06.01 行政院開放資料諮詢會議 - 第一次開會
這份報告主要是內政部根據 OKFN 的 Open Data Index 中關於地理圖資的部分所做的分析與報告
其中幾個重點是,Open Data Index 中幾個在地理圖資開放拿到高分的國家 (10 分) 其實並沒有真的開放多少地理圖資。相對之下,臺灣在這方面在今年的規劃中應該可以開放更多。
關於開放的部分 - 其實有一個大的問題是販賣地理圖資的收入是內政部歲入的重要來源之一。而在沒有辦法處理這個問題前(預算編列,政策擬定)是很難談這些資料的免費開放。所以目前的想法比較偏向有限度的開放,
This slide talks about:
1. what open GeoData is,
2. what situation is in Taiwan government,
3. how to open GeoData in Taiwan.
This slide has presented in the 2012 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Geographic Information Society.
This slide talks about:
1. what open GeoData is,
2. what situation is in Taiwan government,
3. how to open GeoData in Taiwan.
This slide has presented in the 2012 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Geographic Information Society.
4. 地理圖資(National Map)指標評比項目
? The original website (http://emap.nlsc.gov.tw/gis/ ) is a mapping service online, you have to register to
use more function. 通用版電子地圖服務網需要登入才可使用進階功能。
? In 2014, The Ministry of Interior has built their open data platform (only in Traditional
Chinese), http://data.moi.gov.tw/MoiOD/default/Index.aspx in June. They provide the map web service to
download to use.
? They also provide the data to http://data.gov.tw , people also can download the data
in http://data.gov.tw/node/9363 .
? The Principles of Use of the Platform are published here (http://data.gov.tw/?q=principle) and here
(http://data.moi.gov.tw/MoiOD/System/Principle.aspx). They are not compliant with the open definition.
#3: The key features of openness are:
Availability and access:?the data must be available as a whole and at no more than a reasonable reproduction cost, preferably by downloading over the internet. The data must also be available in a convenient and modifiable form.
Reuse and redistribution:?the data must be provided under terms that permit reuse and redistribution including the intermixing with other datasets. The data must be machine-readable.
Universal participation:?everyone must be able to use, reuse and redistribute — there should be no discrimination against fields of endeavour or against persons or groups. For example, ‘non-commercial’ restrictions that would prevent ‘commercial’ use, or restrictions of use for certain purposes (e.g. only in education), are not allowed.