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DRAW A LINE SEPARATING TODAY & YESTERDAY 1) Write:   Date:  03/25/11 , Topic:  General Election 2) Next line, write  Opener #40  and then:  1) Write  1 high + 1   low   in last 24 hours 2) Rate your understanding of yesterday:  lost < 1-5 > too easy (3 is perfect) 3) Respond to the  Opening Clip  by writing at least   1 sentences  about : Your opinions/thoughts  OR/AND Questions sparked by the clip   OR/AND Summary of the clip  OR/AND Announcements: None
Agenda 1)  General Election Notes 2)  Mock Election Prep What you will be able to do: 1)  How do we select a president? Reminder 1)   Complete your podcast worksheet
Review: Primary Elections (Jan-Jun) Voters Vote Based on Voter Results, Delegated Pledged to Candidates Delegates go to Convention (Aug), 50%+ is winner. Dem: 20% of del. Are super del, pledged to no one. Focus most energy on first 2: IA, NH (Jan) Gen elec in Nov
Notes #39a , Title:  General Election Notes    1)   General Election (Nov) :  Primary winner from each party (including 3 rd  parties) fight. Ppl Vote  >  Electoral College Votes  >  Winner   2)   Electoral College (EC) (Dec) :  Constitutionally created a safety check. Each  state legislatures  picks ppl to be electors (538).  EC electors pledge to vote how states voters voted. 3)  EC Representation : Each  state gets #  of electors  equal to  # US Senators (2)  +   # of US House members (53) .  Total: 100+435+3 for DC=538 4)  General Election is Winner Takes All (270):  Unlike primaries,  general elec is winner takes all . If someone wins  plurality (more than others)  of the voters, they get  ALL that states electoral votes .
Notes #39a , Title:  General Election Notes    1)   General Election (Nov) :  Primary winner from each party (including 3 rd  parties) fight. Ppl Vote  >  Electoral College Votes  >  Winner
Notes #39a , Title:  General Election Notes    2)   Electoral College (EC) (Dec) :  Constitutionally created a safety check/small state booster. Each  state legislatures  picks ppl to be electors (538).  EC electors pledge to vote how states voters voted.
Notes #39a , Title:  General Election Notes    3)  EC Representation : Each  state gets #  of electors  equal to  # US Senators (2)  +   # of US House members (53) .  Total: 100+435+3 for DC=538
House: 435 Senate: 100 DC: 3 435+100+3=538 http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/calculator/
Notes #39a , Title:  General Election Notes    4)  General Election is Winner Takes All (270):  Unlike primaries,  general elec is winner takes all . If someone wins  plurality (more than others)  of the voters, they get  ALL that states electoral votes .
5)   Electoral College Numbers:   House (435)+ Senate (100)+DC (3)=538 . Over 50% to win the EC. 538/2=269. 269+1=270.  So 270/538 to win .
House: 435 Senate: 100 DC: 3 435+100+3=538 538/2=269=50%,  270/538=50.1% http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/calculator/
Barbara Lett-Simmons (2000)
POPULATION EC US   296,410,404 538 California   36,553,215 55 Texas   23,904,380 39 New York   19,297,729 31 North Dakota  639,715 3 Vermont  621,254 3 Wyoming   522,830 3
Journ #39a ,  Electoral College Debate  1)  Read the 2 sides, choose 1 side, and write which you choose and  explain   why . 2)  Then write down what your partner thinks ( include their name at the end ). 1    2   3  4  5 CON: Ditch the EC 1) EC makes candidates ignore really liberal or conservative states 2) CA, biggest state totally ignored, give each voter equal voice  3) Its confusing PRO: Keep the EC 1) Its worked so far (kinda) 2) Small states get at least 3 EC, they need an amplified voice 3) One day we might need the safety check
Journ #40a ,   2012 EC Strategy  Read the chart and  label map  ( I-Impossible,  L-Loyal , and  S-Swing   based on   % ), AND add  Loyal  and  Swing  goal is to get to 270.  ADD UP L+S CA L  55 HI S  4  CIRCLE ANY S STATE NY  L  31 Total of L+S: 90 (180 to go)
2008:  GOP/McCain: 46%   DEM/Obama: 53%
2008:  GOP/McCain: 46%   DEM/Obama: 53%
2008:  GOP/McCain: 46%   DEM/Obama: 53%
2008:  GOP/McCain: 46%   DEM/Obama: 53%
2004:  GOP/Bush: 51%  DEM/Kerry: 48%
2004:  GOP/Bush: 51%  DEM/Kerry: 48%
2004:  GOP/Bush: 51%  DEM/Kerry: 48%
2000:  GOP/Bush: 48%  DEM/Gore: 48%
Notes #40a  Campaign Strategy  1)   Swing State Strategy:   Poll to find out which states will vote for you or against you no matter what, and ignore them (CA). Focus on swing states. Recent swing  states: Nevada Colorado Ohio Pennsylvania Florida
2)  Microtarget : Money + Time of  Volunteers are Scarce ( copy chart ) Increasing vote by mail means  microtarget must start earlier.
3 )  Info Shortcuts : Short on time, voters rely on cues from campaigns and trust ppl to make decisions
4 )  Negative Ads : Neg  reduces voter turnout , but  works  to hurt target. Too neg can backfire if ad sponsored by candidate. 1 st  Am protects SIGS ( 527s ) write to launch neg ads with  little conseq .
Journ #40b ,  Negative Attacks Debate  1)  Read the 2 sides, choose 1 side, and write which you choose and  explain   why . 2)  Then write down what your partner thinks ( include their  name  at the end ). 1    2   3  4  5 CON: Negative ads are bad for democracy 1) Negative ads dont inform, they obfuscate (which means they mislead) 2) Negative ads reduce voter turn out and increase gov cynicism PRO: Negative ads are good for democracy 1) Voters dont have time to research candidates, so we need their opponents to present this 2) This makes sure candidates are tough enough to do the job
Journ #40c , Title  Video: Obama Youth  1)  Copy Source Title:   Current 2)  Discuss questions on the board with a partner. Summarize your discussion ( include their  name  at the end ).  Remember participation points are deducted if off task.  5 Reading/Film Qs Come From These Work Sections
Journ # , Title  A  1)  Copy Source Title:   A 2)  Discuss questions on the board with a partner. Summarize your discussion ( include their name at the end ).  Remember participation points are deducted if off task.  5 Reading/Film Qs Come From These Work Sections
Your Prompt (10 Points): A 2+EC for those who volunteer to read theirs at the end (Ill pick a few at random as well).
Homework:  1)  Complete your podcast worksheet Workbook Check:  If your name is called, drop off your workbook with Mr. Chiang ( if requested, points lost if your workbook is not turned in )

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  • 1. DRAW A LINE SEPARATING TODAY & YESTERDAY 1) Write: Date: 03/25/11 , Topic: General Election 2) Next line, write Opener #40 and then: 1) Write 1 high + 1 low in last 24 hours 2) Rate your understanding of yesterday: lost < 1-5 > too easy (3 is perfect) 3) Respond to the Opening Clip by writing at least 1 sentences about : Your opinions/thoughts OR/AND Questions sparked by the clip OR/AND Summary of the clip OR/AND Announcements: None
  • 2. Agenda 1) General Election Notes 2) Mock Election Prep What you will be able to do: 1) How do we select a president? Reminder 1) Complete your podcast worksheet
  • 3. Review: Primary Elections (Jan-Jun) Voters Vote Based on Voter Results, Delegated Pledged to Candidates Delegates go to Convention (Aug), 50%+ is winner. Dem: 20% of del. Are super del, pledged to no one. Focus most energy on first 2: IA, NH (Jan) Gen elec in Nov
  • 4. Notes #39a , Title: General Election Notes 1) General Election (Nov) : Primary winner from each party (including 3 rd parties) fight. Ppl Vote > Electoral College Votes > Winner 2) Electoral College (EC) (Dec) : Constitutionally created a safety check. Each state legislatures picks ppl to be electors (538). EC electors pledge to vote how states voters voted. 3) EC Representation : Each state gets # of electors equal to # US Senators (2) + # of US House members (53) . Total: 100+435+3 for DC=538 4) General Election is Winner Takes All (270): Unlike primaries, general elec is winner takes all . If someone wins plurality (more than others) of the voters, they get ALL that states electoral votes .
  • 5. Notes #39a , Title: General Election Notes 1) General Election (Nov) : Primary winner from each party (including 3 rd parties) fight. Ppl Vote > Electoral College Votes > Winner
  • 6. Notes #39a , Title: General Election Notes 2) Electoral College (EC) (Dec) : Constitutionally created a safety check/small state booster. Each state legislatures picks ppl to be electors (538). EC electors pledge to vote how states voters voted.
  • 7. Notes #39a , Title: General Election Notes 3) EC Representation : Each state gets # of electors equal to # US Senators (2) + # of US House members (53) . Total: 100+435+3 for DC=538
  • 8. House: 435 Senate: 100 DC: 3 435+100+3=538 http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/calculator/
  • 9. Notes #39a , Title: General Election Notes 4) General Election is Winner Takes All (270): Unlike primaries, general elec is winner takes all . If someone wins plurality (more than others) of the voters, they get ALL that states electoral votes .
  • 10.
  • 11. 5) Electoral College Numbers: House (435)+ Senate (100)+DC (3)=538 . Over 50% to win the EC. 538/2=269. 269+1=270. So 270/538 to win .
  • 12. House: 435 Senate: 100 DC: 3 435+100+3=538 538/2=269=50%, 270/538=50.1% http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/calculator/
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 20. POPULATION EC US 296,410,404 538 California 36,553,215 55 Texas 23,904,380 39 New York 19,297,729 31 North Dakota 639,715 3 Vermont 621,254 3 Wyoming 522,830 3
  • 21. Journ #39a , Electoral College Debate 1) Read the 2 sides, choose 1 side, and write which you choose and explain why . 2) Then write down what your partner thinks ( include their name at the end ). 1 2 3 4 5 CON: Ditch the EC 1) EC makes candidates ignore really liberal or conservative states 2) CA, biggest state totally ignored, give each voter equal voice 3) Its confusing PRO: Keep the EC 1) Its worked so far (kinda) 2) Small states get at least 3 EC, they need an amplified voice 3) One day we might need the safety check
  • 22. Journ #40a , 2012 EC Strategy Read the chart and label map ( I-Impossible, L-Loyal , and S-Swing based on % ), AND add Loyal and Swing goal is to get to 270. ADD UP L+S CA L 55 HI S 4 CIRCLE ANY S STATE NY L 31 Total of L+S: 90 (180 to go)
  • 23.
  • 24. 2008: GOP/McCain: 46% DEM/Obama: 53%
  • 25. 2008: GOP/McCain: 46% DEM/Obama: 53%
  • 26. 2008: GOP/McCain: 46% DEM/Obama: 53%
  • 27. 2008: GOP/McCain: 46% DEM/Obama: 53%
  • 28. 2004: GOP/Bush: 51% DEM/Kerry: 48%
  • 29. 2004: GOP/Bush: 51% DEM/Kerry: 48%
  • 30. 2004: GOP/Bush: 51% DEM/Kerry: 48%
  • 31. 2000: GOP/Bush: 48% DEM/Gore: 48%
  • 32. Notes #40a Campaign Strategy 1) Swing State Strategy: Poll to find out which states will vote for you or against you no matter what, and ignore them (CA). Focus on swing states. Recent swing states: Nevada Colorado Ohio Pennsylvania Florida
  • 33.
  • 34. 2) Microtarget : Money + Time of Volunteers are Scarce ( copy chart ) Increasing vote by mail means microtarget must start earlier.
  • 35. 3 ) Info Shortcuts : Short on time, voters rely on cues from campaigns and trust ppl to make decisions
  • 36. 4 ) Negative Ads : Neg reduces voter turnout , but works to hurt target. Too neg can backfire if ad sponsored by candidate. 1 st Am protects SIGS ( 527s ) write to launch neg ads with little conseq .
  • 37. Journ #40b , Negative Attacks Debate 1) Read the 2 sides, choose 1 side, and write which you choose and explain why . 2) Then write down what your partner thinks ( include their name at the end ). 1 2 3 4 5 CON: Negative ads are bad for democracy 1) Negative ads dont inform, they obfuscate (which means they mislead) 2) Negative ads reduce voter turn out and increase gov cynicism PRO: Negative ads are good for democracy 1) Voters dont have time to research candidates, so we need their opponents to present this 2) This makes sure candidates are tough enough to do the job
  • 38. Journ #40c , Title Video: Obama Youth 1) Copy Source Title: Current 2) Discuss questions on the board with a partner. Summarize your discussion ( include their name at the end ). Remember participation points are deducted if off task. 5 Reading/Film Qs Come From These Work Sections
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41. Journ # , Title A 1) Copy Source Title: A 2) Discuss questions on the board with a partner. Summarize your discussion ( include their name at the end ). Remember participation points are deducted if off task. 5 Reading/Film Qs Come From These Work Sections
  • 42. Your Prompt (10 Points): A 2+EC for those who volunteer to read theirs at the end (Ill pick a few at random as well).
  • 43. Homework: 1) Complete your podcast worksheet Workbook Check: If your name is called, drop off your workbook with Mr. Chiang ( if requested, points lost if your workbook is not turned in )