Projeto desenvolvido em 2012, projeto de monitoria realizado junto ao departamento de Qu鱈mica anal鱈tica da UFF
The document provides guidance for creating poster projects, including formatting text, cutting and mounting materials, layout, and neat presentation. Students should use lettering templates or computers for text, cut straight lines with rulers or templates, and consider mats, borders, and balanced spacing when designing the layout. Care should be taken with glues and cleaning workspaces when finished. The goal is to attract and maintain viewer focus on the project content through clear, well-designed visual presentation.
The document discusses an advertising campaign created for the charity SASH. It begins by outlining the original campaign design, which included a black and white photo and text. The author realized this design was too basic and didn't effectively communicate the message. Two revised designs are then presented, but both were deemed unsuccessful. The final design uses a collage of faces in black and white with the text "anyone can be homeless." Techniques like minimal text, visual elements, and black and white colors aim to clearly convey the message and engage the target audience of 16-24 year olds. The author believes the impactful design will make the public reflect on homelessness and potentially volunteer.
Kevin Hesselbrock has over 15 years of experience as an IT Manager. He has a proven track record of leading IT departments and teams through changes. Some of his strengths include interpersonal skills, willingness to learn, and experience supporting over 20,000 clients. He is looking for a new position where he can apply his education and broad experience base.
Data _Whitepaper_FourFutures_DigitalLoyaltySurveySokho TRINH
The document discusses four potential futures for digital marketing based on how companies manage customer data and engagement. The first future is "Offer Anarchy" where customers have little control over their data and marketers focus on short-term promotions. This leads to frustrated customers overwhelmed by irrelevant messages. The other futures are "Pay to Play" where data is traded as a commodity, "The Hunt for Affinity" where marketers try to build engagement without customer control, and "Real Relationships" where data is used to build trust and long-term customer relationships through relevance and reciprocity.
Smart window - Final pitch for Hack and fly, a hackathon about aeroports util...AnneliseRias
This presentation shows the project Smart Window. We created it during a hackathon organised by A辿roports de Paris and Be my app last 6-7 june 2015. The idea is : While waiting in the boarding area watch the ballet of planes, luggage trucks and scan the tags on the windows to know the sory about them. We developped an app connected with beacons.
Este documento resume las solicitudes aprobadas en el Consejo de Escuela N属 1571 sobre proyectos de trabajo de licenciatura presentados por estudiantes, nombramiento de jurados, cambios a proyectos, solicitud de cambio de turno y retiros. Se registraron y aprobaron varios proyectos de trabajo de licenciatura en diferentes departamentos y se propusieron jurados para evaluarlos. Tambi辿n se realizaron cambios al t鱈tulo y tutor de algunos proyectos.
Hengxia Costume Weaving Ltd is a swimwear and fitness wear manufacturer with 15 years of experience. It has major customers including Falabella, Ripley, and Target. With two factories and 300-350 staff, it has a monthly capacity of 450,000 sets and annual sales between $20-25 million. Its main export markets are Europe, USA, and Australia.
Gibbs, Deauna - Sample 1 (OCD Program Sheet)Deauna Gibbs
The Office of Community Development provides several programs to support economic development, community development, affordable housing, and supportive housing in Ohio. Eligible projects include infrastructure improvements, workforce training, housing assistance, homeless services, and more. Funding is available to local governments, nonprofits, and in some cases public agencies. The office works to strengthen Ohio communities and improve quality of life through programs that focus on job creation, neighborhood revitalization, and helping vulnerable groups find affordable housing.
El documento describe la configuraci坦n de monstruos y personajes para un juego, incluyendo c坦mo ver y configurar los monstruos, la configuraci坦n del jugador, y que el personaje pierde vida durante el juego. Muestra im叩genes de la vida del personaje disminuyendo r叩pidamente y lo que sucede cuando se pierde toda la vida.
Situated in Rajkot, Gujarat, MEFGI aims to create leaders of tomorrow who can face the dynamic society and contribute in increasing the worth of country. MEFGI believes in overall personality development of students. At present the institute is offering under graduate, post graduate and P.hd academic programme. Life at MEFGI is not limited to academic books only. The curriculum of the institute is designed in such a way which gives various opportunities to the students to showcase their talent. The institute is affiliated from Gujarat Technological University and AICTE.
Smart window - Final pitch for Hack and fly, a hackathon about aeroports util...AnneliseRias
This presentation shows the project Smart Window. We created it during a hackathon organised by A辿roports de Paris and Be my app last 6-7 june 2015. The idea is : While waiting in the boarding area watch the ballet of planes, luggage trucks and scan the tags on the windows to know the sory about them. We developped an app connected with beacons.
Este documento resume las solicitudes aprobadas en el Consejo de Escuela N属 1571 sobre proyectos de trabajo de licenciatura presentados por estudiantes, nombramiento de jurados, cambios a proyectos, solicitud de cambio de turno y retiros. Se registraron y aprobaron varios proyectos de trabajo de licenciatura en diferentes departamentos y se propusieron jurados para evaluarlos. Tambi辿n se realizaron cambios al t鱈tulo y tutor de algunos proyectos.
Hengxia Costume Weaving Ltd is a swimwear and fitness wear manufacturer with 15 years of experience. It has major customers including Falabella, Ripley, and Target. With two factories and 300-350 staff, it has a monthly capacity of 450,000 sets and annual sales between $20-25 million. Its main export markets are Europe, USA, and Australia.
Gibbs, Deauna - Sample 1 (OCD Program Sheet)Deauna Gibbs
The Office of Community Development provides several programs to support economic development, community development, affordable housing, and supportive housing in Ohio. Eligible projects include infrastructure improvements, workforce training, housing assistance, homeless services, and more. Funding is available to local governments, nonprofits, and in some cases public agencies. The office works to strengthen Ohio communities and improve quality of life through programs that focus on job creation, neighborhood revitalization, and helping vulnerable groups find affordable housing.
El documento describe la configuraci坦n de monstruos y personajes para un juego, incluyendo c坦mo ver y configurar los monstruos, la configuraci坦n del jugador, y que el personaje pierde vida durante el juego. Muestra im叩genes de la vida del personaje disminuyendo r叩pidamente y lo que sucede cuando se pierde toda la vida.
Situated in Rajkot, Gujarat, MEFGI aims to create leaders of tomorrow who can face the dynamic society and contribute in increasing the worth of country. MEFGI believes in overall personality development of students. At present the institute is offering under graduate, post graduate and P.hd academic programme. Life at MEFGI is not limited to academic books only. The curriculum of the institute is designed in such a way which gives various opportunities to the students to showcase their talent. The institute is affiliated from Gujarat Technological University and AICTE.
Haur Hezkuntza:
2 urte A: Marian Zapata.
2 urte B: Concha No.
2 urte C eta biblioteca: Joaquina Mart鱈n.
2 urte C eta mailako laguntza: Inmaculada Fern叩ndez. (Formakuntza Proiektuaren
3 urte A: Paz Quevedo.
3 urte B: Jaione Urizar (Haur Hezkuntzako koordinatzailea).
4 urte A: Zuberoa Bausela
5 urte A: Bego単a Uriagereka.
5 urte B: Yolanda Ezenarro.
Lehen Hezkuntza:
1. maila A: Luc鱈a Juarista / Pilar G坦mez.
2. maila A: Bego単a Villegas
2. maila B: Garbi単e Alegr鱈a
3. maila A: Marian N叩jera.
3. maila B: Alicia Ruiz
4. maila A: Asier Guenaga.
4. maila B: Arantza Lekube.
5. maila A: Ana Rodrigo
6. maila A: Marije Jim辿nez
Tutoretza gabeko irakasleak:
Ingelesa Haur Hezkuntza: Juani Granados.
Ingelesa L H.ko 1.A, 2. A eta B. eta 3.A : Eulale Madariaga.
Ingelesa L.H.ko 2. eta 3. Zikloak : Marian Gom辿z-Zorrilla (HMH proiektua).
Heziketa Fisikoa: Jose Alberto Mart鱈nez.
Musika: Josune Valle (LHko 1. zikloko koordinatzailea).
Erlijioa: Ana Ullibarri (L.H.ko 3.zikloko Koordinatzailea eta IKT).
Pedagogia Terapeutikoa: Izaskun Ercilla, Izaskun Barrutia eta Mertxe Linaje (L.H.ko 2.
zikloko Koordinatzailea).
Logopeda: Paula Arranz.
Aholkularia: Marian Gonz叩lez (Laneko Arriskuen Prebentzioa, Eskola-laguntza
Programa ezartzeko proiektua eta Elkarbizitza Behatokia).
Hezitzaileak: Ainhoa Madina, Feli Garabieta eta Elena Beitia.
Biblioteca: Joaquina Mart鱈n.
Jantokiko Arduraduna: Marisa Ciordia.
Zuzendaria: Marian Gorostiza.
Ikasketa Burua: Eulale Madariaga.
Idazkaria eta Administrazio-kudeaketa: Inmaculada Roman鱈.