Branding Engineer様主催のAWSイベントの登壇資料です。"Undifferentiated Heavy Lifting"の排除、Amazon DSSTNEのご紹介、AWS Solutions Architect の活用方法、AdTech on AWS、Startup on AWSなどについてお話させていただきました。
Branding Engineer様主催のAWSイベントの登壇資料です。"Undifferentiated Heavy Lifting"の排除、Amazon DSSTNEのご紹介、AWS Solutions Architect の活用方法、AdTech on AWS、Startup on AWSなどについてお話させていただきました。
Eiji Shinohara introduces himself as an AWS Solutions Architect who focuses on the AdTech and startup markets. He provides details about the AWS Japan AdTech team members who support the advertising industry. Shinohara highlights several Japanese AdTech companies that are using AWS, including Opt, Dynalyst, fluct, Intimate Merger, and UNICORN. He encourages attendees to use the #AWSAdTechJP hashtag when posting about Japanese AdTech on AWS and invites people to the upcoming re:Invent conference.
This document summarizes four Japanese AdTech companies that use AWS: Dynalyst, fluct, IM-DMP, and UNICORN. Dynalyst uses AWS for real-time bidding and cross-region data processing. fluct is an SSP that processes 30 billion impressions per month on a serverless architecture. IM-DMP utilizes Amazon ECS and Spot Fleet to power its public DMP. UNICORN is a full automated marketing platform that uses AWS for real-time bidding, data analysis, and machine learning.
This document discusses various CTO networking events in Japan called "#CTONight" that are supported by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It describes #CTONight events with the Amazon CTO, TechCrunch #CTONight events that award the Japanese Startup CTO of the Year, and IVS #CTONight and Day multi-day conferences organized together with Infinity Ventures Summit for startup CTOs to share knowledge, experiences, best practices and network with each other.
19. AWS ?Pop-‐??up ?Loft: ?Where?’s ?Next??
11 ?Region
1.? US EAST (Virginia)
2.? US WEST (N. California)
3.? US WEST 2 (Oregon)
4.? EU WEST (Ireland)
5.? JAPAN (Tokyo)
6.? South America (Sao Paulo)
7.? ASP 1 (Singapore)
8.? ASP 2 (Sydney)
9.? GovCloud
10.?BJS 1 (Beijing China)
11.?EU (Frankfurt)
28 ?Availability ?Zone
52 ?Edge ?Location
2 ?AWS ?Popup ?Loft