Semantic targeting is een technologie waarmee je je online display campagne plaatst in het juiste umfeld. Dus alleen op pagina's of sites waar de geschreven content aansluit bij jouw product of dienst of bij de interesses van je doelgroep.
Wego is a travel search engine that helps users search for, compare, and book travel from hundreds of partners. It provides targeted, measurable, and low-cost advertising opportunities for travel providers to reach consumers in Asia Pacific. Advertisers can choose from standard and interactive banner ads, sponsored deals, partnerships, and more. Wego's value proposition includes its large audience of travelers, global coverage across devices and languages, and breadth of flight, hotel and package search content.
TripAlertz provides turn-key travel offers and deals through partnerships. It offers exclusive, discounted private hotel sales unavailable elsewhere. Partners receive a customized travel site to sell these deals and earn substantial revenue share. TripAlertz handles technology, supplier relationships, customer service and legal requirements to allow partners to profitably offer travel. Interested partners should review programs, technical integration and negotiate an agreement to launch discounted travel offers.
Drive sales online and in-store with vouchercloud, the UK's number one mobile voucher platform. Vouchercloud allows merchants to create mobile and SMS voucher offers and coupon codes that consumers can discover, download, and redeem both online and in physical stores. Merchants can manage their vouchercloud campaigns and offers through a powerful online dashboard providing analytics on redemptions.
This document certifies that Mark Case has passed the Certified Wireless Network Administrator exam requirements and is now recognized as a CWNA until October 17, 2017. The certification is issued by the Certified Wireless Network Professional program and Mark Case has been assigned identification number CWNP679928.
The document discusses trying Google's speech recognition API, noting that it understands context well, has high accuracy, and supports over 80 languages. While still in limited version and free to use, it only accepts 10-15 seconds of audio files and allows 50 requests per day. The document encourages trying out the API.
La cortisone est une hormone fabriqu¨¦e par notre corps (au niveau des glandes surr¨¦nales) et qui joue diff¨¦rents r?les : elle r¨¦gule la fa?on dont le corps stocke et utilise les sucres, prot¨¦ines et graisses issues de l¡¯alimentation, elle r¨¦gule le sommeil (et surtout le r¨¦veil car elle est fabriqu¨¦e en grande quantit¨¦ le matin) et enfin elle joue un r?le antiinflammatoire et immuno-suppresseur (en diminuant certaines r¨¦ponses du syst¨¨me immunitaire). C¡¯est cette derni¨¨re fonction qui est recherch¨¦e lors de son utilisation comme m¨¦dicament antirejet.
O documento discute a import?ncia da qu¨ªmica para o desenvolvimento da biologia moderna, destacando a teoria at?mica e a distin??o entre compostos org?nicos e inorg?nicos. Tamb¨¦m aborda as propriedades fundamentais da ¨¢gua e seu papel central nos seres vivos.
Este documento proporciona informaci¨®n sobre el hongo Botrytis, incluyendo su taxonom¨ªa, ejemplos agr¨ªcolas, s¨ªntomas, patog¨¦nesis, biolog¨ªa, bioqu¨ªmica, y manejo integrado. Botrytis es uno de los g¨¦neros m¨¢s frecuentes y destructivos que infectan diversos cultivos agr¨ªcolas, forestales y ornamentales. La especie Botrytis cinerea es particularmente importante debido a su amplia distribuci¨®n y capacidad de causar pudriciones en frutas y otras plantas.
Customer Experience Differentiation: Innovation for Mutual Value CreationClearAction
For an updated version of this presentation: /clearaction/customer-experience-differentiation-innovation-for-mutual-value-creation
Customer experience is the hardest thing for competitors to copy. The most profitable customer experience differentiation creates mutual value.
Hoe mobiel ook voor recruitment een conversiekanaal kan worden.
Presentatie gegeven op de 6de editie van het Monster Year Event. Naast een aantal take-aways bevat deze presentatie meerdere video clipjes van een Monster Focus Group sessie over de current state van mobile recruitment, en hoe je als recruiter mobiel moet inzetten om ook daar conversie te realiseren.
1) A origem da biologia celular remonta ao s¨¦culo XVIII-XIX com o estabelecimento da biologia como ci¨ºncia independente e o estudo sistem¨¢tico da vida.
2) No s¨¦culo XVII, Hooke introduziu o termo "c¨¦lula" ao observar estruturas em plantas atrav¨¦s do microsc¨®pio, dando in¨ªcio ao estudo das c¨¦lulas.
3) No s¨¦culo XIX, a teoria celular foi estabelecida com a conclus?o de que todos os seres vivos s?o constitu¨ªdos por c¨¦lulas, sendo estas a
Aula 04 fisiologia da nutri??o - sistema cardiovascularHamilton Nobrega
O documento descreve os principais componentes e fun??es do sistema cardiovascular, incluindo: 1) A press?o arterial normal e suas vari¨¢veis; 2) As fun??es do sistema nervoso na regula??o da frequ¨ºncia card¨ªaca; 3) O papel das art¨¦rias em conduzir o sangue e manter a press?o; 4) Como as veias retornam o sangue aos pulm?es e cora??o; 5) A microcircula??o de capilares para troca de gases.
Jody Dedmon has over 26 years of experience in executive account management and business development. She is currently a Market Development Manager at Weyerhaeuser, where she has held several roles of increasing responsibility over her career. She has a proven track record of developing multi-million dollar contracts and programs, people management, new product development, and strategic market planning. Dedmon holds a B.S. in Business Administration from Pfeiffer University and has received several awards for her sales performance and leadership.
Humancredit is a proposed platform that aims to improve digital advertising by focusing on consumer engagement, data transparency, and social good. It would allow users to voluntarily share personal data in exchange for relevant ads and the ability to donate earned "Humancredits" to charitable causes of their choice. Advertisers would pay to access premium user profiles and target ads more efficiently, with part of ad fees going toward the chosen charities. The goal is to create a win-win by benefiting consumers, advertisers, and social causes all at once through a more ethical approach to digital marketing.
ADmiradn Suite is a ¡°state of the art¡± web enabled software solution for digital signage circuits. It offers all of the functions and technical capabilities for the creation, publishing, emission and control of DDS circuits.
In our May 2015 webinar we answered all the questions about digital ads people are often too embarrassed to ask. If you're a newbie to the world of digital ads, check out our presentation. It just might turn you from a digital dodo to a digital dynamo.
Amitpal Tagore, Integral Ad Science - Leveraging Data for Successful Ad Campa...Sri Ambati
This session was recorded in NYC on October 22nd, 2019 and can be viewed here:
Leveraging Data for Successful Ad Campaigns
Marketing dollars should be spent to reach real people and make digital campaigns successful. IAS leverages large amounts of data and machine learning software to measure, analyze, and predict on billions of digital advertisements every day. I¡¯ll be discussing how we do this in the context of fraud detection and brand safety, helping to ensure marketing dollars are used to reach the right people.
Bio: With a desire for problem-solving and handling messy data, Amitpal Tagore completed a PhD and postdoc in astrophysics. Using the skills gained in academia, he became a data scientist at Vydia, working with rising artists on social media. Currently, Amit is a data scientist in the fraud detection lab at Integral Ad Science.
Digital marketing is evolving at lightning speed, resulting in a plethora of questions, myths, and preconceived notions across the ecosystem. One of the biggest questions: Can brands reach their audiences at scale with engaging rich media ads on exchange-traded inventory?
Adrian Tompsett of DataXu and Adam Carroll of PointRoll teamed up to answer the big questions and extinguish common myths once and for all. The myths busted include:
Myth: Expandables can¡¯t run on exchange-traded media
Myth: Exchange-traded media works best for direct-response advertisers ¨C not for brand advertisers
Myth: Campaign performance is best measured through CPA and CTR
Myth: One size creative fits all
FACT: Expandables have outperformed their static counterparts by an average of 40-50%, and in some cases as much as 120-180%
DataXu_Pointroll AdMythbuster Webinar - September 2011DataXu1
Digital marketing is evolving at lightning speed, resulting in a plethora of questions, myths, and preconceived notions across the ecosystem. One of the biggest questions: Can brands reach their audiences at scale with engaging rich media ads on exchange-traded inventory?
Adrian Tompsett of DataXu and Adam Carroll of PointRoll teamed up to answer the big questions and extinguish common myths once and for all. The myths busted during the webinar included:
Myth: Expandables can¡¯t run on exchange-traded media
Myth: Exchange-traded media works best for direct-response advertisers ¨C not for brand advertisers
Myth: Campaign performance is best measured through CPA and CTR
Myth: One size creative fits all
FACT: Expandables have outperformed their static counterparts by an average of 40-50%, and in some cases as much as 120-180%
DEFCON 23 - Mark Ryan Talabis - The Bieber ProjectFelipe Prado
1) The document discusses ad fraud and non-human traffic in digital advertising. It describes how some publishers and traffic vendors try to artificially increase ad impressions through techniques like hidden ads, ad stacking, and using bot and non-human traffic.
2) The document also explains how some ads networks have served illegal or malicious ads containing malware, adware, and scams.
3) It details a research project called the "Bieber Project" where the author set up a honeypot disguised as a Justin Bieber fan site to attract fraudulent traffic aiming to artificially increase ad impressions. The data collected provides clues to the presence of bot traffic, traffic from hijacked browsers, and traffic sourced from pop
Sojern is a data-driven marketing platform that helps travel brands reach travelers through programmatic advertising. They locate travelers using anonymous cookie data and identify them based on search, purchase, and other online behavior data. Sojern then bids on ad inventory across websites in real-time to serve targeted ads. They provide solutions like display, video, and boarding pass advertising. Case studies showed their targeted campaigns drove higher booking conversions and sales for clients like Montana, hotels, and Samsonite at lower costs than other channels. The presentation recommended a $50k programmatic display and boarding pass campaign targeting premium travelers to increase a brand's awareness.
Matomy Media Group is a performance-based online marketing company that specializes in mobile advertising. They combine media, technology, and services to optimize campaign performance and only charge clients for results. By 2015, mobile advertising spending is projected to grow significantly, with location-based mobile ad spending reaching $1 billion and mobile display ads contributing 30% of total mobile ad revenues. Matomy offers global reach across mobile websites and apps, advanced targeting capabilities, campaign optimization, and reporting to help clients achieve their goals.
La cortisone est une hormone fabriqu¨¦e par notre corps (au niveau des glandes surr¨¦nales) et qui joue diff¨¦rents r?les : elle r¨¦gule la fa?on dont le corps stocke et utilise les sucres, prot¨¦ines et graisses issues de l¡¯alimentation, elle r¨¦gule le sommeil (et surtout le r¨¦veil car elle est fabriqu¨¦e en grande quantit¨¦ le matin) et enfin elle joue un r?le antiinflammatoire et immuno-suppresseur (en diminuant certaines r¨¦ponses du syst¨¨me immunitaire). C¡¯est cette derni¨¨re fonction qui est recherch¨¦e lors de son utilisation comme m¨¦dicament antirejet.
O documento discute a import?ncia da qu¨ªmica para o desenvolvimento da biologia moderna, destacando a teoria at?mica e a distin??o entre compostos org?nicos e inorg?nicos. Tamb¨¦m aborda as propriedades fundamentais da ¨¢gua e seu papel central nos seres vivos.
Este documento proporciona informaci¨®n sobre el hongo Botrytis, incluyendo su taxonom¨ªa, ejemplos agr¨ªcolas, s¨ªntomas, patog¨¦nesis, biolog¨ªa, bioqu¨ªmica, y manejo integrado. Botrytis es uno de los g¨¦neros m¨¢s frecuentes y destructivos que infectan diversos cultivos agr¨ªcolas, forestales y ornamentales. La especie Botrytis cinerea es particularmente importante debido a su amplia distribuci¨®n y capacidad de causar pudriciones en frutas y otras plantas.
Customer Experience Differentiation: Innovation for Mutual Value CreationClearAction
For an updated version of this presentation: /clearaction/customer-experience-differentiation-innovation-for-mutual-value-creation
Customer experience is the hardest thing for competitors to copy. The most profitable customer experience differentiation creates mutual value.
Hoe mobiel ook voor recruitment een conversiekanaal kan worden.
Presentatie gegeven op de 6de editie van het Monster Year Event. Naast een aantal take-aways bevat deze presentatie meerdere video clipjes van een Monster Focus Group sessie over de current state van mobile recruitment, en hoe je als recruiter mobiel moet inzetten om ook daar conversie te realiseren.
1) A origem da biologia celular remonta ao s¨¦culo XVIII-XIX com o estabelecimento da biologia como ci¨ºncia independente e o estudo sistem¨¢tico da vida.
2) No s¨¦culo XVII, Hooke introduziu o termo "c¨¦lula" ao observar estruturas em plantas atrav¨¦s do microsc¨®pio, dando in¨ªcio ao estudo das c¨¦lulas.
3) No s¨¦culo XIX, a teoria celular foi estabelecida com a conclus?o de que todos os seres vivos s?o constitu¨ªdos por c¨¦lulas, sendo estas a
Aula 04 fisiologia da nutri??o - sistema cardiovascularHamilton Nobrega
O documento descreve os principais componentes e fun??es do sistema cardiovascular, incluindo: 1) A press?o arterial normal e suas vari¨¢veis; 2) As fun??es do sistema nervoso na regula??o da frequ¨ºncia card¨ªaca; 3) O papel das art¨¦rias em conduzir o sangue e manter a press?o; 4) Como as veias retornam o sangue aos pulm?es e cora??o; 5) A microcircula??o de capilares para troca de gases.
Jody Dedmon has over 26 years of experience in executive account management and business development. She is currently a Market Development Manager at Weyerhaeuser, where she has held several roles of increasing responsibility over her career. She has a proven track record of developing multi-million dollar contracts and programs, people management, new product development, and strategic market planning. Dedmon holds a B.S. in Business Administration from Pfeiffer University and has received several awards for her sales performance and leadership.
Humancredit is a proposed platform that aims to improve digital advertising by focusing on consumer engagement, data transparency, and social good. It would allow users to voluntarily share personal data in exchange for relevant ads and the ability to donate earned "Humancredits" to charitable causes of their choice. Advertisers would pay to access premium user profiles and target ads more efficiently, with part of ad fees going toward the chosen charities. The goal is to create a win-win by benefiting consumers, advertisers, and social causes all at once through a more ethical approach to digital marketing.
ADmiradn Suite is a ¡°state of the art¡± web enabled software solution for digital signage circuits. It offers all of the functions and technical capabilities for the creation, publishing, emission and control of DDS circuits.
In our May 2015 webinar we answered all the questions about digital ads people are often too embarrassed to ask. If you're a newbie to the world of digital ads, check out our presentation. It just might turn you from a digital dodo to a digital dynamo.
Amitpal Tagore, Integral Ad Science - Leveraging Data for Successful Ad Campa...Sri Ambati
This session was recorded in NYC on October 22nd, 2019 and can be viewed here:
Leveraging Data for Successful Ad Campaigns
Marketing dollars should be spent to reach real people and make digital campaigns successful. IAS leverages large amounts of data and machine learning software to measure, analyze, and predict on billions of digital advertisements every day. I¡¯ll be discussing how we do this in the context of fraud detection and brand safety, helping to ensure marketing dollars are used to reach the right people.
Bio: With a desire for problem-solving and handling messy data, Amitpal Tagore completed a PhD and postdoc in astrophysics. Using the skills gained in academia, he became a data scientist at Vydia, working with rising artists on social media. Currently, Amit is a data scientist in the fraud detection lab at Integral Ad Science.
Digital marketing is evolving at lightning speed, resulting in a plethora of questions, myths, and preconceived notions across the ecosystem. One of the biggest questions: Can brands reach their audiences at scale with engaging rich media ads on exchange-traded inventory?
Adrian Tompsett of DataXu and Adam Carroll of PointRoll teamed up to answer the big questions and extinguish common myths once and for all. The myths busted include:
Myth: Expandables can¡¯t run on exchange-traded media
Myth: Exchange-traded media works best for direct-response advertisers ¨C not for brand advertisers
Myth: Campaign performance is best measured through CPA and CTR
Myth: One size creative fits all
FACT: Expandables have outperformed their static counterparts by an average of 40-50%, and in some cases as much as 120-180%
DataXu_Pointroll AdMythbuster Webinar - September 2011DataXu1
Digital marketing is evolving at lightning speed, resulting in a plethora of questions, myths, and preconceived notions across the ecosystem. One of the biggest questions: Can brands reach their audiences at scale with engaging rich media ads on exchange-traded inventory?
Adrian Tompsett of DataXu and Adam Carroll of PointRoll teamed up to answer the big questions and extinguish common myths once and for all. The myths busted during the webinar included:
Myth: Expandables can¡¯t run on exchange-traded media
Myth: Exchange-traded media works best for direct-response advertisers ¨C not for brand advertisers
Myth: Campaign performance is best measured through CPA and CTR
Myth: One size creative fits all
FACT: Expandables have outperformed their static counterparts by an average of 40-50%, and in some cases as much as 120-180%
DEFCON 23 - Mark Ryan Talabis - The Bieber ProjectFelipe Prado
1) The document discusses ad fraud and non-human traffic in digital advertising. It describes how some publishers and traffic vendors try to artificially increase ad impressions through techniques like hidden ads, ad stacking, and using bot and non-human traffic.
2) The document also explains how some ads networks have served illegal or malicious ads containing malware, adware, and scams.
3) It details a research project called the "Bieber Project" where the author set up a honeypot disguised as a Justin Bieber fan site to attract fraudulent traffic aiming to artificially increase ad impressions. The data collected provides clues to the presence of bot traffic, traffic from hijacked browsers, and traffic sourced from pop
Sojern is a data-driven marketing platform that helps travel brands reach travelers through programmatic advertising. They locate travelers using anonymous cookie data and identify them based on search, purchase, and other online behavior data. Sojern then bids on ad inventory across websites in real-time to serve targeted ads. They provide solutions like display, video, and boarding pass advertising. Case studies showed their targeted campaigns drove higher booking conversions and sales for clients like Montana, hotels, and Samsonite at lower costs than other channels. The presentation recommended a $50k programmatic display and boarding pass campaign targeting premium travelers to increase a brand's awareness.
Matomy Media Group is a performance-based online marketing company that specializes in mobile advertising. They combine media, technology, and services to optimize campaign performance and only charge clients for results. By 2015, mobile advertising spending is projected to grow significantly, with location-based mobile ad spending reaching $1 billion and mobile display ads contributing 30% of total mobile ad revenues. Matomy offers global reach across mobile websites and apps, advanced targeting capabilities, campaign optimization, and reporting to help clients achieve their goals.
0845 omma video sponsored breakfast eyeviewMediaPost
The document discusses the future of video advertising and creative. It notes that while traditional TV ads are expensive and not easily personalized, new technologies allow for hundreds of personalized video messages targeted to individual customers. These personalized videos can be more relevant and effective, driving higher brand loyalty, favorability, purchase intent, and sales. The future is moving towards video creative that is behaviorally targeted and can run everywhere consumers watch videos across different platforms.
"The Evolution of Digital Media Planning" presented by Joe Pych at Aspen Group Meeting / iMedia Agency Summit on May 3, 2015 at Terranea Resort in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. Bionic believes that in a post-programmatic advertising world, media planning will evolve to include full-cycle marketing performance management.
The document summarizes the agenda and discussions at the Nordic Executive Network meeting on May 11th, 2010 in Stockholm. The agenda included discussions on targeting and yield management strategies, how semantic technology can monetize online content, challenges facing traditional online display advertising, optimizing ad workflow best practices, and Emediate's technical and product roadmaps. Presenters also discussed mobile market developments and projections. The document concludes by inviting attendees to a housewarming event at Emediate's new office and a dinner following the workshop.
This document provides an overview of digital marketing concepts including types of websites, metrics, advertising properties, and targeting. It discusses common website statistics like unique users and page views. It also outlines various social media metrics and how they are measured. The document reviews different online advertising buying models including CPM, CPC, CPL, and CPA. It concludes by describing methods for targeting audiences like contextually, demographically, and behaviorally.
The document discusses strategies for driving website visitors to a car dealership's physical lot through effective internet marketing techniques. It emphasizes the importance of satisfying website visitors with high-quality content like vehicle photos and descriptions to keep them engaged throughout their car buying journey. Marketers are encouraged to treat their website vehicle inventory pages like digital ads and update them daily with emotional descriptions to motivate visitors to take action by visiting the lot.
The document discusses internet marketing techniques used by top car dealerships to generate online leads and drive traffic to their lots. It recommends using SEO, SEM, social media, and video marketing to attract visitors to the dealership website, and then satisfying visitors with up-to-date vehicle inventory and information to encourage return visits. It also stresses the importance of creating emotional ads for every vehicle that inspire ownership and drive visitors to the physical lot through calls to action like those used in traditional marketing. Emerging mobile marketing opportunities are also highlighted.
The Ultimate Guide to Programmatic Display Advertising - Bryan DuffinBryan Duffin
What is programmatic display? Should I use it? What strategies can be used with it? How can I know which programmatic tool is right for my business? Does programmatic get a bad rap?
FQ Mobile Asia Congress - App Bytes 2011 - Session Speech & PanelFabriQate
This document discusses business models for monetizing "that" apps on mobile platforms. It outlines five main models: free, freemium, paid, data extensions, and sales. For each model it provides definitions, ideal revenue models, and examples. The free model typically uses advertising for revenue. Freemium focuses on upgrades from free to paid features. Paid apps generate revenue from direct downloads. Data extension apps enhance existing products and generate revenue elsewhere. Sales apps allow direct purchasing and make money from commissions. The document also segments app types by usage patterns and intensity. It advocates focusing on "that" apps due to their large user base and growing mobile marketing budgets as an opportunity to monetize.
Gareth Phillips from Audience Store | Creative Led Programmatictmwi
This document discusses improving programmatic creative through dynamic creative optimization (DCO). DCO allows creating multiple iterations of an ad within one creative shell that can be optimized based on audience and performance data. The document recommends a three step process: 1) Build creatives ready for all screens and channels, 2) Make creatives personal through DCO and targeting, and 3) Share campaign results with creative teams to establish a feedback loop. DCO and data can inform creative elements like images, text, calls to action and URLs to optimize performance.
2. ad pepper media at a glance
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3. iSense Display in detail
What can you do with iSense display
Your display banners next to the right content.
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5. How does it work?
Real-time semantic analysis the content of every single webpage
ANWB, verzekeringen,
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iSense real-time analysis says:
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6. Optimization in detail
Auto-optimization on semantic themes for best performance
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8. You select
Your product or service Your target group
Business, Computer, Mannen, Vrouwen,
Onderwijs, Levensmiddelen, Jongere jongeren, Oudere jongeren,
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Huis en Tuin, Electronica, Wetgeving Silver surfer 50+,
Gezondheid, Dieren, Amusement, Sociale klasse AB1, B2CD
Onroerend goed, Sport, Reizen, De groene consument
Reisbestemmingen, Transport,
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9. Landscape
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Ad exchanges Trading desks
Demand side platforms
100.000+ 50+ 10+
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10. What is Real-Time bidding?
website banner
00.00 sec. 00.03 sec.
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11. Bidder Features
and others¡
Price Price
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Content targeting level transparancy
Brand safety Content targeting with iSense
Frequency cap Brand safety with SiteScreen
Location Frequency cap
Time Location
Format Time
Retargeting Format
Powered by
11 ad pepper media ad trading
12. ad pepper media bidder features
Domains/ white list Domains/ white list
Publishers determine what advertisers see. Proprietary technology can see all domains on
They expose, define or block their domain(s). page level despite what is determined by
Targeting, optimization and reporting is only publishers. Targeting, optimization and
possible on what is available. reporting is possible on page level. No more
black box or blind network!
Content targeting Content targeting
234 content categories based on Crystal 3.800 categories of content can be selected.
Semantics technology (an ad pepper Every single webpage is real-time categorised
company). A separate user license is by ad pepper¡¯s unique semantic targeting tool
required. iSense developed by Crystal Semantics.
Brand safety Brand safety
Websites are subsequently manually checked Every single website is automatically and
on controversial content. Safety is possible on real-time scanned on page level for 18
domain level. differend kinds of controversial content.
Safety is real-time on page level.
12 ad pepper media ad trading
13. Transparent reporting
Detailed reporting provides full campaign insights with
impressions, clicks, iSense content and clear website list.
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