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How	do	we	sustain	self-reliance?	
Lieutenant	Colonel	David	Beaumont	
Chief	Instructor	Army	School	of	Logistics	Operations	
@davidblogistics	www.logisticsinwar.com
Logistics	is	a	system	of	activities,	capabilities	and	processes	that	
connect	the	national	economy	to	the	battlefield;	the	outcome	of	this	
process	is	the	establishment	of	a	well	from	which	the	force	draws	its	
combat	potential	or	actual	firepower.
Strategy	&	
provide	the	
scheme	for	the	
conduct	of	
economic	and	
logistics	limits	
provides	the	
means	for	the	
conduct	and	
sustainment	of	
National	authority	
Government,	NSC	
National	military	
Department,	ADF	
Service	level	
RAN,	Army,	RAAF,	
Joint,	Groups	
Combat	Forces	(Joint	Operations	&	Garrison)	
Joint	Task	
Domain	owners	 Formations	&	
National	strategic	policies	
Capability	guidance	
Strategic	plans	/	preparedness	
Force	Generation	requirements	
Tactical	guidance	(inc.	logistics)	
Tactical	plans	(inc.	logistics)	
Strategic	recommendations	
Tactical	recommendations	
National	industry,	Defence	industry	and	support	policies	
Governance	&	Assurance	
Budget	allocation	
Acquisition	&	Sustainment	guidance	
Capability	acquisition	(CLC)	
Sustainment	policy	&	action	
Local	procurement	
Resource	allocation	
Resource	use	&	acquittal	
Operators	of	distribution,	supply,	maintenance,	health	
Broad	logistics	requirements	
National	support	operators	
A	map	of	logistics	tasks	in	Defence	
Based	on	a	graphic	prepared	by	Eccles,	H.,	Logistics	in	the	National	Defense,	1959	
Strategic	J4		logistics	in	support	of	ops	&	
logistics	in	support	of	capability	
Operational	J4		JOC	
&	Theatre	
Tactical	logistics	
Lt Col Beaumont Brief on Logistics
Lt Col Beaumont Brief on Logistics
Lt Col Beaumont Brief on Logistics
Almost	never	will	all	logistics	requirements	be	satisfied	in	an	exact	
balance,	and	as	long	as	this	is	true,	and	as	long	as	military	operations	
are	governed	by	the	finite,	some	phase	of	logistics	is	bound	to	be	a	
limiting	factor.	
	-	Dr	James	A.	Huston,	Sinews	of	War

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