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DRAW A LINE SEPARATING TODAY & YESTERDAY 1) Write:   Date:  03/25/11 , Topic:  Entrepreneurship 2) Next line, write  Opener #40  and then:  1) Write  1 high + 1   low   in last 24 hours 2) Rate your understanding of yesterday:  lost < 1-5 > too easy (3 is perfect) 3) Respond to the  Opening Clip  by writing at least   1 sentences  about : Your opinions/thoughts  OR/AND Questions sparked by the clip   OR/AND Summary of the clip  OR/AND Announcements: None
Agenda 1)  Intro to Starting Biz (non-restaurant) End Goal, you will be able to 1)  Understand why entrepreneurs matter. Reminder 1)  Complete your podcast worksheet
Adsense 1,000 page views per day . At a 1.0% click-through rate and $0.15 pay-off per click to you, in a 30-day month you can expect to make: Monthly income:  1,000 x 30 x 0.01(1%) x $0.15 =$45 1,000,000 page views per day . At a 1.0% click-through rate and $0.15 pay-off per click to you, in a 30-day month you can expect to make: Monthly income:  1,000,000 x 30 x 0.01(1%) x $0.15  =$45,000
Journ #39a , Title  SWOT 1  Strength:  Current Strengths Weakness:  Current Weaknesses Opportunity:  Areas to Expand Threats:  Competitors With a partner: 1s, 1w, 1o, 1t)  SWOT: whateverlife.com Include their name!
Work #39b , Title  SWOT 2  Strength:  Current Strengths Weakness:  Current Weaknesses Opportunity:  Areas to Expand Threats:  Competitors With a partner: 1s, 1w, 1o, 1t)  SWOT: Raptr.com
Entrepreneur : Person who starts a business, fulfills a need, makes money.
Only  1/5 th   of Americans are  self employed , but they account for more than  2/3rds  of all American  millionaires .
+  650,000  new businesses each year -  30%  left after five years Over the lifetime of a business,  40%  are profitable,  30%  break even, and  30%  lose money
Small businesses produce  43% of GDP   (Gross Domestic Product, all things produced in the USA) Small businesses provide  44.4%  of the total U.S. private  jobs
Entrepreneurs have been responsible for  67%  of the  inventions  and  95%  of the  radical innovations  made since WW II
Women currently own  approximately  9.1 million  small businesses in the U.S.  and are starting them at  twice  the rate of their male counterparts.
Notes #39a , Title:  Entrepreneur Notes    1)   Entrepreneur:  Starts a business 2)   Venture:  New business a) Capital:  Money ( Venture Capital ) 3)   Equity:  Ownership (things you own)  4)  Business Model :   How you make money a) Profit Margin:  Price - Cost (often in %) Example: Cost: $100, Price: $150=PM: 33% 5)   Market Target:  Your Likely Customer a) Market Size:  # of Likely Cust. b) Market Growth:  Increase in Likely Cust.
Notes #39a , Title:  Entrepreneurship  6)   Winning Business Idea THIS IS NOT ABOUT INVENTING.  Its about doing something  better  than others. Improve (or invent), what ever will  increase customer utility . Provide a product or service so superior, that customers will switch to you! You dont need to be the first in a market, just the best.  BUT DO  NOT  TRICK THE CUSTOMER!
Journ #40a , Title  SWOT 3  Strength:  Current Strengths Weakness:  Current Weaknesses Opportunity:  Areas to Expand Threats:  Competitors As a Team: 1s, 1w, 1o, 1t)  SWOT Dropbox.com 2)  Come up with a better business concept ( killer idea ) for startup Tiger Storage to kill Dropbox, kill kill kill kill kill kill!  STEAL AND MAKE BETTER!
Journ #40a , Title  SWOT 3  Strength:  Current Strengths Weakness:  Current Weaknesses Opportunity:  Areas to Expand Threats:  Competitors As a Team: 1s, 1w, 1o, 1t)  SWOT Etsy.com 2)  Come up with a better business concept ( killer idea ) for startup Tiger Crafts to kill Etsy, kill kill kill kill kill kill!  STEAL AND MAKE BETTER!
Journ #40c ,  Title  Business Model  As a team, solve this: 99% of electronic music is China is pirated. Develop a business model that will make selling music in  China profitable ( Prize: $100 ). 1)  Write down the business model Assign person to give the elevator pitch.
Notes #40a , Title:  Entrepreneurship  Provide a product or service so superior, that customers will switch to you! You dont need to be the first in a market, just the best.  BUT DO  NOT  TRICK THE CUSTOMER! 1)   Intellectual Property: a)  Trademark : Brand ID  (long as in biz) b)  Copyright : Unique words, imgs, sounds (120 years) c)  Patent : Unique process is protected+public  (17 years) d)  Trade Secrets : Biz secret way of doing things  (gives you right to sue if stolen)
Mature Market   Successful and stable companies already exist. Start ups have the additional challenge of taking on pre-existing competitors, but for winners,  the profits are proven .  (Jetblue, Virgin America) Growing Market   None or not many companies providing it, so the start up goal is to establish themselves.  Easiest environment for start ups, but profits unproven . (Online Video on Demand: Veoh, Lulu)
Review Business Model : How you make money NBC TV:  Comcast Cable:  Google:  Facebook:  PayPal:  Chase:  Virgin Am Airlines:  Ford:  Best Buy:  Costco:  Pandora:  Sarah Lee:  KwickCart (Free Bike Taxi):  NBA Team:
Review Business Model : How you make money NBC TV:  Ad Revenue + Selling Shows (Syndic, DVD) Comcast Cable:  Ad Revenue + Fee Based Google:  Ad Revenue Facebook:  Ad Revenue PayPal:  Transaction Fee Chase:  Interest on Loans, Buying Bonds, Cust. Fees Virgin Am Airlines:  Airfare + Extra Add-on Services Ford:  Car Sales  Best Buy:  Product Sales + Ext Warranties Costco:  Product Sales + Membership Fee Pandora:  Ad Revenue + Fee Based Sarah Lee:  Selling Branding Rights to Food Makers KwickCart (Free Bike Taxi):  Sale of Ads on Pedicarts NBA Team:  Tickets + Licensing Brand
Journ #40b ,  Title  Market Targets  With a partner ( include their name ): 1)  Name a  mature market  that is open to fresh competition. 2)  Name a  new market  that is not yet dominated by any significant companies, so its anyones game.
Notes #39b , Title:  Entrepreneurship  2)   Who Will Give You Money? a)  Private : You, family, friends (InNOut) b)  Loan : Bank loan ( Small Business Administration backs your loan ) c)  Partnerships : Person gives you money, in return you contractually give them partial ownership ( general part. vs limited liability part.-LLP ) i)  Angel Investors : Rich ppl ii)  Venture Capital Firms : Biz who invest $ in biz  c)  Stocks-Initial Public Offering-IPO : Sell ownership of your biz for $ (Google) i)  Private Shares : Biz can sell shares in a limited 500 ppl (Facebok)
Notes #39b , Title:  Entrepreneurship  ii)  Stock Ownership : Who/group that has most controls  (stocks can split, 1 shares can become 100 shares, you can lost control if your own shares dont split)
Journ #40c , Title  Video: How I Made My Millions  1)  Copy Source Title:   CNBC 2)  Discuss questions on the board with a partner. Summarize your discussion ( include their  name  at the end ).  Remember participation points are deducted if off task.  5 Reading/Film Qs Come From These Work Sections Time Bookmark: 00:00
Journ # ,  Title  Do It Better  As a Team: 1)  With your team, identify  1 business that isnt doing as good as it could.  Explain how the business could be done better. Example:  Jack in Box could offer whole wheat buns or other healthy options.  Its about doing something  better  than other people. Improve or invent, what ever will  increase  a customers utility.
Journ # ,  Title  Do It Better 2  As a Team: 1)  List of possible businesses to finalize on Monday  (BE INNOVATIVE! ANY BIZ BUT YOU WILL BE WORKING ON IT FOR WEEKS SO CHOOSE WISELY!). Its about doing something  better  than other people. Improve or invent, what ever will  increase  a customers utility.
Notes # , Title:  Entrepreneurship  3)   Elevator Pitch In under 90sec, covers: 1- whats the problem and solution 2- how do you make money 3- who is the market and how much is the market worth  4- what is your advantage  5- how much will you (and they) make (% of market captured) 6- what are you asking ($ needed)
Journ # , Title  A  1)  Copy Source Title:   A 2)  Discuss questions on the board with a partner. Summarize your discussion ( include their name at the end ).  Remember participation points are deducted if off task.  5 Reading/Film Qs Come From These Work Sections
Your Prompt (10 Points): A 2+EC for those who volunteer to read theirs at the end (Ill pick a few at random as well).
Homework:  1)  Complete your podcast worksheet Workbook Check:  If your name is called, drop off your workbook with Mr. Chiang ( if requested, points lost if your workbook is not turned in )

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  • 1. DRAW A LINE SEPARATING TODAY & YESTERDAY 1) Write: Date: 03/25/11 , Topic: Entrepreneurship 2) Next line, write Opener #40 and then: 1) Write 1 high + 1 low in last 24 hours 2) Rate your understanding of yesterday: lost < 1-5 > too easy (3 is perfect) 3) Respond to the Opening Clip by writing at least 1 sentences about : Your opinions/thoughts OR/AND Questions sparked by the clip OR/AND Summary of the clip OR/AND Announcements: None
  • 2. Agenda 1) Intro to Starting Biz (non-restaurant) End Goal, you will be able to 1) Understand why entrepreneurs matter. Reminder 1) Complete your podcast worksheet
  • 3. Adsense 1,000 page views per day . At a 1.0% click-through rate and $0.15 pay-off per click to you, in a 30-day month you can expect to make: Monthly income: 1,000 x 30 x 0.01(1%) x $0.15 =$45 1,000,000 page views per day . At a 1.0% click-through rate and $0.15 pay-off per click to you, in a 30-day month you can expect to make: Monthly income: 1,000,000 x 30 x 0.01(1%) x $0.15 =$45,000
  • 4. Journ #39a , Title SWOT 1 Strength: Current Strengths Weakness: Current Weaknesses Opportunity: Areas to Expand Threats: Competitors With a partner: 1s, 1w, 1o, 1t) SWOT: whateverlife.com Include their name!
  • 5.
  • 6. Work #39b , Title SWOT 2 Strength: Current Strengths Weakness: Current Weaknesses Opportunity: Areas to Expand Threats: Competitors With a partner: 1s, 1w, 1o, 1t) SWOT: Raptr.com
  • 7. Entrepreneur : Person who starts a business, fulfills a need, makes money.
  • 8. Only 1/5 th of Americans are self employed , but they account for more than 2/3rds of all American millionaires .
  • 9. + 650,000 new businesses each year - 30% left after five years Over the lifetime of a business, 40% are profitable, 30% break even, and 30% lose money
  • 10. Small businesses produce 43% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product, all things produced in the USA) Small businesses provide 44.4% of the total U.S. private jobs
  • 11. Entrepreneurs have been responsible for 67% of the inventions and 95% of the radical innovations made since WW II
  • 12. Women currently own approximately 9.1 million small businesses in the U.S. and are starting them at twice the rate of their male counterparts.
  • 13. Notes #39a , Title: Entrepreneur Notes 1) Entrepreneur: Starts a business 2) Venture: New business a) Capital: Money ( Venture Capital ) 3) Equity: Ownership (things you own) 4) Business Model : How you make money a) Profit Margin: Price - Cost (often in %) Example: Cost: $100, Price: $150=PM: 33% 5) Market Target: Your Likely Customer a) Market Size: # of Likely Cust. b) Market Growth: Increase in Likely Cust.
  • 14. Notes #39a , Title: Entrepreneurship 6) Winning Business Idea THIS IS NOT ABOUT INVENTING. Its about doing something better than others. Improve (or invent), what ever will increase customer utility . Provide a product or service so superior, that customers will switch to you! You dont need to be the first in a market, just the best. BUT DO NOT TRICK THE CUSTOMER!
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25. Journ #40a , Title SWOT 3 Strength: Current Strengths Weakness: Current Weaknesses Opportunity: Areas to Expand Threats: Competitors As a Team: 1s, 1w, 1o, 1t) SWOT Dropbox.com 2) Come up with a better business concept ( killer idea ) for startup Tiger Storage to kill Dropbox, kill kill kill kill kill kill! STEAL AND MAKE BETTER!
  • 26. Journ #40a , Title SWOT 3 Strength: Current Strengths Weakness: Current Weaknesses Opportunity: Areas to Expand Threats: Competitors As a Team: 1s, 1w, 1o, 1t) SWOT Etsy.com 2) Come up with a better business concept ( killer idea ) for startup Tiger Crafts to kill Etsy, kill kill kill kill kill kill! STEAL AND MAKE BETTER!
  • 27. Journ #40c , Title Business Model As a team, solve this: 99% of electronic music is China is pirated. Develop a business model that will make selling music in China profitable ( Prize: $100 ). 1) Write down the business model Assign person to give the elevator pitch.
  • 28. Notes #40a , Title: Entrepreneurship Provide a product or service so superior, that customers will switch to you! You dont need to be the first in a market, just the best. BUT DO NOT TRICK THE CUSTOMER! 1) Intellectual Property: a) Trademark : Brand ID (long as in biz) b) Copyright : Unique words, imgs, sounds (120 years) c) Patent : Unique process is protected+public (17 years) d) Trade Secrets : Biz secret way of doing things (gives you right to sue if stolen)
  • 29. Mature Market Successful and stable companies already exist. Start ups have the additional challenge of taking on pre-existing competitors, but for winners, the profits are proven . (Jetblue, Virgin America) Growing Market None or not many companies providing it, so the start up goal is to establish themselves. Easiest environment for start ups, but profits unproven . (Online Video on Demand: Veoh, Lulu)
  • 30. Review Business Model : How you make money NBC TV: Comcast Cable: Google: Facebook: PayPal: Chase: Virgin Am Airlines: Ford: Best Buy: Costco: Pandora: Sarah Lee: KwickCart (Free Bike Taxi): NBA Team:
  • 31. Review Business Model : How you make money NBC TV: Ad Revenue + Selling Shows (Syndic, DVD) Comcast Cable: Ad Revenue + Fee Based Google: Ad Revenue Facebook: Ad Revenue PayPal: Transaction Fee Chase: Interest on Loans, Buying Bonds, Cust. Fees Virgin Am Airlines: Airfare + Extra Add-on Services Ford: Car Sales Best Buy: Product Sales + Ext Warranties Costco: Product Sales + Membership Fee Pandora: Ad Revenue + Fee Based Sarah Lee: Selling Branding Rights to Food Makers KwickCart (Free Bike Taxi): Sale of Ads on Pedicarts NBA Team: Tickets + Licensing Brand
  • 32. Journ #40b , Title Market Targets With a partner ( include their name ): 1) Name a mature market that is open to fresh competition. 2) Name a new market that is not yet dominated by any significant companies, so its anyones game.
  • 33. Notes #39b , Title: Entrepreneurship 2) Who Will Give You Money? a) Private : You, family, friends (InNOut) b) Loan : Bank loan ( Small Business Administration backs your loan ) c) Partnerships : Person gives you money, in return you contractually give them partial ownership ( general part. vs limited liability part.-LLP ) i) Angel Investors : Rich ppl ii) Venture Capital Firms : Biz who invest $ in biz c) Stocks-Initial Public Offering-IPO : Sell ownership of your biz for $ (Google) i) Private Shares : Biz can sell shares in a limited 500 ppl (Facebok)
  • 34. Notes #39b , Title: Entrepreneurship ii) Stock Ownership : Who/group that has most controls (stocks can split, 1 shares can become 100 shares, you can lost control if your own shares dont split)
  • 35. Journ #40c , Title Video: How I Made My Millions 1) Copy Source Title: CNBC 2) Discuss questions on the board with a partner. Summarize your discussion ( include their name at the end ). Remember participation points are deducted if off task. 5 Reading/Film Qs Come From These Work Sections Time Bookmark: 00:00
  • 36. Journ # , Title Do It Better As a Team: 1) With your team, identify 1 business that isnt doing as good as it could. Explain how the business could be done better. Example: Jack in Box could offer whole wheat buns or other healthy options. Its about doing something better than other people. Improve or invent, what ever will increase a customers utility.
  • 37. Journ # , Title Do It Better 2 As a Team: 1) List of possible businesses to finalize on Monday (BE INNOVATIVE! ANY BIZ BUT YOU WILL BE WORKING ON IT FOR WEEKS SO CHOOSE WISELY!). Its about doing something better than other people. Improve or invent, what ever will increase a customers utility.
  • 38. Notes # , Title: Entrepreneurship 3) Elevator Pitch In under 90sec, covers: 1- whats the problem and solution 2- how do you make money 3- who is the market and how much is the market worth 4- what is your advantage 5- how much will you (and they) make (% of market captured) 6- what are you asking ($ needed)
  • 39. Journ # , Title A 1) Copy Source Title: A 2) Discuss questions on the board with a partner. Summarize your discussion ( include their name at the end ). Remember participation points are deducted if off task. 5 Reading/Film Qs Come From These Work Sections
  • 40. Your Prompt (10 Points): A 2+EC for those who volunteer to read theirs at the end (Ill pick a few at random as well).
  • 41. Homework: 1) Complete your podcast worksheet Workbook Check: If your name is called, drop off your workbook with Mr. Chiang ( if requested, points lost if your workbook is not turned in )