Este documento presenta el currículum y portafolio de Abdier Sepúlveda Preciado, un consultor independiente de dise?o web y marketing. Incluye información sobre su educación formal en sistemas de información y tecnología educativa, así como su experiencia laboral de 6 a?os en ingeniería de software y proyectos de consultoría independiente. Además, muestra una lista de clientes para los cuales ha desarrollado sitios web, logotipos, dise?os gráficos y estrategias de marketing digital.
Using wikis to support small group work within English studies. A wiki was used to support group work on a module where students analyzed texts. Students found benefits to using the wiki including increased involvement, reflection on ideas, application and consolidation of knowledge from being able to see others' work, and accessibility of the work. The most beneficial activities were found to be writing summaries and peer review. The wiki contributed to better sharing of ideas, understanding of topics, and sharing of workload between group members. Most students reported improved or more frequent use of resources provided due to links and references on the wiki.
The document is a collection of quotes from various sources over 170 years that express skepticism about students' dependence on and use of new technologies in education. The quotes range from concerns in the early 1800s about students' reliance on slates and paper instead of using bark to do calculations, to worries in the 1990s-2000s about the use of graphing calculators, the internet, laptops, wireless networks, and cell phones and electronic devices in classrooms. The final line suggests considering what may have happened if educators had listened to these past warnings about new educational technologies.
NIAZ accreditatie en het primaire procesCees Sterk
Deze presentatie werd door Cees Sterk gegeven tijdens de uitreiking van het accreditatiebewijs aan het Maaslandziekenhuis door mw. Beaard, directeur van het NIAZ op 18 april 2008
Presentatie het concept van orbis medisch centrumCees Sterk
Deze presentatie geeft een overzicht van het nieuwe Orbis Medisch Centrum, het ziekenhuis van de 21ste eeuw. Dit ziekenhuis is geopend in februari 2009.
Este documento presenta el currículum y portafolio de Abdier Sepúlveda Preciado, un consultor independiente de dise?o web y marketing. Incluye información sobre su educación formal en sistemas de información y tecnología educativa, así como su experiencia laboral de 6 a?os en ingeniería de software y proyectos de consultoría independiente. Además, muestra una lista de clientes para los cuales ha desarrollado sitios web, logotipos, dise?os gráficos y estrategias de marketing digital.
Using wikis to support small group work within English studies. A wiki was used to support group work on a module where students analyzed texts. Students found benefits to using the wiki including increased involvement, reflection on ideas, application and consolidation of knowledge from being able to see others' work, and accessibility of the work. The most beneficial activities were found to be writing summaries and peer review. The wiki contributed to better sharing of ideas, understanding of topics, and sharing of workload between group members. Most students reported improved or more frequent use of resources provided due to links and references on the wiki.
The document is a collection of quotes from various sources over 170 years that express skepticism about students' dependence on and use of new technologies in education. The quotes range from concerns in the early 1800s about students' reliance on slates and paper instead of using bark to do calculations, to worries in the 1990s-2000s about the use of graphing calculators, the internet, laptops, wireless networks, and cell phones and electronic devices in classrooms. The final line suggests considering what may have happened if educators had listened to these past warnings about new educational technologies.
NIAZ accreditatie en het primaire procesCees Sterk
Deze presentatie werd door Cees Sterk gegeven tijdens de uitreiking van het accreditatiebewijs aan het Maaslandziekenhuis door mw. Beaard, directeur van het NIAZ op 18 april 2008
Presentatie het concept van orbis medisch centrumCees Sterk
Deze presentatie geeft een overzicht van het nieuwe Orbis Medisch Centrum, het ziekenhuis van de 21ste eeuw. Dit ziekenhuis is geopend in februari 2009.