Petita presentaci坦 portada a terme a Cicle Inicial, on es presenten algunes de les obres m辿s conegudes d'aquest pintor postimpressionista. Algunes diapositives estn enlla巽ades a un v鱈deo sobre la vida de Van Gogh i una pgina de curiositats.
The document describes the characteristics of different fruits including their color, shape, texture, and the trees they grow on. It discusses fruits like apples, bananas, melons, lemons, pineapples, pears, plums, grapes, oranges, mandarins, avocados, kiwis, mulberries, watermelons, and cherries. It also categorizes the fruits by color and lists which fruits begin with certain letters.
The document describes the 8 planets in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. It provides key details about each planet's composition, proximity to the Sun, rotation speed, presence of moons and/or rings. It also mentions that Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet rather than a true planet.
This document lists several animals that may appear in the fall season: squirrel, mouse, ant, snail, and hedgehog. It asks what animals can appear in the fall and then provides a list of animals commonly seen, including squirrel, mouse, ant, snail, and hedgehog.
The princess was born very small and thin, so her clothes did not fit her. The doctors had to carefully monitor her diet because some foods made her ill. She grew up very unhappy and crying frequently, making a high-pitched "I I I I" sound when she cried. Though small, she was very active. She played with her brother the prince and their games sometimes got them into mischief. More of the royal family will be introduced later.
Horses are sleeping with their legs bent and stretched out completely on the ground, with their eyes closed. They also sleep while standing up straight with their eyes closed.
Un tri叩ngulo azul se sent鱈a muy triste y aburrido hasta que decidi坦 jugar a ser diferentes objetos, pero ninguno lo divirti坦. Un payaso le aconsej坦 buscar amigos para jugar, y el tri叩ngulo encontr坦 a otros tri叩ngulos con los que pas坦 un buen rato jugando a esconderse en las monta単as y el bosque. Poco a poco fue haciendo m叩s amigos tri叩ngulos de diferentes colores y tama単os, descubriendo que era mucho m叩s divertido jugar en compa単鱈a.
El documento presenta las opiniones de varios estudiantes sobre qu辿 les gustar鱈a ser en el futuro y sobre trabajar en grupo. Los estudiantes comparten sus aspiraciones personales y discuten el aprendizaje cooperativo. Al final, llegan a una conclusi坦n sobre su experiencia trabajando juntos como equipo.
Pau is a taxi driver who owns taxi number 22. There are 25 taxis total in Formentera. The front of his taxi displays "SP" for public service, and the light is green when available and red when occupied. It is important for safety to wear seatbelts and use child seats when in a car.
The captain gives a tour of the ship, explaining his role and showing the different areas. He shows the passengers the front and back of the ship, called the prow and stern. Inside, passengers sit in seats and up to 310 people can fit. The captain's area is the bridge, where they can find the steering wheel, radar, GPS and radio. From the bridge they sometimes see dolphins, swordfish and seagulls. The red lever is the steering wheel used to direct the ship daily. The chief engineer manages the ship's clocks. The ship room is hot with two large engines. The visitors thank the captain for the informative tour.
El documento trata sobre figuras cuadradas y preguntas relacionadas con ellas. Pregunta d坦nde est叩 el Se単or Cuadrado y los cuadrados, y si la casa tiene cuadrados. Tambi辿n pregunta qu辿 medio de transporte es cuadrado y d坦nde est叩. Finalmente, pide repasar con el dedo la figura cuadrada.
This document discusses different types of aircraft and flying machines including airplane, small airplane, helicopter, hot air balloon, and rocket in 3 sentences or less.
The document describes the characteristics of different fruits including their color, shape, texture, and the trees they grow on. It discusses fruits like apples, bananas, melons, lemons, pineapples, pears, plums, grapes, oranges, mandarins, avocados, kiwis, mulberries, watermelons, and cherries. It also categorizes the fruits by color and lists which fruits begin with certain letters.
The document describes the 8 planets in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. It provides key details about each planet's composition, proximity to the Sun, rotation speed, presence of moons and/or rings. It also mentions that Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet rather than a true planet.
This document lists several animals that may appear in the fall season: squirrel, mouse, ant, snail, and hedgehog. It asks what animals can appear in the fall and then provides a list of animals commonly seen, including squirrel, mouse, ant, snail, and hedgehog.
The princess was born very small and thin, so her clothes did not fit her. The doctors had to carefully monitor her diet because some foods made her ill. She grew up very unhappy and crying frequently, making a high-pitched "I I I I" sound when she cried. Though small, she was very active. She played with her brother the prince and their games sometimes got them into mischief. More of the royal family will be introduced later.
Horses are sleeping with their legs bent and stretched out completely on the ground, with their eyes closed. They also sleep while standing up straight with their eyes closed.
Un tri叩ngulo azul se sent鱈a muy triste y aburrido hasta que decidi坦 jugar a ser diferentes objetos, pero ninguno lo divirti坦. Un payaso le aconsej坦 buscar amigos para jugar, y el tri叩ngulo encontr坦 a otros tri叩ngulos con los que pas坦 un buen rato jugando a esconderse en las monta単as y el bosque. Poco a poco fue haciendo m叩s amigos tri叩ngulos de diferentes colores y tama単os, descubriendo que era mucho m叩s divertido jugar en compa単鱈a.
El documento presenta las opiniones de varios estudiantes sobre qu辿 les gustar鱈a ser en el futuro y sobre trabajar en grupo. Los estudiantes comparten sus aspiraciones personales y discuten el aprendizaje cooperativo. Al final, llegan a una conclusi坦n sobre su experiencia trabajando juntos como equipo.
Pau is a taxi driver who owns taxi number 22. There are 25 taxis total in Formentera. The front of his taxi displays "SP" for public service, and the light is green when available and red when occupied. It is important for safety to wear seatbelts and use child seats when in a car.
The captain gives a tour of the ship, explaining his role and showing the different areas. He shows the passengers the front and back of the ship, called the prow and stern. Inside, passengers sit in seats and up to 310 people can fit. The captain's area is the bridge, where they can find the steering wheel, radar, GPS and radio. From the bridge they sometimes see dolphins, swordfish and seagulls. The red lever is the steering wheel used to direct the ship daily. The chief engineer manages the ship's clocks. The ship room is hot with two large engines. The visitors thank the captain for the informative tour.
El documento trata sobre figuras cuadradas y preguntas relacionadas con ellas. Pregunta d坦nde est叩 el Se単or Cuadrado y los cuadrados, y si la casa tiene cuadrados. Tambi辿n pregunta qu辿 medio de transporte es cuadrado y d坦nde est叩. Finalmente, pide repasar con el dedo la figura cuadrada.
This document discusses different types of aircraft and flying machines including airplane, small airplane, helicopter, hot air balloon, and rocket in 3 sentences or less.
Diferentes medios de transporte terrestre se enumeran en una lista, incluyendo coche, autob炭s, tren, bicicleta, cami坦n, moto, tractor, gr炭a, taxi y ambulancia.
The Queen A is tall and cheerful. She often carries a basket of flowers in one arm. Each morning she goes to water her flowers and says "aaaa" if they are well or "aaaa" if they have been trampled. She loves flowers so much that every spring she holds a flower exhibition bringing roses, daisies, and more. She also makes very good desserts like fruit in syrup and almond cookies with help from her husband. After eating them she says "aaaa how good, why don't I eat more?" and the King says "uuuu I'm full already." The Queen also likes doing gymnastics and says "aaaaa why can't I catch it" when throwing the hoop
This document lists various types of sweets and pastries in Catalan such as dol巽os, llepolies, bombons, xocolata, galetes, past鱈s, donuts, croissants and sucs. It emphasizes that it is very important not to eat too many sweets each week.
This document lists various types of fruits including oranges, apples, peaches, pears, kiwis, cherries, watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, banana, tangerine, and that it is very important to eat fruit, so the next day they will make a fruit skewer. It ends questioning what something is.
This document lists various types of fruits including oranges, apples, peaches, pears, kiwis, cherries, watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, banana, tangerine, and that it is very important to eat fruit, so the next day they will make a fruit skewer. It ends questioning what something is.