The 5th Cloud Foundry Code Reading in Japan.
How to deploy to Cloud Foundry from Jenkins using Maven plugin for Cloud Foundry.
Remote Debugging new feature in Micro Cloud Foundry.
Short introduction for IronFoundry.
El documento describe diferentes formas en que los usuarios del sistema de transporte MIO en Cali, Colombia pueden recargar la tarjeta, incluyendo a través de la página web, por teléfono, directamente con un operario o comprando recargas en la alcaldía. También menciona los costos fijos y variables asociados con el sistema MIO y el capital humano y conocimientos en informática necesarios para administrarlo.
Architecture vs. Design vs. Agile: What’s the Answer?TechWell
Is architecture the same as preliminary design in agile? It shouldn't be. Do we do architecture up front, then do iterative development after the architecture is done? That is edging back toward waterfall. Can you explain the purpose of the architecture in just two or three statements? Anthony Crain says that when he asks that question, he gets either verbose answers or blank stares. So Anthony shares an elegantly simple two bullet explanation of what an architecture does. Explore the models architects and designers should produce and learn why the models are so important to keep separate. Understand why it is vital to separate functional from nonfunctional requirements and how this affects architecture, design, and even code and test. Explore what a conceptual architectural model should look like vs. a physical one, and for the conceptual design model vs. a physical one—and the timing of all four models. Finally, explore the impact of iterative development on architecture.
DV Consulting, Lda | Presentation_ver.2013Daniel Velho
A DV Consulting é uma empresa de consultoria e solu??es em sistemas de gest?o que fornece servi?os como consultoria, forma??o e produtos relacionados a qualidade, ambiente, seguran?a e outros. A empresa busca compreender as necessidades dos clientes e construir rela??es de longo prazo enquanto promove a competitividade dos clientes.
The document discusses various topics related to time, days, months, seasons, verbs, and food groups. It provides the Spanish terms for times of day, days of the week, months, seasons, common verbs, and the main food groups that make up the food pyramid. Examples are given of verbs in the present simple tense, both affirmatively and negatively.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan kertas soalan matematik UPSR tahun 2001 yang berisi pengenalan soalan, arahan, dan contoh soalan matematik UPSR beserta jawapannya. Dokumen ini disediakan sebagai bahan latihan dan persiapan bagi peserta UPSR.
#LikeMommyLikeBaby`14 by Little KangaroosLCmediaHouse
#LikeMommyLikeBaby is Little Kangaroos one of a unique campaign executed on Facebook keeping in mind the most strongest bond of mother & baby. Celebrating mother's day with all the mothers and their babies was the best opportunity for Little Kangaroos to connect with it's right audience.
- 35% of non-elective hospital admissions in the UK are concentrated in just 1% of the population, who are highly transient and in need of proactive support.
- A proactive health coaching intervention aims to circumvent periods of high healthcare utilization by providing non-clinical support to empower patients and improve self-management, especially at the earliest signs of disease progression.
- Initial results found the intervention led to fewer hospital admissions and emergency department visits, shorter hospital stays, better health outcomes, and higher quality of life for patients.
Dokumen tersebut berisi kata-kata inspiratif yang dimulai dengan huruf T. Beberapa kata kunci yang muncul antara lain Tantangan, Terus, Terinspirasi, Tujuan, Tugas, Tanah, Terimakasih, serta Tersejahterakan. Secara ringkas, dokumen tersebut memberikan pesan bahwa dengan menghadapi tantangan secara terus menerus serta ditopang oleh tujuan dan tugas, seseorang dapat terus terinspirasi dan a
DV Consulting, Lda | Presentation_ver.2013Daniel Velho
A DV Consulting é uma empresa de consultoria e solu??es em sistemas de gest?o que fornece servi?os como consultoria, forma??o e produtos relacionados a qualidade, ambiente, seguran?a e outros. A empresa busca compreender as necessidades dos clientes e construir rela??es de longo prazo enquanto promove a competitividade dos clientes.
The document discusses various topics related to time, days, months, seasons, verbs, and food groups. It provides the Spanish terms for times of day, days of the week, months, seasons, common verbs, and the main food groups that make up the food pyramid. Examples are given of verbs in the present simple tense, both affirmatively and negatively.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan kertas soalan matematik UPSR tahun 2001 yang berisi pengenalan soalan, arahan, dan contoh soalan matematik UPSR beserta jawapannya. Dokumen ini disediakan sebagai bahan latihan dan persiapan bagi peserta UPSR.
#LikeMommyLikeBaby`14 by Little KangaroosLCmediaHouse
#LikeMommyLikeBaby is Little Kangaroos one of a unique campaign executed on Facebook keeping in mind the most strongest bond of mother & baby. Celebrating mother's day with all the mothers and their babies was the best opportunity for Little Kangaroos to connect with it's right audience.
- 35% of non-elective hospital admissions in the UK are concentrated in just 1% of the population, who are highly transient and in need of proactive support.
- A proactive health coaching intervention aims to circumvent periods of high healthcare utilization by providing non-clinical support to empower patients and improve self-management, especially at the earliest signs of disease progression.
- Initial results found the intervention led to fewer hospital admissions and emergency department visits, shorter hospital stays, better health outcomes, and higher quality of life for patients.
Dokumen tersebut berisi kata-kata inspiratif yang dimulai dengan huruf T. Beberapa kata kunci yang muncul antara lain Tantangan, Terus, Terinspirasi, Tujuan, Tugas, Tanah, Terimakasih, serta Tersejahterakan. Secara ringkas, dokumen tersebut memberikan pesan bahwa dengan menghadapi tantangan secara terus menerus serta ditopang oleh tujuan dan tugas, seseorang dapat terus terinspirasi dan a