Lec8 MECH ENG STRuctureMohamed YaserThis document summarizes key concepts from a lecture on mechanics and materials, including:
1. Equations relating force, deformation, and compatibility for a bar under uniaxial loading. Small angle approximations are introduced.
2. Stress is defined as force per unit area, and strain is defined as the change in length per original length. Materials have a linear elastic region defined by Young's modulus E.
3. Typical values of Young's modulus E are provided for common materials like steel, aluminum, and composites. Material selection involves optimizing stiffness k for a given application based on E and density.
Harbor UCLA Neuro-Radiology Case 7Surgical Neurology InternationalThe patient presented with neck pain and left arm weakness. Imaging showed an intramedullary mass in the cervical spinal cord. Further imaging found additional masses in the cerebellum and eye. Biopsy of the spinal cord mass revealed a hemangioblastoma. The patient was diagnosed with von Hippel-Lindau syndrome based on multiple hemangioblastomas and cysts in the pancreas. The patient underwent surgery to remove the spinal cord mass and experienced post-operative weakness but subsequent improvement.
Detection of swine hepatitis e virus in thekpillerThis document summarizes the detection of swine hepatitis E virus (HEV) in pig livers in Jeju Island, South Korea. Samples from pig livers showed mild to moderate hepatitis and yellowish discoloration. RT-PCR testing detected swine HEV infection in the liver tissue. The findings suggest that swine can be a reservoir for zoonotic HEV infection, posing a risk to those with occupations exposed to pigs.
Partesdemicuerpo2Francisco Jesús AntiñoloEl documento habla sobre las diferentes partes del cuerpo humano. Explica que el cuerpo está formado por segmentos corporales distintos como la cabeza, el pecho, los brazos, las manos y los pies. Además, señala que gracias a las articulaciones, el cuerpo puede realizar diversos movimientos de manera flexible.
Uni masr.com f29d8aea7936d9edc04dafcd2ad1b027Mohamed YaserThe document provides an introduction to basic aerodynamic concepts and laws. It defines steady and unsteady fluid flow, and one-, two-, and three-dimensional flow. It describes properties like streamlines, pathlines, and stream tubes. It introduces the governing equations of fluid flow like continuity, momentum, and energy equations. It derives Bernoulli's equation relating pressure and velocity at different points. It also discusses concepts like stagnation pressure, rotational and irrotational flow, and the average velocity in non-uniform flows.
AutismeHerry Purwanto PanjaitanMakalah ini membahas tentang autisme pada anak. Ada beberapa poin penting yang diangkat, yaitu: (1) pengertian autisme sebagai gangguan perkembangan pervasif yang menyebabkan kesulitan dalam berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi sosial, (2) gejala klinis seperti penarikan diri, kesulitan berkomunikasi, dan perilaku ritualistik, (3) penanganannya memerlukan pendekatan multidisplin meliputi terapi edukasi,
CIS 2303 LO2 Part 3Ahmad AmmariThis document discusses requirements modeling during the analysis phase of the systems development life cycle. It covers the importance of requirements, identifying requirements through various fact-finding techniques like interviews and questionnaires, and categorizing requirements into functional and technical categories like inputs, outputs, processes, performance, and controls. Key points covered include understanding user needs, determining requirements through open-ended questions in interviews, and using sampling approaches to ensure representations of the overall population.
Explorative services and UIs – MEX, London 2013Ocean ObservationsA short keynote on thoughts and issues related to the challenges of designing and evaluating explorative services and UIs.
F 20Mohamed YaserThe Northrop F-20 Tigershark was a privately developed fighter aircraft meant to be sold to foreign militaries as an alternative to the F-16. It shared a resemblance to the F-5 Freedom Fighter but had better performance with a single engine. Three prototypes were built in the 1980s but no sales materialized as potential buyers preferred the F-16 which was becoming more available for export. The project was ultimately cancelled after six years without any major orders.
PresentacionpresentacionFrancisco Jesús AntiñoloDos personas, Tomás y Mateo, se presentan y saludan. Intercambian información sobre dónde viven, con Tomás viviendo en la Calle Jaén y Mateo viviendo en la Calle Beata, ambos en la ciudad de Fuensanta.
What is nanotechnologyMohamed YaserNanotechnology refers to engineering at the molecular scale, typically 1-100 nanometers. In its original conception, it meant precisely constructing products through molecular manufacturing. While current work is simpler, the long term vision is to build complex products through mechanochemistry and molecular machine systems. Realizing this advanced nanotechnology could enable a manufacturing revolution within a decade through self-replicating nanofactories, exponentially proliferating production capabilities but also posing risks if not responsibly developed and governed.
Software Series 1Mohamed YaserThis document provides an overview and outline of a software engineering concepts course taught by Professor Nancy Leveson in Fall 2005. It discusses some of the challenges of software engineering and why it is a difficult problem. The objectives of the course are for students to be able to evaluate software engineering techniques critically and make informed decisions about approaches for projects based on an understanding of past successes and failures. The course will involve readings, discussion, and short assignments but no programming.
Neurocirugía; Marzo 2011, Volume 16Surgical Neurology InternationalEste documento presenta información sobre la Federación Latinoamericana de Sociedades de Neurocirugía (FLANC), incluyendo su directorio, comités, capítulos y revista oficial. Describe los objetivos y liderazgo de la organización, así como sus esfuerzos para promover la educación en neurocirugía en América Latina.
Tutorial 2Mohamed YaserThis document provides a summary of basic MATLAB commands organized into sections:
1) Basic scalar, vector, and matrix operations including declaring variables, performing arithmetic, accessing elements, and clearing memory.
2) Using character strings to print output and combine text.
3) Common mathematical operations like exponents, logarithms, trigonometric functions, rounding, and converting between numeric and string formats.
The document demonstrates how to perform essential tasks in MATLAB through examples and explanations of core commands. It serves as an introductory tutorial for newcomers to learn MATLAB's basic functionality.
7 habits of highly effective peopleMohamed YaserThe document summarizes key concepts from Stephen Covey's book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". It discusses the first three habits: 1) Be Proactive - take responsibility for your life and focus on things within your control. 2) Begin with the End in Mind - develop a personal mission statement and envision your goals. 3) Put First Things First - prioritize important tasks and spend time on high-impact activities to achieve your goals. Effective time management involves focusing on important tasks rather than urgent tasks.
Us navy introduction to helicopter aerodynamics workbook cnatra p-401 [us n...Mohamed Yaser Here are the answers to the review questions from Chapter 1:
1. Oxygen comprises approximately 21 percent of the earth's atmosphere.
2. Air density changes in direct proportion to pressure and inverse proportion to temperature, altitude, and humidity.
3. d. less dense.
4. pressure altitude
5. temperature and humidity
6. True
7. As temperature increases above standard day conditions, density altitude increases and air density decreases.
8. 4,500 feet
9. 6,600 feet
10. Increases density altitude, which decreases rotor efficiency.
11. Increased density altitude adversely affects both power required and power available. Power required increases due
Detection of swine hepatitis e virus in thekpillerThis document summarizes the detection of swine hepatitis E virus (HEV) in pig livers in Jeju Island, South Korea. Samples from pig livers showed mild to moderate hepatitis and yellowish discoloration. RT-PCR testing detected swine HEV infection in the liver tissue. The findings suggest that swine can be a reservoir for zoonotic HEV infection, posing a risk to those with occupations exposed to pigs.
Partesdemicuerpo2Francisco Jesús AntiñoloEl documento habla sobre las diferentes partes del cuerpo humano. Explica que el cuerpo está formado por segmentos corporales distintos como la cabeza, el pecho, los brazos, las manos y los pies. Además, señala que gracias a las articulaciones, el cuerpo puede realizar diversos movimientos de manera flexible.
Uni masr.com f29d8aea7936d9edc04dafcd2ad1b027Mohamed YaserThe document provides an introduction to basic aerodynamic concepts and laws. It defines steady and unsteady fluid flow, and one-, two-, and three-dimensional flow. It describes properties like streamlines, pathlines, and stream tubes. It introduces the governing equations of fluid flow like continuity, momentum, and energy equations. It derives Bernoulli's equation relating pressure and velocity at different points. It also discusses concepts like stagnation pressure, rotational and irrotational flow, and the average velocity in non-uniform flows.
AutismeHerry Purwanto PanjaitanMakalah ini membahas tentang autisme pada anak. Ada beberapa poin penting yang diangkat, yaitu: (1) pengertian autisme sebagai gangguan perkembangan pervasif yang menyebabkan kesulitan dalam berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi sosial, (2) gejala klinis seperti penarikan diri, kesulitan berkomunikasi, dan perilaku ritualistik, (3) penanganannya memerlukan pendekatan multidisplin meliputi terapi edukasi,
CIS 2303 LO2 Part 3Ahmad AmmariThis document discusses requirements modeling during the analysis phase of the systems development life cycle. It covers the importance of requirements, identifying requirements through various fact-finding techniques like interviews and questionnaires, and categorizing requirements into functional and technical categories like inputs, outputs, processes, performance, and controls. Key points covered include understanding user needs, determining requirements through open-ended questions in interviews, and using sampling approaches to ensure representations of the overall population.
Explorative services and UIs – MEX, London 2013Ocean ObservationsA short keynote on thoughts and issues related to the challenges of designing and evaluating explorative services and UIs.
F 20Mohamed YaserThe Northrop F-20 Tigershark was a privately developed fighter aircraft meant to be sold to foreign militaries as an alternative to the F-16. It shared a resemblance to the F-5 Freedom Fighter but had better performance with a single engine. Three prototypes were built in the 1980s but no sales materialized as potential buyers preferred the F-16 which was becoming more available for export. The project was ultimately cancelled after six years without any major orders.
PresentacionpresentacionFrancisco Jesús AntiñoloDos personas, Tomás y Mateo, se presentan y saludan. Intercambian información sobre dónde viven, con Tomás viviendo en la Calle Jaén y Mateo viviendo en la Calle Beata, ambos en la ciudad de Fuensanta.
What is nanotechnologyMohamed YaserNanotechnology refers to engineering at the molecular scale, typically 1-100 nanometers. In its original conception, it meant precisely constructing products through molecular manufacturing. While current work is simpler, the long term vision is to build complex products through mechanochemistry and molecular machine systems. Realizing this advanced nanotechnology could enable a manufacturing revolution within a decade through self-replicating nanofactories, exponentially proliferating production capabilities but also posing risks if not responsibly developed and governed.
Software Series 1Mohamed YaserThis document provides an overview and outline of a software engineering concepts course taught by Professor Nancy Leveson in Fall 2005. It discusses some of the challenges of software engineering and why it is a difficult problem. The objectives of the course are for students to be able to evaluate software engineering techniques critically and make informed decisions about approaches for projects based on an understanding of past successes and failures. The course will involve readings, discussion, and short assignments but no programming.
Neurocirugía; Marzo 2011, Volume 16Surgical Neurology InternationalEste documento presenta información sobre la Federación Latinoamericana de Sociedades de Neurocirugía (FLANC), incluyendo su directorio, comités, capítulos y revista oficial. Describe los objetivos y liderazgo de la organización, así como sus esfuerzos para promover la educación en neurocirugía en América Latina.
Tutorial 2Mohamed YaserThis document provides a summary of basic MATLAB commands organized into sections:
1) Basic scalar, vector, and matrix operations including declaring variables, performing arithmetic, accessing elements, and clearing memory.
2) Using character strings to print output and combine text.
3) Common mathematical operations like exponents, logarithms, trigonometric functions, rounding, and converting between numeric and string formats.
The document demonstrates how to perform essential tasks in MATLAB through examples and explanations of core commands. It serves as an introductory tutorial for newcomers to learn MATLAB's basic functionality.
7 habits of highly effective peopleMohamed YaserThe document summarizes key concepts from Stephen Covey's book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". It discusses the first three habits: 1) Be Proactive - take responsibility for your life and focus on things within your control. 2) Begin with the End in Mind - develop a personal mission statement and envision your goals. 3) Put First Things First - prioritize important tasks and spend time on high-impact activities to achieve your goals. Effective time management involves focusing on important tasks rather than urgent tasks.
Us navy introduction to helicopter aerodynamics workbook cnatra p-401 [us n...Mohamed Yaser Here are the answers to the review questions from Chapter 1:
1. Oxygen comprises approximately 21 percent of the earth's atmosphere.
2. Air density changes in direct proportion to pressure and inverse proportion to temperature, altitude, and humidity.
3. d. less dense.
4. pressure altitude
5. temperature and humidity
6. True
7. As temperature increases above standard day conditions, density altitude increases and air density decreases.
8. 4,500 feet
9. 6,600 feet
10. Increases density altitude, which decreases rotor efficiency.
11. Increased density altitude adversely affects both power required and power available. Power required increases due
Aerodynamics of the helicopter 2Mohamed YaserThe document discusses the history and development of artificial intelligence over the past 70 years. It outlines some of the key milestones in AI research from the early work in the 1950s to modern advances in machine learning using neural networks. While progress has been made, fully general human-level artificial intelligence remains an ongoing challenge being worked on by researchers.
Seddon j. basic helicopter aerodynamics [bsp prof. books 1990]Mohamed YaserThe document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive functioning. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help protect against mental illness and improve symptoms.
The 10 natural_laws_of_successful_time_and_life_managementMohamed YaserThe document summarizes the 10 natural laws of successful time and life management. It discusses how inner peace comes from aligning daily activities with core values. It provides a pyramid model showing the relationship between values, goals, and tasks. The laws discuss controlling events through planning, setting goals beyond one's comfort zone, and managing behavior by examining beliefs and needs. Behavior patterns reflect underlying beliefs, and negative behaviors are overcome by changing incorrect beliefs.
The 10 Natural Laws Of Successful Time And Life ManagementMohamed YaserThe document outlines 10 natural laws of successful time and life management according to Hyrum W. Smith. The three most important laws are:
1. Your governing values are the foundation of personal fulfillment. Identifying your core values through writing a "personal constitution" allows you to plan your time effectively.
2. When your daily activities reflect your governing values, prioritized in order of importance, you experience inner peace and avoid neglecting what matters most.
3. You control your life by controlling your time. Focus on identifying vital versus urgent tasks and spend maximum time on important priorities rather than what is simply urgent. Managing events according to your values leads to fulfillment.
Theory Of Wing SectionsMohamed YaserThis document discusses the development of a new type of battery that could revolutionize energy storage. It describes how the battery uses a solid electrolyte material that conducts ions quickly without using liquid electrolytes. This leads to a battery that charges faster, lasts longer and poses less risk of leaks or fires. The solid-state battery is expected to be commercially available within the next five years and could replace lithium-ion batteries in many applications.
F- 20Mohamed YaserThe Northrop F-20 Tigershark was a privately developed fighter aircraft intended to compete with the F-16 Fighting Falcon. It began flying in 1982 but failed to secure any orders due to the US relaxing restrictions on F-16 sales. While the F-20 had performance comparable to early F-16 models, its airframe was based on the older F-5 design with limited expansion capabilities. The last prototype is displayed at the California Science Center.
Copy of book1 in c++Mohamed YaserThis document lists dates from January 29th to February 28th. It includes columns for important events and tasks but these columns are empty. The document appears to be a monthly calendar intended to log events and tasks but it currently contains no information.
structure for aerospace engMohamed YaserThis document provides an introduction and overview of the structural design process for aerospace structures. It discusses that structural integrity is key to prevent failure, and the majority of accidents are due to structural material failure. The course will provide tools to properly design aerospace structures to ensure integrity. It notes that while aircraft structures have been the main focus, the techniques can be generalized to other structures like space structures. The structural design process is then outlined, with the goal being to ensure integrity while minimizing cost, often meaning weight. Key aspects of structural integrity are also defined.
TutorialMohamed YaserThis document provides an introduction to using MATLAB for numerical methods in chemical engineering. It discusses how computers solve problems by breaking them down into linear algebraic systems that can be represented as matrix equations. While compiled languages like FORTRAN are efficient, MATLAB is better suited for education and small-to-medium projects because it is an interpreted language, allowing interactive use without needing to compile code. MATLAB handles tasks like input/output, variable naming, and graphics internally through pre-compiled routines.
1Mohamed YaserThis document provides a tutorial on basic MATLAB commands for creating, manipulating, and operating on vectors and matrices. It describes how to create vectors and matrices, change their entries, perform matrix multiplication and inversion, extract submatrices, and create special matrices like identity and diagonal matrices. Examples are provided to illustrate various commands like eye, inv, backslash, and how to input vectors, matrices, and create M-files for functions and scripts.
realitivistic relativity 2.0Mohamed YaserThis document introduces an alternative theoretical framework to Einstein's theory of special relativity called Realitivistic Relativity 2.0. It proposes that star systems and atomic systems are fundamentally similar, with stars behaving like protons and planets like electrons. The author derived mathematical relationships between celestial objects and their quantum counterparts with high accuracy. This work maps objects in star systems to particles in atoms and vice versa, challenging existing interpretations of physics. It aims to simplify and unite physics through reexamining data from first principles without preconceived theories.
Lec5Mohamed YaserThis document summarizes a lecture on forces and moments transmitted by slender members. It defines slender members as long, skinny structural elements like skis, golf clubs, and I-beams. It discusses axial forces that act along the member's axis, shear forces that act in the plane of the member's face, and bending moments. Sign conventions for these internal loads are also defined. An example is provided to demonstrate calculating the internal forces and moments in a beam by setting up free body diagrams at different points.
Lec10 MECH ENG STRuctureMohamed Yaser1. The document summarizes mechanics concepts including equilibrium, force-deformation relationships, and compatibility as they relate to statically indeterminate structures.
2. It provides the equations to solve for forces and deformations on a 2D frame with applied load P and determines displacements are a function of material and geometric properties.
3. The summary solves for the displacements uDx and uDy of point D on the frame in terms of the applied load P, bar cross-sectional area A, length L, and angle θ using the equilibrium and compatibility equations.