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                                Lecture #5
                          Prof. Carol Livermore

When will a structure fail?

    1. What can the structural elements tolerate?
    2. What forces and moments are experienced in the various parts of the

EXAMPLE: Airplane


  Long, skinny structural elements

L >> b, L >> h

  EXAMPLE: Skis, Golf Clubs, I-Beams

Local axes follow the beam.


Forces that act along the axis of the slender member.


                    Fij (x) = N (x), i: face, j: direction, x: location

      Forces that act in the plane of a face.
Summarize Internal Loads:


                     Mxz (x2 ) > 0x: face, z: axis, x2 : location
                                 Mxz (x) = Mz (x)
   Bending Moment

   Sign Convention

Summarize sign conventions

N >0
N <0

V >0

V <0

M >0

M <0

EXAMPLE: Calculating internal forces and moments

Step 1: Find reactions at supports.

                                        Fx = 0
                                      R Ax = 0

                                        Fy = 0
                                R Ay ? P = 0
                                  R Ay = P

                                        MA = 0
                                MA ? P a = 0
                                  MA = P a

Step 2: If you have a multi-component structure, you will need to ?nd joint
forces too.

Step 3: Find internal forces and moments.
   1. Set up local coordinates.

   2. Identify interesting points.

   3. Cut beam and do FBDs.

For 0 < x < a

                                    Fx = 0
                                N =0

                                    Fy = 0
                              P ? Vy = 0
                                P = Vy

                                 MA = 0
                          P a + Mz ? P x = 0

                      Mz = P x ? P a = ?P (a ? x)
OR (From the other end)


                                    Fx = 0
                               ?N = 0
                                N =0

                                    Fy = 0
                             ?P + Vy = 0
                                Vy = P

                                 M? = 0
                          ?Mz ? P (a ? x) = 0

Mz = ?P (a ? x)
Note: This is the same as before.
For a < x < L

                                        Fx = 0
                                    ?N = 0
                                     N =0

                                        Fy = 0
                                    Vy = 0

                                        M? = 0
                                    ?Mz = 0
                                    Mz = 0
Step 4: Plot result and sanity check.


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  • 1. 2.001 - MECHANICS AND MATERIALS I Lecture #5 9/20/2006 Prof. Carol Livermore TOPIC: FORCES AND MOMENTS TRANSMITTED BY SLENDER MEM- BERS? When will a structure fail? Recall: 1. What can the structural elements tolerate? 2. What forces and moments are experienced in the various parts of the structure? EXAMPLE: Airplane EXAMPLE: Truss SLENDER MEMBERS Long, skinny structural elements 1
  • 2. L >> b, L >> h EXAMPLE: Skis, Golf Clubs, I-Beams Local axes follow the beam. AXIAL FORCES: Forces that act along the axis of the slender member. FBD Fij (x) = N (x), i: face, j: direction, x: location SHEAR FORCES: Forces that act in the plane of a face.
  • 3. Summarize Internal Loads: Moments: Mxz (x2 ) > 0x: face, z: axis, x2 : location Mxz (x) = Mz (x) Bending Moment Sign Convention Summarize sign conventions 3
  • 4. N >0 N <0 V >0 V <0 M >0 M <0 4
  • 5. EXAMPLE: Calculating internal forces and moments Step 1: Find reactions at supports. Fx = 0 R Ax = 0 Fy = 0 R Ay ? P = 0 R Ay = P MA = 0 MA ? P a = 0 MA = P a 5
  • 6. Step 2: If you have a multi-component structure, you will need to ?nd joint forces too. Step 3: Find internal forces and moments. 1. Set up local coordinates. 2. Identify interesting points. 3. Cut beam and do FBDs. 6
  • 7. For 0 < x < a Fx = 0 N =0 Fy = 0 P ? Vy = 0 P = Vy MA = 0 P a + Mz ? P x = 0 Mz = P x ? P a = ?P (a ? x) OR (From the other end) FBD Fx = 0 ?N = 0 N =0 Fy = 0 ?P + Vy = 0 Vy = P M? = 0 ?Mz ? P (a ? x) = 0 7
  • 8. Mz = ?P (a ? x) Note: This is the same as before. For a < x < L Fx = 0 ?N = 0 N =0 Fy = 0 Vy = 0 M? = 0 ?Mz = 0 Mz = 0 Step 4: Plot result and sanity check. 8