Levona travel presentation englishLevona TravelWe offer a variety of expertly developed itineraries; we customize our tours according to the needs of our particular visitors and ensure that the resulting program is perfect to the very last detail. our tours allow our travelers to visit the ancient biblical places as well as the modern developments. merging history and present in a unique place in the world. our knolwdgeable guides interactively work with group organizers to bring the most amazing experience to uor travelers.
DAILY AGRI REPORT BY EPIC RESEARCH-19 NOVEMBER 2012Epic Research Limited- Soybean prices fell to their lowest in almost five months due to slower demand from China and improved crop prospects in South America, while corn prices rose and wheat fell.
- Trading of soybean oil declined due to a lack of buying support in the physical market and weak global cues, despite earlier gains driven by strong foreign markets.
- The report provides the daily opening, high, low, closing, and change in prices for various agricultural commodities, along with charts and analysis of trends for soybeans and chickpeas. It recommends buy and sell strategies for different commodities.
An Evaluation of Pair Programming PracticeKranthi LakumThis document discusses pair programming, which involves two programmers working together on the same task. It describes the roles of driver and navigator, and variants like remote and ping pong pairing. The strengths include improved quality, learning, and defect prevention from continuous reviews. Weaknesses include some preferring solo work and potential personal conflicts. Metrics for evaluating pair programming productivity and defect rates are also presented. The conclusion recommends pair programming for less complex tasks with schedule pressure or more complex tasks with less schedule pressure.
Hubspot marketing-3q15-v6-finalIR_HubSpotThe document discusses HubSpot's position in the customer relationship management (CRM) and inbound marketing software space. It highlights HubSpot's growth strategy of focusing on the mid-market customer segment and expanding its leadership position. It also notes various risks and uncertainties that could affect the company's projections around revenue growth and market opportunity. Financial metrics are provided showing increases in key metrics like revenue, customer base, and average subscription revenue per customer over recent years.
Evaluation quest 1 film postermattdaave123The document discusses conventions of film posters and analyzes the poster created by the author. It begins by defining what a film poster is and common conventions, such as including images of main actors and the film title. The author then explains their poster, which challenges conventions by using two images rather than one large central image. The text in the poster follows conventions by including the title and credits but in a non-traditional location. Color choices on the poster, like dark tones, also align with typical horror film poster conventions. In summarizing their poster design choices, the author evaluates how their poster both challenges conventions and adheres to common expectations for film posters.
8 2-30-slideshare-citasyreferenciasbibliograficas-valentina riveraortizValentinarivera05Este documento presenta 5 citas y referencias bibliográficas de diferentes libros en formato APA. Cada cita incluye el nombre del libro, autor, fecha de publicación y página de la cita textual, seguido de una breve explicación del contexto o significado de la cita dentro de la obra literaria.
Spanish cinemagiselle ramón yebraSpanish cinema began in 1896 with the first cinematographic exhibitions in Madrid. The first Spanish director of international success was Segundo de Chomón. The first Spanish movie with a plot was "Riña en un café" in 1897 directed by Fructuós Gelabert. Mute Spanish cinema began in 1896 in Barcelona and ended in 1920, highlighted by rural drama "La Aldea Maldita" and surrealist film "Un Perro Andaluz". In 1987, the Goya Awards were created as Spain's equivalent to the Oscars. More recently, the Feroz Awards were established in 2013 as Spain's version of the Golden Globes. Some prominent current Spanish actors include Mario Casas,
Digital Zen with Productivity & Timesaving AppsShelly Sanchez TerrellMy books- Learning to Go https://gumroad.com/l/learn2go & The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers http://amazon.com/The-Goals-Challenge-Teachers-Transform/dp/0415735343
Resources at http://www.pearltrees.com/shellyterrell/teacher-zen/id12262771
Presentation for ajp final draftaviherringThe document summarizes key findings from the 2012 Jewish Communal Compensation Survey. It finds that 49% of respondents were under 32, 73% were female, and 31% were from New York. The mean salary was $66,044 and the median was $56,000. Salaries increased with seniority and were higher for those with graduate degrees. Regression analysis found gender, location, education, and negotiation impacted salaries, with women earning $8,679 less than men on average. The gender pay gap persisted even when controlling for age and education. Causes discussed included hours worked, education levels, negotiation rates, and discrimination. The document ends by asking participants to discuss addressing issues of transparency, gender disparity, and
Nigeria social progress index 2014statisenseThe Social Progress Index from Social Progress Imperatives, takes a look at Nigeria and how well she progressing against other African countries
#NoProjects - Beyond Projectsallan kellyThis document discusses the problems with traditional project management approaches for software development and proposes an alternative "beyond projects" model. It argues that projects assume predefined outcomes and temporary organizations, which does not fit the reality of changing requirements and need for ongoing software evolution. Instead, it suggests organizing around continuous flow, stable teams, small batches, and governance based on delivered value rather than schedules and budgets.
The Wakefield MonsterJango11Implementing several forms of therapy within the matrix of Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in order to successfully treat victims of child sexual abuse.
UX Camp 2016 Copenhagen - Friction In DesignMikkel KøsterPresentation on "Friction In Design" with heavy inspiration from Steve Selzer's (Experience Design Manager at Airbnb) talk at SXSW 2016 on "Human Centred-Design: Why Empathy Isn't Enough"
So thank you very much Steve Selzer - I hope you endorse me spreading your wise words and observations :)
Educación argentina financiamiento 2016Laura MarroneEl estado argentino debe a la educación el 1% del PBI que fija la Ley de Financiamiento de la educación del 2005. Nunca cumplió la meta de llegar al 6% del PBI. La crisis de las economías regionales y el pago de la deuda externa por parte del Gobierno nacional han agudizado el modelo de financiamiento que instaló la Reforma neoliberal de los 90 por la que se transfirió a las provincias el gasto de la educación en todos los niveles, excepto el universitario. Durante el primer semestre las luchas docentes en el interior fueron dolorosas. El contundente paro nacional del 24 de agosto abre el debate: Es necesario que el Congreso nacional destine una partida de emergencia para pagar la deuda con la educación: Son 65.000 millones que solo este año se le han quitado a las escuelas. En este camino, desde Izquierda Socialista, seguiremos luchando para que se fije la meta del 10% para la educación.
Learning area-3-e28093-powerpoint-hndybookcikgushaharizanAn intranet is a private computer network that uses internet protocols and network connectivity to securely share part of an organization's information or operations with its employees. An intranet can be accessed by employees within an organization but not by outside users, and it usually uses the same tools and applications as the public internet but is not accessible from the public internet. An extranet extends an intranet to controlled outsiders such as suppliers, vendors and partners. It allows controlled access to an organization's intranet from outside computers and networks.
описание процессор спутникАндрей МаринПредставлено описание радиационно-стойкого процессора "Спутник" разработанного ООО "НПП "Цифровые решения" совместно с ОАО "Ангстрем".
Evaluation quest 1 film postermattdaave123The document discusses conventions of film posters and analyzes the poster created by the author. It begins by defining what a film poster is and common conventions, such as including images of main actors and the film title. The author then explains their poster, which challenges conventions by using two images rather than one large central image. The text in the poster follows conventions by including the title and credits but in a non-traditional location. Color choices on the poster, like dark tones, also align with typical horror film poster conventions. In summarizing their poster design choices, the author evaluates how their poster both challenges conventions and adheres to common expectations for film posters.
8 2-30-slideshare-citasyreferenciasbibliograficas-valentina riveraortizValentinarivera05Este documento presenta 5 citas y referencias bibliográficas de diferentes libros en formato APA. Cada cita incluye el nombre del libro, autor, fecha de publicación y página de la cita textual, seguido de una breve explicación del contexto o significado de la cita dentro de la obra literaria.
Spanish cinemagiselle ramón yebraSpanish cinema began in 1896 with the first cinematographic exhibitions in Madrid. The first Spanish director of international success was Segundo de Chomón. The first Spanish movie with a plot was "Riña en un café" in 1897 directed by Fructuós Gelabert. Mute Spanish cinema began in 1896 in Barcelona and ended in 1920, highlighted by rural drama "La Aldea Maldita" and surrealist film "Un Perro Andaluz". In 1987, the Goya Awards were created as Spain's equivalent to the Oscars. More recently, the Feroz Awards were established in 2013 as Spain's version of the Golden Globes. Some prominent current Spanish actors include Mario Casas,
Digital Zen with Productivity & Timesaving AppsShelly Sanchez TerrellMy books- Learning to Go https://gumroad.com/l/learn2go & The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers http://amazon.com/The-Goals-Challenge-Teachers-Transform/dp/0415735343
Resources at http://www.pearltrees.com/shellyterrell/teacher-zen/id12262771
Presentation for ajp final draftaviherringThe document summarizes key findings from the 2012 Jewish Communal Compensation Survey. It finds that 49% of respondents were under 32, 73% were female, and 31% were from New York. The mean salary was $66,044 and the median was $56,000. Salaries increased with seniority and were higher for those with graduate degrees. Regression analysis found gender, location, education, and negotiation impacted salaries, with women earning $8,679 less than men on average. The gender pay gap persisted even when controlling for age and education. Causes discussed included hours worked, education levels, negotiation rates, and discrimination. The document ends by asking participants to discuss addressing issues of transparency, gender disparity, and
Nigeria social progress index 2014statisenseThe Social Progress Index from Social Progress Imperatives, takes a look at Nigeria and how well she progressing against other African countries
#NoProjects - Beyond Projectsallan kellyThis document discusses the problems with traditional project management approaches for software development and proposes an alternative "beyond projects" model. It argues that projects assume predefined outcomes and temporary organizations, which does not fit the reality of changing requirements and need for ongoing software evolution. Instead, it suggests organizing around continuous flow, stable teams, small batches, and governance based on delivered value rather than schedules and budgets.
The Wakefield MonsterJango11Implementing several forms of therapy within the matrix of Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in order to successfully treat victims of child sexual abuse.
UX Camp 2016 Copenhagen - Friction In DesignMikkel KøsterPresentation on "Friction In Design" with heavy inspiration from Steve Selzer's (Experience Design Manager at Airbnb) talk at SXSW 2016 on "Human Centred-Design: Why Empathy Isn't Enough"
So thank you very much Steve Selzer - I hope you endorse me spreading your wise words and observations :)
Educación argentina financiamiento 2016Laura MarroneEl estado argentino debe a la educación el 1% del PBI que fija la Ley de Financiamiento de la educación del 2005. Nunca cumplió la meta de llegar al 6% del PBI. La crisis de las economías regionales y el pago de la deuda externa por parte del Gobierno nacional han agudizado el modelo de financiamiento que instaló la Reforma neoliberal de los 90 por la que se transfirió a las provincias el gasto de la educación en todos los niveles, excepto el universitario. Durante el primer semestre las luchas docentes en el interior fueron dolorosas. El contundente paro nacional del 24 de agosto abre el debate: Es necesario que el Congreso nacional destine una partida de emergencia para pagar la deuda con la educación: Son 65.000 millones que solo este año se le han quitado a las escuelas. En este camino, desde Izquierda Socialista, seguiremos luchando para que se fije la meta del 10% para la educación.
Learning area-3-e28093-powerpoint-hndybookcikgushaharizanAn intranet is a private computer network that uses internet protocols and network connectivity to securely share part of an organization's information or operations with its employees. An intranet can be accessed by employees within an organization but not by outside users, and it usually uses the same tools and applications as the public internet but is not accessible from the public internet. An extranet extends an intranet to controlled outsiders such as suppliers, vendors and partners. It allows controlled access to an organization's intranet from outside computers and networks.
описание процессор спутникАндрей МаринПредставлено описание радиационно-стойкого процессора "Спутник" разработанного ООО "НПП "Цифровые решения" совместно с ОАО "Ангстрем".
Архитектура и уникальные особенности магистральной платформы Cisco NCS 6000Cisco Russia 1. Архитектура линейного шасси
2. Линейные карты для Cisco NCS6000
3. Оптические трансиверы
4. Архитектура мультистоечной конфигурации
5. Особенности операционной системы
Инструменты анализа и отображения данных шины CAN J1939. Вебинар Технотон. 16...TechnotonДисплей шины CAN j1939/S6 MasterCAN Display 35 предназначен для визуального контроля параметров работы сложных машин.
Имитатор-анализатор шины CAN MasterCAN Tool используется для чтения и разбора сообщений CAN-шины и для имитации отправки сообщений SAE J1939 от различных узлов техники.
Цифро-аналоговые конвертеры MasterCAN DAC – интеллектуальный преобразователь цифровых и аналоговых сигналов для транспортной телематики и контроля работы стационарных объектов. Конвертация сигналов одновременно в двух направлениях.
Конвертеры данных MasterCAN предназначены для преобразования данных бортовых информационных шин CAN и J1708 автомобиля и формирования готовой информации для Телематической системы.
Бесконтактный считыватель-преобразователь FMSCrocodile. Два в одном – бесконтактный считыватель и интерфейс данных.
CAN инструменты: https://www.jv-technoton.com/ru/produkty/can-instrumenti/
Бесконтактный считыватель-преобразователь FMSCrocodile: https://www.jv-technoton.com/ru/produkty/beskontaktnie-schitivateli/fms-crocodile/
Видео: https://youtu.be/_rGS_4LObNE
Архитектура и программирование потоковых многоядерных процессоров для научных...a15464321646213Слайды лекции курса "Архитектура и программирование потоковых многоядерных процессоров для научных рассчетов".
Интерфейс данных MasterCAN V-GATELuba NikonorenkovaИнтерфейс данных MasterCAN V-GATE
5. Изображения, полученные из источников
разнородного спектрального диапазона
Улучшенные изображения, приведённые
к единому формату
Улучшенное синтезированное изображение
Области на синтезированном изображении,
База навигационных данных
Области изображения, соответствующие
навигационным данным, объекты из базы
7. RT-107MX SSD для
RS-485 RT-107MX
бортовая ЭВМ с
графическим е
м Notebook
процессором Автономный з (Dock Station)
Навигационные видеопроцессор е - опция
Устройства ввода
1280 х 1024
60 Гц
Источники ТВ
реальные изображения
информации синтезированное
9. Одновременная работа до 6 цифровых
камер RT-1000DC
Входной поток данных до 360 Мбайт/с
Обработка и анализ изображений в
реальном времени по заданным
Использование встроенного процессора
96 Мб SDRAM, 512 Мб Flash (конфигурация
настроек камер и хранение изображений)
Часы реального
времени, календарь, привязка к
глобальному времени
Интерфейсы - 7 x Channel Link RS-644 или
Fiber Channel по меди , 2 x RS-232
Видео выходы: SVGA на TFT монитор 1280 x
1024 x 60 Гц, CCIR
Выдача сигналов тревоги и
телеметрии, ведение журнала
Питание с борта: +18 … +36 В, 15 Вт
Диапазон рабочих температур: -40 … +70 °С
10. AFE - АЦП - 12 бит @ 40 МГц с VGA
DSP обработка и управление - ПЛИС Altera
семейства Cyclone II
Память кадров изображений - SDRAM (16М х 16)
Флэш память для записи вспышек - 128 Мбайт
Цифровой датчик температуры ЦФК в диапазоне
-40 … +75 °С
Интерфейс обмена данными и управления:
Интерфейс запуска - LVDS
Скорость передачи данных - до 1 Мбайт/сек
Питание - 12 В
Потребление - 2.5 Вт
Аппаратная поддержка рекурсивного
накопления, усреднения и вычитания кадров
12. RT-1000DC FC
1 2
RT-1000DC FC /36 /96 SDRAM I/O
22порта I/O
22порта I/O
порта I/O
22порта I/O
порта I/O
FG Image ~~~
IR-3 Enhancer З
Лазерный LI /12 Е
Схема SYNC Р
Супервизор питания и В
Схема резервирования Часы реального времени
режимов работы SATA Накопитель
АЦП/ /24
Процессор ctrl SSD
микшер /24 RGB Видео DAC RGB VGA/DVI
1280 x 1024 к монитору
Fiber /36 SYNC
SDRAM 44банка
SDRAM 44банка Схема плавного
SDRAM банка
Управление RS-485 запуска
13. FG Регистр смещения DC Канал 1
(8 бит) SDI
75 Ом
0.5 .. 2 В DC Restore VGA
2:1 /12
GEN Lock
Регистр смещения DC Канал 2
(8 бит)
75 Ом
0.5 .. 2 В MUX DC Restore VGA /12
GEN Lock
14. Подсистема RAM
Выход на TFT RAM
DAC вывода RAM8MB
изображения 88MB
16 MB
512 512 AD9978 #1 (RT-1000DC, RT-1050DC)
Интерфейс CoaXpress
CDS1,2 VGA1,2 ADС1,2
X 12 Дб 0..6 Дб 14 бит
CCD AD9978 #2 (RT-1050DC) DSP
CDS3,4 VGA3,4 ADС3,4
Z 12 Дб 0..6 Дб 14 бит
Программируемый Регистры
Драйверы управления генератор тактовых режимов и
затвором и считывания сигналов регулировок
Источник питания
Схема внешнего
17. Синтезированное
изображение Навигационная Поиск в БД 3D-моделей и
БД преобразований
поворота, соответствующи
Области карты х областям карты
Сегментация нормалей, соответствующие нормалей
объектов объектам
Главные Масштабирование
областей карты
Объекты диаметры выбранной
нормалей и
объектов проекции
изображение с
распознанными Совмещение
Лазерный Карта объектами, совм синтезированного
лидар нормалей ещёнными с 3D- изображения и
моделями проекции 3D-модели