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In performing our Assignment, we had to take the help and guidelines of respected
person Assistant professor of FMS WISDOM Mr. ABHINAV NIGAM .we would like
to thank him for providing us this opportunity by offering this topic and giving us
examples that related to our Assignment. It gives us opportunity to participate and learn
about the consumer behavior .we would to thank him for providing us valuable
information as the guidance of our Assignment.
 Culture is dynamic.
 Culture and societal environment
6. Progressive view
Axis bank -Badhti ka naam zindagi(Progresstogether)
In this advertisement Axis bank shows that our lives are part of a Circle where everything
is connected. We are all part of it, even if we do not realize it. By virtue of this, whatever
we do has a ripple effect on people around us. Same stands true even for our Progress.
Every minute, we help and in turn are helped, by millions of lives which are part of this
unique circle of Progress. And how the one consumer behavior becomes the reason of the
influencing the another consumer behavior and motivates him for the further processing
how the Axis bank play a vital Role in this circle of their lives and affects the behavior of
the consumer.
About Axis bank
Axis Bank Limited (formerly UTI Bank) is the third largest private sector bank in India.
It offers financial services to customer segments covering Large and Mid-Sized
Corporate MSME, Agriculture and Retail Businesses. Axis Bank has its headquarters in
Mumbai, Maharashtra.
Indian Business: As on 31-Mar-2014, the Bank had a network of 2402 branches and
extension counters and 12922 ATMs. Axis Bank has the largest ATM network among
private banks in India and it operates an ATM at one of the worlds highest sites at
Thegu, Sikkim at a height of 4,023 meters (13,200 ft) above sea level.
International Business: The Bank has seven international offices with branches at
Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai(at the DIFC), Shanghai and Colombo representative
offices at Dubai and Abu Dhabi, which focus on corporate lending, trade finance,
syndication, investment banking and liability businesses. In addition to the above, the
Bank has a presence in UK with its wholly owned subsidiary Axis Bank UK Limited.
One of the Specialties of this advertisement is that in this advertisement axis bank did
marketing of its debit card, credit card, home loan and ATM it targeted the different-
different Age group people.
Axis Bank operates in four segments: Treasury operations, Retail banking, Corporate,
Wholesale banking and other banking business
Axis bank advertisement carries the message Zindagi ke highway pe koi akele
nahin badhta
Now we will the factors of this Advertisement which influences the behavior of the
Geographical factors
Geographic factors involves dividing your market down into geographical areas and
features. You can geographically factors market by unit, such as cities, counties, regions,
countries, and international regions. Axis bank Also Adopted geographical segmentation
and influence consumer behavior.
As the Bank has 12922 ATMs. Axis Bank has the largest ATM network among private
banks in India. Axis bank covered almost all the area across of the country. This thing
promoted in the advertisement.
Axis bank also targeted geographical factors which influence consumer behavior. in this
advertisement axis bank shows its bank series at different areas of the country like in this
advertisement they shown the bank in the hell station and how one person transfer money
for his child education to his wife account who is living far from his husband in the place
like Srinagar so this thing attracts the consumer and they influence his behavior towards
the company.
Culture factor
Cultural factors comprise of set of values and ideologies of a particular community or
group of individuals. It is the culture of an individual which decides the way he/she
behaves. In simpler words, culture is nothing but values of an individual. What an
individual learns from his parents and relatives as a child becomes his culture
 As one of characteristic of the culture is dynamic.
Where in past women were totally dependent on male person .but the culture have
modified today, most women work outside the home frequently. These career women are
increasingly not waiting for marriage and a man to buy them luxury item for them. As in
India there is tradition that mother gives to her daughter a lot of gift to her daughter at
time of marriage. But as the time is evolving now the girls are earning and giving the
present to her mother. Its shows that culture is dynamic. Changes come in it according to
the time.
As in Axis bank advertisement how girl after getting the job apply in Axis bank home
loan and with the help of her salary and Axis bank home loan she bought home for her
mother and gave gift to her and its influence consumer behavior because culture is
changing people will feel more motivated to take home loan from axis bank.
 Culture and societal environment:
Culture is crucial when it comes to understanding the needs and behaviors of an
individual .Throughout his existence, an individual will be influenced by his family, his
friends, his cultural environment or society that will teach him values, preferences as
well as common behaviors to their own culture.
So individual learn values from the society and Act accordingly like in this Axis bank
Advertisement when daughter gives gift to her mother for her it the value which matter
allot and it Also influence the consumer behavior Because We all live in country where Where
societal values play important Role and influence the consumer.
Consumer motivation is the urge or drives to satisfy needs through product purchase and
its consumption. The needs, wants, drives, and desires of an individual that lead him or
her toward the purchase of products or ideas. The Motivations may be physiologically,
psychologically, or environmentally driven. In this advertisement the behavior of the
one consumer motivates the another consumer in context of the taking the services of the
bank and this thing generate the circle in which the every individual Activity is reason of
the motivation of the another person and by this individual drive generates and then after
generation of the drive the individual try to fulfill needs by purchasing the product or
taking the services of it.
Like in the starting of the advertisement one person when received amount on his Axis
bank Account then he motivates for the purchasing the woolen sweat shirt for his wife by
paying from his Axis bank Debit card and then the retailer received the money then he
gave the another order to whole seller and the whole seller motivates for higher more
worker and when he higher the worker then she motivated for applying home loan in the
Axis bank and this cycle goes on where individual activity motivation the another.
Emotions are feelings that arise from deep rooted and value laden beliefs; As consumers,
for example, we experience pleasantness or unpleasantness (positive or negative
feelings) towards product/service offerings; these reactions are based on our beliefs
which are in turn a result of our motives, learning and cognition, experiences,
socialization processes etc. We also experience feelings of joy or sadness, with respect to
certain brands, or other marketing stimuli, and the changes made therein. These emotions
have a bearing on the moods that are emotional states specific to a stimulus, and like
emotions, they are good or bad, positive or negative.
So emotion has great impact on consumer behavior emotions are the drive which
influence consumer to purchase the product
In the Axis bank Advertisement in every part emotion influence consumer behavior either
it is giving a home by the daughter to her mother or transaction by the man of money to
his wife for the school fee of his child .in this advertisement Axis bank use this emotion
factors very well and which influence the behavior of consumer.
Progressive view
Manish Bhatt, founder-director, Scarecrow Communications, says the ad is nicely written
and has good visual elements. "It's a good attempt at the whole thread-in-a-montage style,
though it may take the viewers a couple of viewings to understand the thread. The casting
is competent, not outstanding. The overall communication approach of Axis Bank is not
radical and the overall strategy is more literal than lateral," he says.
Adds Manisha Lath Gupta, chief marketing officer, Axis Bank: "We realized that the
target group has its life pretty much charted out and for them a milestone is not the end of
a journey; rather life is a journey where every milestone is a steppingstone to the next
From the above all the factors we can conclude now the consumer behavior is the
dynamic which influence by not only the individual factors but the social, cultural and
environmental factors all play very important role and the marketer also target these
factors so that their advertisement would influence the consumer for the purchase the
My study on advertisement different different Aspect which affects the behavior of the
consumer is that in the advertisement of the Axis Bank they shows the progression of
common people lives and how the bank help to them in that in the beginning of the
advertisement we can see the emotion which is integral part of our lives and Affect the
consumer behavior and this advertisement marketer used this factor very well.
And they also targeted the Geographical factors which influence the consumer behavior
because consumer will more attract if get Service of the bank Across the country.
Cultural factors Up course one the great factor to grasping large Audience and in the
advertisement they used cultural factors for Attracting The large Audience influence
them for taking. Finally the psychological factors as each and every individual has its
own traits in this advertisement they marketer use motivation factor which influences the
behavior of the consumer.
Book -Sciffman & Kanuk
E-sources Wikipedia As on Access date 04-04-2015

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study of the behavior of consumer on the axis bank advertisement

  • 1. 1 AKNOWLEGEMENT In performing our Assignment, we had to take the help and guidelines of respected person Assistant professor of FMS WISDOM Mr. ABHINAV NIGAM .we would like to thank him for providing us this opportunity by offering this topic and giving us examples that related to our Assignment. It gives us opportunity to participate and learn about the consumer behavior .we would to thank him for providing us valuable information as the guidance of our Assignment.
  • 2. 2 TABLE OF CONTENT 1. INTODUCTION 2. ABOUT AXIS BANK 3. GEOGRAPHICAL FACTORS 4. CULTURAL FACTORS Culture is dynamic. Culture and societal environment 5. PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS Motivation Emotion 6. Progressive view 7. CONCLUSION
  • 3. 3 Axis bank -Badhti ka naam zindagi(Progresstogether) Introduction In this advertisement Axis bank shows that our lives are part of a Circle where everything is connected. We are all part of it, even if we do not realize it. By virtue of this, whatever we do has a ripple effect on people around us. Same stands true even for our Progress. Every minute, we help and in turn are helped, by millions of lives which are part of this unique circle of Progress. And how the one consumer behavior becomes the reason of the influencing the another consumer behavior and motivates him for the further processing how the Axis bank play a vital Role in this circle of their lives and affects the behavior of the consumer. About Axis bank Axis Bank Limited (formerly UTI Bank) is the third largest private sector bank in India. It offers financial services to customer segments covering Large and Mid-Sized Corporate MSME, Agriculture and Retail Businesses. Axis Bank has its headquarters in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Indian Business: As on 31-Mar-2014, the Bank had a network of 2402 branches and extension counters and 12922 ATMs. Axis Bank has the largest ATM network among private banks in India and it operates an ATM at one of the worlds highest sites at Thegu, Sikkim at a height of 4,023 meters (13,200 ft) above sea level. International Business: The Bank has seven international offices with branches at Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai(at the DIFC), Shanghai and Colombo representative
  • 4. 4 offices at Dubai and Abu Dhabi, which focus on corporate lending, trade finance, syndication, investment banking and liability businesses. In addition to the above, the Bank has a presence in UK with its wholly owned subsidiary Axis Bank UK Limited. One of the Specialties of this advertisement is that in this advertisement axis bank did marketing of its debit card, credit card, home loan and ATM it targeted the different- different Age group people. Axis Bank operates in four segments: Treasury operations, Retail banking, Corporate, Wholesale banking and other banking business Axis bank advertisement carries the message Zindagi ke highway pe koi akele nahin badhta Now we will the factors of this Advertisement which influences the behavior of the consumer. Geographical factors Geographic factors involves dividing your market down into geographical areas and features. You can geographically factors market by unit, such as cities, counties, regions, countries, and international regions. Axis bank Also Adopted geographical segmentation and influence consumer behavior. As the Bank has 12922 ATMs. Axis Bank has the largest ATM network among private banks in India. Axis bank covered almost all the area across of the country. This thing promoted in the advertisement. Axis bank also targeted geographical factors which influence consumer behavior. in this advertisement axis bank shows its bank series at different areas of the country like in this advertisement they shown the bank in the hell station and how one person transfer money for his child education to his wife account who is living far from his husband in the place like Srinagar so this thing attracts the consumer and they influence his behavior towards the company.
  • 5. 5 Culture factor Cultural factors comprise of set of values and ideologies of a particular community or group of individuals. It is the culture of an individual which decides the way he/she behaves. In simpler words, culture is nothing but values of an individual. What an individual learns from his parents and relatives as a child becomes his culture Example As one of characteristic of the culture is dynamic. Where in past women were totally dependent on male person .but the culture have modified today, most women work outside the home frequently. These career women are increasingly not waiting for marriage and a man to buy them luxury item for them. As in India there is tradition that mother gives to her daughter a lot of gift to her daughter at time of marriage. But as the time is evolving now the girls are earning and giving the present to her mother. Its shows that culture is dynamic. Changes come in it according to the time. As in Axis bank advertisement how girl after getting the job apply in Axis bank home loan and with the help of her salary and Axis bank home loan she bought home for her mother and gave gift to her and its influence consumer behavior because culture is changing people will feel more motivated to take home loan from axis bank.
  • 6. 6 Culture and societal environment: Culture is crucial when it comes to understanding the needs and behaviors of an individual .Throughout his existence, an individual will be influenced by his family, his friends, his cultural environment or society that will teach him values, preferences as well as common behaviors to their own culture. So individual learn values from the society and Act accordingly like in this Axis bank Advertisement when daughter gives gift to her mother for her it the value which matter allot and it Also influence the consumer behavior Because We all live in country where Where societal values play important Role and influence the consumer. Psychologicalfactors Motivation Consumer motivation is the urge or drives to satisfy needs through product purchase and its consumption. The needs, wants, drives, and desires of an individual that lead him or her toward the purchase of products or ideas. The Motivations may be physiologically, psychologically, or environmentally driven. In this advertisement the behavior of the one consumer motivates the another consumer in context of the taking the services of the bank and this thing generate the circle in which the every individual Activity is reason of the motivation of the another person and by this individual drive generates and then after generation of the drive the individual try to fulfill needs by purchasing the product or taking the services of it.
  • 7. 7 Like in the starting of the advertisement one person when received amount on his Axis bank Account then he motivates for the purchasing the woolen sweat shirt for his wife by paying from his Axis bank Debit card and then the retailer received the money then he gave the another order to whole seller and the whole seller motivates for higher more worker and when he higher the worker then she motivated for applying home loan in the Axis bank and this cycle goes on where individual activity motivation the another. Emotion Emotions are feelings that arise from deep rooted and value laden beliefs; As consumers, for example, we experience pleasantness or unpleasantness (positive or negative feelings) towards product/service offerings; these reactions are based on our beliefs which are in turn a result of our motives, learning and cognition, experiences, socialization processes etc. We also experience feelings of joy or sadness, with respect to certain brands, or other marketing stimuli, and the changes made therein. These emotions have a bearing on the moods that are emotional states specific to a stimulus, and like emotions, they are good or bad, positive or negative. So emotion has great impact on consumer behavior emotions are the drive which influence consumer to purchase the product In the Axis bank Advertisement in every part emotion influence consumer behavior either it is giving a home by the daughter to her mother or transaction by the man of money to his wife for the school fee of his child .in this advertisement Axis bank use this emotion factors very well and which influence the behavior of consumer.
  • 8. 8 Progressive view Manish Bhatt, founder-director, Scarecrow Communications, says the ad is nicely written and has good visual elements. "It's a good attempt at the whole thread-in-a-montage style, though it may take the viewers a couple of viewings to understand the thread. The casting is competent, not outstanding. The overall communication approach of Axis Bank is not radical and the overall strategy is more literal than lateral," he says. Adds Manisha Lath Gupta, chief marketing officer, Axis Bank: "We realized that the target group has its life pretty much charted out and for them a milestone is not the end of a journey; rather life is a journey where every milestone is a steppingstone to the next milestone." Conclusion From the above all the factors we can conclude now the consumer behavior is the dynamic which influence by not only the individual factors but the social, cultural and environmental factors all play very important role and the marketer also target these factors so that their advertisement would influence the consumer for the purchase the product. My study on advertisement different different Aspect which affects the behavior of the consumer is that in the advertisement of the Axis Bank they shows the progression of common people lives and how the bank help to them in that in the beginning of the advertisement we can see the emotion which is integral part of our lives and Affect the consumer behavior and this advertisement marketer used this factor very well. And they also targeted the Geographical factors which influence the consumer behavior because consumer will more attract if get Service of the bank Across the country. Cultural factors Up course one the great factor to grasping large Audience and in the advertisement they used cultural factors for Attracting The large Audience influence them for taking. Finally the psychological factors as each and every individual has its own traits in this advertisement they marketer use motivation factor which influences the behavior of the consumer.
  • 9. 9 BIBLOGRAPHY Book -Sciffman & Kanuk E-sources Wikipedia As on Access date 04-04-2015 http://theconsumerfactor.com/
  • 10. 10