Cavalls joves mengen llet de la seva mare, però quan creixen mengen herba, palla, garrofes, pomes i pastanagues, així com pienso.
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Els peixos p3 amsg71Este documento resume lo que un grupo de estudiantes aprendió sobre los peces. Aprendieron que los peces viven en el mar, ríos y acuarios. Algunos peces comen otros peces más pequeños, placton o algas, mientras que los peces de acuario comen comida especial. También aprendieron sobre las branquias, escamas y aletas de los peces, y sobre cómo cuidar peces en un acuario.
Projecte peixosreixac2010The students in class P-4B studied fish and shared what they learned. They explored how fish live in water, breathe through gills, are covered in scales and propel themselves with fins. The students measured different fish, observed how objects float and sink in water, and learned that fish have an air bladder that allows them to float. They also discovered that most fish lay eggs and the young develop into small fish called fry. The class enjoyed learning about fish and was grateful for help from parents.
Els tauronsSandra PinaThe students in the class chose to learn about sharks. They brainstormed what they already knew about sharks and questions they had. They discussed the best ways to research sharks, such as looking at books, websites, and potentially visiting an aquarium. The class then worked together to organize what they learned about sharks' appearance, diet, habitat, behaviors and more. They began learning about different shark species and characteristics.
Els tauronsSandra PinaThe students in the class chose to learn about sharks. They brainstormed what they already knew about sharks and questions they had. They discussed the best ways to research sharks, such as looking at books, websites, and potentially visiting an aquarium. The class then worked together to organize what they learned about sharks' appearance, diet, habitat, behaviors and more. They began learning about different shark species and characteristics.
Els elefantsmarquibanyThe document is about elephants and contains several sections about different aspects of elephants including how they walk, bathe and play, how babies are born, their weight, descriptions of their skin and trunk, where they live in Asia and Africa, what they eat, and the differences between African and Asian elephants. It includes poems, diagrams, and descriptions in both text and image form.
Projecte Dracs P4 Escola Nova CervellóescolanovacervelloThe students in the class have chosen to do a project on dragons. They voted and decided to learn about dragons. They shared things they already knew about dragons and questions they had. They set up a special area in the classroom filled with information about dragons as they begin their research.
El Cavall Sóc d'Infantil Este documento presenta información básica sobre caballos. Describe las características físicas de los caballos como orejas, ojos, nariz, boca, crin y cascos. Explica que los herreros colocan herraduras en los cascos para protegerlos y que los caballos comen heno, paja y pasto. Finalmente, menciona algunas actividades como tirar de carros, trabajar en campos y competir en deportes ecuestres.
ELS CAVALLSmonicasabadell1. Cavalls are mammals that give birth to foals. They nurse on their mother's milk for the first few months.
2. Cavalls eat plants and grass and drink large amounts of water, up to 20 liters per day.
3. There are different types of cavalls used for various purposes, such as work, riding, and exhibitions.
Com són els polletstempleinicialThe document discusses chickens and chicks. It asks questions about what chicks look like, where they live, what they eat, and how they are born. It describes that chicks have feathers, a beak, and are birds. It also outlines the parts of a chick's body and lists some of the common foods chicks eat, such as corn, bread, vegetables, fruits, insects and worms.
Peixos (generalitats)Eduardo CONNOLLYUna presentació per primer cicle de primària amb fotografies de peixos de la mediterrània. Les fotografies tenen copyright.
Personatges del castellsPili CanoThe document describes different roles in medieval society, including kings, lords, bishops, knights, monks, peasants, artisans, merchants, soldiers, troubadours, and entertainers. Kings ruled the land and were the most powerful, with lords, bishops and knights providing services and protection. Peasants farmed the land while monks copied texts and prayed. Artisans and merchants lived and worked in towns and cities. Entertainers brought music and comedy to events.
GiharrakMargaGutierrezEste documento proporciona información sobre el fortalecimiento del cuerpo a través de ejercicios de diferentes grupos musculares como los abdominales, bíceps y muslos. Incluye pictogramas que muestran los principales músculos y una actividad para identificarlos correctamente.
Projecte lleons p3 Escola NovaescolanovacervelloThe students in the P3 class voted on a new class project, and chose to study lions. They researched lions' physical characteristics, habitat, diet, and behaviors. Activities included making lion masks, puppets, and a mural labeling lion body parts. Students learned lions live in the savanna in Africa and Asia, eat meat from their hunts, and show affection through nuzzling. The project helped teach math and language arts concepts while engaging the class in an interactive study of lions.
Cançons caga tióLaia LilaEl poema habla sobre el Tió de Navidad, una tradición catalana. En tres oraciones o menos, describe que el Tió es un tronco que se le da golpes con un bastón para que "cague" (defequé) dulces como turrones y piñones para las fiestas de Navidad.
Projecte Gats P5 Escola Nova CervellóescolanovacervelloThe students in class P-5 began a project to learn about cats. They discussed what they already knew about cats, such as how many bones cats have compared to humans. The students then explored what skeletons look like for cats and humans. They observed a human skeleton in the classroom and watched a video that explained the human skeletal system. The students discussed key points about bones and skeletons from the video. They also learned that while most cats have tails, there is a breed called the Manx cat that is born without a tail.
Projecte lleonsvaixellThe document is a project about lions done by students in the 2012-2013 school year. It contains questions the students had about lions, as well as information they learned. They learned lions can weigh up to 200 kg by weighing themselves. They visited the zoo in Barcelona and did a workshop on big cats. The project includes the students' work showing what lions look like, what they eat, where they live, and activities they did in school like watching documentaries.
Projecte peixets p3 bescolanovacervello- Types of fish, how they look, where they live, how they sleep, what they eat (why big fish eat small fish), how they breathe (if they leave water they suffocate), how they are born, and more.
- Through books, documentaries, and a visit from Nacho and his fish store, they learned about many different types of fish and sea creatures.
- They studied fish anatomy and learned fish have streamlined bodies to swim, scales for protection, and different parts like fins for movement and balance.
els plarmescanThe document describes the 8 planets in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. It provides key details about each planet's composition, proximity to the Sun, rotation speed, presence of moons and/or rings. It also mentions that Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet rather than a true planet.
Plantes formenterarmescanLas plantas y árboles más comunes de Formentera incluyen la sabina, el pino, el romero, la mata, la higuera y el olivo.
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El Cavall Sóc d'Infantil Este documento presenta información básica sobre caballos. Describe las características físicas de los caballos como orejas, ojos, nariz, boca, crin y cascos. Explica que los herreros colocan herraduras en los cascos para protegerlos y que los caballos comen heno, paja y pasto. Finalmente, menciona algunas actividades como tirar de carros, trabajar en campos y competir en deportes ecuestres.
ELS CAVALLSmonicasabadell1. Cavalls are mammals that give birth to foals. They nurse on their mother's milk for the first few months.
2. Cavalls eat plants and grass and drink large amounts of water, up to 20 liters per day.
3. There are different types of cavalls used for various purposes, such as work, riding, and exhibitions.
Com són els polletstempleinicialThe document discusses chickens and chicks. It asks questions about what chicks look like, where they live, what they eat, and how they are born. It describes that chicks have feathers, a beak, and are birds. It also outlines the parts of a chick's body and lists some of the common foods chicks eat, such as corn, bread, vegetables, fruits, insects and worms.
Peixos (generalitats)Eduardo CONNOLLYUna presentació per primer cicle de primària amb fotografies de peixos de la mediterrània. Les fotografies tenen copyright.
Personatges del castellsPili CanoThe document describes different roles in medieval society, including kings, lords, bishops, knights, monks, peasants, artisans, merchants, soldiers, troubadours, and entertainers. Kings ruled the land and were the most powerful, with lords, bishops and knights providing services and protection. Peasants farmed the land while monks copied texts and prayed. Artisans and merchants lived and worked in towns and cities. Entertainers brought music and comedy to events.
GiharrakMargaGutierrezEste documento proporciona información sobre el fortalecimiento del cuerpo a través de ejercicios de diferentes grupos musculares como los abdominales, bíceps y muslos. Incluye pictogramas que muestran los principales músculos y una actividad para identificarlos correctamente.
Projecte lleons p3 Escola NovaescolanovacervelloThe students in the P3 class voted on a new class project, and chose to study lions. They researched lions' physical characteristics, habitat, diet, and behaviors. Activities included making lion masks, puppets, and a mural labeling lion body parts. Students learned lions live in the savanna in Africa and Asia, eat meat from their hunts, and show affection through nuzzling. The project helped teach math and language arts concepts while engaging the class in an interactive study of lions.
Cançons caga tióLaia LilaEl poema habla sobre el Tió de Navidad, una tradición catalana. En tres oraciones o menos, describe que el Tió es un tronco que se le da golpes con un bastón para que "cague" (defequé) dulces como turrones y piñones para las fiestas de Navidad.
Projecte Gats P5 Escola Nova CervellóescolanovacervelloThe students in class P-5 began a project to learn about cats. They discussed what they already knew about cats, such as how many bones cats have compared to humans. The students then explored what skeletons look like for cats and humans. They observed a human skeleton in the classroom and watched a video that explained the human skeletal system. The students discussed key points about bones and skeletons from the video. They also learned that while most cats have tails, there is a breed called the Manx cat that is born without a tail.
Projecte lleonsvaixellThe document is a project about lions done by students in the 2012-2013 school year. It contains questions the students had about lions, as well as information they learned. They learned lions can weigh up to 200 kg by weighing themselves. They visited the zoo in Barcelona and did a workshop on big cats. The project includes the students' work showing what lions look like, what they eat, where they live, and activities they did in school like watching documentaries.
Projecte peixets p3 bescolanovacervello- Types of fish, how they look, where they live, how they sleep, what they eat (why big fish eat small fish), how they breathe (if they leave water they suffocate), how they are born, and more.
- Through books, documentaries, and a visit from Nacho and his fish store, they learned about many different types of fish and sea creatures.
- They studied fish anatomy and learned fish have streamlined bodies to swim, scales for protection, and different parts like fins for movement and balance.
els plarmescanThe document describes the 8 planets in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. It provides key details about each planet's composition, proximity to the Sun, rotation speed, presence of moons and/or rings. It also mentions that Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet rather than a true planet.
Plantes formenterarmescanLas plantas y árboles más comunes de Formentera incluyen la sabina, el pino, el romero, la mata, la higuera y el olivo.
ANIMALS DE LA TARDORrmescanThis document lists several animals that may appear in the fall season: squirrel, mouse, ant, snail, and hedgehog. It asks what animals can appear in the fall and then provides a list of animals commonly seen, including squirrel, mouse, ant, snail, and hedgehog.
Princesa i 2rmescanThe princess was born very small and thin, so her clothes did not fit her. The doctors had to carefully monitor her diet because some foods made her ill. She grew up very unhappy and crying frequently, making a high-pitched "I I I I" sound when she cried. Though small, she was very active. She played with her brother the prince and their games sometimes got them into mischief. More of the royal family will be introduced later.
dormen dormenrmescanHorses are sleeping with their legs bent and stretched out completely on the ground, with their eyes closed. They also sleep while standing up straight with their eyes closed.
el senyor trianglermescanUn triángulo azul se sentía muy triste y aburrido hasta que decidió jugar a ser diferentes objetos, pero ninguno lo divirtió. Un payaso le aconsejó buscar amigos para jugar, y el triángulo encontró a otros triángulos con los que pasó un buen rato jugando a esconderse en las montañas y el bosque. Poco a poco fue haciendo más amigos triángulos de diferentes colores y tamaños, descubriendo que era mucho más divertido jugar en compañía.
qvsapcoturmescanEl documento presenta las opiniones de varios estudiantes sobre qué les gustaría ser en el futuro y sobre trabajar en grupo. Los estudiantes comparten sus aspiraciones personales y discuten el aprendizaje cooperativo. Al final, llegan a una conclusión sobre su experiencia trabajando juntos como equipo.
VISITA rmescanPau is a taxi driver who owns taxi number 22. There are 25 taxis total in Formentera. The front of his taxi displays "SP" for public service, and the light is green when available and red when occupied. It is important for safety to wear seatbelts and use child seats when in a car.
EL BARCOrmescanThe captain gives a tour of the ship, explaining his role and showing the different areas. He shows the passengers the front and back of the ship, called the prow and stern. Inside, passengers sit in seats and up to 310 people can fit. The captain's area is the bridge, where they can find the steering wheel, radar, GPS and radio. From the bridge they sometimes see dolphins, swordfish and seagulls. The red lever is the steering wheel used to direct the ship daily. The chief engineer manages the ship's clocks. The ship room is hot with two large engines. The visitors thank the captain for the informative tour.
ON ESTÀ EL QUADRAT?rmescanEl documento trata sobre figuras cuadradas y preguntas relacionadas con ellas. Pregunta dónde está el Señor Cuadrado y los cuadrados, y si la casa tiene cuadrados. También pregunta qué medio de transporte es cuadrado y dónde está. Finalmente, pide repasar con el dedo la figura cuadrada.
TRANSPORTS AERISrmescanThis document discusses different types of aircraft and flying machines including airplane, small airplane, helicopter, hot air balloon, and rocket in 3 sentences or less.
ELS TRANSPORTS DE TERRArmescanDiferentes medios de transporte terrestre se enumeran en una lista, incluyendo coche, autobús, tren, bicicleta, camión, moto, tractor, grúa, taxi y ambulancia.
CONTE DE LA LLETRA ArmescanThe Queen A is tall and cheerful. She often carries a basket of flowers in one arm. Each morning she goes to water her flowers and says "aaaa" if they are well or "aaaa" if they have been trampled. She loves flowers so much that every spring she holds a flower exhibition bringing roses, daisies, and more. She also makes very good desserts like fruit in syrup and almond cookies with help from her husband. After eating them she says "aaaa how good, why don't I eat more?" and the King says "uuuu I'm full already." The Queen also likes doing gymnastics and says "aaaaa why can't I catch it" when throwing the hoop
ELS DOLÇOSrmescanThis document lists various types of sweets and pastries in Catalan such as dolços, llepolies, bombons, xocolata, galetes, pastís, donuts, croissants and sucs. It emphasizes that it is very important not to eat too many sweets each week.
LA FRUITA ÉS IMPORTANTrmescanThis document lists various types of fruits including oranges, apples, peaches, pears, kiwis, cherries, watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, banana, tangerine, and that it is very important to eat fruit, so the next day they will make a fruit skewer. It ends questioning what something is.
LA FRUITA ÉS MOLT IMPORTANTrmescanThis document lists various types of fruits including oranges, apples, peaches, pears, kiwis, cherries, watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, banana, tangerine, and that it is very important to eat fruit, so the next day they will make a fruit skewer. It ends questioning what something is.
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