The document summarizes information literacy initiatives at CPUT. It discusses the Information Literacy policy, committee, and certificate program. The certificate program is a 5-week course with modules on search strategies, sources, evaluation, copyright, and referencing. It includes a summative multiple choice assessment and subject essay. Over 15,000 students have completed the program since 2009. Challenges include large class sizes and scheduling sessions. Next steps include promoting IL as a graduate attribute through curriculum mapping and a departmental approach.
Unknown Genes, Community Profiling, & Biotorrents.netMorgan Langille
This document discusses using community profiling and phylogenetic profiling to study unknown genes and characterize gene families of unknown function. It outlines a project to analyze gene profiles across multiple metagenomic samples to group genes with similar profiles that may have similar functions. Results show that 10 clusters of genes had average semantic similarity scores over 0.6, indicating potential functional relatedness, compared to 1 or 0 clusters with random data. The document also describes BioTorrents, a website for scientists to share large datasets using BitTorrent peer-to-peer file sharing for faster downloads than traditional methods.
International Group Work For Sustainable DevelopmentKatherine Haxton
This document describes an international and collaborative degree program between Keele University in the UK and Nanjing XiaoZhuang University in China focused on sustainable development. Students take the first three years of courses at their home university with bridging modules taught by Keele staff. In the fourth year, students join together at Keele to complete their degrees and take three bespoke modules. The program incorporates distance and in-person learning components and aims to provide opportunities for UK and Chinese students to discuss sustainability issues.
Haiku Deck is a presentation platform that allows users to create Haiku-style slideshows. The document encourages the reader to get started creating their own Haiku Deck presentation on ºÝºÝߣShare by providing a link to do so. It aims to inspire the reader to try out Haiku Deck's unique presentation style.
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NFS proporciona soluciones tecnol¨®gicas para ayudar a las empresas a lograr un mejor aprovechamiento de sus instalaciones, incluyendo edificios, salas de reuniones, espacios de trabajo y otros recursos.
De tecnolog¨ªa f¨¢cil, est¨¢ adaptado para MS Outlook y plataformas webs, por lo que nuestra tecnolog¨ªa se utiliza ya en muchas organizaciones tanto del sector p¨²blico como privado.
Quarterly Technology Briefing, Manchester, UK September 2013Thoughtworks
This document summarizes a tech lab experiment conducted by ThoughtWorks to explore graph databases and cloud deployment. The team modeled Manchester's tram network as a graph database to understand its benefits. They iteratively improved the data and query models. The working app was deployed to AWS and automatically updated. The team successfully met the desired outcomes of the lab by gaining technical knowledge, producing a working demo, collateral materials, and excitement in the community. Next steps discussed expanding the work to clients and open sourcing parts of the project.
A la hora de invertir en tecnolog¨ªa para la colaboraci¨®n visual hay alguna informaci¨®n que te puede ayudar a tomar mejores decisiones. Si eres una persona que piensa en el futuro cuando inviertes en tecnolog¨ªa, esta presentaci¨®n es para ti.
Comunicado de la oficina del coordinador residente de naciones unidasCasa de la Mujer
The progress presentation discusses the development of a 2D platformer game by a team including a project manager, 2D artist, 2D/3D artist, and two programmers. They decided on a 2D platformer instead of a 3D FPS to suit their artists. They chose the XNA engine after testing by the programmers. They created concept art for levels, characters, menus, and weapons, and implemented basic character animation, enemy movement, and the operating menu in the game.
This introduction to a standing-room only SXSW 2014 panel on responsive design illustrates our need to think beyond desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. It also highlights some of the problems in our still nascent responsive design and development processes.
Esprinet Ib¨¦rica ampl¨ªa su oferta de soluciones audiovisuales con los Displays Interactivos CTOUCH y las Pizarras Digitales Workscreen, de la empresa groupVision Distribution Services.
Tanto los Displays Interactivos CTOUCH como las Pizarras Digitales Workscreen son las soluciones m¨¢s competitivas y eficaces a la hora de mejorar la productividad y aumentar la motivaci¨®n en entornos de trabajo colaborativos. Todos ellos cuentan con el servicio de asistencia y soporte de groupVision Distribution Services, l¨ªderes de mercado en el sector, as¨ª como de importantes valores a?adidos en formaci¨®n y software complementarios que les saquen el m¨¢ximo rendimiento en cada entorno.
This document discusses the importance of user experience and usability testing in website design. It defines usability as how easy user interfaces are to use, and notes there are five key components: learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, and satisfaction. Early and frequent user testing is recommended to fix issues, test assumptions, and inform the design process. Examples of tasks and questions to use during testing are provided. The benefits of testing with real users and focusing on important fixes rather than minor issues are also outlined.
This document provides guidelines for effective presentations. It discusses how to structure a presentation through defining an agenda with a beginning, middle, and end. Proper planning is important and involves understanding the audience and purpose. When creating the content, the presenter should connect with the audience's interests at the beginning, focus on two to three main points in the middle while managing time constraints, and summarize the main ideas and conclusions at the end. Effective delivery involves matching speech to visual aids, interacting with the audience, rehearsing, and considering style, voice, body language, and handling questions. Following these guidelines can help anyone learn to be an effective public speaker.
This document is a table of contents that lists over 50 sections. It includes sections on technical working groups, components of web accessibility, countries, movies, CSS, guidelines from organizations like W3C and IBM, browsers from Mozilla and Opera, and contact information. Copyright is held by Team interface Ltd. for the entire document.
Here are 10 great energy saving tips for your home that can help you and the planet!
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NFS proporciona soluciones tecnol¨®gicas para ayudar a las empresas a lograr un mejor aprovechamiento de sus instalaciones, incluyendo edificios, salas de reuniones, espacios de trabajo y otros recursos.
De tecnolog¨ªa f¨¢cil, est¨¢ adaptado para MS Outlook y plataformas webs, por lo que nuestra tecnolog¨ªa se utiliza ya en muchas organizaciones tanto del sector p¨²blico como privado.
Quarterly Technology Briefing, Manchester, UK September 2013Thoughtworks
This document summarizes a tech lab experiment conducted by ThoughtWorks to explore graph databases and cloud deployment. The team modeled Manchester's tram network as a graph database to understand its benefits. They iteratively improved the data and query models. The working app was deployed to AWS and automatically updated. The team successfully met the desired outcomes of the lab by gaining technical knowledge, producing a working demo, collateral materials, and excitement in the community. Next steps discussed expanding the work to clients and open sourcing parts of the project.
A la hora de invertir en tecnolog¨ªa para la colaboraci¨®n visual hay alguna informaci¨®n que te puede ayudar a tomar mejores decisiones. Si eres una persona que piensa en el futuro cuando inviertes en tecnolog¨ªa, esta presentaci¨®n es para ti.
Comunicado de la oficina del coordinador residente de naciones unidasCasa de la Mujer
The progress presentation discusses the development of a 2D platformer game by a team including a project manager, 2D artist, 2D/3D artist, and two programmers. They decided on a 2D platformer instead of a 3D FPS to suit their artists. They chose the XNA engine after testing by the programmers. They created concept art for levels, characters, menus, and weapons, and implemented basic character animation, enemy movement, and the operating menu in the game.
This introduction to a standing-room only SXSW 2014 panel on responsive design illustrates our need to think beyond desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. It also highlights some of the problems in our still nascent responsive design and development processes.
Esprinet Ib¨¦rica ampl¨ªa su oferta de soluciones audiovisuales con los Displays Interactivos CTOUCH y las Pizarras Digitales Workscreen, de la empresa groupVision Distribution Services.
Tanto los Displays Interactivos CTOUCH como las Pizarras Digitales Workscreen son las soluciones m¨¢s competitivas y eficaces a la hora de mejorar la productividad y aumentar la motivaci¨®n en entornos de trabajo colaborativos. Todos ellos cuentan con el servicio de asistencia y soporte de groupVision Distribution Services, l¨ªderes de mercado en el sector, as¨ª como de importantes valores a?adidos en formaci¨®n y software complementarios que les saquen el m¨¢ximo rendimiento en cada entorno.
This document discusses the importance of user experience and usability testing in website design. It defines usability as how easy user interfaces are to use, and notes there are five key components: learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, and satisfaction. Early and frequent user testing is recommended to fix issues, test assumptions, and inform the design process. Examples of tasks and questions to use during testing are provided. The benefits of testing with real users and focusing on important fixes rather than minor issues are also outlined.
This document provides guidelines for effective presentations. It discusses how to structure a presentation through defining an agenda with a beginning, middle, and end. Proper planning is important and involves understanding the audience and purpose. When creating the content, the presenter should connect with the audience's interests at the beginning, focus on two to three main points in the middle while managing time constraints, and summarize the main ideas and conclusions at the end. Effective delivery involves matching speech to visual aids, interacting with the audience, rehearsing, and considering style, voice, body language, and handling questions. Following these guidelines can help anyone learn to be an effective public speaker.
This document is a table of contents that lists over 50 sections. It includes sections on technical working groups, components of web accessibility, countries, movies, CSS, guidelines from organizations like W3C and IBM, browsers from Mozilla and Opera, and contact information. Copyright is held by Team interface Ltd. for the entire document.