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Redesigning the Emory
 Healthcare Web Site
   Where we were
   What our research told us
   The new Emory look and feel
   Moving forward
About Emory Healthcare

 Emory Healthcare is the clinical arm of the
  Robert W. Woodruff Health Sciences
  Center of Emory University.
 Since 1905, Emory Healthcare has been
  at the forefront of medicine, putting
  cutting-edge interventional research and
  technology into lifesaving action.
 But our Web site did not reflect that.
Background Information

 In April 2006, Harris Interactive reported
  that 77 percent of Americans are online.
 That same month, Yahoo!, Microsoft.com,
  MSN and Google received more than 90
  million unique visitors to their sites.
 Yahoo! broke the 100 million unique
  visitors barrier, according to Nielsen/Net
  Ratings data.
What About Us?

 Marketings focus was on direct to
  consumer marketing that included:
   Direct mail
   Grass roots marketing
   Physician relations
 What about the Web? Not so much.
   Where we were
   What our research told us
   The new Emory look and feel
   Moving forward
The EHC Web Site Before
Top Challenges Facing Us

 A review of the EHC Web site revealed that a significant
  amount of the most pertinent content was difficult to find
 Our central navigation was built in Flash
      Not intuitive
      Required plug-ins
      Difficult to manipulate
      Not searchable in search engines
      Overlapped on homepage causing blockage of some parts of
       our website
 The look and feel of the site conveyed the opposite of
  the Emory brand
 Virtually no interaction or ability to engage consumers.
   Where we were
   What our research told us
   The new Emory look and feel
   Moving forward

        What we heard
                  The top 3 reasons for visiting a hospital Web site
                   are: Look up directions to the facility, find contact
                   information (phone number), look for information on
                  like to see guarantees of the quality of care offered
                   such as the US News and World Report seal
                   included on the home page
  Web Site
  Research        Ask patients to share their stories in their own words,
  Findings         edit them and create a few testimonials to rotate on
                   the Web site
Summary Report    Specialty Web pages should include links to
 February 2007
How to Bring the Web Site to Life

   Take one step at a time
      Keep the focus on the user experience
   Enhance the look and feel
      Create a look and feel that is a more strategic alignment with Emorys
       position as a leading academic medical center
   Field research to get feedback from consumers
      Let the end user be our guide
   Evaluate and implement changes to functionality
      Less is more  Keep the features most important to consumers more
   Continue to introduce more engaging content
      Interactive features such as video and audio clips
   Implement better site architecture
      Improve navigation through content that is easier to search
Our Aim

 To provide engaging and accurate content
  through an information-rich site.

 To differentiate Emory through engaging
  educational content

 To provide multimedia options that highlight
  specialty areas through solutions like VNRs and
  audio content

 To increase the level of interactivity on the EHC
   Where we were
   What our research told us
   The new Emory look and feel
   Moving forward
Redesign pages to match
                 Emorys look and feel

 Project an accurate
  image of Emory as a
  prestigious healthcare
  system known for
  their research,
  innovative care, and
  medical school
The New Look & Feel

 Homepage has a revolving image to illustrate
  the various faces of Emory
                                      Emory isa medical school

                                            Emory isresearch

  Emory isinnovative clinical care
Visually Speaking 
                  Keep It Simple

                                 Rotating banner
                              illustrating Emorys
                              brand and notability
of Feature

  Video &                            Newsfeed of
 Audio Clips                         recent press
Personal Health Record

                             Added a secure Web
                              platform to keep track of
                              patients immunizations,
                              allergies and any types of
                              procedures they may
                              have had, as well as any
                              medications they are
Just CLICK to register in     taking
our secure environment       Phase II of this tool will
                              include functionality to
                              allow you to communicate
                              with your Emory
                              Healthcare provider, set
                              your own appointments
                              and more
Location. Location. Location.

 In case you missed
  it on the first click,
  weve doubled and
  tripled our access to
    On the homepage
    On the department
    On the departments
     media page
Easy to navigate even when
                             deep in the site
   Not only have we revamped our main navigation system, but weve also
    added easy to follow internal navigation.
   We found that our consumers were getting lost in content and couldnt find
    their way back to the Department homepage.
   Now we have internal navigation within the departments to keep consumers
    on track

  Navigate                                                          Navigate
   through                                                          through
department                                                          current
     pages                                                          topic +
Engaging the Consumer

 Developed a BMI
  Calculator for the
  Emory Bariatrics
 Input your data,
  press Calculate,
  and instantly see
  your score
Restructured content for our
               We reorganized our For
                Physicians pages to be more
                accessible and relevant to our
                physician audience
                  Click to call
                  Physician publications (Just
                   click and view!)
                  Reference guides and
                  Facility profile sheets
                  Videos of procedures and
                   new facilities
                  Instructions on how to refer
                  Links to relevant information,
                   e.g. credentialing, classes,
                   EmoryFlight, etc.
Added New Video & Audio Clips

 Video and audio clips of our doctors, facilities, and
  procedures in consumer-friendly formats
    Previously our videos were only available in RealPlayer; now we
     offer videos in Flash as well.
    This allows for faster loading and less concern about
     incompatible formats
Interactive Menus

             Developed an
              interactive menu for
              the Emory Facial
              Center  simply click
              on the facial feature
              youre interested in
HERE          and view Before &
              After images
Engaging Photos

 Dynamic Before & After images in Flash allow
  consumers to educate themselves on realistic
  results of facial surgery
Delivering news real-time

 RSS newsfeed pulls all press releases related to
  Emory Healthcare and Emory University on the
 Archive contains all the latest news on Emory for
  browsing convenience

                Links to the full
                 press release
Feature Story 際際滷show

 Developed series of informative stories
  pertaining to our key product lines or other
 Promoted these stories on the homepage using
  a Flash slideshow
Always one click away

 Click on our Flash image and you
  are automatically taken to the full
 All articles contain links to doctor
  bios, facility and contact
  information, etc.  all one click
Case Study: Neuro ICU
                     New Media to Market

 By including the Web as a mandatory component of
  marketing plans we were able to extend campaigns.
 This year, we created a 3-part U.S. News & World
  Report Marketing Campaign revolving around
  Neurosciences which included a newsletter, direct mail
  piece, and letter  all linking back to the Web site
Case Study continued

 Once on the Web, consumers viewed a cutting
  edge video of the new Neuro ICU in Flash along
  with other Neuroscience videos
 Produced CDs of the video to mail with the
  letters to physicians
 Where we were: A look at the Emory
  Web site pre- redesign
 What our research told us
 The new Emory look and feel
 Moving forward
The Results

  benchmarks at
  inception of web
 Tracking how were
  driving consumers to
  the Web site
The Future

 HTML-based Consumer newsletter
  providing brief overviews of key topics and
  upcoming events, all of which link directly
  to the Web site  due out 8/15/07
 Further reorganization based on
  consumer needs present on the
  homepage  tbd
 Additional benchmarking and focus group

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EHC Website Redesign

  • 1. EMORY HEALTHCARE Redesigning the Emory Healthcare Web Site
  • 2. Introduction Where we were What our research told us The new Emory look and feel Moving forward
  • 3. About Emory Healthcare Emory Healthcare is the clinical arm of the Robert W. Woodruff Health Sciences Center of Emory University. Since 1905, Emory Healthcare has been at the forefront of medicine, putting cutting-edge interventional research and technology into lifesaving action. But our Web site did not reflect that.
  • 4. Background Information In April 2006, Harris Interactive reported that 77 percent of Americans are online. That same month, Yahoo!, Microsoft.com, MSN and Google received more than 90 million unique visitors to their sites. Yahoo! broke the 100 million unique visitors barrier, according to Nielsen/Net Ratings data.
  • 5. What About Us? Marketings focus was on direct to consumer marketing that included: Advertising Direct mail Grass roots marketing Physician relations What about the Web? Not so much.
  • 6. Introduction Where we were What our research told us The new Emory look and feel Moving forward
  • 7. The EHC Web Site Before
  • 8. Top Challenges Facing Us A review of the EHC Web site revealed that a significant amount of the most pertinent content was difficult to find Our central navigation was built in Flash Not intuitive Required plug-ins Difficult to manipulate Not searchable in search engines Overlapped on homepage causing blockage of some parts of our website The look and feel of the site conveyed the opposite of the Emory brand Virtually no interaction or ability to engage consumers.
  • 9. Introduction Where we were What our research told us The new Emory look and feel Moving forward
  • 10. RESEARCH What we heard The top 3 reasons for visiting a hospital Web site are: Look up directions to the facility, find contact information (phone number), look for information on physicians like to see guarantees of the quality of care offered such as the US News and World Report seal included on the home page Web Site Research Ask patients to share their stories in their own words, Findings edit them and create a few testimonials to rotate on the Web site Summary Report Specialty Web pages should include links to February 2007 Podcasts
  • 11. How to Bring the Web Site to Life Take one step at a time Keep the focus on the user experience Enhance the look and feel Create a look and feel that is a more strategic alignment with Emorys position as a leading academic medical center Field research to get feedback from consumers Let the end user be our guide Evaluate and implement changes to functionality Less is more Keep the features most important to consumers more visible Continue to introduce more engaging content Interactive features such as video and audio clips Implement better site architecture Improve navigation through content that is easier to search
  • 12. Our Aim To provide engaging and accurate content through an information-rich site. To differentiate Emory through engaging educational content To provide multimedia options that highlight specialty areas through solutions like VNRs and audio content To increase the level of interactivity on the EHC site.
  • 13. Introduction Where we were What our research told us The new Emory look and feel Moving forward
  • 14. Redesign pages to match Emorys look and feel Project an accurate image of Emory as a prestigious healthcare system known for their research, innovative care, and medical school
  • 15. The New Look & Feel Homepage has a revolving image to illustrate the various faces of Emory Emory isa medical school Emory isresearch Emory isinnovative clinical care
  • 16. Visually Speaking Keep It Simple Rotating banner illustrating Emorys brand and notability 際際滷show of Feature Stories RSS Video & Newsfeed of Audio Clips recent press releases
  • 17. Personal Health Record Added a secure Web platform to keep track of patients immunizations, allergies and any types of procedures they may have had, as well as any medications they are Just CLICK to register in taking our secure environment Phase II of this tool will include functionality to allow you to communicate with your Emory Healthcare provider, set your own appointments and more
  • 18. Location. Location. Location. In case you missed it on the first click, weve doubled and tripled our access to media On the homepage On the department homepage On the departments media page
  • 19. Easy to navigate even when deep in the site Not only have we revamped our main navigation system, but weve also added easy to follow internal navigation. We found that our consumers were getting lost in content and couldnt find their way back to the Department homepage. Now we have internal navigation within the departments to keep consumers on track Navigate Navigate through through department current pages topic + Return Home button
  • 20. Engaging the Consumer Developed a BMI Calculator for the Emory Bariatrics Center Input your data, press Calculate, and instantly see your score
  • 21. Restructured content for our physicians We reorganized our For Physicians pages to be more accessible and relevant to our physician audience Click to call Physician publications (Just click and view!) Reference guides and directories Facility profile sheets Videos of procedures and new facilities Instructions on how to refer patients Links to relevant information, e.g. credentialing, classes, EmoryFlight, etc.
  • 22. Added New Video & Audio Clips Video and audio clips of our doctors, facilities, and procedures in consumer-friendly formats Previously our videos were only available in RealPlayer; now we offer videos in Flash as well. This allows for faster loading and less concern about incompatible formats
  • 23. Interactive Menus Developed an interactive menu for the Emory Facial Center simply click on the facial feature youre interested in CLICK HERE and view Before & After images
  • 24. Engaging Photos Dynamic Before & After images in Flash allow consumers to educate themselves on realistic results of facial surgery
  • 25. Delivering news real-time RSS newsfeed pulls all press releases related to Emory Healthcare and Emory University on the homepage Archive contains all the latest news on Emory for browsing convenience Links to the full press release
  • 26. Feature Story 際際滷show Developed series of informative stories pertaining to our key product lines or other expertise Promoted these stories on the homepage using a Flash slideshow
  • 27. Always one click away Click on our Flash image and you are automatically taken to the full article All articles contain links to doctor bios, facility and contact information, etc. all one click away!
  • 28. Case Study: Neuro ICU New Media to Market By including the Web as a mandatory component of marketing plans we were able to extend campaigns. This year, we created a 3-part U.S. News & World Report Marketing Campaign revolving around Neurosciences which included a newsletter, direct mail piece, and letter all linking back to the Web site
  • 29. Case Study continued Once on the Web, consumers viewed a cutting edge video of the new Neuro ICU in Flash along with other Neuroscience videos Produced CDs of the video to mail with the letters to physicians
  • 30. Introduction Where we were: A look at the Emory Web site pre- redesign What our research told us The new Emory look and feel Moving forward
  • 31. The Results Establishing benchmarks at inception of web overhaul Tracking how were driving consumers to the Web site
  • 32. The Future HTML-based Consumer newsletter providing brief overviews of key topics and upcoming events, all of which link directly to the Web site due out 8/15/07 Further reorganization based on consumer needs present on the homepage tbd Additional benchmarking and focus group testing