahan pada artikel khusus aplikasi reguler Machinery , yang mencakup kemajuan dalam gerakan industri.
18. Tips (White Belt)
? Name your views in IB
? Name your constraints too!
? Think Locally (where should this view get its
size and position)
? Find a Sensei
19. Debug (Brown Belt)
? Preview pane: to see multiple sizes
? IB Structure and constraint inspectors: to
understand issues
? Debug View Hierarchy (Reveal and Spark
Inspector): to see runtime results
24. Tips (Black Belt)
? Priorities: Preferred
? Max and Min
? Delete (don¡¯t be afraid)
? Know when not to use
25. More Resources
? Apple: Adopting Auto Layout Guide
? WWDC Introduction to Auto Layout (2012 - 202)
? WWDC Mysteries of Auto Layout (2015, parts 1
and 2)
? Autolayout for everyone - NSSpain 2014
? Technical Note TN2154 - UIScrollView And