Mobile Learning and Robotics in Taiwan / 台灣的行動學習與機器人教育CAVEDU Education
Mobile Learning and Robotics in Taiwan, Presentation in 2015 App Inventor Conference, GuanZhou, China.
台灣的行動學習與機器人教育, App Inventor 研討會, 廣州, 中國
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This document provides information about controlling GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi. It discusses using GPIO pins to blink an LED, read a button input, and control a DC motor with an L293D motor driver chip. It also covers configuring the serial port and using the RPIO library to add PWM and interrupt functions to GPIO control. Advanced topics include creating an internet-controlled robot with Livebots and examples on the RPIO documentation website.
This document provides information about controlling GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi. It discusses using GPIO pins to blink an LED, read a button input, and control a DC motor with an L293D motor driver chip. It also covers configuring the serial port and using the RPIO library to add PWM and interrupt functions to GPIO control. Advanced topics include creating an internet-controlled robot with Livebots and examples on the RPIO documentation website.
From computational Thinking to computational Action - Dr. Hal Abelson, MIT Ap...CAVEDU Education
This document discusses the history and development of computational thinking and computational action through the MIT App Inventor project. It provides examples of how students from around the world have used App Inventor to create apps that address real-world issues in their communities, such as finding clean water sources and improving healthcare. The document also outlines the growing global use of App Inventor and how it enables students to engage in computational thinking and action through designing and building mobile apps.
LinkIt 7697 outer case - DesignSpark Mechanical / OnkscapeCAVEDU Education
This topic will show how to design a outer case of LinkIt 7697 board.
Today we use DesignSpark Mechanical 2.0 to desgn it and use Inkspace convert to *.PDF file.
PDF files can support almost all kinds of drawing program and export to laser beam cutting machine.
designer: yulun @CAVEDU
file download:
Tutorial of LinkIt 7697 IoT dev board, including Arduino IDE setup, BlocklyDuino GUI, Mediatel Cloud Sandbox and how to interact throught BLE (App Inventor).
LinkIt 7697物聯網開發板教學,包含Arduino IDE、BlocklyDuino圖形化介面、MCS雲服務以及使用 App Inventor 進行 BLE 互動.
Power by CAVEDU Education;
App Inventor TW
This document discusses the UP board, an Intel Atom-based development board for makers and startups. It has powerful performance from the Intel Atom processor and supports operating systems like Android, Windows 10, and Linux. The UP board is affordable at $89 and has expansion capabilities through HATs. It is positioned as a complete ecosystem for IoT development across various applications like robotics, intelligent home, and more.
How to write an app with App Inventor, you can use it to control Arduino 101 board by BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy).
Tutorial and source code:
Workshop @ maker FAire Singapore 2016